How to modify an existing div element in html by react? - reactjs

Is it possible to use react to show and hide an existing div element by id?
For example, I want use react to have this <div id="example">this is example</div> show and hide by button click and this element is not created by react.

First you need to understand React's philosophy. I strongly suggest you read the official React tutorial:
In this case you would like to appear and disappear a div, this can be accomplished by changing internal state of a React Component. Then you need to create a function that is bound to the context of the instance of the Component.
For example:
class Example extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
open: true,
toggle() {
const { open } = this.state;
open: !open,
render() {
const { open } = this.state;
return (
<button onClick={this.toggle.bind(this)}>{open ? 'Hide' : 'Show'}</button>
{open && <div id="example"><h1>this is example</h1></div>}
Here's a codepen:


How to close a dialog box automatically when opening a different one in React

I am making a react app that has a navbar as pictured above. The navbar is a component called "TopButtonsBar". Rendered inside this TopButtonsBar component are a component for every button picture above. These components from left to right are InfoButton, NotificationsButton, and so on. Each of the button components manage their own state which dictates whether a dialog box of a given button should be shown or not. Here is what the buttons component look like individually, using the InfoButton component as an example.
export default class InfoButton extends React.Component{
this.state = {
this.handleOpenDialogue = this.handleOpenDialogue.bind(this);
this.handleHoverOver = this.handleHoverOver.bind(this);
**handleOpenDialogue = (e) => {
this.setState((prevState) => ({
handleHoverOver = (e) => {
this.setState((prevState) => ({
<div className="navbar-button">
src={this.state.isHoveringOver?infoButtonHovered:infoButtonNotHovered} alt="Info"
{this.state.isHoveringOver && !this.state.isDialogueOpen && <InfoRollover />}
**{this.state.isDialogueOpen && <InfoDialogue />}**
The important bits are * enclosed by asterisks *. This logic works fine on a buttons individual level. What I am trying to do is the following: If, as picture above, the message notifications button is selected, if I click on the on the info button, I would like the message notifications button to close, simultaneously as the info button opens. However I have been unsuccessful in conceptualizing how I should re-configure the state. Should the TopButtonsBar component hold the information on the state if any of the buttons are closed? If so, how would I go about re-approaching how the buttons open (and if an individual button component should control that state or not). Also, I am not using any state manager such as Redux, Hooks, etc.
One way to solve this is to have the flags (as in isDialogueOpen) for all the child components (InfoButton, NotificationButton and so on) in the parent component's state (TopButtonsBar).
I would start off with adding a few constants identifying each dialogue boxes. After that, we can declare a state, which would point to the diaogue box which is open.
Just follow along the comments in the code below to understand better.
// adding some constants here
export default class TopButtonsBar extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
// adding this state to point out which dialogue is open
selectedDialogue: null
handleOpenDialogue = (e, selectedDialogue) => {
if (selectedDialogue === this.state.selectedDialogue) {
// close dialogue if already open
this.setState({selectedDialogue: null});
} else {
// else open this dialogue
render() {
return (
isDialogueOpen={this.state.selectedDialogue === INFO_BUTTON}
handleOpenDialogue={(e) => handleOpenDialogue(e, INFO_BUTTON)}
isDialogueOpen={this.state.selectedDialogue === NOTIFICATION_BUTTON}
handleOpenDialogue={(e) => handleOpenDialogue(e, NOTIFICATION_BUTTON)}
Now that we are passing the state and its handling function from the TopButtonsBar component as props, we can call them directly in InfoButton and NotificationButton, without any related local states required.
export default class InfoButton extends React.Component{
this.state = {
// removing the state from here
this.handleHoverOver = this.handleHoverOver.bind(this);
// removing the handleOpenDialogue function here
<div className="navbar-button">
// calling handleOpenDialogue from props
// using isDialogueOpen from props now
{this.state.isHoveringOver && !this.props.isDialogueOpen && <InfoRollover />}
{this.props.isDialogueOpen && <InfoDialogue />}

Changing state in React JS is not re-rendering parent

My react app is a multi-page form. It goes to next page after clicking 'Next'. Currently I have some text that should have a css class when current page is page 1, and when user goes to next page, the css class should be removed for that text (the text is still displayed for all pages).
My actual code is much larger so I'm only posting all the important parts(I think) that are required for this questions.
import ChildComponent from '....';
class Parent extends React.Component {
state = {
page: 1, //default start page
currentPageis1: true,
currentPageis2: false,
currentPageis3: false,
change = () => {
const = {page, currentPageis1} = this.state;
page: page + 1 //to go to next page
currentPageis1: !currentPageis1
showPage = () =>{
const {page, currentPageis1} = this.state;
if(page === 1)
return (<ChildComponent
return (
<p className={this.currentPageis1 ? '': 'some-css-class'}>Some Text</p>
class ChildComponent extends React.Component {
someFunction = e =>{
return (
<Button onClick={this.someFunction}>Next</Button>
Currently, when I click Next button, the currentPageis1 updates to false. I checked it using Firefox React extension. But it does not re-render the page. Which means "Some Text" still has the CSS class.
My guess is className={this.currentPageis1 ? '': 'css-class'} in Parent class is only being run once (when the page is first loaded). Do I have to use lifecycle method? How do I make react re-render everytime currentPageis1 is changed?
You are doing <p className={this.currentPageis1 ? '': 'some-css-class'}>Some Text</p>. In order to apply styles to only page 1, you should revert the values in your condition. When currentPageis1 is false '' value is picked up.
Also this.currentPageis1 is wrong. You should use state i.e. this.state.currentPageis1
Working demo
Like this
<p className={this.state.currentPageis1 ? "some-css-class" : ""}>
Some Text
To get your style to render, you'll need to add the props keyword.
Return Child component inside of Parent and pass the change method as
a prop
Also, updated your setState so you only call it once instead of twice
in the change method
class Parent extends React.Component {
state = {
page: 1, //default start page
currentPageis1: true,
currentPageis2: false,
currentPageis3: false,
change = () => {
const = {page, currentPageis1} = this.state;
page: page + 1,
currentPageis1: !currentPageis1
return (
<p className={this.props.currentPageis1 ? '': 'some-css-class'}>Some Text</p>
<Child change={this.change} />

How to handle multiple material-UI Popovers [React.js]?

My app has multiple Popover components, I know how to handle the state of one Popover component, using something like this:
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { pop_open: false };
handleProfileDropDown(e) {
pop_open: !this.state.pop_open,
anchorEl: e.currentTarget,
handleRequestClose() {
pop_open: false,
render() {
return (
<button type="submit" onClick={this.handleProfileDropDown.bind(this)} >My Customized PopOver</button>
But for more than one Popover, I do not know how to do that, should I create a state for each Popover? Sorry for the question but I am new to the frontend world.
note: kindly do not use hooks in your answer.
An internal state is a good option when only the Component is going to modify it. It keeps the logic simple and inside the same block of code. On the other hand managing the state from outside of the Component lets other components read its values and modify them. This is a common approach when using Redux or Context, where there is a global app state. This state is meant for properties that several Components need to read/write to.
Which to use when is a design decision and depends on each situation. In my opinion each Component should handle its own state when possible. For example, when values are only going to be modified by it, or a children Component. Having an external state makes sense when multiple Components are going to read or modify it, or when the state values need to be passed several levels deep in the hierarchy.
In the example you propose I can see that the Popover is working with an internal state. This can work and you can use the Component several times and it will carry all the logic inside. If you rename the Components you can see more easily what I mean. I dont know exactly how the Component with the button works but this is to make the explanation clear:
class Popover extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { is_open: false };
open = () => {
is_open: true
close = () => {
is_open: false
toggle = () => {
this.setState(prevState => ({
is_open: !prevState.is_open
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.toggle}>
{this.state.is_open && <PopoverContent />}
If you need further explanation or something is not clear, let me know.

Tabs only mount Tab content on the first time it becomes active

I would like to load the tab content only on the first time it becomes active, after that the content stays in the DOM
This is what I have
<Tabs defaultActiveKey={1} animation={false} id="my-tabs" mountOnEnter unmountOnExit>
<Tab eventKey={1}>
<Tab eventKey={2}>
it works fine, but there is a lag between switching tabs, since the content I have is quite large and I would like to render it only once, on the first time the tab becomes active.
Is there a way to achieve that? I'm using react-bootstrap 0.30.10
apparently mountOnEnter must be used with animation, otherwise it will not work as intended. I made the change and it works fine now
Old answer:
so I have come up with this wrapping component as follow
class TabsLazyLoad extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = this.getInitialState();
this.handleSelect = this.handleSelect.bind(this);
getInitialState() {
return {
key: this.props.key || this.props.defaultActiveKey,
rendered: [],
addRenderedTab(key) {
const newState = _.cloneDeep(this.state);
handleSelect(key) {
this.setState({ key });
render() {
return (
<Tabs activeKey={this.state.key} onSelect={this.handleSelect} {...this.props}>
{, (tabComponent) => {
if (_.includes(this.state.rendered, tabComponent.props.eventKey)) {
return tabComponent;
if (tabComponent.props.eventKey === this.state.key) {
// if it's not rendered, return an empty tab
const emptyTab = _.cloneDeep(tabComponent);
emptyTab.props.children = null;
return emptyTab;
TabsLazyLoad.propTypes = Tabs.propTypes;
It seems to be working fine, but I reckon this is a bit hacky, but it's the best I can come up with for now.
It sounds like a good use case for the "Avoid Reconciliation" option that React provides.
Here's a link to the relevant section in the documentation.
Essentially, there's a lifecycle event called shouldComponentUpdate that defaults to true. When you change it to false, it tells React not to run the component through the standard Reconciliation process (i.e. the "diff" checks).
Like with any lifecycle method, you can create a conditional statement for it.
For a component that should be made completely static after its first render, this is really all you need:
class YourComponent extends React.Component {
shouldComponentUpdate() {
return false;
However, for a more general use case, you'd want to write a conditional statement based on the props and/or the state of the component:
class YourComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
// Your state
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
// A conditional statement to determine whether
// this component should check for updates or not
render () {
return (
{/* Your JSX*/}
I don't use React Boostrap but I guess it's based on the Component design,
example, the rendered content used TabIndex state. Take a closer look at this sample code:
renderActiveTabContent() {
const { children } = this.props
const { activeTabIndex } = this.state
if (children[activeTabIndex]) {
return children[activeTabIndex].props.children
So the content component render every time Tab state is indexed.
You could use for your solution other wise take a look of those codes to write a simple one, the Component is rendered once and show/hide state via display: style attribute.
Hope it's help.

React onClick doesn't stop browser from setting anchor tag

I'm a React newbie and ran into a problem with paging controls using link tags. My basic paging control renders as something like this:
The JSX definition that renders it looks like this:
<a href={"#page"+(this.props.pageIndex+1)} onClick={this.handleClick}>
The problem is that when you click on the Next link to go to Page 2, the browser ends up showing #page3 in the URL bar, even though the code properly renders page 2. (The code does nothing to modify the URL.) Tracing following the JavaScript in the debugger, I see that window.location.href stays at #page1, then jumps to #page3.
I believe what is happening is that React is intercepting the click event, and re-renders the page properly, then the browser's default link handling fires after the Next link has changed to point to #page3 instead of #page2.
Is my analysis correct? If so, what is the proper way to make this work so the browser shows #page2 in the URL bar?
EDIT: Here is the simplified code in context:
class RecordList extends React.Component {
changePage(pageIndex) {
console.log("change page selected: "+pageIndex);
return false;
render() {
nextLink = (<PagingLink name=" Next> "pageIndex={this.props.pageIndex+1} handleClick={() =>
return (
<div className="paging-control">
<span>Page {this.props.pageIndex+1}</span>
class PagingLink extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
handleClick() {
render() {
return (
<span className="pageLink">
<a href={"#page"+(this.props.pageIndex+1)} onClick={this.handleClick}>
class App extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
pageSize: 20,
pageIndex: 0,
componentDidMount() {
var pageIndex = this.state.pageIndex;
if (window.location.hash.indexOf("#page") === 0) {
pageIndex = Number(window.location.hash.substring(5))-1;
this.setState((prevState) => {
return { pageIndex: pageIndex };
}, () => {
else {
fetchRecords(pageIndex) {
changePage(pageIndex) {
console.log("change page selected: "+pageIndex);
this.setState({pageIndex: pageIndex});
render() {
var content = (
changePage={(pageIndex) => this.changePage(pageIndex)}
return (
<div className="App">
prevent the default event on the anchor :
handleClick(event) {
I could not get this working reliably with my own event handling and url rewriting, so I decided to simply rebuild it using React Router V4. When the going gets tough, it's always a good idea to not reinvent the wheel and let somebody else do the hard work for you.
