Use of the Negative mention class on WKS - ibm-watson

While developing a custom machine learning model for the extraction of information on CVs using WKS, we started to wonder if the usage of the negative mention class feature for anottation only has effect on the model if the mention has a relation indicated with another one, the question arises because one can change the mention class from specific (the default class asigned on a first annotation task) to negative without the need of creating a relation, but we don't know if this way of using the negative mention class is useful at all.
We already know that the ML model learns from positive and negative examples (leaving a mention without annotation) will the use of the negative mention class feature improve the performance of the model further? we ask this because, clearly we don't know how WKS works in detail under the hood.

as you know, below answer was posted in the Communities Forum.
Negative mention class can be used to annotate a mention of a lack of
something. For example, "there is no police presence in the region"
could have "police" annotated with entity type ORGANIZATION but
mention class NEG. Another option however is not to use NEG and
instead make one or more entity types for wording indicative of
negation, doubt, or anything else other than certainty, and a relation
type for connecting them to what they pertain to. So could have
no/NEGATION appliesTo police/ORGANIZATION or some such.


Can I use OWL API to enforce specific subject-predicate-object relationships?

I am working on a project using RDF data and I am thinking about implementing a data cleanup method which will run against an RDF triples dataset and flag triples which do not match a certain pattern, based on a custom ontology.
For example, I would like to enforce that class http://myontology/A must denote http://myontology/Busing the predicate http://myontology/denotes. Any instance of Class A which does not denote an instance of Class B should be flagged.
I am wondering if a tool such as the OWLReasoner from OWL-API would have the capability to accomplish something like this, if I designed a custom axiom for the Reasoner. I have reviewed the documentation here:
It seems to me that the methods available with the Reasoner might not be up for the purpose which I would like to use them for, but I'm wondering if anyone has experience using OWL-API for this purpose, or knows another tool which could do the trick.
Generally speaking, OWL reasoning is not well suited to finding information that's missing in the input and flagging it up: for example, if you create a class that asserts that an instance of A has exactly one denote relation to an instance of B, and have an instance of A that does not, under Open World assumption the reasoner will just assume that the missing statement is not available, not that you're in violation.
It would be possible to detect incorrect denote uses - if, instead of relating to an instance of B, the relation was to an instance of a class disjoint with B. But this seems a different use case than the one you're after.
You can implement code with the OWL API to do this check, but it likely wouldn't benefit from the ability to reason, and given that you're working at the RDF level I'd think an API like Apache Jena might actually work better for you (you won't need to worry if your input file is not OWL compliant, for example).

OWL existential restrictions and Necessary conditions

I'm creating an ontology using protege05 and I have a question in regard to property restrictions. What I've understood from the protege tutorial is that when we assign a property to a class using restrictions, it means that this property is necessary for defining that class.
for example, suppose i have classes "Orthodox Church" and "Sanctuary" and a property "hasPart and i want to say that "an Orthodox Church hasPart Sanctuary".
If I use existential restriction apparently it will mean that "having Sanctuary" is necessary for a building to be an Orthodox Church or if a building is an Orthodox Church it must ALWAYS have a Sanctuary.(but it's not always correct).
so my question is that how should insert this property without it being necessary for defining my class? in other words, how can i say that this property is SOMETIMES correct for my class but not ALWAYS?
You want to use Orthodox Church as domain for your property - so, when used, you will infer the building is a church. It won't stop you from creating churches without sanctuaries.
Without changing the domain, you could create a class with 'some hasPart Sanctuary' as a subclass of 'Orthodox Church' - a sufficient but not necessary condition.

What impact does using these facilities have on orthogonality?

I am reading The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master by Andrew Hunt, David Thomas. When I was reading about a term called orthogonality I was thinking that I am getting it right. I was understanding it very well. However, at the end of the chapter a few questions were asked to measure the level of understanding of the subject. While I was trying to answer those questions to myself I realized that I haven't understood it perfectly. So to clarify my understandings I am asking those questions here.
C++ supports multiple inheritance, and Java allows a class to
implement multiple interfaces. What impact does using these facilities
have on orthogonality? Is there a difference in impact between using multiple
inheritance and multiple interfaces?
There are actually three questions bundled up here: (1) What is the impact of supporting multiple inheritance on orthogonality? (2) What is the impact of implementing multiple interfaces on orthogonality? (3) What is the difference between the two sorts of impact?
Firstly, let us get to grips with orthogonality. In The Art of Unix Programming, Eric Raymond explains that "In a purely orthogonal design, operations do not have side effects; each action (whether it's an API call, a macro invocation, or a language operation) changes just one thing without affecting others. There is one and only one way to change each property of whatever system you are controlling."
So, now look at question (1). C++ supports multiple inheritance, so a class in C++ could inherit from two classes that have the same operation but with two different effects. This has the potential to be non-orthogonal, but C++ requires you to state explicitly which parent class has the feature to be invoked. This will limit the operation to only one effect, so orthogonality is maintained. See Multiple inheritance.
And question (2). Java does not allow multiple inheritance. A class can only derive from one base class. Interfaces are used to encode similarities which the classes of various types share, but do not necessarily constitute a class relationship. Java classes can implement multiple interfaces but there is only one class doing the implementation, so there should only be one effect when a method is invoked. Even if a class implements two interfaces which both have a method with the same name and signature, it will implement both methods simultaneously, so there should only be one effect. See Java interface.
And finally question (3). The difference is that C++ and Java maintain orthogonality by different mechanisms: C++ by demanding the the parent is explicitly specified, so there will be no ambiguity in the effect; and Java by implementing similar methods simultaneously so there is only one effect.
Irrespective of any number of interfaces/ classes you extend there will be only one implementation inside that class. Lets say your class is X.
Now orthogonality says - one change should affect only one module.
If you change your implementation of one interface in class X - will it affect other modules/classes using your class X ? Answer is no - because the other modules/classes are coding by interface not implementation.
Hence orthogonality is maintained.

Class between database and UI

I have a class that handles writing and reading data from my database. What is a proper name to call this class?
There are a couple of conventions. Assuming a Person model, you could use:
It is also dependent on the technology you are using. I mean, who knows what conventions exist for the language you are using. Let us know what language and what data access framework and the answer may vary.
I used to append "Dao" because it's short and clear. But then I moved over more to Martin Fowler's vocabulary and patterns, so now I use Repository. A little more long winded, but I'm long winded by nature, so it fits my style. In the end, that's the key. It's stylistic and there is no across the board standard that I'm aware of. What's most important is that you pick something that is clear and you use it consistently. If you decide, later on, to switch to something else, have mercy on any programmers that may follow you and rename everything so that all your data access components are consistently named.
Edit: in rereading this, I realized I am assuming you are going to have multiple such classes, one for each of your model entities. Who knows what your setup is. If you aren't going to do it like that, and you're just looking for a standard name for a single point of entry to all data access, you could use:
Typically, the assumption is that you are going to have several of these around, one for each of your "tables"/model entities. More than a naming convention, that is probably a standard coding convention. This way, when you change or add some aspect of how you interact with your "persons" table, you don't have to modify a class in which you have code to access the "addresses" table. Check out Martin Fowler's Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (PofEAA), for more
PofEAA catalog of patterns (check out Data Source Architectural Patterns
Domain Driven Design Quickly (free pdf) esp. Ch. 3
Depending on the entity this class represents it could be for example Person. Then you design a PersonViewModel which is passed to the GUI. So the Person you got from the database is mapped to a PersonViewModel which is passed to the UI layer for being shown under some form. The view model is just a representation of the domain model you fetched from the database and containing only the necessary information that you need to display on the given UI.

IsEnabled or Enabled?

Throughout Silverlight and WPF, properties that are boolean values are prefixed with Is (almost all), for example:
In all other Microsoft frameworks (winforms, BCL, ASP.NET) Is is not used. What prompted their team to move away from the original naming convention - is it an evolution or a miss-naming that had to stick?
Personally, I always try to prefix boolean values with something that adds a little more meaning (is, has, can, etc.). My usage comes from the following Microsoft guidelines:
Do name Boolean properties with an
affirmative phrase (CanSeek instead of
CantSeek). Optionally, you can also
prefix Boolean properties with Is,
Can, or Has, but only where it adds
MSDN - Names of Type Members
I don't believe this was always the case This wasn't always the case. Those practices date back to .NET 2.0. Before that, things were fair game. Cleaning up those names in newer versions of the Framework, however, would cause all kinds of headaches (hence some of the Framework code uses the convention and some doesn't).
It definitely makes things more readable though. Even using an example from your question. Which would you rather have?
// ambiguous naming, could mean many things
// definitely a true/false value
The Is prefix can give a hint about the fact that the property only has a get accessor, and, as Thomas and Rachel said, it's a bool. Skip the prefix if you intend to implement both get and set accessors and its type is other than bool.
The Is prefix is part of the official Microsoft Framework Design Guidelines (this does not mean that all MS products adhere to it...).
Personally, I find it useful, if consistently used. It immediately tells you that a Property is a Boolean. You might use it or not, the most important thing is to be consistent about it...
