checkcolumn grid cell border conditional change in accordance to disable-enable state in sencha 6.0.2 - extjs

I have a grid with two checkcolumns (apart from the rest columns) and I want to make conditional change of cell (adding specific CSS: making thicker borders of this cell if checkcolumn is enabled and default look if it is disabled) in accordance to disable / enable state.
Unfortunately with using Renderer function I end up with strange outcome (displayed object text or true/false values) because of override native Renderer of checkcolumn I presume. Overwriting checkcolumn renderer is also bad practice which I'm not allowed to do.
I've also tried to use listeners like beforeactivate, beforeDisable etc but they seems not being called whenever state of cell change (disabled <> enabled). I thing that it is possible that its because of using specific bind property as seen bellow.
Is there any method to do it clear (without to much of code repetition and without overriding and adding new method to checkcolumn renderer)??
here is code for one of two checkcolumns in my grid:
localized: {
dataIndex: 'ebv',
width: 50,
bind: {
disabled: '{!}'
sortable: true,
filter: true,
xtype: 'checkcolumn',
listeners: {
beforecheckchange: 'checkIfCheckChangePossible'
I will appreciate any help


Ext JS gridpanel's word wrapping doesn't work well with renderer

I'm using wordWrap config for grid columns and version of EXT JS I'm using is 6.5.3:
dataIndex: "header",
menuDisabled: true,
sortable: false,
cellWrap: true,
renderer: myRenderer
The problem with it is that the grid renderer seems to affect cells individually so the whole grid is not consistently rendered when there are word-wrapped cells and regular cells at the same time:
Inconsistently Rendered Grid
What I want to achieve is like:
Consistenly Rendered Grid
Does anyone have any solution to fix it?
I'd appreciate some help : )
I have no idea how to handle it.
You can add css to grid cells common class
text-overflow: ellipsis;

how to wrap text of selectfield option in sencha touch 2

I'am trying to display Sencha Touch 2 selectfield with very long option text but text gets truncated with Ellipsis, like Very long option t....
How to display couple lines in one option?
xtype: 'selectfield',
text: 'Very long option I wish to splint into two separate lines',
value: 0
text: 'Another very long option I wish to splint into two separate lines',
value: 1
I've tried using \n and <br/> but is not working.
There are 3 two ways to do this.
use labelWrap config option set to true.
This will avoid truncating text that appears on selectfield initially. Later when you tap on selectfield; you've two choices. Using picker or list. picker will be used only if you set it to true in usePicker config. If you are on tablet, desktop or mobile default list will be shown containing options. Using labelWrap config will not be usefull if options are displayed in list after tap on selectfield.
Use following CSS override to avoid truncating.
height: 100% !important;
white-space: pre-wrap !important;
This override along with above mentioned labelWrap config set to true will make both list and selectfield display whole text neatly. But this will override styles that may affect appearance of other lists in your app.
Third approach that can be is to override Ext.field.Select and create custom select field. In this style, you need to just override following method - getTabletPicker that generated the list displayed on tap of selectfield. Code from ST source is as fallows -
getTabletPicker: function() {
var config = this.getDefaultTabletPickerConfig();
if (!this.listPanel) {
this.listPanel = Ext.create('Ext.Panel', Ext.apply({
centered: true,
modal: true,
cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'select-overlay',
layout: 'fit',
hideOnMaskTap: true,
items: {
xtype: 'list',
store: this.getStore(),
itemTpl: '<span class="x-list-label">{' + this.getDisplayField() + ':htmlEncode}</span>',
listeners: {
select : this.onListSelect,
itemtap: this.onListTap,
scope : this
}, config));
return this.listPanel;
Check out the line itemTpl and cls config. Here both options set styles that are defined for list. These will decide the appearance of list displayed on tap of selectfield. This approach might sound dirty. But it's useful, if you want to make some drastic changes in appearance and behaviour.

ExtJS DateField gets blanked out when selected

I have a grid with a Column configured like...
editor:new Ext.form.DateField({format:'m/d/Y'}),
renderer: function (val){return val ?, 'm/d/Y') : ''}
It works fine, except that when I click on a cell to edit it, the cell gets blanked out rather than maintaining its existing value until I choose new one. If after clicking the cell I click away from it, the cell is left empty.
Any idea what would cause this?
I would have thought you'd want your column defined like this:
columns: [{
xtype: 'datecolumn',
format: 'm/d/Y',
editor: {
xtype: 'datefield'
I don't think you need to use a renderer or use create are you are using it in your example
I've had a similar problem, and solved it somewhat with setting allowBlank: false, as below:
editor:new Ext.form.DateField({
allowBlank: false
This should reset the value back to its original value if you click out of the datefield without selecting a new value.

Extjs 4 FiltersFeature vs stateful grid

I have a grid with some columns with filters.
columns defination:
text: "Number",
dataIndex: 'clientreference',
width: 200,
filter: true,
sortable: true
here is filter feature defination
features: [{
ftype: 'filters',
encode: true,
local: false
The problem is: When i'm trying to save state of grid, filters are not working: When I adding this code to a grid:
stateful: true,
stateId: 'documentsGrid',
I refresh the page and all works fine, because i dont have state in my cookies.
But when I refresh the page second time - state loads from cookies and filters are not working.
If i remove stateful: true and refresh page, filters are working fine.
Any suggestions?
Also I noticed, that all examples in extjs site are only with filters or with stateful grid, but there is no one example with both.
The most useful way was making my own method for saving state of elements I need and to restore it.
I think you are specifying features in grid.But you can specify filters in store directly.So try to define filters in store and stateful in grid config options.Hope you may get the solution to come out from this.

Word-wrap grid cells in Ext JS

(This is not a question per se, I'm documenting a solution I found using Ext JS 3.1.0. But, feel free to answer if you know of a better solution!)
The Column config for an Ext JS Grid object does not have a native way to allow word-wrapped text, but there is a css property to override the inline CSS of the TD elements created by the grid.
Unfortunately, the TD elements contain a DIV element wrapping the content, and that DIV is set to white-space:nowrap by Ext JS's stylesheet, so overriding the TD CSS does no good.
I added the following to my main CSS file, a simple fix that appears to not break any grid functionality, but allows any white-space setting I apply to the TD to pass through to the DIV.
.x-grid3-cell {
/* TD is defaulted to word-wrap. Turn it off so
it can be turned on for specific columns. */
.x-grid3-cell-inner {
/* Inherit DIV's white-space from TD parent, since
DIV's inline style is not accessible in the column
definition. */
YMMV, but it works for me, wanted to get it out there as a solution since I couldn't find a working solution by searching the Interwebs.
If you only want to apply the wrapping to one column, you can add a custom renderer.
Here is the function to add:
function columnWrap(val){
return '<div style="white-space:normal !important;">'+ val +'</div>';
Then add the renderer: columnWrap to each column you want to wrap
new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
id: 'someID',
header: "someHeader",
dataIndex: 'someID',
hidden: false,
sortable: true,
renderer: columnWrap
Not a "better solution", but a similar one. I recently needed to allow ALL cells in every grid to wrap. I used a similar CSS-based fix (this was for Ext JS 2.2.1):
.x-grid3-cell-inner, .x-grid3-hd-inner {
white-space: normal; /* changed from nowrap */
I didn't bother with setting a style on the td, I just went right for the cell class.
If you only want to wrap text in certain columns and are using ExtJS 4, you can specify a CSS class for the cells in a column:
text: 'My Column',
dataIndex: 'data',
tdCls: 'wrap'
And in your CSS file:
.wrap .x-grid-cell-inner {
white-space: normal;
Other solution is that:
columns : [
header: 'Header',
dataIndex : 'text',
renderer: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, view) { = "white-space: normal;";
return value;
The best way to do is by setting the cellWrap to true as below.
cellWrap: true
Its working well in EXTJS 5.0.
cellWrap: true
If you still want to use css always try to work with ui's, variables, etc. within themes, or set the style with the style property.
