Can SSRS dataset have a default value? - sql-server

My SSRS report has one dataset (datasetMacys) that calls usp_GetStoreSales #Rundate, #StoreName.
Can the dataset have a default value? That way the report will only ask for one parameter (#Rundate) and the dataset has the string value "Macys" embedded?
In other words, the user will not have to select a value for the second parameter because it's already the default value of that dataset.
I would then add a 2nd dataset (datasetSears) where the default value for #StoreName is "Sears", which means it will only use the #Rundate that the user selected.
The stored procedure looks like this, even though it's not really needed for the question:
create procedure usp_GetStoreSales
#RunDate date,
#StoreName varchar(10)
select * from [Sales]
where RunDate = #RunDate and StoreName = #StoreName
I can easily fix this problem by creating two different stored procedures (ie. usp_GetMacysSales #RunDate and usp_GetSearsSales #RunDate), but that's exactly what I want to avoid.

You just need to create your two datasets and then, for each dataset, righ click the dataset name, choose properties, click the parameters tab and overwrite the parameter value for the StoreName parameter.

Yes - you can have a default value for the parameter of a dataset.
In the Parameters tab of the Dataset Properties, you can type in (hard code) a value in the Parameter Value expression box.
Of course the next question would be WHY? There may be better ways to do it.
If you are going to have both sets of data, why not make a query that combines the data into one so you only have one dataset?


How can I select a date from a table and pass it in as a parameter in SSIS?

I have one single date in one table. I am trying to select this date and pass it into a function that pulls data from another system, based on this date parameter. I think it should be something like this.
Declare #dateCurrent as DateTime
Set #dateCurrent = MyDate
SELECT #dateCurrent = DATEADD(Day,-1,CONVERT(VARCHAR(6),#dateCurrent,112)+'01')
Select top 1 ASOFDATE
FROM dbo.fn_ExtractRawData('all', 'all', #dateCurrent)
I set 'MyDate' as a Variable. I'm not sure if this is the right way to do it. Or, should I simply select the date from the table, like this.
Select AsOfDate
No matter what I try, I'm getting an error that SSIS can't execute the query because the date parameter isn't coming in. How can I get this setup correctly? Thanks.
First, create an Execute SQL Task that gets the date value from your table and saves it into your variable.
Next, create another Execute SQL Task that is connected after the first task, and then use your variable in the query. Assuming you have the date saved in a variable named MyDate, your query for the second SQL Task would look like this:
FROM dbo.fn_ExtractRawData('all', 'all', DATEADD(DAY,-1,CONVERT(VARCHAR(6),?,112)+'01'))
The question mark in the query means you're going to be using an input parameter for that value. So once you have the SQLStatement field value set, click on the "Parameter Mapping" option in the left pane of the Execute SQL Task Editor. For "Variable Name", select your variable from the drop down list, and for "Parameter Name" put 0 (which corresponds to the first question mark in the query). Make sure the variable data type and size are set correctly.

Turning a multi-value parameter into a temp table in SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio

I want to create a report in MS SQL Server BIDS (SSMS and Visual Studio). The user would enter a list of email addresses as a parameter. So #pEmails would be '', '', etc. These email addresses may or may not be in a table.
I can simply do:
and Table.Email in (#pEmails)
and that works, except I need to return the email address if it's NOT found as well. So the results would be something like:
|email |found in table|
|| Y |
| | N |
I was thinking I could take the list of values entered as the #pEmails parameter and create a temp table with them, which I could then left join with, but my attempts to do so have not worked out.
declare #pEmails table (EmailAddress varchar(255));
insert into #pEmails values (#ReportParameter1);
The above works if only a single value is put into #ReportParameter1, but not if multiples are in it.
I am using SQL Server 2008. Any suggestions on how best to proceed?
As has been stated, you need some kind of split function, for analysis on the performance of various methods Split strings the right way – or the next best way is an excellent read. Once you have your function, you then need to define your query parameter as a string, rather than a table:
So your query would actually become:
DECLARE #pEmails TABLE (EmailAddress varchar(255));
INSERT #pEmails (EmailAddress)
FROM dbo.Split(#pEmallString);
Then go to your dataset properties, and instead of passing the multivalue parameter #pEmails to the dataset, instead create a new one #pEmailString, and set the value as an expression, which should be:
=Join(Parameters!pEmails.Value, ",")
This turns your multivalue parameter into a single comma delimited string. It seems pretty backwards that you need to convert it to a delimited string, only to then split it in SQL, unfortunately I don't know of a better way.
Here are some learnings on this topic (standing on the shoulders of the information elsewhere in this thread).
Set a parameter (select 'multiple values' checkbox):
Establish dataset query:
INTO #InputTemp
FROM STRING_SPLIT(#InputListJoin, ',')
SELECT value as ValueName
FROM #InputTemp T2
FROM MyTable T1
WHERE T1.MyValue = T2.value
Establish dataset parameters:
Name: #InputList | Value: [#InputList]
Name: #InputListJoin | Value(expression): =Join(Parameters!InputList.Value,",")
The element names can be changed as needed.
Somewhat on topic, other details that might be helpful:
[#InputList.IsMultiValue] --> true/false whether your parameter is multi-value (not whether there are multiple values)
[#InputList.Count] --> count of items in input list (excludes blank lines)
=Parameters!InputList.Value(2) --> return third value from list (counting from zero)

SSRS - Format Output of Dataset for Input of Parameter

I have a dataset that is driven by a stored procedure requiring a parameter. The parameter is DATETIME but I am unable to present in that way in the report because DateTime's show as a calendar and I need a dropdown of values.
Alas, I have a dataset that drives the choices for the parameter called BaselineDate. The issue comes down to the way that SSRS formats the DateTime value for the parameter then passes as VARCHAR to the stored procedure. The VARCHAR value is in the wrong format.
Expected Value
2016-04-07 13:01:19.173
Per #Marco Bong's suggestions I have converted the dataset that is driving the Parameter options to the proper format. Unfortunately, SSRS I passing the parameter value as null.
Below is what is a debug table I created. I am simply inserting the value of the parameter into this table. As you can see SSRS is passing null to the stored procedure as NULL which in theory should be impossible as the parameter is set to not allow nulls. Any ideas?
select CONVERT(NVARCHAR,getdate(),21) as dtValue
//output will be ===> 2016-04-13 08:32:16.697
If you want to use that selected value in another dataset (which execute your store prod), you may need to do this:
Then you can use this #param1 in your query.
Either where something = #param or set #baselineDate = #param

Why does my Dataset display no fields in ReportServer, and can I get it to do so?

I opened a report I started in BIDS in MS SQL Server Report Builder 3.0, as I read an answer here on SO that said that was the easiest way to create a table containing all the values in a Dataset.
So I opened my .rdl file there, selected the Insert tab, then Table > Table Wizard, and the dataset from the "Choose an existing dataset in this report or a shared dataset" list.
When I select the "Next" button of the wizard, though, all lists are empty (Available fields, Column groups, Row groups, Values).
If I select "Next" again, I get, "The values field list must contain at least one field."
Those are auto-populated, though, and, as written above, are as empty as a politican's brain.
Is it because my dataset is a StoredProc, and returns data from a temp table? If so, is there a workaround?
Note: I also tried the Matrix > Matrix Wizard, with the same results.
Also and doubtless relatedly (no pun intended), when I try to run the report from within ReportBuilder, I see:
What a revoltin' development!
And when I return to BIDS to work on the project and try to add an Expression in a Matrix, in the Edit Expression dialog, on selecting the Dataset of interest, I get, " dataset has no fields."
Ay, caramba!
In response to lrb's answer: I don't know if my SP is really unparseable or not; it does return values from a temp table - Here is the end of it:
Could that (using a temp table) be the problem?
When adding an Expression to a textbox like so:
...I get the following fingerwag on the Preview tab:
The definition of the report 'bla' is invalid. The Value expression for the textbox 'textbox4' refers to the field 'PLATYPUSDESCRIPTION'. Report item expressions can only refer to fields within the current data set scope or, if inside an aggregate, the specified data set scope.
Surely there's a way to use results from temp tables in an SSRS report, no es cierto?
This will happen when the query or stored procedure can not be parsed with certainty. For example, if your data set is a store procedure that returns something like the following:
SELECT 1,2,3,4
SELECT 'A','B','C'
The above logic in a SP would be horrible, however, the field name and datatypes can not be determined. The same holds true in other edge case scenarios.
What you can do for a work around is to trick the parser by modifying your sp and offering up a clean return statement, then changing the sp back to its original form. Since the metadata is persistent until the next refresh, your values will hold. NOTE : If the problem occurs when returning temporary tables in your dataset see #4 below.
1. Modify your existing stored procedure
ALTER PROCEDURE MyProcedureThatDoesNotParse()
2. IN SSRS Refresh the fields for your dataset.
NOTE : You will see MyField1,MyField2 and MyField3 in the fields list.
3. Revert the changes to your stored procedure.
4. For queries or SP's that return a local #temporary table, global ##temporary table or a table valued #variable, it seems that aliasing the temp structure works. I.E
SELECT * FROM #TABLE --Does not always parse in SSRS
SELECT * FROM #TABLE T --Seems to be able to be parsed by SSRS
Change command type on the report builder, choose " text " and write exec yourprocedurename. It will work

SSRS: Dataset2 not showing data inserted in Dataset1

I have two datasets namely Dataset1 and Dataset2.
Dataset1 is a query type of "Stored Procedure". The sp "TestProcpk" is selected and parameter "value" is mapped to it.
TestProcpk query:
Create procedure TestProcpk #value varchar(20)
insert into testProc select #value
Dataset2 uses the above table as below (Dataset2 fields are used in the report display):
select value from testProc
where value = #value
Note: table "testProc" is empty.
While running the report I select parameter value as "ABC". The report should display value "ABC".
Why Dataset2 is not reflecting the value "ABC" in same time? Any other workaround to achieve this.
I believe your problem is due to SSRS running the transaction in parallel. The table isn't created from Dataset 1 when Dataset 2 is run.
In the Datasource Properties, on the General tab there is a setting for Use single transaction when processing queries. This forces the queries to run one at a time in a single transaction (great for using temp tables). Check this box and it should work as you expect. It will execute in the order of your datasets (top down).
For more info:
