Cannot create EWF application - eiffel

can I ask for help? When selecting an EWF application in the Eiffel IDE, I cannot create a project. A window with lots of error messages is displayed. I have Apache installed, WIN 10 home operating system. Enabled libEFCGI, use the router component and use the filter component.
Thank you Janoušek
Class / Object Routine Nature of exception Effect
root's creation Permission denied:
<000000000293C868> Operating system error. Exit
root's creation
<000000000293C868> Routine failure. Exit
root's creation
<000000000293C868> Routine failure. Exit
root's creation
<000000000293C868> Routine failure. Exit
root's creation
<000000000293C868> Routine failure. Exit
root's creation
<000000000293C868> Routine failure. Exit

At first this looked like a run-time error, but after further information it has turned out that it's an error in a wizard. The error "Permission denied" suggests that you need to change the permissions on a directory. Jocelyn has pointed out, however, that an easier solution is to select a different directory in the wizard.

This sounds a Wizard issue, i.e the tool generating the project.
In my case, it generates the files by default at %ISE_EIFFEL%\studio\wizards\new_projects\ewf\ewf\ewf_app (I guess that default should be changed to be under %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Eiffel User Files\18.07\projects...
And in both cases, it is successful.
Did you try to change the "Project location:" in the second page of the EWF wizard?
Also, did you try creating a "Basic application" with the associated wizard?
Is it working as expected?
If needed I can send you a zip of the expected source code.
You can also start by compiling the various example, to learn a bit more and then adapt to your need.


INS-30131 Initial setup required for the execution of installer validations failed

i just uninstall oracle 12c manually on windows 10 and now am reinstalling it shows errors:
Cause - Failed to access the temporary location. Action - Ensure that
the current user has required permissions to access the temporary
location. Additional Information:
 - Framework setup check failed on all the nodes
- Cause: Cause Of Problem Not Available
 - Action: User Action Not Available Summary of the failed nodes desktop-81i87ss
 - Version of exectask could not be retrieved from node "desktop-81i87ss"  - Cause: Cause Of Problem Not Available
 - Action: User Action Not Available
In some cases, there is a possibility that your computer name contains some special character, unique installer throws same error in that case. Try removing any special character by renaming your system to a new name and then try installation again.
For Example: My system had name "LAPTOP-GENCONIAN". Problem was solved for me after renaming to "GENCONIAN"
I come across similar issue and was able to resolve with this method
Open CMD
CD into the folder in which setup file exits
3.Run the command - setup.exe -ignorePrereq -J"-Doracle.install.client.validate.clientSupportedOSCheck=false"
Now the intallation window will open without validation check and you can continue

Batch taskkill won't kill

Ok so I'm trying to end Comodo (free firewall service) so that I can install NVidia driver updates, and since I'm super lazy I want this all to be automatic whenever NVidia tries to update. After I want to reopen Comodo.
However I'm stuck on the first step since I have no idea on how to properly end Comodo, when I try taskkill it says:
ERROR: The process "cis.exe" with PID 6204 could not be terminated.
Reason: Element not found.
I'm new to batch and have no idea what this error message means since I can clearly see that "cis.exe" (which is Comodo) is running in the background at least and I can close it from the icon tray if I wanted to, and it spits out the same message when I try using "CisTray.exe".
Also any advice on where I should go for the next few parts would be greatly appreciated, thinking on using task scheduler to open the batch file when some kind of log or something is made by NVidia.

Credentails Manager service is stopped

I am getting the below error when trying to update my view . Also, creds manager service is stopped and not getting started.
As long as the credmanager.exe is not started, none of the view (snapshot or dynamic) will work. So you need to debug that first.
Typically, you would check the ClearCase logs, and the Windows event, to see what the issue is. See "how to fix or investigate 'Operation “view_ws_is_ws_view” failed'?", using cleartool getlog.
That kind of error ("This application has failed to start becauselibatriaks.dllwas not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem") was seen with rather old versions of ClearCase (7.0.1).
See for instance this thread.
If the DLL is present and the directory is in your path you should never
get this error.
Check to see how far ...\rational\clearcase\bin is down your SYSTEM path, and make sure the DLL's are in there.
ccgzip.exe will be called (by the client process) when checking in any files that fall back to the "compressed_file" element type. It may be called by the view server during file opens and checkouts to construct cleartext if needed. The former uses your user path, the latter will normally use the SYSTEM path.
We've seen odd behavior on Windows when the path gets >500 characters
long, though there seems to be no "official" limit to the length this environment variable (%PATH%) can grow to.
The error message you see is likely a path issue. Whether that's related to the other issue is unknown...
Is the albd server process running? The credential manager service is flagged to depend on this service. If that service fails to start, or terminates, the credential manager service will also fail.
A service startup failure should be in the Application or System Event logs. and from there the "Troubleshooting albd startup failures" technote on would likely be a good place to start.

Trying to resolve Pkgdef error

I am running scripts in Sql server management studio and something is causing SSMS to reset. After some investigation and reading the message that pops up, I run the application from the command line and use the /log switch. reviewing the log I find this error :
PkgDef encountered data collision in section
'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\SQL Server Management
Studio\11.0_Config\CLSID{00a2c8fe-3844-41be-9637-167454a7f1a7}' for
value 'Assembly'
this is just one example...there are many. So I look online for pkgdef troubleshooting tips and found one site...
this told me the following:
Issue: Registry Value Collisions Sometimes the same registry value is
being set by more than one pkgdef file. In other cases, a registry
value is being set, but it’s not clear which pkgdef file is doing it.
You can either scan all of the pkgdef files and discover where the
value is being set. Or use /log again. Remedy: Use /log to discover
which pkgdef(s) set a value To discover all pkgdef files that are
setting a value, use a simple trick: explicitly set that same value by
temporarily changing the master pkgdef (C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.pkgdef) to explicitly set the
value before all of the other pkgdef files are processed. This will
require Administrator rights to edit the file, but is otherwise
straightforward. Make a backup copy of devenv.pkgdef, then bring it up
in an editor. Below the [$Initialization$] section, add a new section
for the parent key of the value. Then add the key value below it, save
it, and run devenv.exe with /log. The pkgdef loader will log all of
the additional writes to that value, along with the path to the
offending pkgdef.
I found the devenv.pkgdef file but i really don't understand how to modify the file as it suggests.
I would like to know how to modify the file(with example) to find the problem and then to fix it.
Thanks for your patience

cleartool: Error: A deliver_start preop trigger does not allow this operation

I have a very strange error today on windows ClearCase.
I encounter the following error while delivering from my old stream to the parent stream.
Meanwhile I made a new child stream on windows and delivered from there and it was OK.
The most amazing thing is I used the same old stream on unix and delivery completed without any problem.
What might be the reason behind this failure of my old stream on windows?
Do you wish to continue with this deliver operation? [no] yes
cleartool: Warning: Trigger "dlvr_start_pre" has refused to let deliver_start proceed.
cleartool: Error: A deliver_start preop trigger does not allow this operation.
cleartool: Error: Unable to do integration.
cleartool: Error: Unable to deliver stream "...".
You need to find that "dlvr_start_pre" script and see what it does.
This isn't a script automatically put by ClearCase: it has been written and put in place by your ClearCase admin, in a path accessible form any Windows workstation.
But you also need to consider your current ClearCase client.
For instance, "non-interactive triggers fail with warning about interactivity using CCRC or CCWeb".
That old stream could also have been created with different rights (owner/group) than the new one (that happens if the CLEARCASE_PRIMARY_GROUP environment variable changes)
