React native bidirectional data flow? - reactjs

I worked with ReactJS and flux. They are to used to build web based applications. And flux is used to enhance the way to data flow providing bidirectional data flow.
I start learning react native and wants to know
─ Can I use flux into react-native ?
─ Is there any other libraries or framework available to use in react native. I came across Redux. Is that only option in react native ?
Please help me to clarify what to use in react native.

Yes, you can use Flux in your react native app, but Redux will fit anyway the 99,9% of your cases.
Redux is not the only option but is the most used in production so you'll find a lot of examples, not mentioning it is a Flux semplification so if you've worked with Flux maybe you'll get ready very early with Redux.
If persistency is not an issue with your app you can just rely on local state patterns.
React Native + Redux:
React Native + Flux:


Can I use React Redux in a mobile environment?

Can I use React Redux in a mobile environment? I am trying to distribute it over the web without using React Native
React Redux is device independent and just used for managing state for Javascript apps.
So as long as your "web app with redux" runs on a browser the type of device(tablet,phone,pc) doesn't matter.
Hope this clears your doubt.

Is Redux the same for React and React native?

I am currently studying RN by myself, without prior knowledge in React. A lot of things seem to exist in both such as Redux and hooks. Many of the resources I find refer to React in the title (e.g "Redux Crash Course With React").
My question is: where does the line cross between React and React Native? Would I be fine studyig form these resources that refer to React, or would that just confuse me?
I'm trying to understand a go to approach to understand which resource I'd be fine with and which would be irrelevant.
React Native contains React library to use it as front-end library.
Most of usages of React are the same for React-Native. And it is same for Redux too.
React-Native must have other libraries to build applications that can run on both of Android and iOS.
Also it has middleware libraries that allow us to use most of native libraries' functionalities. As an example you can check Alert directory out. It is used for to show native Android alert dialogs.
Good luck..
Both react and react native use javascript to create the user interface we need but the difference is in the rendering, style and bundling and you should know that react native is a framework itself but react.js is a library. the main difference:
---React-Native doesn’t use HTML to render the app, but provides alternative components that work in a similar way. Those React-Native components map the actual real native iOS or Android UI components that get rendered on the app.
---With React-Native, you’ll have to learn a completely new way to animate the different components of your app with Javascript.
--- navigating between pages are totally different!!!
so we conclude that it's better to study references based on RN not react.js . but some functionalities such as redux or hooks or a lot of it's components are exactly the same and you can study react.js references for them. only the 3 differents that i said above are important.

What is the better to manage state in React Native project on Expo?

I am creating React Native App for mobile on Expo.
When we try to make mobile Apps, we should usually manage state in this app.
However, I am using Expo. Of course, Expo is useful to start React Native App easily and quickly but sometimes Expo cannot accept modules.
So, in this case, I tried to use Realm to manage state but Expo can't follow this.
Could you teach me which way for state management is better in React Native on Expo?
There's a few ways to go about this, two of which I know and have used:
AsyncStorage: This is default with react-native and you won't need to install anything to use it, here's a few tutorials and documentation on it.
React-Redux: This is something I use a lot more, it utilises AsyncStorage but allows you to create a better storage flow and a system of persisting data so when you close the app and reopen it, the data will still be there. I've found React-Redux to be a lot easier once properly learned, here's a few documentations on it.
A quick google search on either (react native using react redux or react native using async storage) will give you quite a few documentations/tutorials that is quite useful and you always have Stackoverflow, if you're ever stuck.
there are multiple ways
redux (
mobx (
react context API (
for small apps, i prefered use react context and for an app with a large scale I using redux

React for web, react native for mobile app development

I am looking into hybrid development. After some googling, it points to me that there are some potential in investing some time learning React and React native. Dont ask me about Angular, hated Angular due to its complexity. My question is does learning React helps in developing mobile apps with React native?
React-native : This is Mobile Application Development(Hybrid mobile Apps)
React: This is Web Application Development.
Now in this Case those React and React-native Component life cycle Same.
but your using Some methods and components are Different then react to react-native. But mostly both are same. Except Components.
So , Finally if you are learned react and react native Definitely you will develop in this both.
But If you learned React you will Develop Only WebApps
Yes, when I started learning React Native, I had to get the concepts used in React. Basically you will take on React first, before proceeding into any offshoots. A solid foundation in the React style of programming will help a lot in React Native.
The following link is a good guideline. Read this for a start. And also the Facebook documentation for React. This may take some time, so if you have the time, you can proceed. Else try to cut it short when it comes to maybe webpack and stuff like that.
And then there are many tutorials in React Native. You can again start with the Facebook documentation for that.

React + React Native starter kit

I am going to develop a web + mobile application using React and React Native. I'd like to share as much code as possible between React and React Native. I was looking for some starter kits, but found only este. However, for me, it seems to be an overkill as it has too many dependencies (also I wasn't able to make it work for Android - when I fix some error, I run into another one).
I'd like to have just React + React Native + Redux + web bundling etc. Are there any other alternatives? Or at least very simple example apps that I could use?
Did you check the awesome React-native list ?
As I said in this thread, as long as you follow the component / container pattern with Redux; you are able to reuse a lot of code.
The pattern encourages you to separate every presentational code into the comopnent. The container holds all the logic.
Then when you want to reuse the code, you just have to rewrite the component.
Here is a great explanation on how to implement it.
Also, you may want to check React-native-web. It allows you to code in react-native for the .... browser.
Update: I now know why there aren't almost any starter kits that would combine React + React Native. The reason is that it is not a good idea to combine web React and React Native. Just create two separate apps, you'll save yourself a lot of headaches. For those still interested in combining the two platforms, have a look at React Native for Web instead.
So in the end, I've created my own started kit. You can find it here:
why do not you check out
pretty amazing react-native starter kit with codepush, google signin, sentry, react-navigations and all setup steps.
