toggleInlineStyle() is there a list or typing for the available inline styles? - reactjs

I am working on an editor using DraftJS, I've managed a few basic buttons using toggleInlineStyle() but I cannot seem to find in either the docs or in the typings for the available inline styles. Am I missing something?

native style or custom style will be mapped to css.


Use own fonts in podlove/player-react

I have not been able to pass custom styling to the Podlove <episode-title> element. Is there a way to make custom fonts available in the player?
Styling the components is done by inline styles, but for some reason
font-family isn't applied.

How can I style a React component that does not use Material UI elements with Material UIs style system?

Material UIs (MUI's) documentation is perfectly broken here: At
the last line reads:
"See ->Advanced for details on how to use MUI System with non-MUI components."
Yet the link to Advanced is dead as of today (404). Is there a way to use the style system outside of MUIs components?
I think that's the Custom Components page, it was fixed here but not live yet I guess

React Material UI: How to use material-ui platinum themes?

I am trying to use one of the platinum themes from React Material-UI, link below:
but I can't find instructions for how to use them in my application. Can someone explain how can I use a platinum theme in my React application?
To use one of the free premium themes, just click the link to go to the "Source Code" and then you can look at the code for the example. For instance, for the Paperbase theme you can find the source code for the theme here:
Just copy the parts you want to leverage into your own project and then you can modify it as desired.

How to use animated material ui icons in React
I attached link above how can i integrated icon in my react application there is not have any code.
I think it is not supported out of the box by material-ui, but you can use css transitions to accomplish it.
Maybe this lib can solve it for you or at least inspire your implementation?
Their implementation looks pretty nice, well documented and MIT:
Google Material does not provide an implementation of their icons with animations. They do; however, provide a specification/guideline for animation with Material Icons.
In addition; you can download the SVG Icons here as needed:
and import into your code.

react-bootstrap change active tab programmatically

I have a tab setup similar to this code. I need to change the active tab programmatically.
I'm trying to do like it is documented on bootstrap's official documentation but it doesn't work.
Try using the native javascript document.getElementById(tabId).click();.
