React web workers are loading from a strange function - reactjs

I've spent possible the worst day of my life trying to get web workers run inside a create react app.
If I just import
import VoiceWorker from './voice.worker.js'
voiceWorker = new Worker(VoiceWorker)
It works fine locally but not on the server where it can't find the worker file.
So I've followed various instructions, I can't use the inline blob method because the webworker has dependencies.
I updated React-Scripts to 2.0.5 because somewhere I read that it had support for webworkers, but it doesn't seem to.
I've been using the worker-loader library, used react-app-rewired
With the config-overrides below
const path = require('path')
const WorkerPlugin = require('worker-plugin')
module.exports = function override(config, env) {
test: /\.worker\.js$/,
use: { loader: 'worker-loader' },
config.plugins.push(new WorkerPlugin())
config.output.globalObject= `this`
return config
And import VoiceWorker from 'worker-loader!./voice.worker.js'
This is now trying to load the worker from the below URL and fails:
I've tried the worker plugin as above and that doesn't do anything.
I got it loading before and 'window' was undefined but that line config.output.globalObject= thisfixed that.
Please can someone tell me a way to get workers loading in React! ?

Got it working with which seems to be more mature.
react-app-rewired with config.output.globalObject= self helps with the 'window is undefined' problem.


Storybook webpack config not working - trying to run Storybook out of separate local project than components

I have a mature CRA-based React app running with Webpack 5. I would like to have a separate project (in git, etc) where Storybook lives and points to the components in the app. (The app has tons of devs in and out of it, and dropping a bunch of Storybook packages in there, as well as introducing legacy-peer-dependencies thanks to webpack 5, would be quite frowned upon).
I also want devs to have a good experience being able to use Storybook to write components, so I want Storybook to see the current code of the project components, not some exported package. And same as above, there are many devs and a lot of inertia, so moving components to a separate standalone library is not an option.
My ideal for local development:
components and stories: /MyProject-App/src/Components/...
storybook app. : /MyProject-Storybook/stories/...
(Production I'm not worried about yet)
Installing Storybook inside the app works fine (as long as you run with --legacy-peer-deps). I am using the npx storybook init script and it works fine. But if I try to run Storybook out of a separate directory and target the app directory's Components, it breaks. If I run Storybook out of the app, and point it to stories/components outside that repo (which I copied and pasted just as a debugging measure), it breaks. Going up and out of the current project root breaks.
To do this, I am trying to point stories in /MyProject-Storybook/.storybook/main.js to ../../MyProject-App/src/Components.... When I do this and npm run storybook, I get the error output:
File was processed with these loaders:
* ./node_modules/#pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin/loader/index.js
* ./node_modules/#storybook/source-loader/dist/cjs/index.js
**You may need an additional loader to handle the result of these loaders.**
The error is always on some basic ES6 syntax, arrow functions etc. If I run the same Storybook install out of MyProject-App (same version numbers / same main.js just pointed at the local path instead of the ../other path) it works.
In addition to this, I tried it the other way - running storybook out of the App folder (where I know it runs), and only changing the main.js stories directory to an outside-that-repo folder where I copied my Components and stories into. It breaks in the same way - I get the same You may need an additional loader to handle the result of these loaders. message, with it pointing to any example of ES6 syntax as an 'error'.
I found this similar question - Storybook can't process TS files outside of the project
recommending to look into Storybook's webpack loaders -
So I updated my .storybook/main.js to be the following:
module.exports = {
stories: [
addons: [
framework: '#storybook/react',
core: {
builder: '#storybook/builder-webpack5'
webpackFinal: async (config, { configType }) => {
test: /\.(js|jsx)$/,
use: [
loader: require.resolve('babel-loader'),
options: {
reportFiles: ['../**/src/**/*.{js,jsx}', '../../MyProject-Storybook/**.stories.{js,jsx}']
config.resolve.extensions.push('.js', 'jsx');
return config;
but to no avail - output from npm run storybook remains unchanged, an excerpt:
File was processed with these loaders:
* ./node_modules/#pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin/loader/index.js
* ./node_modules/#storybook/source-loader/dist/cjs/index.js
You may need an additional loader to handle the result of these loaders.
| backgroundColor: { control: 'color' },
| },
> } as ComponentMeta<typeof Button>;

Web worker imports are failing on the deployed React 18 / CRA

I use a web worker to encrypt large files in my create-react-app.
In my encryption.worker.js file i import CryptoJS like so..
import * as CryptoJS from "crypto-js";
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
self.onmessage = async function (e) {
const workerResult = await encryptFile(,;
self.postMessage({result: workerResult, keyName:}); // eslint-disable-line no-restricted-globals
}; ...
Then in my React component, I import and use this webworker like this:
const webworker = React.useMemo(() => new Worker(new URL('../WebWorkers/encryption.worker.js', import.meta.url)), []);
This works when run my app in development, however when the app is deployed, I get such errors:
Refused to execute script from 'https://DOMAIN+OF+THE+APP/publisher/static/js/static/js/541.fda53aa0.chunk.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable.
Source map from Chrome in case its helpful:
Is there something I'm doing wrong? Please advise..
--- UPDATE ---
The problem is that the url formed by
new URL('../WebWorkers/encryption.worker.js', import.meta.url)
The problem is here .../static/js/static/js/.... However, I don't know how to fix this still.
Don't look at a source map when source fails to load. Don't forget it's just a map. This error makes the issue very clear:
because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable
The URL is wrong. Since the import is done by webpack, I think it happens because your paths inside your project do not patch the path structure as seen from the server.
Since you're using webpack anyway, why don't you pack the crypto directly in the worker code? Is that to save resources and allow shared caching of that component?

Create react app - how to copy pdf.worker.js file from pdfjs-dist/build to your project's output folder?

Since I can't use browser's pdf viewer in the network where the app is going to be used, I am testing a react-pdf package for loading PDF's with React.
I have made a component where I am sending a url of my PDF that I get from backend:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Document, Page } from 'react-pdf';
const PDFViewer = ({url}) => {
const [numPages, setNumPages] = useState(null);
const [pageNumber, setPageNumber] = useState(1);
function onDocumentLoadSuccess({ numPages }) {
function onLoadError(error) {
function onSourceError(error) {
return (
file={window.location.origin + url}
{[...Array(numPages).keys()].map((p) => (
<Page pageNumber={p + 1} />
export default PDFViewer;
But, on opening the PDFViewer I get an error
Error: Setting up fake worker failed: "Cannot read property 'WorkerMessageHandler' of undefined"
In documentation it says that you should set up service worker and that the recommended way is to do that with CDN:
import { pdfjs } from 'react-pdf';
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = `//${pdfjs.version}/pdf.worker.min.js`;
But, I can't use CDN links for my project, and in the documentation it also says:
Create React App uses Webpack under the hood, but instructions for Webpack will not work. Standard instructions apply.
Standard (Browserify and others)
If you use Browserify or other bundling tools, you will have to make sure on your own that pdf.worker.js file from pdfjs-dist/build is copied to your project's output folder.
There are no instructions on how to do that with create-react-app. How can I set this up locally then?
Install pdfjs-dist
import { Document, Page, pdfjs } from "react-pdf";
import pdfjsWorker from "pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.entry";
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = pdfjsWorker;
found a more efficient way of including the worker
by including the library from the dependencies of react-pdf itself, this way you will never get a version mismatch like this The API version "2.3.45" does not match the Worker version "2.1.266"
if you install pdfjs-dist manually you will have to check react pdf dependency version on every build
import { Document, Page, pdfjs } from "react-pdf";
import pdfjsWorker from "react-pdf/node_modules/pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.entry";
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = pdfjsWorker;
see similar error on pdfjs library :
hope it helps people
You can install worker loader module for webpack:
npm install worker-loader --save-dev
Then use it inline where you are going to work with a worker:
import SomeWorker from 'worker-loader?inline=true!../workers/some.worker'
const someWorker: Worker = new SomeWorker()
I haven't tried this solution with react-pdf, but it might help.
You may need to add types for TypeScript if you are using it:
declare module 'worker-loader*' {
class SomeWorker extends Worker {
export default SomeWorker
Just to add that in some .d.ts file in your project.
Install pdfjs-dist then use the webpack module:
import { pdfjs } from 'react-pdf'
import worker from 'pdfjs-dist/webpack'
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = worker
If your build process uses cli commands, (i.e. AWS buildspec), you can use this:
mkdir -p build && cp ./node_modules/pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.js build
If you are in a corporate codebase environment and have little to no experience configuring WebPack, I wanted to share a little more info if (like me) you struggled with this for quite a long time.
My environment has several complicated WebPack config files (base, production, and development), and the resolution ended up being pretty simple but it escaped me for quite a while because I was unfamiliar with the complicated build process.
1) The Implementation
Quite simple, just as the docs recommend (I went with the minified file). Our React environment required me to use React-PDF#4.2.0, but there aren't any differences here.
import {Document, Page, pdfjs} from 'react-pdf'
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = 'pdf.worker.min.js'
Note: a previous solution recommended grabbing the source from the react-pdf node_modules folder, however, my codebase is setup to install dependencies separately somehow because when I npm install react-pdf, pdfjs-dist is also installed separately. Regardless, this method did not work for my codebase (importing the worker as a variable) due to the way the project is built. The import command acted like it couldn't find the proper named export inside a node_modules folder. It was top-level or nothing.
2) WebPack Config
Since I do not know WebPack at all, but found pretty easily that what I needed to do was take advantage of CopyWebpackPlugin, I searched through those existing dev and prod webpack config files, and found existing copy commands for JQuery and polyfill and added a new plugin to that array:
new CopyWebpackPlugin({from: 'node_modules/pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.min.js})
I had to do this in multiples places in both config files as this large project has several entry point server files for the different services of the website.
3) Inserting Script Tag to HTML Head
This was the crucial part I was missing. There was a "ComponentFactory" file whose job it was to insert chunks of html in the <head> and tail of the html file. I wasn't used to something like this on small projects. So there, I simply copied what was already done for the jquery and polyfill, which included a string literal of the location of the assets folder the webpack was building out to. In my case, that was something like "assets/v1/". So the tag looked like this:
<script src=`${STATIC_ASSETS_URL}/pdf.worker.min.js` defer></script>
It works perfectly, however I am still getting the "Setting Up a Fake Worker" but immediately after that, it loaded it successfully in console and checking the dev tools, it was using the proper file. It's probably just a timing thing of the src set not running high enough in the code, but it was not effecting the outcome, so I let it go.
(Sidebar, if you also get the "TT unknown function" (paraphrasing) error, that can be ignored. It's just a font issue with whatever PDF you are loading and is just a warning, not an error.)
I was facing this issue once I had to use "react-pdf" from within a package.
It was solved by importing the worker conditionally into the code:
Conditional import:
export const getWorker = () => {
try {
return require('react-pdf/node_modules/pdfjs-dist/legacy/build/pdf.worker.entry.js')
} catch () {
return require('pdfjs-dist/legacy/build/pdf.worker.entry.js')
import { Document, Page, pdfjs } from 'react-pdf/dist/umd/entry.webpack'
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = getWorker()

requestAnimationFrame is not defined it Next.js with React Native Web (Animated module)

I'm working on Next.js and React-Native-Web. I managed to run them together following the official Next.js example but when I'm trying to use the Animated package from the react-native it fails with Error that the requestAnimationFrame isn't defined. Basically this functionality does the node_modules package but I set the alias in webpack to translate all react-native requires to the react-native-web so even the node_modules package should use the react-native-web.
Any suggestions on how to solve it?
ReferenceError: requestAnimationFrame is not defined
at start (...node_modules\react-native-web\
enter code here
Thanks for any help!
The problem is in the missed RequestAnimationFrame functionality at the server. This error happens when Next.js tries to render the component during SSR.
Unfortunately, there is no polyfill, etc. for such purpose so I just decided to use the Next.js dynamic imports for a Component that has animation functionality.
Next.js Official documentation
My own case оust to show how code looks:
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';
const AutocompleteDropdown = dynamic(
() => import(
ssr: false,
Now you can use the AutocompleteDropdown as the standard JSX component
I'm coding an App with React Native Web and NextJS 12, and in 2021 I encounter this problem and I fixed it, but now I know my fix was only for Next Dev, because it returned for Next Production Build.
Solution details:
No Dynamic import (which is useful too, but can be annoying when having lot of components using it)
Using RAF polyfill and Webpack ProvidePlugin.
Main thing to have in mind is that next.config.js with webpack 5 is going to check the codes first before even reach next entry points _documents.js and _app.js. It means that, you can put polyfill in those entry point files, it will still raise error of RAF undefined. You have to make requestAnimationFrame ready for config check.
DEV approach that will work on Next DEV only. Install RAF package and In next.config.js add codes:
const raf = require('raf');
This will add requestAnimationFrame and cancelAnimationFrame function to global and window object if they don't have it. In our case, it would add it in global for NodeJS.
But this solution won't work when executing npm run dev. I don't know why, if anyone knows why Next or Webpack 5 act differently from DEV to PRODUCTION, let me know.
Complete Solution:
Use ProvidePlugin config of webpack 5 . Create a file to use as modules, let's say: raf.js in root project or anywhere you want:
const raf = require('raf');
const polys = {};
module.exports = polys.requestAnimationFrame;
And in next.config.js use it inside webpack: () = {} like:
webpack: (config, options) => {
// console.log('fallback', config.resolve.fallback);
if (options.isServer) {
// provide plugin
new options.webpack.ProvidePlugin({
requestAnimationFrame: path.resolve(__dirname, './raf.js'),
And now, it's up to you to adapt to your existing config logic. By doing this, in Production Build, NextJS is injecting the requestAnimationFrame function in Server Side everywhere a module is using it.

React webpack undefined react in console

I have problem with webpack build I write custom webpack config:
but when I run dev or build a project everything work correct but I can't call React from console or use react developers tools
I get error
Uncaught ReferenceError: React is not defined(…)
Could you help me?
My test project,
You need to expose React so it is available on the window using the expose-loader:
module: {
loaders: [
{ test: require.resolve("react"), loader: "expose?React" },
It contains AMD and CommonJS in webpack. You know js loader, right?
If you use AMD ,you know that all js code are in 'define([],function(){ var a=10; ...}) area. if you want print a in console. You should like this
var a=10;
window.a = a;
so, you can edit your main.js. Add this line window.React = React; , but we may use CDN instead of it is common solution.
