Dropdown with Icon in Salesforce Lightning Component - salesforce

Would like to ask if it is possible to create a dropdown with icons (similar to the image below) in salesforce lightning component?

Maybe these:
menu slds styles: Menus - Icon on the Left
lightning:buttonMenu component: lightning:buttonMenu


Dropdown on button click using Material UI

How to show dropdown on button click using material ui?
Currently, I'm able to do so but extra select field is getting populated which is not required. I don't want to hide select field with css.
Also, How can I change width, height, position and other properties of generated popover using material ui?
codesandbox url: https://codesandbox.io/s/du8mr
current implementation
You can use Menu component instead of a Select component.
You can change the Menu props using MenuProps which receives all Popover props.
From Menu documentation:
Any other props supplied will be provided to the root element (Popover).

Using custom IconComponent in MuiSelect with rotation when menu open/closed

Material UI gives us a prop to replace the default dropdown icon on the MuiSelect component. However, a custom icon isn't automatically given the same functionality as the default of rotating 180 degrees to visually show when menu is open/closed.
I'm wondering if there is any way to easily add this. I want to globally replace all of the Dropdown icons.

Custom menu items and layout in react material select

I am using material select component in my react application. Can i specify the layout of menu items to next to each other and wrap to new line ? Desired componnent should look like this:

Material-UI show menu on IconButton click

I am looking at the material-ui website and trying to achevie the following functionality - show a menu when an IconButton is clicked ?
As per the example it seems there is a lot of code involved? What is the purpose of anchorEl in the example shown https://material-ui.com/demos/menus/
From the MaterialUI Menu API page:
anchorEl: The DOM element used to set the position of the menu.

React HoC For Collapsible Panel?

In my react app, there's a repeated UI pattern of using a collapsible panel (like an according), where there are several panels/boxes with a title bar. Clicking on the title bar expands/collapses the panel's contents.
Is a Higher Order Components method suitable for such a use case? Something like a withAccordion(Component)?
