SQL Server tables connection - sql-server

I have to connect multiple tables that are part of single or multiple databases. Approximately 10-15 tables in each query have to be connected to generate data for the analysis in SQL Server 2014.
I don't have access to the database diagram or architecture and these reports are to be sent out weekly. I want to understand the approach on how to begin writing these kind of queries which are of basic and advanced level and identify the relationship between tables and what kind of advanced level queries I can learn or utilize like CTE, Rank Partition, Subqueries etc.
Anybody who can provide a rough flow diagram or structure about the approach will be really helpful.

It's very unlikely that owners of those source systems want to be directly queried every time someone runs a report. Since you already have access to SQL Server, I would suggest building a data warehouse with that.
You haven't provided a whole lot of information to go on, but SSIS packages could be created to connect to the source systems and load into your data warehouse. And furthermore, those packages can be scheduled through Agent.
As for modeling... Again it is difficult with the lack of information, but generally the star model works great for reporting, which is a fact table surrounded by dimension (or attribute) tables.
As for figuring out relationships without a diagram, this will have to be done via experimentation and tieing to existing reports to make sure your joins aren't dropping records or cascading.
Good luck.


Extracting Data from SAP to SQL Server

I am using SSIS packages to extract data from SAP database tables into SQL Server tables. I am using OLEDB source/destination connections to achieve this.
The problem now is that a table in SAP has 5 Million records and its taking around 2 hours to extract this data into my SQL Server table. I have used the trunc-dump method (truncating the table in sql server and dumping data into it from SAP table) and also tried using Multiple Hash key to bring in the updated/new records.
The problem with Hash key is that it still has to scan the entire table to look for changed/new records and hence takes almost the same time as the trunc-dump method.
I am looking for a new way or changing the existing way to reduce the time taken to complete this extraction.
As you mentioned you were using OLEDB source connection to access SAP, if that means you were accessing SAP's underlying database directly, you should pause doing that for three reasons till there are explicit IT approvals:
You skipped SAP's application layer security. There can be an enterprise security compliance issue;
Your company's SAP license may not allow you to do that. If your company only has SAP indirect access license, then you may have to stay on application layer;
You will not get SAP's official support by accessing the underlying database directly.
You have multiple options to fetch data using SSIS through SAP application layer:
Use commercial SSIS custom components for this job (disclaimer: AecorSoft is one of the leading vendors offering such connectivity components);
Look into SAP's own OData Gateway interface to consume data.
Request your SAP ABAP team to write custom ABAP programs to dump SAP data into CSV files, and then use SSIS to fetch them.
Let's now look at the performance side:
SAP ETL Performance depends on many factors, but in general, even for the SAP transactional tables with 100+ columns, it's considered very slow to extract 5 millions rows per a couple of hours. For example, we've seen cases of extracting standard SAP General Ledger header table BKPF (almost 100 columns) at consistent performance of 1M rows every 1-2 minutes. Of course such performance is achieved through commercial component and SSIS, but you should expect at least 1M per 10 minutes even for the #3 option above, going through an intermediate CSV file. Under the hood, through SAP application layer, all the 3 options would leverage SAP Open SQL (in contrast to the "Native SQL" which the underlying database offers) to access SAP tables, therefore, if you experience application layer performance issue, you can analyze the Open SQL side.
As you also mentioned about update/new records scenario, it's a typical delta extraction problem. Normally, in SAP transactional tables, there are Create Date and Changed Date fields which can help you capture delta. In this case, in order to avoid full table scan, apply indices through SAP application layer on those "delta fields". For example, if you need to extract Sales Document Header VBAK table, you can filter by ERDAT (Created on) and AEDAT (Changed on). Delta is a complex subject in SAP. There is no simple statement to describe the delta solution, as SAP data models are complex and very different across functional modules. The delta analysis is always a case-by-case effort. Some people may also simply recommend using "delta extractors", but don't treat that as silver bullet, because extractor has its own problem. In short, if you look into table based extraction, focus on that, and try to work with your SAP functional team to determine the suitable delta fields. Try avoiding doing full table scan and hashing. Do incremental load with some optional overlap of previous extract (e.g. loading today and yesterday's records), and do MERGE to absorb the changes.
There are few cases you may not be able to find any delta field, and it is not practical to do full load all the time. One great example is the Address Master data table ADRC. In this case, if you are required to do delta load on such table, you ether have to request your SAP function team to figure out delta for you (meaning they inject custom logic to every place where Address master can be created, updated, or deleted), or you have to request your SAP Basis team to create DB trigger on the underlying database table, and expose the trigger table at application layer. This way, you can create an application layer view on the main table and the trigger table to do delta. Still, there is no direct database access through your solution. The DB layer trigger is fully managed and controlled by your SAP Basis team who also supports the database.
Hope this helps!

Best way to perform distributed SQL query and joins, calling from .Net code

Here's my scenario:
I have to query two PeopleSoft Databases on different servers (both are SQL Server 2000) and do a join of the data. My application is a .Net application (BizTalk).
I'm wondering what the best option is with regards to performance?
use standard select queries to get data
and do the join in memory (e.g. LINQ) for example
generated complex dynamic queries using LINKED Server, e.g.
select blah
from Server1.HRDB.dbo.MyTable1
left join Server2.FinanceDb.dbo.MyTable2
use standard select queries to get the data into an intermediate / staging sql server database and do my queries / joins on this database instead.
should I consider using SSIS? ( are there features here that might be better than doing an in-memory, e.g. LINQ? )
I wish I could use stored procedures on the source database, but the owners of the PeopleSoft database refuse it
The main constraints we have is that the source database is old (SQL Server 2000) and that performance of the source database is paramount. Whatever queries I run on this server must not block the other users. Hence, the DBAs are adamant about no Stored Procedures. They also believe that queries involving Linked Servers will trump (i.e. take higher priority) to other queries being run against the the database.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Update: additional background information on the project
We are primarily integrating PeopleSoft databases (the HR and Finance) into another product. Some are simple - like AccountCode and Department. Others are more complex, like the personal data, job, and leave accrual. Some are real-time, other's are scheduled, and other's are 'batch' (e.g. at payroll runs).
Regardless, we have to get source data out of PeopleSoft database -- and my hope had been to let the (source) database do the 'heavy' lifting by executing SQL Queries. I don't really want BizTalk, or SSIS, or C# LINQ to be the ones doing the transformations/filtering.
Definitely open to suggestions.

Expressing data transformation

Two different relational databases.
Your task is to write a code to transfer the data from the first database to the second database.
Some tables in the database you are transferring to are of the same structure as the table you are transferring from, the transfer of these tables is as simple as "INSERT INTO DbA.TableA (...) VALUES SELECT * FROM DbB.TableB".
Some tables in the database you are transferring to have different structures and different purposes. After proper analysis, you understand the relations and you understand the right transformation you need to code.
My question is: how do you express such knowledge? How do you express the transformational relations between two databases? Are there any tools or diagrams?
The best way I know right now is writting the list of tables of the first database and for each table describing how it is to be transformed into the second database. Is it possible to make this more formal/concise/cool?
If you are wanting a toolset and work in the Microsoft database stack then this is exactly what SQL Server Integration Services (or SSIS) is used for.
If you are wanting to document the process then you would typically write an interface definition document (IDD). There are many examples on Google but here is something to get you started.

Linking tables between databases

I’m after a bit of advice on the best way to go about this is SQL server 2008R2 express. I have a number of applications that are in separate databases on the same server. They are all “plugins” that use a central staff/structure list that will be in a separate database. The application is in the process of being migrated from JET.
What I’m looking for is the best way of all the “plugin” databases being able to see the central database and use those tables in standard queries and views etc.
As I’m using express that rules out any replication solution and so far the only option I can think of is to use triggers or a stored procedure to “push” out all the changes to the plugins. The information needs to be populated on a near enough real time basis however the number of changes will be very small maybe up to 100 a day and the biggest table only has about 1000 rows at the moment (the staff names table).
Hopefully that will cover all everything but if anyone needs any more details then just ask
Apologies if I've misunderstood, but from your description it sounds like all these databases are hosted on the same instance of SQL Server - it's your mention of replication that makes me uncertain.
Assuming that's the case, you should be able to replace any copies of tables from the central database which are held in the "plugin" databases with views or synonyms which reference the central tables directly, since SQL server allows you to make references between databases on the same server using three-part naming (database_name.schema_name.object_name)
For example, if each plugin db has a table StaffNames, you could replace this with a view by dropping the table, then creating a view:
drop table StaffNames
create view StaffNames
select * from <centraldbname>.<schema - probably dbo>.StaffNames
and your code should continue to work seamlessly, as long as permissions are set up.
Alternatively, you could replace all the references to the shared tables in the plugin databases with three-part name references to the central database, but the view method requires less work.

backup data for reporting

What is the best method to transfer data from sales table to sales history table in sql server 2005. sales history table will be used for reporting.
Take a look at SSAS. OLAP is built for reporting and is easy to query with tools like excel pivot tables.
Bulkcopy is fast and it will not use the transaction log. One batch run at the end of the day.
Deleting the copied records from your production server is a different situation that needs to be planed on that server's maintenance approach/plans. Your reporting server solution should not interfere with or affect the production server.
Keep in mind that your reporting server is not meant to be a backup of the data but rather a copy made exclusively for reporting purposes.
Also check on the server settings of your reporting server to be on Simple recovery model.
Most solutions will require 2 steps;
-copy the records from source to target
-delete records from source.
It is essential that your source table have a primary key.
The "best" method depends on a lot of things.
How many records?
Is this a production environment?
What tools do you have?
Unless you are moving a large amount of data, a simple stored procedure should do the trick.
A sql server job can manage the timing of when to call the proc.
if you just want to move the data to another table, use BulkCopy/BulkInsert. if you want to build reporting I would suggest a BI solution such as MS Analysis Service (OLAP).
It is difficult and in my opinion ugly to maintain two or more history/archive tables in the same database. For a reporting solution you will be considering all the tables for that piece of information anyway. History/Archive tables should only be used if you are going to put the data away and not touch it for a long period of time, ie. archive it away outside the operational DB.
