Webpack react app proxying to express server. Returning the json response from the express server rather than react components - reactjs

I have a react web app that uses express as the back end.
I have it set up so that it proxies the request urls on the react server port (9000), to the express server (3000). Problem is, when I type in the path /examplepath, it returns the json that the express app returns, rather than returning the component that renders from getting that response from the backend. I am getting the express response and looking at it rather than react getting the express response and looking at it and then rendering and showing me that render.
When I click this button, it renders the correct page because it uses this code
componentDidMount() {
axios.post('/', qs.stringify(this.state))
.then(res => {
if (res.data === "session") {
this.setState({session: true})
It will render the page correctly using react
But if I visit the route directly it renders the json response from the express backend.
Like this
When I want it to render like the correcly rendered one using react
devServer: {
port: 9000,
open: true,
proxy: {
'/': 'http://localhost:3000'
THIS ^ is my webpack.config.js

Try adding historyApiFallback: true to your webpack.config.js file (not sure if the proxy will mess with it -- if so, use express cors middleware on the backend instead):
devServer: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 9000,
quiet: true,
historyApiFallback: true,
Also, a more common port setup is: React app on 3000 and API/server on 5000.
In addition, make sure you clearly separate your front and back end routes. Try keeping your back end routes to /api/someurl, and adding that to your proxy (and AJAX requests):
proxy: {
'/api/*': 'http://localhost:3000/api/'
Then, all front-end requests will be:
which will resolve to http://localhost:3000/api/someurl. This way, there's no chance of blending the front and back end routes.
Personally, I'd recommend cors over a proxy, because the proxy has been known to cause random connection issues.


React fetch not reaching warp (rust) server

I have a problem accessing my warp api from react, even though I have my vite proxy set up like so:
export default defineConfig({
server: {
proxy: {
'/api': {
target: 'http://localhost:3030/api/shop',
changeOrigin: false,
secure: false,
rewrite: path => path.replace('/api', ''),
plugins: [react()],
The warp api is set to allow any origins:
let cors = warp::cors()
.allow_methods(vec!["GET", "POST", "PATCH", "OPTIONS", "DELETE"]);
warp::path!("api" / "shop" / "available")
.map(|| {
//Leftout logic...
let json = json!({"available": available});
If I call my endpoints directly in browser ('http://localhost:3030/api/shop/available*) I get the desired output from my warp api but in case of calling the fetch from react I only get a 500 error cors problem and the warp endpoint is not even reached.
My rust server is a rewrite of an express server written in typescript, for the purpose of bettering my rust understanding. The previous express server didn't use any cors plugins and sends the exact same response.
Does anyone maybe know a solution? or anyone used react with vite & warp before?
Just turned on logging for my warp api and it seems like the endpoint is never even reached from the fetch call.
I ot it to work after dockerizing the whole thing and changing te proxy from localhost to the container name.

webpack-dev-server - Remove URI fragment from URL when live reloading

I'm dealing with an Angular 1 application that uses URI fragments for routing purposes.
For example:
Rather than:
When I'm using Webpack Dev Server to launch a local server with hot reloading, every time I apply some changes, Webpack reloads the URL but keeping the "/#/route" part.
Unfortunately, due to some code restrictions, I need to always reload the page from "/" because some redirections are applied internally when the app launches the first time and the app will crash if you try to start directly from any URI fragment.
I tried to use the "proxy" and "historyApiFallback" configurations in webpack.config.js like:
devServer: {
proxy: {
'/#': {
target: 'http://localhost:3000',
pathRewrite: { '^/#': '' }
devServer: {
historyApiFallback: {
verbose: true,
rewrites: [{ from: /^\/#/, to: '/' }]
But so far, I didn't have any luck. The URL keeps the hash when reloading.
Any suggestions or ideas to configure Webpack Dev Server to always start from "/" and remove the hash URI?

How to proxy request in Docusaurus v2?

I'm trying to config my Docusaurus web app to proxy the request to my api endpoint. For example, if I make a fetch request in my app fetch(/api/test), it will proxy the request from localhost:3000/api/test to my {{api_endpoint}}/api/test, but I'm still struggling to do it.
What I've done:
add a proxy field in package.json
create a setupProxy.js in the src folder
These 2 are based on the Proxying API Requests in Development
Another approach way is I created a custom webpack plugin and add it to the Docusaurus config
Does anyone have experience on this problem ? Thanks for reading, I really appreciate your help.
I went down the exact same path. Ultimately Docusaurus runs its Webpack dev server under the hood which is why the proxy field and setupProxy.js were not working as expected. I was able to get the outside API call by proxy and solved CORS errors by creating a Docusaurs plugin like you are attempting. Adding the "mergeStrategy" and "changeOrigin" were the keys to getting it all working.
// plugins/webpack/index.js
module.exports = function (context, options) {
return {
name: "cusotm-webpack-plugin",
configureWebpack(config, isServer, utils) {
return {
mergeStrategy: { "devServer.proxy": "replace" },
devServer: {
proxy: {
target: "https://YOUR_COOL_API/",
secure: false,
changeOrigin: true,
logLevel: "debug",

My react app and express server are on different ports

I am running my react app on port 3000 and express on 3001.
error: Access to fetch at 'http://localhost:3001/api' from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.
//react code
//this function gets called when a button get pressed
post = () => {
const client_data = {info: this.state.input};
const options = {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json
body: JSON.stringify(client_data)
fetch("http://localhost:3001/api", options);
Server is pretty simple
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.post('api', (request, response)=>{console.log(request})
(when I add "app.listen(3000)" react stops working)
You have to proxy your requests from react to express. The best way is to let it do your WebPack devServer, having this configuration:
(I assume, your express server is on 3000 and your React app on 3001)
devServer: {
proxy: {
'/api': {
target: '',
This says, that whichever request to path /api will be redirected to port 3001. Then you fetch to
fetch("/api", options);
Client automatically requests localhost:3001 (port on which the application is running), but the proxy redirects to 3000.
Brief explanation:
When developing react app, react creates a live developing enviroment that runs on -p 3000. However, if I spin up a node backend on -p 3000, the ports collide and the live enviroment crashes.
Spin the node backend on a different port (4000)
and make a proxy in the live app
app.listen(4000, () => console.log("server is up on -p 4000")
In the react app package.json file insert this key/value:
"proxy": "http://localhost:4000",

Webpack dev server proxy router option doesn't work

I'm setting up an application using the Vue CLI. I've come to configuring the proxy of the webpack-dev-server to proxy requests to a certain endpoint. Which endpoint to proxy to differs based on certain request parameters.
According to the http-proxy documentation, I should be able to do this using the router option (instead of the target property, but the target property is required by webpack-dev-server). Here's a minimal version of my proxy configuration:
devServer: {
port: 8080,
host: 'localhost',
proxy: {
'/api': {
target: 'http://localhost:8000',
router: function (req) {
console.log('Proxy router', req.hostname);
return 'http://localhost:7000';
What I'd expect to happen here is that any requests made to http://localhost:8080/api would be proxied to http://localhost:7000. What actually happens is that it tries to proxy the requests to the endpoint configured in the target option.
To illustrate this, this is the console output:
Proxy router localhost
Proxy error: Could not proxy request /api/test from localhost:8080 to http://localhost:8000/.
See https://nodejs.org/api/errors.html#errors_common_system_errors for more information (ECONNREFUSED).
It executes the router function (as seen by the console log output above), but it seems to just ignore the result and proxy to the target endpoint anyway. According to the http-proxy docs, the target option isn't required when using the router option, so I would have removed it if I could, but webpack-dev-server itself requires the target option to be set and be a valid URI.
How can I get the proxy to use the router function in webpack-dev-server?
This appears to be a problem with the underlying http-proxy-middleware. Although that configuration does successfully proxy the request to /api to http://localhost:7000, if the proxied request fails the original target is logged:
const target = (this.proxyOptions.target as any).host || this.proxyOptions.target;
const errorMessage =
'[HPM] Error occurred while trying to proxy request %s from %s to %s (%s) (%s)';
If you turn up the log level, you can see that it is using the desired target:
'/api': {
target: 'http://localhost:8000',
router: function () {
return 'http://localhost:7000';
logLevel: 'debug',
[HPM] Router new target: http://localhost:8000 -> "http://localhost:7000"
[HPM] GET /api => http://localhost:7000
[HPM] Error occurred while trying to proxy request /api from localhost:8080 to http://localhost:8000 (ECONNREFUSED) (https://nodejs.org/api/errors.html#errors_common_system_errors)
It looks like this was fixed in v1.1.2.
