Performance benefit of using buffer on heap over stack (C) - c

I have a small buffer of 1024 bytes that I am using to store temporary data in and then write to a larger buffer. I am reusing that small buffer several times.
Is there any performance benefit to creating this buffer on the heap rather than the stack?
It's existing code so it was done on the heap but I'm not sure if it would be faster to use the stack or what exactly the reasoning was to using the heap in the first place.
Any ideas? This is C code.

If you are writing code for a very small system, you may need to get the buffer using malloc (or one of the related routines, such as calloc) so that you do not use limited stack space.
Otherwise, on modern systems, 1024 bytes is a modest amount of stack space to use, and creating a buffer on the stack is typically faster than using malloc. (A normal malloc call requires at least some amount of bookkeeping work that stack allocation does not. However, if a routine merely allocates a fixed-size buffer with malloc, uses it, and frees it, a compiler might optimize the buffer to a stack allocation anyway, in which case they would be equivalent.)
For reference, on macOS, Appleā€™s tools default to 8 MiB of space for the main stack and 2 MiB for each thread.

In general, stack allocation is always faster than heap allocation.
This is because stack allocation is as easy as a single write to the stack pointer, whereas dynamic memory allocation contains a lot of overhead code during allocation - malloc has to go look for the next free segment, possibly also handling issues with fragmentation etc.
If you re-use a buffer, you should make sure to only allocate it once, no matter where you allocate it. This might be in favour of the heap, since heap-allocated variables don't go out of scope.
As for accessing memory once it is allocated, the stack and heap should perform identically.
Most importantly, allocating a large chunk of data on the stack isn't recommended, since it has a limited size. 1024 bytes is fairly large, so the recommended practice would be to store it on the heap for that reason alone.


Advantages of mmap() over sbrk()?

From my book:
Recall from our first discussion that modern dynamic memory managers
not only use sbrk() but also mmap(). This process helps reduce the
negative effects of memory fragmentation when large blocks of memory
are freed but locked by smaller, more recently allocated blocks lying
between them and the end of the allocated space. In this case, had the
block been allocated with sbrk(), it would have probably remained
unused by the system for some time (or at least most of it).
Can someone kindly explain how using mmap reduces the negative effects of memory fragmentation? The given example didn't make any sense to me and wasn't clear at all.
it would have probably remained unused by the system for some time
Why this claim was made, when we free it the system can use it later. Maybe the OS keeps list of freed blocks in heap to use them when possible instead of using more space in heap.
Please Relate to both questions.
Advantages of mmap() over sbrk()?
brk/sbrk is LIFO. Let's say you increase the segment size by X number of bytes to make room for allocation A and X number of bytes to make allocation B, and then free A. You cannot reduce the allocated memory because B is still allocated. And since the segment is shared across the entire program, if multiple parts of the program use it directly, you will have no way of knowing whether particular part is still in use or not. And if one part of the program (let's say malloc) assumes entire control over the use of brk/sbrk, then calling them elsewhere will break the program.
By contrast, mmap can be unmapped in any order and allocation by one part of the program doesn't conflict with other parts of the program.
brk/sbrk are not part of the POSIX standard and thus not portable.
By contrast, mmap is standard and portable.
mmap can also do things like map files into memory which is not possible using brk/sbrk.
it would have probably remained unused by the system for some time
Why this claim was made
See 1.
Maybe the OS keeps list of freed block
There are no "blocks". There is one (virtual) block called the data segment. brk/sbrk sets the size of that block.
But doesn't mmap allocate on heap
No. "Heap" is at the end of the data segment and heap is what grows using brk/sbrk. mmap does not allocate in the area of memory that has been allocated using brk/sbrk.
mmap creates a new segment elsewhere in the address space.
does malloc actually save the free blocks that were allocated with sbrk for later usage?
If it is allocated using brk/sbrk in the first place, and if malloc hasn't reduced the size of the "heap" (in case that was possible), then malloc may reuse a free "slot" that has been previously freed. It would be a useful thing to do.
"then calling them elsewhere will break the program." can you give an example
malloc(42); // maybe kaboom, who knows?
In conclusion: Just don't use brk/sbrk to set the segment size. Perhaps there's little reason to use (anonymous) mmap either. Use malloc in C.
When sbrk() is used, the heap is just one, large block of memory. If your pattern of allocating and freeing doesn't leave large, contiguous blocks of memory, every large allocation will need to grow the heap. This can result in inefficient memory use, because of all the unused gaps that are left in the heap.
With mmap(), you can have a bunch of independent blocks of mapped memory. So you could use the sbrk() heap for your small allocations, which can be packed neatly, and use mmap() for large allocations. When you're done with one of these large blocks, you can just remove the entire mapping.

For what is heap allocation necessary? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What and where are the stack and heap?
(31 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I've always thought that heap allocation is needed for allocating data structures with sizes that aren't known at compile time. But I recently learned about alloca, which allows for dynamic allocation on the stack. So, if heap allocation isn't needed for allocation of dynamic sizes, are there things for which heap allocation is necessary? My first thought is that resizing data structures may be difficult, but I'm not sure whether it's impossible or not without using the heap.
It's about live time. Objects on the heap live until you free() them. Objects allocated with alloca live in the current stack frame until your function returns.
Resizing of data on the heap will cause a new allocation if the first allocation did not reserve sufficcient memory. This will give the first heap item back to the free list. That is impossible in the stack frame. There is no realloc pendant.
BTW: There is no need that objects on the heap are of dynamic size. The function signature of malloc takes a size parameter that allows you to calculate the size at run-time. But you often allocate object without a dynamic size. e.g.
typedef struct {
int a;
char s[3];
} example;
example *ex = malloc(sizeof(example));
Edit: Although you could allocate again and again on the stack unless you get a stackoverflow the semantic differs from realloc. It wouldn't be possible to give the space back when a realloca should allocate the for a larger size. It's even impossible to shrink the size. The reason for both is the mechanismn how alloca works. There is no free list and there are no chunks on the stack that are managed like heap objects. It's just changing the stack pointer that gives space for the result of alloca.
If you restrict yourself to using the stack for memory then you restrict the lifetime of your data to the lifetime of the scope they were conceived in. Yes you could make them global but then you have a fixed amount of memory for your data.
How about we reserve a large chunk of global memory? Well now you are just emulating the heap in a memory wasteful way.
Heap is not necessary, double is not necessary, int is not necessary, all that is needed is 0 and 1 and a Turning Machine.
Different programming models exists to efficiently create and maintain code. Code could exist with just about everything on the stack. Depending on how the OS/environment is set up, the stack does not run out any faster than heap. Memory is memory - it is just that typical OS's put more stringent limits on the stack size as it is more likely that code needing large stack is errant than correct.
Processors tend to be designed that way too, allowing a large, but limited stack, and a relatively enormous dynamic data space.
So for now, live with performing most variable large size allocations via malloc() and save alloca() for niche applications. Maybe in 20 years everything will be on the stack due to Dr. Whippersnapper latest programming model.

Usage of malloc and free

I am trying to decode an mp4 video into YUV frames. I want to allocate memory for each frame to be decoded, is it OK if I continuously allocate memory and free it. Is there any problem in doing so (ie, contentiously allocating and freeing memory using malloc and free)?
I would be better to allocate sufficient buffer once and reuse the same buffer. Other than some performance hit, repeated malloc-free doesn't pose any problems.
Technically, there's no problem with that at all as long as you don't try to access memory that you've already freed.
On the other hand, making all these calls repeatedly creates an overhead that you could (and should) avoid by allocating a sufficient amount of memory ahead of time, and then free it all at the end.
The approach of repeatedly allocating/freeing should really only be used if you are under very tight memory constraints, otherwise, reserve a big block of memory and allocate parts of it as you need yourself. Or alternatively, if possible, reuse the same chunk of memory.
Update: As mentioned by #EricPostpischil in a helpful comment (see below), malloc is a library call, not a system call which would only happen when the current heap is exhausted. For more information on this see this explanation
If the objects that you allocate have the same size, there shouldn't be much of a performance hit. In case of doubt, measure it.
Correctly tracking allocated memory is often not trivial, so it is probably easier to allocate a buffer once and use this throughout your program. But here the principal rule should be to use what corresponds to the logic of your program, is the easiest to read and to maintain.
Constantly mallocing and freeing is will not break the program, but it will cause a lot of performance issues, especially since you say you're going to be doing it every frame. Mallocing and freeing that often can cause a noticeable performance decrease.
What you can do is just malloc the memory once, and then re-use the same allocation for each frame. If you don't need to store the memory after you've done what you want with the frame before the next frame is read, there isn't any problem.

Why would you ever want to allocate memory on the heap rather than the stack? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 13 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
When is it best to use a Stack instead of a Heap and vice versa?
I've read a few of the other questions regarding the heap vs stack, but they seem to focus more on what the heap/stack do rather than why you would use them.
It seems to me that stack allocation would almost always be preferred since it is quicker (just moving the stack pointer vs looking for free space in the heap), and you don't have to manually free allocated memory when you're done using it. The only reason I can see for using heap allocation is if you wanted to create an object in a function and then use it outside that functions scope, since stack allocated memory is automatically unallocated after returning from the function.
Are there other reasons for using heap allocation instead of stack allocation that I am not aware of?
There are a few reasons:
The main one is that with heap allocation, you have the most flexible control over the object's lifetime (from malloc/calloc to free);
Stack space is typically a more limited resource than heap space, at least in default configurations;
A failure to allocate heap space can be handled gracefully, whereas running out of stack space is often unrecoverable.
Without the flexible object lifetime, useful data structures such as binary trees and linked lists would be virtually impossible to write.
You want an allocation to live beyond a function invocation
You want to conserve stack space (which is typically limited to a few MBs)
You're working with re-locatable memory (Win16, databases, etc.), or want to recover from allocation failures.
Variable length anything. You can fake around this, but your code will be really nasty.
The big one is #1. As soon as you get into any sort of concurrency or IPC #1 is everywhere. Even most non-trivial single threaded applications are tricky to devise without some heap allocation. That'd practically be faking a functional language in C/C++.
So I want to make a string. I can make it on the heap or on the stack. Let's try both:
char *heap = malloc(14);
if(heap == NULL)
// bad things happened!
strcat(heap, "Hello, world!");
And for the stack:
char stack[] = "Hello, world!";
So now I have these two strings in their respective places. Later, I want to make them longer:
char *tmp = realloc(heap, 20);
if(tmp == NULL)
// bad things happened!
heap = tmp;
memmove(heap + 13, heap + 7);
memcpy(heap + 7, "cruel ", 6);
And for the stack:
// umm... What?
This is only one benefit, and others have mentioned other benefits, but this is a rather nice one. With the heap, we can at least try to make our allocated space larger. With the stack, we're stuck with what we have. If we want room to grow, we have to declare it all up front, and we all know how it stinks to see this:
char username[MAX_BUF_SIZE];
The most obvious rationale for using the heap is when you call a function and need something of unknown length returned. Sometimes the caller may pass a memory block and size to the function, but at other times this is just impractical, especially if the returned stuff is complex (e.g. a collection of different objects with pointers flying around, etc.).
Size limits are a huge dealbreaker in a lot of cases. The stack is usually measured in the low megabytes or even kilobytes (that's for everything on the stack), whereas all modern PCs allow you a few gigabytes of heap. So if you're going to be using a large amount of data, you absolutely need the heap.
just to add
you can use alloca to allocate memory on the stack, but again memory on the stack is limited and also the space exists only during the function execution only.
that does not mean everything should be allocated on the heap. like all design decisions this is also somewhat difficult, a "judicious" combination of both should be used.
Besides manual control of object's lifetime (which you mentioned), the other reasons for using heap would include:
Run-time control over object's size (both initial size and it's "later" size, during the program's execution).
For example, you can allocate an array of certain size, which is only known at run time.
With the introduction of VLA (Variable Length Arrays) in C99, it became possible to allocate arrays of fixed run-time size without using heap (this is basically a language-level implementation of 'alloca' functionality). However, in other cases you'd still need heap even in C99.
Run-time control over the total number of objects.
For example, when you build a binary tree stucture, you can't meaningfully allocate the nodes of the tree on the stack in advance. You have to use heap to allocated them "on demand".
Low-level technical considerations, as limited stack space (others already mentioned that).
When you need a large, say, I/O buffer, even for a short time (inside a single function) it makes more sense to request it from the heap instead of declaring a large automatic array.
Stack variables (often called 'automatic variables') is best used for things you want to always be the same, and always be small.
int x;
char foo[32];
Are all stack allocations, These are fixed at compile time too.
The best reason for heap allocation is that you cant always know how much space you need. You often only know this once the program is running. You might have an idea of limits but you would only want to use the exact amount of space required.
If you had to read in a file that could be anything from 1k to 50mb, you would not do this:-
int readdata ( FILE * f ) {
char inputdata[50*1024*1025];
return x;
That would try to allocate 50mb on the stack, which would usually fail as the stack is usually limited to 256k anyway.
The stack and heap share the same "open" memory space and will have to eventually come to a point where they meet, if you use the entire segment of memory. Keeping the balance between the space that each of them use will have amortized cost later for allocation and de-allocation of memory a smaller asymptotic value.

Can I write a C application without using the heap?

I'm experiencing what appears to be a stack/heap collision in an embedded environment (see this question for some background).
I'd like to try rewriting the code so that it doesn't allocate memory on the heap.
Can I write an application without using the heap in C? For example, how would I use the stack only if I have a need for dynamic memory allocation?
I did it once in an embedded environment where we were writing "super safe" code for biomedical machines.
Malloc()s were explicitly forbidden, partly for the resources limits and for the unexpected behavior you can get from dynamic memory (look for malloc(), VxWorks/Tornado and fragmentation and you'll have a good example).
Anyway, the solution was to plan in advance the needed resources and statically allocate the "dynamic" ones in a vector contained in a separate module, having some kind of special purpose allocator give and take back pointers. This approach avoided fragmentation issues altogether and helped getting finer grained error info, if a resource was exhausted.
This may sound silly on big iron, but on embedded systems, and particularly on safety critical ones, it's better to have a very good understanding of which -time and space- resources are needed beforehand, if only for the purpose of sizing the hardware.
Funnily enough, I once saw a database application which completly relied on static allocated memory. This application had a strong restriction on field and record lengths. Even the embedded text editor (I still shiver calling it that) was unable to create texts with more than 250 lines of text. That solved some question I had at this time: why are only 40 records allowed per client?
In serious applications you can not calculate in advance the memory requirements of your running system. Therefore it is a good idea to allocate memory dynamically as you need it. Nevertheless it is common case in embedded systems to preallocate memory you really need to prevent unexpected failures due to memory shortage.
You might allocate dynamic memory on the stack using the alloca() library calls. But this memory is tight to the execution context of the application and it is a bad idea to return memory of this type the caller, because it will be overwritten by later subroutine calls.
So I might answer your question with a crisp and clear "it depends"...
You can use alloca() function that allocates memory on the stack - this memory will be freed automatically when you exit the function. alloca() is GNU-specific, you use GCC so it must be available.
See man alloca.
Another option is to use variable-length arrays, but you need to use C99 mode.
It's possible to allocate a large amount of memory from the stack in main() and have your code sub-allocate it later on. It's a silly thing to do since it means your program is taking up memory that it doesn't actually need.
I can think of no reason (save some kind of silly programming challenge or learning exercise) for wanting to avoid the heap. If you've "heard" that heap allocation is slow and stack allocation is fast, it's simply because the heap involves dynamic allocation. If you were to dynamically allocate memory from a reserved block within the stack, it would be just as slow.
Stack allocation is easy and fast because you may only deallocate the "youngest" item on the stack. It works for local variables. It doesn't work for dynamic data structures.
Edit: Having seen the motivation for the question...
Firstly, the heap and the stack have to compete for the same amount of available space. Generally, they grow towards each other. This means that if you move all your heap usage into the stack somehow, then rather than stack colliding with heap, the stack size will just exceed the amount of RAM you have available.
I think you just need to watch your heap and stack usage (you can grab pointers to local variables to get an idea of where the stack is at the moment) and if it's too high, reduce it. If you have lots of small dynamically-allocated objects, remember that each allocation has some memory overhead, so sub-allocating them from a pool can help cut down on memory requirements. If you use recursion anywhere think about replacing it with an array-based solution.
You can't do dynamic memory allocation in C without using heap memory. It would be pretty hard to write a real world application without using Heap. At least, I can't think of a way to do this.
BTW, Why do you want to avoid heap? What's so wrong with it?
1: Yes you can - if you don't need dynamic memory allocation, but it could have a horrible performance, depending on your app. (i.e. not using the heap won't give you better apps)
2: No I don't think you can allocate memory dynamically on the stack, since that part is managed by the compiler.
Yes, it's doable. Shift your dynamic needs out of memory and onto disk (or whatever mass storage you have available) -- and suffer the consequent performance penalty.
E.g., You need to build and reference a binary tree of unknown size. Specify a record layout describing a node of the tree, where pointers to other nodes are actually record numbers in your tree file. Write routines that let you add to the tree by writing an additional record to file, and walk the tree by reading a record, finding its child as another record number, reading that record, etc.
This technique allocates space dynamically, but it's disk space, not RAM space. All the routines involved can be written using statically allocated space -- on the stack.
Embedded applications need to be careful with memory allocations but I don't think using the stack or your own pre-allocated heap is the answer. If possible, allocate all required memory (usually buffers and large data structures) at initialization time from a heap. This requires a different style of program than most of us are used to now but it's the best way to get close to deterministic behavior.
A large heap that is sub-allocated later would still be subject to running out of memory and the only thing to do then is have a watchdog kick in (or similar action). Using the stack sounds appealing but if you're going to allocate large buffers/data structures on the stack you have to be sure that the stack is large enough to handle all possible code paths that your program could execute. This is not easy and in the end is similar to a sub-allocated heap.
My foremost concern is, does abolishing the heap really helps?
Since your wish of not using heap stems from stack/heap collision, assuming the start of stack and start of heap are set properly (e.g. in the same setting, small sample programs have no such collision problem), then the collision means the hardware has not enough memory for your program.
Not using heap, one may indeed save some waste space from heap fragmentation; but if your program does not use the heap for a bunch of irregular large size allocation, the waste there are probably not much. I will see your collision problem more of an out of memory problem, something not fixable by merely avoiding heap.
My advices on tackling this case:
Calculate the total potential memory usage of your program. If it is too close to but not yet exceeding the amount of memory you prepared for the hardware, then you may
Try using less memory (improve the algorithms) or using the memory more efficiently (e.g. smaller and more-regular-sized malloc() to reduce heap fragmentation); or
Simply buy more memory for the hardware
Of course you may try pushing everything into pre-defined static memory space, but it is very probable that it will be stack overwriting into static memory this time. So improve the algorithm to be less memory-consuming first and buy more memory the second.
I'd attack this problem in a different way - if you think the the stack and heap are colliding, then test this by guarding against it.
For example (assuming a *ix system) try mprotect()ing the last stack page (assuming a fixed size stack) so it is not accessible. Or - if your stack grows - then mmap a page in the middle of the stack and heap. If you get a segv on your guard page you know you've run off the end of the stack or heap; and by looking at the address of the seg fault you can see which of the stack & heap collided.
It is often possible to write your embedded application without using dynamic memory allocation. In many embedded applications the use of dynamic allocation is deprecated because of the problems that can arise due to heap fragmentation. Over time it becomes highly likely that there will not be a suitably sized region of free heap space to allow the memory to be allocated and unless there is a scheme in place to handle this error the application will crash. There are various schemes to get around this, one being to always allocate fixed size objects on the heap so that a new allocation will always fit into a freed memory area. Another to detect the allocation failure and to perform a defragmentation process on all of the objects on the heap (left as an exercise for the reader!)
You do not say what processor or toolset you are using but in many the static, heap and stack are allocated to separate defined segments in the linker. If this is the case then it must be that your stack is growing outside the memory space that you have defined for it. The solution that you require is to reduce the heap and/or static variable size (assuming that these two are contiguous) so that there is more available for the stack. It may be possible to reduce the heap unilaterally although this can increase the probability of fragmentation problems. Ensuring that there are no unnecessary static variables will free some space at the cost of possibly increasing the stack usage if the variable is made auto.
