Show all search help in maintenance view-abap - sap-data-dictionary

I made a maintenance view to a table that contains 2 foreign keys, when I use the search help only shows the parameter of the foreign key:
but what I want is to show all parameters of the search help like this:
How can I do it?
Thank you in advance,
Kind regards.
P.S: I am sorry if I had misspelling or any grammar errors, english isn't my native language and I'm still learning.

I guess the problem here is in the definition of the search help. It may be missing those columns in SE11 → Search help → Parameter table.
Or, you may just re-use the search help from the table you've sent as an example (i.e. INVENTARIO). Then, you would change the current search help in the definition of underlaying transparent table that you use in your maintenance view (SE11 → Database table → tab Entry help/check → column Srch Help) to the search help used in the example.

You should mark the parameters with positions, otherwise they won't be showed during output.
Also your selection method view should include all these fields:


Column filter in data table

Hope you are all doing good.
I am trying to use react-data-table-component from jbetancur ( and i would like to implement the following:
Currently i have this:
And i want to get this:
So, to resume what i want is to have a filter option for every (or not) column. I want to have the possibility to give a column the ability to filter by that column.
I have checked the documentation and made some searches but didn't get anything, so i'm unsure if this will be possible.
If you need anymore info to help, just tell me.
Thanks in advance.

Querying the Audit Log through Database [SQL Server]

I would like to take the Audit History provided by Enterprise Architect and create a SQL query to report through a BI tool that will allow myself and other users to search the history of an object but I am having a little trouble understanding the audit table: t_snapshot.
From what I can tell, t_snapshot has a Style column that contains "INSERT," "UPDATE," and "DELETE" which would tell me what is happening and the Notes column can tell me what object it is referencing but so far I've only been able to get a partial picture. What I have not been able to deduce is when any event occurred or which user made the change.
If anyone has encountered this problem in the past, your input would be appreciated.
Well, I don't know whether you really want to touch that.
There's a column called BinContent which contains what you are looking for. It looks like
<LogItem><Row Number="0"><Column Name="object_id"><Old Value="1797"/><New Value="1797"/></Column><Column Name="name"><Old Value="CB"/><New Value="CBc"/></Column><Column Name="modifieddate"><Old Value="07.12.2018"/><New Value="11.12.2018"/></Column><appliesTo><Element Type="Action"/></appliesTo></Row><Details User="Thomas" DateTime="2018-12-11 08:22:59"/></LogItem>
So basically some XML describing the change including the plain text user name.
The bincontent column(s) are actually zips which contain a single file str.dat holding the above information.
Good luck.

Access 2016 | Update/Requery a combo box

Although a straight forward task, for a reason unknown to me I cannot update/refresh the combo box.
For the sake of simplicity, lets assume I have a table with a primary key, lets call it PK_Number (it is an integer number) and then I have 7 fields (6 field are required to fill in) of various types.
Thus all of the fields belong to a single table.
The PK_Number field I made it a combo box. I did this because when any PK_Number is chosen from the drop down list all the other field should change accordingly
When I try to build an After Update event with the macro builder and choose the Requery command I get the two following pop ups
Now, it is highly unlikely that the database is read only. i made the db and did not make such a thing.
There are couple more questions i want to ask but first i need to overcome this obstacle.
ALthough initialy the row source of combo box belonged to a junction table, i also changed the row source to the master table but without any luck
Can anybody help me out?
Thank you!!
i was able to solve it.
generally speaking the method is to avoid using macros and use VBA instead :-)
besides the fun:
i made a form with all the needed fields. however i also made an additional combo box that will be used to search all records and when the PK changes to change all other related fields
Lets suppose that the combo box name is cbo_PRF_Number. in the after update event i typed the below procedure.
Private Sub cbo_PRF_Number_AfterUpdate()
If Not IsNull(Me.cbo_PRF_Number.Value) Then
DoCmd.FindRecord Me.cbo_PRF_Number.Value
End If
End Sub
Kindly note that in order for the above to work it is needed to make a bound text box with the same ow source as the combo box.

‘String or binary data would be truncated’

I am using entity framework to insert details into the database where I have a column varchar(50).
when I am trying to insert some value more than 50 length it gives me an error string or binary data would be truncated.So ., for safe side I just changed it to varchar(100).
Now can someone let me know is this the only solution to change the value in the Db or do we have any alternatives.......
I read an article
But how can I use such things in c#. I appreciate any suggestions from you.........
Depending on what type of input field you're dealing with, using varchar(max) could be an option.
But as previously pointed out, it really boils down to what your business requirements are.
Well, first of all, obviously you cannot insert a string longer than 50 in a varchar(50).
So you have two options depending on your requirement:
change the database (as you have found out) and make sure that all code 'upstream' will be able to tackle the longer data
add some validations or restrict user input so that you will never get a string that is longer
Well, there's a third and that is cut off the string without telling the user but I would not do that.
So it depends on your business requirement what to do. But I would not do any 'tricks' like in the article you suggested
You should set the field length in the db to whatever is a reasonable length and you should prevent users from entering values that does not fit within that length.
1-when database table Alter when issue generated
2-First Backup table schema and data then delete table when re create table then run code .. working fine.

Delphi: "Invalid field type" error with master/detail datasets

I asked about setting up an in-memory dataset with TClientDataset, and was told I had to use the "Create Data Set" command in the form designer. That works just fine until I try to create a master-detail database relation. If I have a field def of type ftDataSet, then running the Create Data Set command (or calling the method at runtime) gives an "Invalid Field Type" error. I did a few searches and found that other people have had this problem before, but nobody ever seems to come up with an answer. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Instead of putting your detail in a ftDataSet column, just use a unique integer or GUID for the key reference, and place the detail data in a different TClientDataSet and have that key. Like you would in a normal database. Each TClientDataSet representing a different table.
If you create a field of type ftDataSet, you need to define the dataset, else the type is not valid.
You can define the dataset, by:
select the field.
select the ChildDefs property and click the [...] button.
add the fields.
Now you can create the dataset. Unless one of the children is of type ftDataSet in which case you have to recursively repeat the process.
A nasty problem that cost me a lot of time already. Finally I found a workaround, described here (Thanks you guys!):
Summary: The culprit are the field definitions of the master client dataset, i.e., the one that contains the ftDataset fields. As soon as the field definitions of the master client dataset are not empty, the command CreateDataSet fails with the above described error message ("Invalid Field Type").
Create master-detail tables as instructed, but make sure the field definitions are empty when doing CreateDataset:
a) Designtime: Before you do "master dataset | RightClick | Create DataSet" in the design form, you have to click on the master dataset, go to object inspector, click on FieldDefs, and delete all the fields in the FieldDefs window. (The very first time you built the master dataset there are none in there anyway, but later there are.) Only then do Create Dataset. (I tried this myself with Delphi 2007; it works.)
b) Runtime: Call [Name of Masterdataset].FieldDefs.Clear before you do [Name of Masterdataset].CreateDataSet. (I did not try this out myself, but it is credibly described in the above named link.)
If this was too complicated, please look in the above mentioned link.
