Trouble Including Externally Declared Enumeration - C Code - c

Update: The issue is resolved. Here is code that compiles properly.
typedef enum OPCODE {ADD = 0x20,ADDI = 0x8,SUB = 0x22,MULT = 0x18,BEQ = 0x4,LW = 0x23,SW = 0x2B} opcode;
/*opcode is OPCODEs alias*/
typedef struct INSTRUCTION {
opcode op;
int rs;
int rt;
int rd;
int Imm;
} inst;
/*inst is INSTRUCTIONs alias*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include "instruction.h"
void parser(char *instruction)
/*Parse character string into instruction components*/
inst set1 = {LW,0,1,2,0};
int main()
char *instruction;
instruction = NULL;
/*pass in pointer for instruction being passed in*/
/*pointing to address of instruction being passed in*/
/*Parser return type is struct inst*/
I cannot seem to get my enumeration type "opcode" to be recognized in my main c file. I included the header file. I am fairly new to C, so haven't made much ground on the issue for some time now and wanted to see if anyone knew why I was getting the error messages below. My guess is the linking the header file is not working properly. Any help is much appreciated.
typedef enum {add = 32,addi = 8,sub = 34,mult = 24,beq = 4,lw = 35,sw = 43}opcode;
extern opcode oper;
typedef struct {
opcode op;
int rs;
int rt;
int rd;
int Imm;
#include <stdio.h>
#include "instruction.h"
void parser(char *inst)
/*Parse character string into instruction components*/
struct inst{lw,0,1,2,0};
int main()
char *instruction;
instruction = NULL;

struct inst{lw,0,1,2,0};
This looks like it's supposed to be a variable declaration, but I don't see a name for the variable. Try:
struct inst name_of_the_variable = {lw,0,1,2,0};
As a side note, enum values are global constants, so it's probably not a good idea to give them names like lw that can be confused for variables. Standard practice would be to use all-caps for the names and give them a prefix… say, OPCODE_ADD, OPCODE_LW, etc.

This is not a valid variable definition:
struct inst{lw,0,1,2,0};
There's no struct inst defined, only inst, there's no variable name, and you need = to use an initializer. To create a variable of this type an initialize it, you need:
inst myinst = {lw,0,1,2,0};
Also, your function has a parameter named inst which masks the type inst. You need to give it a different name:
void parser(char *instruction)


Read the value of pointer to pointer array of struct passed to a function

Recently I've started programming in a more professional way and currently I'm working on a C driver library that should look decent in code both functionally and esthetically so I've just started to use the consept of pointers more intensely and not very experienced with it in relation to how it works on code.
Basically I'm trying to read a values inside each of the struct with a for loop inside initFunt()
My solution to that was to create a struct pointer group for all the created btn_params_t instants and pass that pointer group to initFunc() and from init access each struct member with something like "Btn Pin in the first struct is: %d", BtnPointer[0]->BtnPin
Here's basically the code to explain it:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef struct btn_params_t
uint8_t BtnPin;
uint8_t BtnActiveState;
uint8_t BtnPinPullUp;
uint8_t BtnPinPullDown;
void (*PressedISR)();
void (*ReleasedISR)();
} btn_params_t;
void initFunc(btn_params_t **BtnPointer){
printf("Btn Pin in the first struct is: %d", BtnPointer[0]->BtnPin);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
btn_params_t Btn0Params = {
.BtnPin = 4,
.BtnActiveState = 0,
.BtnPinPullUp = 1,
.BtnPinPullDown = 0
btn_params_t Btn1Params = {.BtnPin = 32};
btn_params_t** BtnGroup = {&Btn0Params, &Btn1Params};
How'd you do such a thing?

use define to assign a struct member to another member of the same struct

typedef struct{
type_t member1;
type_t member2;
I want to assign member1 to member2. As this is a repeated operation I thought of putting the assignmet in a #define:
#define op (structType_t).member1=(structType_t).member2
However, this seems to be wrong how would the compiler know that it is the members of the same struct and I can't see a way of using it.
Any ideas?
I know I have other options such as macro or function but my question is this way possible?
Writing such macros is never a good idea. It is probably not possible to write something better and more readable than mystruct.member1 = mystruct.member2;.
If you want to encapsulate this for whatever reason, use a function:
void structTypeMemberCopy (structType_t* obj)
obj->member1 = obj->member2;
This is likely going to get inlined and replaced with the equivalent of mystruct.member1 = mystruct.member2; in the machine code.
And finally there is the bad idea macro, which can be made type safe:
#define structTypeCopy(obj) _Generic((obj), structType_t: (obj).member1 = (obj).member2)
structType_t mystruct = { ... };
You need to define the macro like this:
#define a(T1) T1.n1 = T1.n2
the macro a receive one parameter T1 and does the asignement.
Something like this:
#include <iostream>
#define a(T1) T1.n1 = T1.n2
typedef struct {
int n1;
int n2;
} estructure;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
estructure test;
test.n1 = 1;
test.n2 = 2;
std::cout << test.n1 << " " << test.n2 << std::endl;
return 0;

Static array initialization in C

Consider the following statements
typedef struct {
int member1;
int member2;
void ISR(void)
static Custom_t struct1[SOME_CONSTANT];
How can I initialize all member2 variable to a single value in C programming?
If I iniatilize the structure like the one shown below, then there is chance of somebody changing the "SOME_CONSTANT" in a header file and forgetting to update the list.
Another solution would be to give the structure a global scope for the current file. But the only function which uses the structure is the ISR().
void ISR(void)
static Custom_t struct1[SOME_CONSTANT] = {
{0, 3},
{0, 3},
Is there any method to solve this problem in C?
You can use Designated Initializers and do it in this way:
#include <stdio.h>
#define SOME_CONSTANT 30
typedef struct {
int member1;
int member2;
} Custom_t;
int main(void)
static Custom_t struct1[SOME_CONSTANT] =
[0 ... SOME_CONSTANT - 1].member2 = 30
printf("%d\n", struct1[25].member2);
printf("%d\n", struct1[19].member2);
printf("%d\n", struct1[0].member2);
return 0;
How about to add hard-coded compiling time checking against SOME_CONSTANT in the .c file (e.g. right before the initializer)?
#if SOME_CONSTANT != <some_hard_code_value>
#error "SOME_CONSTANT is not equal to <some_hard_code_value>"
The rational of this "hard-code" is whenever the SOME_CONSTANT is changed, the initializer need be updated, as well as the compiling time checking.
You don't need to specify the array size in advance, you can compute it later:
static Custom_t struct1[] = {
{0, 3},
{0, 3},
#define SOME_CONSTANT (sizeof struct1 /sizeof struct1[0])
or: use __LINE__ to compute the number of elements.
I've had to do something like this with projects with a configurable number of sensors :
typedef struct {
int member1;
int member2;
#define MAX_CUSTOM_T 4
Custom_t *new_Custom_t (int member1, int member2);
#include "custom_t.h"
static Custom_t g_Customt[MAX_CUSTOM_T];
static uint8 g_numCustom_t = 0;
Custom_t *new_Custom_t (int member1, int member2)
if ( g_numCustom_t < MAX_CUSTOM_T )
Custom_t *new_obj = &g_Customt[g_numCustom_t++];
new_obj->member1 = member1;
new_obj->member1 = member2;
return new_obj;
// throw exception?
// or go into while(1)?
// or software breakpoint if debug?
// or just...
return NULL;
#include "custom_t.h"
Custom_t *myCustom1;
Custom_t *myCustom2;
Custom_t *myCustom3;
myCustom1 = new_Custom_t (0,3);
myCustom2 = new_Custom_t (1,3);
myCustom3 = new_Custom_t (2,3);
// do stuff
It means if you want to create a new one, you may or may not need to update MAX_CUSTOM_T depending on its size already, but will just have to add a new line call to new_Custom_t(int,int). A Disadvantage though is it is slightly complex for what you might need, and if you ever want to add more members to initialize, you'll need to update the parameters passed into the new_ function to suit. This can be done instead with a sending a single separate structure for parameters rather than multiple parameters (a bit like MPLAB harmony).

Compiler Error in C: expected ')' before '*' token

As the title says, keep getting this error when trying to compile. From Googling this error people have said that it is not declared in the header file but my function is static and it is not in a header file, I prototyped it.`
#include <recGbl.h>
#include <devSup.h>
#include <devLib.h>
#include <drvIpac.h>
#include <dbScan.h>
#include <epicsExport.h>
static int cardinit(cardinfo *card); // <-- line that gives the error
typedef struct cardinfo{
struct cardinfo *next;
struct io_mem_read *pMem; /* IP register (A16) mem address */
word *rambase; /* RAM conversion memory mem address*/
int isconfigured;
int doram; /* 1 if we are using the RAM to output data.
0 if we are writing to registers (AO style) */
int cardnum;
int vmeslotnum;
int ipslotnum;
/* these values mirror the hardware registers */
word csr;
word offset;
word numconv;
word clockrate;
word vectnum;
word dacval[MAXSIGNAL];
word oldispresent;
/* used to detect a reinsertion of a carrier card.
see subroutine ispresent() below. */
/* use to update process variables */
IOSCANPVT ioscanpvt;
} cardinfo;
static int Hy8402init(int vmeslot, int ipslot, int clockrate) {
cardinfo *card;
card->vmeslotnum = vmeslot;
card->ipslotnum = ipslot;
card->cardnum = 1;
card->clockrate = clockrate;
card->vectnum = 10;
return TRUE;
static int cardinit(cardinfo *card){
word rprobe;
int res;
volatile word *ramptr;
card->pMem= ipmBaseAddr(card->vmeslotnum,
if (card->pMem==NULL){
printf("Error in %s",devstr);
printf( "%s: Cannot determine base address\n",devstr);
return FALSE;
res=devReadProbe(sizeof (word),(char *) card->pMem,(char *) &rprobe);
if (res!=OK){
printf("%s: NO DEVICE at %x (vmeslot %d, ipslot %d)\n",devstr,
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
cardinfo struct is still undefined on the line with error. Put a forward declaration before it:
struct cardinfo;
static int cardinit(struct cardinfo *card);
This line of code:
static int cardinit(cardinfo *card);
should be added after the definition of your cardinfo structure.
You need to put the line
static int cardinit(cardinfo *card);
after the definition of the cardinfo structure.
At that line, the compiler doesn't yet know that cardinfo is a struct. Precede it with the line struct cardinfo;
You have declared a function which has a input variable of a type which the compiler is not aware when it parses it. i.e the struct defintion follows your function declaration.
So please do a forward declaration of the structure when you want to compile such code.
In computer programming, a forward declaration is a declaration
of an identifier (denoting an entity such as a type, a variable, or a
function) for which the programmer has not yet given a complete definition.
This link has a nice article on when full declarations are not required.

Trouble with Unions in C program

I am working on a C program that uses a Union. The union definition is in FILE_A header file and looks like this...
// FILE_A.h****************************************************
xdata union
long position;
char bytes[4];
If I set the value of CurrentPosition.position in FILE_A.c and then call a function in FILE_B.c that uses the union, the data in the union is back to Zero. This is demonstrated below.
// FILE_A.c****************************************************
int main.c(void)
CurrentPosition.position = 12345;
// FILE_B.c****************************************************
void SomeFunctionInFileB(void)
// After the following lines execute I see all zeros in the flash memory.
Now, If I pass a long to SomeFunctionInFileB(long temp) and then store it into CurrentPosition.bytes within that function, and finally call WriteBytesToFlash(CurrentPosition.bytes[n]... it works just fine.
It appears as though the CurrentPosition Union is not global. So I tried changing the union definition in the header file to include the extern keyword like this...
extern xdata union
long position;
char bytes[4];
and then putting this in the source (.c) file...
xdata union
long position;
char bytes[4];
but this causes a compile error that says:
C:\SiLabs\Optec Programs\AgosRot\MotionControl.c:76: error 91: extern definition for 'CurrentPosition' mismatches with declaration.
C:\SiLabs\Optec Programs\AgosRot\/MotionControl.h:48: error 177: previously defined here
So what am I doing wrong? How do I make the union global?
Is FILE_A.h really MotionControl.h? If so I think the fix is to define a union type in the header:
union xdata
long position;
char bytes[4];
} xdata;
And declare a global variable of that type elsewhere in a header file (maybe the same one):
extern xdata CurrentPosition; // in a header file
Finally define the global variable in a C file exactly once. Maybe in file_a.c:
xdata CurrentPosition;
Of course a better fix might be to pass the xdata variable you want to write out to flash to SomeFunctionInFileB() so you don't have to depend on a global variable, which are well known to be problematic when not very, very carefully used. And there seems to be no good reason to not pass the data as a parameter:
// in a header file
void SomeFunctionInFileB( xdata const* pPosition);
void SomeFunctionInFileB( xdata const* pPosition)
// After the following lines execute I see all zeros in the flash memory.
And call it like so:
int main.c(void)
CurrentPosition.position = 12345;
SomeFunctionInFileB( &CurrentPosition);
Ideally you need a typedef for the union and an extern declaration in FILE_A.h and the actual definition of the union in FILE_A.c.
// FILE_A.h
typedef union
long position;
char bytes[4];
} Position;
extern Position CurrentPosition; // declaration
// FILE_A.c
#include "FILE_A.h"
Position CurrentPosition; // definition
int main(void)
CurrentPosition.position = 12345;
return 0;
// FILE_B.c
#include "FILE_A.h"
void SomeFunctionInFileB(void)
// now there will be valid data in the flash memory.
You haven't instantiated the union.
You need :
// FILE_A.c****************************************************
#include "File_a.h"
CurrentPosition cp;
int main(void)
cp.position = 12345;
// FILE_B.c****************************************************
#include "File_a.h"
extern CurrentPosition cp;
void SomeFunctionInFileB(void)
// now there will be valid data in the flash memory.
If sizeof(long) is not 4, then endianess comes into play...
long position
char bytes[sizeof long];
