Store large IoT data at high frequency to the cloud - database

I am building an IoT device that will be producing 200Kb of data per second, and I need to save this data to storage. I currently have about 500 devices, I am trying to figure out what is the best way to store the data? And the best database for this purpose? In the past I have stored data to GCP's BigQuery and done processing by using compute engine instance groups, but the size of the data was much smaller.

This is my best answer based upon the limited information in your question.
The first step is to document / describe what type of data that you are processing. Is it structured data (SQL) or unstructured (NoSQL)? What type of queries do you need to make? How long do you need to store the data and what is the expected total data size. This will determine the choice of the backend performing the query processing and analytics.
Next you need to look at the rate of data being transmitted. At 200 Kbits (or is it 200 KBytes) times 500 devices this is 100 Mbits (or 800 MBits) per second. How valuable is the data and how tolerant is your design for data loss? What is the data transfer rate for each device (cellular, wireless, etc.) and connection reliability?.
To push the data into the cloud I would use Pub/Sub. Then process the data to merge, combine, compress, purge, etc and push to Google Cloud Storage or to BigQuery (but other options may be better such as Cloud SQL or Cloud Datastore / BigTable). The answer for the intermediate processor depends on the previous questions but you will need some horsepower to process that rate of data stream. Options might be Google Cloud Dataproc running Spark or Google Cloud Dataflow.
There is a lot to consider for this type of design. My answer has created a bunch of questions, hopefully this will help you architect a suitable solution.

You could also look at IoT Core as a possible way to handle the load balancing piece (it auto-scales). There would be some up front overhead registering all your devices, but it also then handles secure connection as well (TLS stack + JWT encryption for security on devices using IoT Core).
With 500 devices and 200KB/s, that sound well within the capabilities of the system to handle. Pub/Sub is the limiter, and it handles between 1-2M messages per second so it should be fine.


Metrics collection and analysis architecture

We are working on HomeKit-enabled IoT devices. HomeKit is designed for consumer use and does not have the ability to collect metrics (power, temperature, etc.), so we need to implement it separately.
Let's say we have 10 000 devices. They send one collection of metrics every 5 seconds. So each second we need to receive 10000/5=2000 collections. The end-user needs to see graphs of each metric in the specified period of time (1 week, month, year, etc.). So each day the system will receive 172,8 millions of records. Here come a lot of questions.
First of all, there's no need to store all data, as the user needs only graphs of the specified period, so it needs some aggregation. What database solution fits it? I believe no RDMS will handle such amount of data. Then, how to get average data of metrics to present it to the end-user?
AWS has shared time-series data processing architecture:
Very simplified I think of it this way:
Devices push data directly to DynamoDB using HTTP API
Metrics are stored in one table per 24 hours
At the end of the day some procedure runs on Elastic Map Reduce and
produces ready JSON files with data required to show graphs per time
Old tables are stored in RedShift for further applications.
Has anyone already done something similar before? Maybe there is simpler architecture?
This requires bigdata infrastructure like
1) Hadoop cluster
2) Spark
4) HBase
You can use Spark to read the data as stream. The steamed data can be store in HDFS file system that allows you to store large file across the Hadoop cluster. You can use map reduce algorithm to get the required data set from HDFS and store in HBase which is the Hadoop database. HDFS is distributed, scalable and big data store to store the records. Finally, you can use the query tools to query the hbase.
IOT data --> Spark --> HDFS --> Map/Reduce --> HBase -- > Query Hbase.
The reason I am suggesting this architecture is for
scalability. The input data can grow based on the number of IOT devices. In the above architecture, infrastructure is distributed and the nodes in the cluster can grow without limit.
This is proven architecture in big data analytics application.

Tech-stack for querying and alerting on GB scale (streaming and at rest) datasets

Trying to scope out a project that involves data ingestion and analytics, and could use some advice on tooling and software.
We have sensors creating records with 2-3 fields, each one producing ~200 records per second (~2kb/second) and will send them off to a remote server once per minute resulting in about ~18 mil records and 200MB of data per day per sensor. Not sure how many sensors we will need but it will likely start off in the single digits.
We need to be able to take action (alert) on recent data (not sure the time period guessing less than 1 day), as well as run queries on the past data. We'd like something that scales and is relatively stable .
Was thinking about using elastic search (then maybe use x-pack or sentinl for alerting). Thought about Postgres as well. Kafka and Hadoop are definitely overkill. We're on AWS so we have access to tools like kinesis as well.
Question is, what would be an appropriate set of software / architecture for the job?
Have you talked to your AWS Solutions Architect about the use case? They love this kind of thing, they'll be happy to help you figure out the right architecture. It may be a good fit for the AWS IoT services?
If you don't go with the managed IoT services, you'll want to push the messages to a scalable queue like Kafka or Kinesis (IMO, if you are processing 18M * 5 sensors = 90M events per day, that's >1000 events per second. Kafka is not overkill here; a lot of other stacks would be under-kill).
From Kinesis you then flow the data into a faster stack for analytics / querying, such as HBase, Cassandra, Druid or ElasticSearch, depending on your team's preferences. Some would say that this is time series data so you should use a time series database such as InfluxDB; but again, it's up to you. Just make sure it's a database that performs well (and behaves itself!) when subjected to a steady load of 1000 writes per second. I would not recommend using a RDBMS for that, not even Postgres. The ones mentioned above should all handle it.
Also, don't forget to flow your messages from Kinesis to S3 for safe keeping, even if you don't intend to keep the messages forever (just set a lifecycle rule to delete old data from the bucket if that's the case). After all, this is big data and the rule is "everything breaks, all the time". If your analytical stack crashes you probably don't want to lose the data entirely.
As for alerting, it depends 1) what stack you choose for the analytical part, and 2) what kinds of triggers you want to use. From your description I'm guessing you'll soon end up wanting to build more advanced triggers, such as machine learning models for anomaly detection, and for that you may want something that doesn't poll the analytical stack but rather consumes events straight out of Kinesis.

Database for large data files and streaming

I have a "database choice" and arhitecture question.
Clients will upload large .json files (or other format like .tsv, it is irrelevant) where each line is a data about their customers (e.g name, address etc.)
We need to stream this data later on to process it and store results which will also be some large file where each line is data about each customer (approximately same as uploaded file).
My requirements:
Streaming should be as fast it could (e.g > 1000 rps) and we could have multiple process running in parallel (for multiple clients)
Database should be scalable and fault tolerant. Because there could easily be uploaded many GB of data it should be easy for me to implement automatically adding new commodity instances (using AWS) if storage gets low.
Database should have kind of replication because we don't want to lose data.
No index is required since we are just streaming data.
What would you suggest for database for this problem? We tried to upload it to Amazon S3 and let them take care of scaling etc. but there is a problem of slow read/streaming.
Initially uploading the files to S3 is fine, but then pick them up and push each line to Kinesis (or MSK or even Kafka on EC2s if you prefer); from there, you can hook up the stream processing framework of your choice (Flink, Spark Streaming, Samza, Kafka Streams, Kinesis KCL) to do transformations and enrichment, and finally you’ll want to pipe the results into a storage stack that will allow streaming appends. A few obvious candidates:
Keyspaces for Cassandra
Hudi (or maybe LakeFS?) on top of S3
Which one you choose is kind of up to your needs downstream in terms of query flexibility, latency, integration options/standards, etc.

google cloud datastore partitioning strategy

Trying to use Google Cloud Datastore to store streaming data from IOT devices. Currently getting data from 10,000 devices at rate of 2 rows (entities) in one minute per device. Data entities would never be updated but purged at regular interval. Backend code is in PHP.
Do I need to partition my data to get better performance as I do at present in MySQL table. Currently using table partitions based on key.
If Yes, Should I used use namespaces as one NAMESPACE for one device OR I should create one KIND for one device such as "device_data_1", "device_data_2"
No, you do not need partitioning, the datastore performance is not impacted by the number or entities being written or read (as long as they're not in the same entity group, which has an overall write rate of 1/sec).
See also these somehow related answers: Does Google Datastore have a provisioned capacity system like DynamoDB?

google cloud storage performance characteristics (latency / request response time)

I'm considering building an app on App Engine, and I'm trying to decide if I should store data in the datastore or on google cloud storage.
Each object is going to be typically no more than around a kilobyte, perhaps a few kilobytes at most (and often less). It won't change too often.
I could have the client directly access the data, but though I might live without there would be some benefit to the app engine app accessing the data and using it as part of serving a response.
What are the performance characteristics of google cloud storage? How quickly do requests come back? I was able to find a status dashboard for the datastore which indicates that they are usually reasonably quick at handling requests but I've had trouble getting guidance on how fast GCS is.
Under the most recent price reductions, it seems like the datastore might actually be cheaper for my use case of relatively small chunks of data ($0.06/100,000 requests vs $0.01/10,000 class b operations). Am I interpreting that correctly?
This thread might give you some insights. Back in september 2013 I had about 200-250ms on average for "blank" sequential inserts. You can get a great speedup if you combine your requests. You can insert up to 500 entities in a single request. Which takes roughly 500ms-900ms if I remember correctly.
