Migrate files from drupal 7 to drupal 8 - database

I have Drupal 7 website and i need to upgrade it to Drupal 8 i’ve followed drupal website documentation for upgrading to drupal 8 using web browser https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/upgrade/upgrade-using-web-browser#source-site
Now both sites installed in the same server with different domains.
When i added database access all data migrated successfully else the media files because I have an error in public file directory input  i’ve tried the following directories but each one return error.
1- When I added public files directory with the website address as https://drupal7migration.mydomain.com/sites/default/files 
the error was unable to read from public files directory. Client error 'Head  https://drupal7migration.mydomain.com/sites/default/files' resulted in a 404 not found response.
2- When I added the local file directory:   /var/www/vhosts/drupal7migration.mydomain.com/httpdocs/sites/default/files
the error was "unable to read from public files directory".
also the sites folder has 777 permission.
So, what’s the right public file directory that should be added to migrate both database and files successfully?

The files folder usually lives in :
Given the errors you indicated, it sounds like the “web server” doesn’t have enough permissions to the /sites/yourSite/files (read, write , and execute).
So determine the user under which your web server is running and make sure that use has enough permission.
See docs for more:
Also, look at your web server vhost to get the actual documentRoot location.
I don’t think what you have is correct:
Is probably meant to be
You have /
to your Drupal install as:


What is the basic file structure for Drupal 7 and where do the sites files go?

I need to move a Drupal site. I was provided three zip files:
files.tar.gz (this is images and a few CSS files)
Does the content of the "files" go inside the code structure somehow (maybe in /sites)? Or does the contents of the code and files get dumped in the root folder? I don't know why they gave me separate files.
I am not experienced with Drupal and tried putting it all into the root, but it's throwing an error and I thought I'd better check the structure first. The site isn't live yet. Just trying to connect it all.
PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'root'#'localhost' (using password: YES) in lock_may_be_available() (line 167 of /home/xxx/public_html/includes/lock.inc).
I guess you could give a look to Drupal directory Structure's guide on their website.
It should provide you all the knowledge to warmup your project

CakePHP project migration to different server

I am trying to move a cakePHP project I completed a few months ago from a server (a friend's server) to my own web server.
I have set up a database and changed the database config file to match my database/login credentials.
when I navigate to http://babbage.cs.missouri.edu/~jam2z9/muve/index.php you see it looks as if it is a brand new project. When I go to just /muve instead of index.php it says I'm missing a ~jam2z9Controller file but I don't see any files from the old server that are like this to edit and change to ~jam2z9.
I feel like this should be a very simple transition once I hook up the database credentials but I'm just confused as to what my issue is?
All of the database tables in my new database are blank as I just imported the .sql file into phpMyAdmin. It all seems to be connecting fine but it will not go to the home page just the aforementioned generic cakephp screen?
In your bootstrap.php add the following line:
Configure::write('App.base', '/~jam2z9/');
This is because as far as Cake sees it you are hosting it in a sub-sub directory.
Edit: There are more details about not being able to use mod_rewrite here

404 returned from a file that exists in ASP.Net on IIS 5

I'm running into this problem and its driving me crazy.
Also, we are not allowed to update the version of IIS.
The content on the server (asmx files holding WCF webmethods called via SOAP) exists and I can freely browse in inetmgr to the virtual directory that contains this data. The files all exist all on the file system and the virtual directories all point to the correct spot and have the correct ACLS, but when I go to their URLs all I get is a 404 message.
I have reset IIS, I have rebooted the server, and I have done everything I can think of.
The IIS logs simple return "404 - -" as the entire line contents, with no other data in the line.
The event logs show nothing, and ASPNET is not dying or anything like that.
With no event logs, and minimal logs in IIS , I have no idea what to do and was hoping that others had run into this before.
In IIS logs there should some codes along side the 404 error which will help find the issue.
Check IIS has the correct version of .Net installed using aspnet_regiis command line tool. Also check that ASMX extensions are mapped to the .Net ISAPI filter as they are with ASPX pages.

Cakephp loads old database config file

I developed a small cakephp website on local machine. When I upload to my host server, I realize that I must use their prefix for the database name and database user. So, I go and create new database name and new user. When I visit the site, it has this:
Warning (2): mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'old_name'#'localhost' (using password: YES) [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo/dbo_mysql.php, line 552]
I am 100% sure, I already change the name to "new_name", it runs on my local machine, but I dont know why it still load the old name. I go to ftp, and download the database config file, it clearly stated that, the database user is "new_name", i dont understand why when I go to the site, it loads the old database config. I am new to cakephp, please help.
try to clear the files from your app/tmp directory and tripple check the configuration.
Sometimes it can take a while for files to become live. One host I use has a folder for upload and then they transfer to the live folder from there automatically. Could it be something like this?
You possibly need to specify an IP for the database instead of localhost. Often the database is hosted on a different server to the code.

Transfer dotnetnuke database data to new server

I was given a dotnetnuke v4.9.5.5 database (sql-express about 300MB) and I am trying to get it up and running on a different server. I have tried:
Installing the 4.9 version and
loading the database into the app_data folder
loading the database through the SQL page under the host login (forwards to 404 page...)
installing the 5.x version and
loading the database into the app_data folder
loading the database through the SQL page under the host login (forwards to 404 page... again..)
All of which fail. I cannot find any support on this topic at all. What is the correct way to go about this?
EDIT: wrong info please close..
Here is a good blog on the topic HOW TO: Move a DotNetNuke installation .
The basics are:
Copy all the files and the database, the two are closely tied together.
Update the connection string in the web.config.
Update the portal alias' in the PortalAlias table.
If you don't have the rest of the site files, it may be very difficult. While the database will contain most of the site content, you may be missing some important pieces like skin files, module files, and content files.
So, the first thing you should do is see if you can get the files zipped up and sent to you. If so, it should be fairly easy to get the site up and running. You may have to update the ConnectionStrings in the web.config but otherwise it should run as it.
If you can't get the original files, you could try installing version 4.9.5 of DotNetNuke and replacing the supplied database with the database you were given. You'll need to post the error messages you get if it doesn't work out or consult someone with solid DotNetNuke experience.
