react-native link - Maximum call stack size exceeded - reactjs

Following the Documentation of
Having this error when try to link the installed package.
react-native link react-native-firebase
Scanning folders for symlinks in /PROJ-DIR/node_modules (45ms)
rnpm-install ERR! Something went wrong while linking. Error: Maximum call stack size exceeded
There was already an issue raised against this here
but solutions are based on a problem with Xcode.
I'm not working for ios yet.
A solution regarding android is not working too.
Can anyone help me with this?

Try removing your android and ios folders and use following commands:
1.react-native eject to recreate android and ios folders.
2.react-native upgrade Be careful while running this command because it will replace your configuration files.
3.Finally react-native link
Many a times i too get this error and I follow these steps to overcome.
Take a look at this link

Make sure is there any unwanted changes are done in ios's project file. if yes then revert back as it is.
I faced this error after merging two branch and i have accepted both changes and got error and fixed it by proper merging


React-navigation installation error(following official docs). Unable to resolve module #react-navigation/native-stack

There are a bunch of questions already covering this exact error, but I've been through all of them, and so far none of the answers have worked for me. Platform is MacOS
Here is the error:
Steps to reproduce
(Following official React Navigation docs
Create a new expo managed app
expo init my-app
Navigate to directory
Start the app
expo start
**** At this point everything starts and works correctly ****
Install reactnavigation(follow official docs )
yarn add #react-navigation/native
Install dependencies
expo install react-native-screens react-native-safe-area-context
Wrap the code with a Navigation container (per the docs)
Start the app
expo start
**** App no longer works. Fails with the error I posted earlier ****
Things I've tried that haven't worked
The instructions that the error message provides (though I skip step 1, as I don't have watchman watches installed). Main thing here that I would expect to work is the deletion of node_modules and yarn.lock, but no luck :(. Same with deleting cache
using yarn add to add the dependencies instead of expo install
using npm to install everything
updating expo-sdk (I'm already on latest)
reinstalling everything
So, I actually was able to answer my own question in the process of writing it. I often do this, as I make sure to spend several hours trying to debug in the process of writing the question and making sure I've covered everything I can think to try.
Not sure of official self answer etiquette, but this was a pretty frustrating error for me, so I figure I'll post what worked for me here in case it can help anyone else in the future.
The issue for me had nothing to do with the code or app itself, but rather the IOS simulator. Force quitting the simulator and restarting resolved the error. It seems that simply ctrl^c -> expo start -> i -> r is not enough to clear the internal state of the simulator.
There was actually even a clue in the error message itself, but I missed it because the error looked so similar to the one I was expecting. The clue was in the name of the module it was unable to resolve "#react-navigation/native-stack". In my reproduction steps, I was only using the NavigationContainer, as I was trying to get that working before installing any of the Navigators and trying to use those.
Why was it trying to resolve the native-stack navigator? I'm not 100% sure, but my guess is that there was some kind of cache in the simulator that wasn't being cleared properly. Why do I think that?
This problem started with me trying to use a native-stack navigator in another app I'm working on. I quickly ran into this error, and figured the best way to debug would be to spin up a brand new blank app and try to get ReactNavigation working in there. I started with just navigation package and NavigationContainer itself, and once I couldn't even get that working, I assumed the problem was with the base react-navigation package installation. I failed to notice that it was still trying to resolve that native-stack navigator.

Unable to Add React to existing Rails app

I've setup a rails app all good, server runs fine etc, now I need to add React to it.
I see the command
rails webpack:install:react
appears to be the way everyone recommends but when I run this I get the following error:
rails aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'webpacker:install:react' (See the list of available
tasks with `rails --tasks`)
Did you mean? webpacker:install
So I run webpacker:install, alls good then try with :react again and the same errors generated, I've got react added in the package.json file and react-rails in the gem file. I've also run bundled since adding these.
I cant find an answer anywhere so whatever you've got I'll take.
Thank you.
Found the issue, the problem was that webpacker:install:react was removed from webpacker v6, moved to version 5.4.3 and the issues resolved.
More info here:
As the above answer states, this was removed. If you see a tutorial telling you to run rails webpack:install:react you can simply skip it if you've already run rails webpack:install. React now works "out of the box" and so you don't need to specify it.

i have this error when when i try to build my app in flutter

enter image description here
Error: Type 'AssetBundle' not found.
AssetBundle? bundle
I don't think the problem is related to your database. The error comes from flutter_svg. Did you add a proper asset route in the end of your pubspec?
Like this:
uses-material-design: true
- assets/images/intro/
This problem is not related to your persistant database, it's an error coming from the flutter_svg package you have installed. According to the issue #610, all you have to do is update Flutter to at least 2.5.0, to do this, run the following command in your terminal:
flutter upgrade
This is a very difficult problem. Barely solved it. I found only one solution to it, no one showed anything sensible.
In the Terminal in Android Studio (Android Studio: View -> Tool Windows -> Terminal. Old: Go to Tools -> Open Terminal, or see at the bottom of the Android Studio path "Terminal") you need to write just upgrade --force
This removes all issues under clean and reinstalls Flutter. Better than this way to solve the problem - it is impossible.

how to properly push to github using build? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Blank page after running build on create-react-app
(17 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'm a newbie to both git and AWS.
I bought a domain using AWS and have connected it to a Github repository.
I pushed the app to repository without initiating an npm run build.
After realizing that the website was showing the instead of the index.html which is inside of the public folder (not that that's working either), I decided to try to run npm run build and push that to the github repository, thinking that maybe that could fix my issue.
The problem I ran into was that /build is ignored inside .gitignore.
So I'm not sure if I should remove /build from .gitignore or find a work around, or something else I'm not aware of?
I would really appreciate some explanation from someone on that issue.
Thank you in advance.
So, there are 2 different things that we must break down from this question . One related to git itself and other is to the app build.
.gitignore tells git which files (or patterns) it should ignore. It's usually used to avoid committing transient files from your working directory that aren't useful to other collaborators, such as compilation products, temporary files IDEs create, etc. It basically does keep track of the specified file or directory
More related to that can be found in here:
Now, going to the original problem (which is building your app) github does have a CICD pipeline called github actions which essentially allows you to create a workflow based on a template that can help building your app. Therefore the build can be done when your is code is pushed, without have to send unnecessary files to your remote repository from your local npm run build. (You can find more related to this subject in this link:
That doesn't necessary solves your issue with your App (because we are not discussing anything related to coding), but if your problem is just building the app that would be a starting point.
My other recommendation would be also to check more on how git/github actually works and how you can take advantage of these systems in the future to deploy/control your code.
Hopefully this can help!
Found the answer to my question here. Thanks for the help guys.
Blank page after running build on create-react-app

React Native: NPM Module being uninstall each time a new is installed

I am using a package named react-native-linear-gradient which can be found here. I had to go through quite a lengthy process to eventually get the link to my project (by manually linking via the Binary link with libraries in XCode. I got it working fine, however, each time I install a new package via NPM, linear-gradient is removed from my node-modules folder.
1.Can anyone shed some light on why this is happening? (Happy to provide additional information)
2.Will this impact deployment of the application if this is not solved?
SOLVED: Downgraded to 5.7.1... It seems 5.8.0 seems to cause the same error Michael mentioned.
