apollo-client used to make multiple requests to make a real-time search - reactjs

We're developing a search engine inside an app with Apollo and we do not know exactly how to develop a real-time search engine that makes a request to the server on every keyboard press.
On the documentation it says that we must use the new <Query /> component, but I see that this case mostly fits with firing a manual query: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/essentials/queries.html#manual-query
I don't know if I'm correct, or maybe we should use it in another way.

As it is said at a link you shared, if you wanted to delay firing your query until the user performs an action (your case), such as clicking on a button, you want to use an ApolloConsumer component and directly call client.query() instead.
Query component can't be used in this situation because when React mounts a Query component, Apollo Client automatically fires off your query during rendering.

With Apollo Client V2.6, it is now possible to make a Query to the server manually using a hook. The hook that you want is useLazyQuery.
You'd have something like this;
const [onSearch, { called, loading, data }] = useLazyQuery(
{ variables: { searchText: state.searchText } }
Then you can call the onSearch function whenever your text changes inside a useEffect like below.
useEffect(() => {
}, [state.searchText])
Note that you might want to dounce your onSearch function such that you don't hammer your server on every key stroke.


Minimizing API calls using GraphQL and React

I’ve written an API in GraphQL (Apollo Server), and a separate application in React (Utilizing Apollo Client). The app itself is really straight forward and doesn't require many calls to the API at all, and because of GraphQL, I can get all of the data a user needs in 2 calls and the only time I need to refetch the data is after a mutation.
I have a signin and a signup mutation, then two more mutations for creating an updating the main object a user interacts with.
I'm fairly familiar with React and GraphQL, but I feel like there has to be a way to make one 'larger' call after the signin/signup mutation that fetches all the data user a needs, rather than making a call to each level of nesting based on the loading of a particular component.
Ideally, I could utilize a query similar to
query GetUser {
user {
shirts {
design {
So.. I could return all of this information in the SignIn / SignUp mutations but then after the UpdateShirt mutation, I don't have a (named) query that I can force to refetch. So then I leaned towards just creating a GetUser query that I could refetch but I don't know where to call it from.. it isn't specific to a component necessarily, more to a status of authentication.
What is the most efficient way to query my API for this information? Ignoring the ability to make nested queries and make the components ask for it seems silly.
I think, this is what you are lookin for?
After calling the mutation, this way, you can re-fetch your queries.
// Refetches two queries after mutation completes
const [addTodo, { data, loading, error }] = useMutation(ADD_TODO, {
refetchQueries: [
{query: GET_POST}, // DocumentNode object parsed with gql
'GetComments' // Query name
However, if you want one request then that means what you are lookin for is Batching.
You can batch multiple queries, something like:
const { data } = useQuery(gql`
query ShameelQuery {
You can find more details in their official docs:

How to pass an argument in a React Query?

I need to pass a couple of arguments in a react query one of which needs to decided by the user action
Here is how the query looks so far:
const { refetch: likeDislikeProfile } = useQuery(
() => like_dislike_profile_q(data.userid, <BOOLEAN_ARG>), // 👈
{ enabled: false }
Whenever the clicks on a like/dislike button, the argument will be true/false respectively.
This is further used as a query param in the request : action?like=false
How do I achieve this?
My approach
create a local state that changes on button click
create a side effect (useEffect) method which is triggered when this state changes
which will further trigger this react query
This approach seems bad, can't think of anything else atm
Looks like your HTTP request is changing data in the backend, that's the use case for mutations.
From the official docs
A query is a declarative dependency on an asynchronous source of data that is tied to a unique key. A query can be used with any Promise based method (including GET and POST methods) to fetch data from a server. If your method modifies data on the server, we recommend using Mutations instead.
For your use case it should be something like this
const updateLike = useMutation((id, bool) => like_dislike_profile_q(id, bool))
// invoke the mutation at any point like this
updateLike.mutate('my-id', true)
Read more about mutations on Tkdodo's blog post on mutations

How to perform a server side data fetching with React Hooks

We just start moving into React Hooks from the React life-cycle and one of the things that we noticed, is that there's no straightforward way to run something similar to ComponentWillMount for loading data before sending the rendered page to the user (since useEffect is not running on SSR).
Is there any easy way supported by React to do so?
I had the same problem. I've managed to solve it with a custom hook and by rendering application twice on the server-side. The whole process looks like this:
during the first render, collect all effects to the global context,
after first render wait for all effects to resolve,
render the application for the second time with all data.
I wrote an article with examples describing this approach.
This is a direct link to the example form article on CodeSandbox.
Also, I have published an NPM package that simplifies this process - useSSE on GitHub.
This is a little tricky but one way around is to do the fetch directly in the component as in
function LifeCycle(props){
console.log("perform the fetch here as in componentwillmount")
const [number, setNumber] = useState(0)
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
}, []);

How to make the UI respond to subscriptions in Apollo

I'm using react-apollo as a client to communicate with a GraphQL server that I created. I managed to successfully get subscriptions working with the data.subscribeToMore() function as detailed in the Apollo documentation and the up-to-date data shows up when I run my web application inside of two windows. What I'm trying to do is make it so that an notification alert gets displayed when another client changes data that I'm currently looking at so that I can tell that something changed in case I wasn't paying attention? What would be the correct way of doing this?
update method?
updateQueries method?
The dataFromObjectId and refetchQueries fields did not seem relevant for what I was trying to do. Since I'm using redux, is there a way I could dispatch actions directly from my subscription? Would notification alerts be something that I have to use client.subscribe() with?
Assuming you're using the latest version of Apollo, you should be handing the component a prop named "updateQuery" that contains logic for handling the data.
This section goes over what you need to do, but essentially your "updateQuery" function should do the following:
Take in an object of structure argumentName.data which contains the new information.
Adds the new object to the results by creating a new object.
Returns the new results object.
so it might look something like this:
(prev, { subscriptionData }) => {
if (!subscription.data) {
//If no new data, return old results
return prev;
var newResults = Object.assign(
queryName: { [subscriptionData.data, ...prev[queryName]] }
return newResults;

Correct way to share one query result throughout the app

Let's say at the top of the app, we retrieve some basic information about the app or user before rendering the rest of the application:
const getUser = gql`
query getUser(id: Int!) {
user(id: $id) {
function App({ data }) {
return (
{!data.loading && !data.error && (
// the application
export default graphql(getUser, {
options: (props) => ({ variables: { id: props.id }})
Now anywhere in the application, it is safe to assume that the user has been loaded and is stored. What is the proper way for another deeply nested component to the retrieve the user data without having to redo the querying and loading logic?
This is the very basic use of a store-based library like Redux. This is not the purpose to guide every step of the way here but you are looking for a single source of truth as described here: http://redux.js.org/docs/introduction/ThreePrinciples.html
In short:
Receiving getUser response should trigger a 'LOGGED_IN' action dispatching user Data, this would be catched by a reducer updating the user object in your store (as much nested as you want), a container would then connect to this user in the store and have all its data using connect()
As of now, I'm not certain there is a proper way, but these are the options I think are reasonable
Manually pass down data via props
Wrap your deeply nested component with the same query
Manual pass down ensures your components rerender correctly, but it can be a pain to refactor. Wrapping your nested component would just hit the cache. Yes, you probably need to redo the loading logic, but that's not a show stopper.
My advice is to manually pass down props for shallow nested components and rewrap deeply nested components. Unfortunately, react-apollo doesn't provide a convenient way to access the apollo-store for nested components the same way that redux's connect container does.
