Replace the default block with figure - quill

Currently, i'm buiding my rich text editor with quill and i need to create an embed for images. Before quill, i used to use redactor and i try to move to redactor. But, i already have 2 version of data from redactor before where the users is already uploaded images.
Version 1:
<img src="" data-image="5bb71bdc65465e0675ba" class="img-fluid img-responsive">
Version 2:
<img src="" data-image="1bdc65465e0675ba1b2b" class="img-fluid img-responsive">
Expected behavior:
I expect to replace the p with figure on initial parsing in quill. So, all the images have same parent figure
Actual behavior
figure is always deleted by default
I tried to register figure with blots/block/embed but i can't check and add the figure if the image doesn't have figure on its parent
Thank you


Selenium IDE how to select an object by DIV

I have the following element on a page (it's a button with the word Next that you click)
<div class="aaabutton">
<div class="aaacontainer">
<div class="aaatext">
No matter what I try it can't find it.
Tried following: .aaacontainer
Times out trying to find it (for example Trying to find xpath=//div[#id='Next']/div[3]/div[2]/div/div... Failed:)
Since you didn't share all your existing code trials and a link to that page we can only guess. So, I guess this may work:

Module not found error when referencing the path for an in-directory image in React

I am new to React with only about 4 months of experience, and I am facing a problem when referencing a group of images in the same directory as the code below, in order to render them on the webpage. I am getting a module not found error whenever I pass their paths from the JSON file (as an object, but still a string nevertheless) and everything works fine when I pass a single path through my function
this is the code for rendering the images one by one.
<div className="cards col">
{ => (
<div id="card" key={}>
<div className="image">
alt={"Image not rendering"}
/>//item.preview returns a path for the image from this file's perspective
using this same code but passing the path right away and rendering the same pic on all items WORKS! but i logged the item.preview variable and it literally shows the exact same path passed to the require function.
<img src={require('./productPic/IMG-1.jpg')} /> //doing this works fine but it's not what i'm trying to do
I am aware of the other methods that try to solve this but none of them use an object that holds a path to the image.
when i run my code i get a Module not found error
Uncaught Error: Cannot find module './productPic/IMG-1.jpg'
I also tried making it a string and passing the variable in it as such
<img src={require(`${item.preview}`)} />
yet also this does not work.
After React code is compiled, it will look into the /public directory for any images.
put your photos into the public folder and it'll work.
Here is the working example.

Images are not found when styling background using URL to locate image in react

I am learning react, hence I am new to react though not new to development. I was creating a slider in which the <div> have a background that is to be set using already present images. I think there is mistake somewhere in dynamically allocating the directory of the images although i am not entirely sure.
This is short image of directory
image of directory
I have details of images stored in a const slides in which cover holds the name of image( like cover1.jpg). When I console.log(item.cover) I got the correct names of images, but I can't seem to implement it to correctly represent the directory of images
This is the current code that is written in featured.js>{
<div key={} className="item-slider"
style={{background:'url("../images/covers/'+item.cover+'")'}} >
And previously i have tried
with many different combos of directory
How can i get the images to show and what am i doing wrong. Any help is well appreciated.
You're not using template literals correctly. You're using ' instead of `.
I don't Know Why! but it worked when i added another nest>{
<div key={}>
<div className="item-slider"
style={{background:'url("../images/covers/'+item.cover+'")'}} >

Semantic-UI-React Footer

I've been learning ReactJS for the past couple of days and have been trying to build a website using semantic-ui-react in ReactJS. I understand there are components that one can use now but I am stuck on what to do in a scenario such as the creation of a footer... typically, in my raw HTML, I would have the semantic.min.css file included and at the bottom:
<div class="ui inverted pink vertical footer segment">
<div class="ui center aligned container">
<h4 class="ui inverted header">© Copyright 2017 | All rights reserved | Blahhh</h4>
<i class="facebook square icon big"></i>
<i class="twitter square icon big"></i>
<i class="linkedin square icon big"></i>
Now I want to translate this into semantic-ui-react. Footer is a class not a component in react by default so there's no component for it... Which I assume means I have to make my own component and basically write the code above. My problem now is that I don't know how to make it render as if I was using regular old semantic.min.css. I read somewhere to download the css file and include it, but one, I don't know where to (MyCustomFooterComponent or index.html), and in doing that, am I not increasing by load times on my website. Would this mean that everywhere there's a footer, just for one small section of custom code, the entire CSS file is going to be loaded?
Also, after building, would there be a double-import scenario from my addition of the Semantic CSS and semantic-ui-react's CSS?
Sorry for the long question but I'm new to this and I like to find out what I can before making a terrible mistake.
If you are using react-semantic-ui then you already include 'the old semantic-ui.min.css' already. See here.
Hence, create a component and put those code in render(), change 'class' to 'className' and then use it.

How to deal with spaces in image source

I have a lot of images that unfortunately have spaces in their URL's. These are submitted through user input in another system and saved to a database.
I'm having a problem with angular's management of image sources. It doesn't seem to like spaces or "%20" in the ng-src or src attributes.
<img ng-src="{{smallImg}}" alt="" />
Will output this
<img ng-src="" alt="" />
While this
will output this
Is there a way to do this without having to go back and rename all these folders?
I got the answer, it is working for me.
You can get this like:-
$scope.smallImg = " to my/image with/spaces.jpg";
when you bind this do like
<img ng-src="{{smallImg .replace(' ','')}}" alt="" >
I haven't been able to make <img> src empty when using %20, but perhaps you're using an older version of Angular.
$scope.smallImg = " images here/pic.jpg".replace(/ /g, "%20");
<img ng-src="{{smallImg}}" alt="Pic goes here" />
Here's a working demo:
(tried to find an image on the web that had a space in the name, but no luck)
Well, as it turns out it was a secondary plugin, magic360 that was interfering with the image source
