Firestore: Running Complex Update Queries With Multiple Retrievals (ReactJS) - reactjs

I have a grid of data whose endpoints are displayed from data stored in my firestore database. So for instance an outline could be as follows:
| Spent total: $150 |
| Item 1: $80 |
| Item 2: $70 |
So the value for all of these costs (70,80 and 150) is stored in my firestore database with the sub items being a separate collection from my total spent. Now, I wannt to be able to update the price of item 2 to say $90 which will then update Item 2's value in firestore, but I want this to then run a check against the table so that the "spent total" is also updated to say "$170". What would be the best way to accomplish something like this?
Especially if I were to add multiple rows and columns that all are dependent on one another, what is the best way to update one part of my grid so that afterwords all of the data endpoints on the grid are updated correctly? Should I be using cloud functions somehow?
Additionally, I am creating a ReactJS app and previously in the app I just had my grid endpoints stored in my Redux store state so that I could run complex methods that checked each row and column and did some math to update each endpoint correctly, but what is the best way to do this now that I have migrated my data to firestore?
Edit:here are some pictures of how I am trying to set up my firestore layout currently:

You might want to back up a little and get a better understanding of the type of database that Firestore is. It's NoSQL, so things like rows and columns and tables don't exist.
Try this video:
and this one:
But yes, you could use a cloud function to update a value for you, or you could make the new Spent total calculation within your app logic and when you write the new value for Item 2, also write the new value for Spent total.
But mostly, you need to understand how firestore stores your data and how it charges you to retrieve it. You are mostly charged for each read/write request, with much less concern for the actual amount of data you have stored overall. So it will probably be better to NOT keep these values in separate collections if you are always going to be utilizing them at the same time.
For example:
Collection(transactions) => Document(transaction133453) {item1: $80, item2: $70, spentTotal: $150}
and then if you needed to update that transaction, you would just update the values for that document all at once and it would only count as 1 write operation. You could store the transactions collection as a subcollection of a customer document, or simply as its own collection. But the bottom line is most of the best practices you would rely on for a SQL database with tables, columns, and rows are 100% irrelevant for a Firestore (NoSQL) database, so you must have a full understanding of what that means before you start to plan the structure of your database.
I hope this helps!! Happy YouTubing...
Edit in response to comment:
The way I like to think about it is how am I going to use the data as opposed to what is the most logical way to organize the data. I'm not sure I understand the context of your example data, but if I were maybe tracking budgets for projects or something, I might use something like the screenshots I pasted below.
Since I am likely going to have a pretty limited number of team members for each budget, that can be stored in an array within the document, along with ALL of the fields specific to that budget - basically anything that I might like to show in a screen that displays budget details, for instance. Because when you make a query to populate the data for that screen, if everything you need is all in one document, then you only have to make one request! But if you kept your "headers" in one doc and then your "data" in another doc, now you have to make 2 requests just to populate 1 screen.
Then maybe on that screen, I have a link to "View Related Transactions", if the user clicks on that, you would then call a query to your collection of transactions. Something like transactions is best stored in a collection, because you probably don't know if you are going to have 5 transactions or 500. If you wanted to show how many total transactions you had on your budget details page, you might consider adding a field in your budget doc for "totalTransactions: (number)". Then each time a user added a transaction, you would write the transaction details to the appropriate transactions collection, and also increase the totalTransactions field by 1 - this would be 2 writes to your db. Firestore is built around the concept that users are likely reading data way more frequently than writing data. So make two writes when you update your transactions, but only have to read one doc every time you look at your budget and want to know how many transactions have taken place.
Same for something like chats. But you would only make chats a subcollection of the budget document if you wanted to only ever show chats for one budget at a time. If you wanted all your chats to be taking place in one screen to talk about all budgets, you would likely want to make your chats collection at the root level.
As for getting your data from the document, it's basically a JSON object so (may vary slightly depending on what kind of app you are working in),
a nested array is referred to by:
a nested object:
And then a subcollection is
FirebaseExample budget doc
FirebaseExample remainder of budget doc
FirebaseExample team chats collection
FirebaseExample transactions collection


Firestore: handling concurrency with booking app

I've currently got a bookings and a bookable collection. Each document in bookings holds a date range (check-out and check-in) and an array of references to bookable documents.
I'm a bit stumped at how to guarantee two overlapping bookings for the same bookables aren't written at the same time. From what I understand I can't technically lock a collection via something like a transaction, so I'm wondering what my options are (perhaps restructuring how I'm storing data, etc).
Any pointers or advice would be much appreciated.
Say User A wants to make a booking for the same two items as User B does and for the same time range. They both load the booking UI at around the same time and confirm their selection.
Prior to creating a new document inside the bookings collection for each of their requests, the app would perform a get query to check for any overlaps and if none exist insert the new booking documents. That fraction of time between the app's check for overlaps across the booking collection and the creation of new documents is what seems to open up a window for inconsistencies (e.g. potentially allowing two documents with overlapping time ranges and items to be created).
Could a transaction help prevent a new document being written to a collection based the existance of other documents in that collection that fit a specific criteria?
To prevent users from accidentally overwriting each other's data, you'll want to use a transaction.
To prevent users from intentionally overwriting each other's data, you'll want to use security rules. Key to this is to use the information that you want to be unique as the ID of the documents.
So say you identify time slots by the date and start time, you could have a document ID "20210420T0900". If a user is trying to write to that document when it already exists, you can reject that write in the security rules of your database.
I am facing the exact same problem, and here is my best option at the moment....
I need a collection of all booking (bookingscollection), regardless of date, time, resource booked etc. This collection is usabale in many parts of my UI, as I list upcoming bookingss etc.
I need to avoid writes being made to this collection, where there is an overlap.
I am considering adding an additional collection, where each document descibes the bookings for a specific resource on a specific day (lockcollection). It could be a doc, with the resource id, the date it covers and an array of start,stop times of booking already made.
Then when considering adding a new booking to my bookingscollection, I would make a transaction to the relevant document in the lockcollection, see if there is an overlap in which case I would fail, and if not, I would add the new intervall to the lock document within the transaction.
Once this succeed, I know that I can just plainly add the booking to the booking collection, as the lock is already there....
Similar logic would be applied to the procedure of deleting or changing bookings.
This idea is new to me, but I wanted to sahre, so I can hear your inputs....?

What storage mechanism can I use to store the data related to user interaction of my website for a day

I store information about which items were accessed. That's it initially. I will store the id and type of item that were accessed. For example in a relational table it would be.
id type view
1 dairy product 100
2 meat 88
Later on, in the end of the day, I will transfer this data to the actual table of the product.
id name view
1 Cheesy paradise 100
This is a web site, I don't want to update the table everytime the user visits a product. Because the products are in relational database and it would be very unprofessional. I want to make a service in Nodejs that when the user visits a product and stay for 5 secs and roll the page to the bottom I increment a high speed storage and in the end of the day I updated the related products in "one go".
I will handle only 300 visits in diferent products a day. But, of course, I want to my system to grow and it will handle keeping track of 1 thousand of products per minute, for example. In my mind when I though about this feature I thought about using Mongo. But I don't know it seems so much for this simple task. What tecnology can fit this situation better?
I would recommend MongoDB, since you are mostly "dumping" data into a database. That also allows you in the future to dump more information then you will now, no matter what kind of documents you dump now. Mongo is totally fine for a "dump" database structure.

Finding unique products (never seen before by a user) in a datastore sorted by a dynamically changing value (i.e. product rating)

been trying to solve this problem for a week and couldn't come up with any solutions in all my research so I thought I'd ask you all.
I have a "Product" table and a "productSent" table, here's a quick scheme to help explain:
class Product(ndb.Model):
name = ndb.StringProperty();
rating = ndb.IntegerProperty
class productSent(ndb.Model): <--- the key name here is md5(Product Key+UUID)
pId = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=Product)
uuId = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=userData)
action = ndb.StringProperty()
date = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
My goal is to show users the highest rated product that they've never seen before--fast. So to keep track of the products users have seen, I use the productSent table. I created this table instead of using Cursors because every time the rating order changes, there's a possibility that the cursor skips the new higher ranking product. An example: assume the user has seen products 1-24 in the db. Next, 5 users liked product #25, making it the #10 product in the database--I'm worried that the product will never be shown again to the user (and possibly mess things up on a higher scale).
The problem with the way I'm doing it right now is that, once the user has blown past the first 1,000 products, it really starts slowing down the query performance. Because I'm literally pulling 1,000+ results, checking if they've been sent by querying against the productSent table (doing a keyName lookup to speed things up) and going through the loop until 15 new ones have been detected.
One solution I thought of was to add a repeated property (listProperty) to the Product table of all the users who have seen a product. Or if I don't want to have inequality filters I could put a repeated property of all the users who haven't seen a product. That way when I query I can dynamically take those out. But I'm afraid of what happens when I have 1,000+ users:
a) I'll go through the roof on the limit of repeated properties in one entity.
b) The index size will increase size costs
Has anyone dealt with this problem before (I'm sure someone has!) Any tips on the best way to structure it?
Okay, so had another idea. In order to minimize the changes that take place when a rating (number of likes) changes, I could have a secondary column that only has 3 possible values: positive, neutral, negative. And sort by that? Ofcourse for items that have a rating of 0 and get a 'like' (making them a positive) would still have a chance of being out of order or skipped by the cursor--but it'd be less likely. What do y'all think?
Sounds like the inverse, productNotSent would work well here. Every time you add a new product, you would add a new productNotSent entity for each user. When the user wants to see the highest rated product they have not seen, you will only have to query over the productNotSent entities that match that user. If you put the rating directly on the productNotSent you could speed the query up even more, since you will only have to query against one Model.
Another idea would be to limit the number of productNotSent entities per user. So each user only has ~100 of these entities at a time. This would mean your query would be constant for each user, regardless of the number of products or users you have. The creation of new productNotSent entities would become more complex, though. You'd have to have a cron job or something that "tops up" a user's collection of productNotSent entities when they use some up. You also may want to double-check that products rated higher than those already within the user's set of productNotSent entities get pushed in there. These are a little more difficult and well require some design trade-offs.
Hope this helps!
I do not know your expected volumes and exact issues (only did a quick perusal of your question), but you may consider using Json TextProperty storage as part of your plan. Create dictionaries/lists and store them in records by json.dump()ing them to a TextProperty. When the client calls, simply send the TextProperties to the client, and figure everything out on the client side once you JSON.parse() them. We have done some very large array/object processing in JS this way, and it is very fast (particularly indexed arrays). When the user clicks on something, send a transaction back to update their record. Set up some pull or push queue processes to handle your overall product listing updates, major customer rec updates, etc.
One downside is higher bandwidth going out of you app, but I think this cost will be minimal given potential processing savings on GAE. If you structure this right, you may be able to use get_by_id() to replace all or most of your planned indices and queries. We have found json.loads() and json.dumps() to be very fast inside the app, but we only use simple dictionary/list structures.This approach will be, though, a big, big quantum measure lower than your planned use of queries. The other potential issue is that very large objects may run into soft memory limits. Be sure that your Json objects are fairly simple+lightweight to avoid this (e.g. do no include product description, sub-objects, etc. in the Json item, just the basics such as product number). HTH, -stevep

Can I do transactions and locks in CouchDB?

I need to do transactions (begin, commit or rollback), locks (select for update).
How can I do it in a document model db?
The case is this:
I want to run an auctions site.
And I think how to direct purchase as well.
In a direct purchase I have to decrement the quantity field in the item record, but only if the quantity is greater than zero. That is why I need locks and transactions.
I don't know how to address that without locks and/or transactions.
Can I solve this with CouchDB?
No. CouchDB uses an "optimistic concurrency" model. In the simplest terms, this just means that you send a document version along with your update, and CouchDB rejects the change if the current document version doesn't match what you've sent.
It's deceptively simple, really. You can reframe many normal transaction based scenarios for CouchDB. You do need to sort of throw out your RDBMS domain knowledge when learning CouchDB, though. It's helpful to approach problems from a higher level, rather than attempting to mold Couch to a SQL based world.
Keeping track of inventory
The problem you outlined is primarily an inventory issue. If you have a document describing an item, and it includes a field for "quantity available", you can handle concurrency issues like this:
Retrieve the document, take note of the _rev property that CouchDB sends along
Decrement the quantity field, if it's greater than zero
Send the updated document back, using the _rev property
If the _rev matches the currently stored number, be done!
If there's a conflict (when _rev doesn't match), retrieve the newest document version
In this instance, there are two possible failure scenarios to think about. If the most recent document version has a quantity of 0, you handle it just like you would in a RDBMS and alert the user that they can't actually buy what they wanted to purchase. If the most recent document version has a quantity greater than 0, you simply repeat the operation with the updated data, and start back at the beginning. This forces you to do a bit more work than an RDBMS would, and could get a little annoying if there are frequent, conflicting updates.
Now, the answer I just gave presupposes that you're going to do things in CouchDB in much the same way that you would in an RDBMS. I might approach this problem a bit differently:
I'd start with a "master product" document that includes all the descriptor data (name, picture, description, price, etc). Then I'd add an "inventory ticket" document for each specific instance, with fields for product_key and claimed_by. If you're selling a model of hammer, and have 20 of them to sell, you might have documents with keys like hammer-1, hammer-2, etc, to represent each available hammer.
Then, I'd create a view that gives me a list of available hammers, with a reduce function that lets me see a "total". These are completely off the cuff, but should give you an idea of what a working view would look like.
if (doc.type == 'inventory_ticket' && doc.claimed_by == null ) {
emit(doc.product_key, { 'inventory_ticket', '_rev' : doc._rev });
This gives me a list of available "tickets", by product key. I could grab a group of these when someone wants to buy a hammer, then iterate through sending updates (using the id and _rev) until I successfully claim one (previously claimed tickets will result in an update error).
function (keys, values, combine) {
return values.length;
This reduce function simply returns the total number of unclaimed inventory_ticket items, so you can tell how many "hammers" are available for purchase.
This solution represents roughly 3.5 minutes of total thinking for the particular problem you've presented. There may be better ways of doing this! That said, it does substantially reduce conflicting updates, and cuts down on the need to respond to a conflict with a new update. Under this model, you won't have multiple users attempting to change data in primary product entry. At the very worst, you'll have multiple users attempting to claim a single ticket, and if you've grabbed several of those from your view, you simply move on to the next ticket and try again.
Expanding on MrKurt's answer. For lots of scenarios you don't need to have stock tickets redeemed in order. Instead of selecting the first ticket, you can select randomly from the remaining tickets. Given a large number tickets and a large number of concurrent requests, you will get much reduced contention on those tickets, versus everyone trying to get the first ticket.
A design pattern for restfull transactions is to create a "tension" in the system. For the popular example use case of a bank account transaction you must ensure to update the total for both involved accounts:
Create a transaction document "transfer USD 10 from account 11223 to account 88733". This creates the tension in the system.
To resolve any tension scan for all transaction documents and
If the source account is not updated yet update the source account (-10 USD)
If the source account was updated but the transaction document does not show this then update the transaction document (e.g. set flag "sourcedone" in the document)
If the target account is not updated yet update the target account (+10 USD)
If the target account was updated but the transaction document does not show this then update the transaction document
If both accounts have been updated you can delete the transaction document or keep it for auditing.
The scanning for tension should be done in a backend process for all "tension documents" to keep the times of tension in the system short. In the above example there will be a short time anticipated inconsistence when the first account has been updated but the second is not updated yet. This must be taken into account the same way you'll deal with eventual consistency if your Couchdb is distributed.
Another possible implementation avoids the need for transactions completely: just store the tension documents and evaluate the state of your system by evaluating every involved tension document. In the example above this would mean that the total for a account is only determined as the sum values in the transaction documents where this account is involved. In Couchdb you can model this very nicely as a map/reduce view.
No, CouchDB is not generally suitable for transactional applications because it doesn't support atomic operations in a clustered/replicated environment.
CouchDB sacrificed transactional capability in favor of scalability. In order to have atomic operations you need a central coordination system, which limits your scalability.
If you can guarantee you only have one CouchDB instance or that everyone modifying a particular document connects to the same CouchDB instance then you could use the conflict detection system to create a sort of atomicity using methods described above but if you later scale up to a cluster or use a hosted service like Cloudant it will break down and you'll have to redo that part of the system.
So, my suggestion would be to use something other than CouchDB for your account balances, it will be much easier that way.
As a response to the OP's problem, Couch is probably not the best choice here. Using views is a great way to keep track of inventory, but clamping to 0 is more or less impossible. The problem being the race condition when you read the result of a view, decide you're ok to use a "hammer-1" item, and then write a doc to use it. The problem is that there's no atomic way to only write the doc to use the hammer if the result of the view is that there are > 0 hammer-1's. If 100 users all query the view at the same time and see 1 hammer-1, they can all write a doc to use a hammer 1, resulting in -99 hammer-1's. In practice, the race condition will be fairly small - really small if your DB is running localhost. But once you scale, and have an off site DB server or cluster, the problem will get much more noticeable. Regardless, it's unacceptable to have a race condition of that sort in a critical - money related system.
An update to MrKurt's response (it may just be dated, or he may have been unaware of some CouchDB features)
A view is a good way to handle things like balances / inventories in CouchDB.
You don't need to emit the docid and rev in a view. You get both of those for free when you retrieve view results. Emitting them - especially in a verbose format like a dictionary - will just grow your view unnecessarily large.
A simple view for tracking inventory balances should look more like this (also off the top of my head)
function( doc )
if( doc.InventoryChange != undefined ) {
for( product_key in doc.InventoryChange ) {
emit( product_key, 1 );
And the reduce function is even more simple
This uses a built in reduce function that just sums the values of all rows with matching keys.
In this view, any doc can have a member "InventoryChange" that maps product_key's to a change in the total inventory of them. ie.
"_id": "abc123",
"InventoryChange": {
"hammer_1234": 10,
"saw_4321": 25
Would add 10 hammer_1234's and 25 saw_4321's.
"_id": "def456",
"InventoryChange": {
"hammer_1234": -5
Would burn 5 hammers from the inventory.
With this model, you're never updating any data, only appending. This means there's no opportunity for update conflicts. All the transactional issues of updating data go away :)
Another nice thing about this model is that ANY document in the DB can both add and subtract items from the inventory. These documents can have all kinds of other data in them. You might have a "Shipment" document with a bunch of data about the date and time received, warehouse, receiving employee etc. and as long as that doc defines an InventoryChange, it'll update the inventory. As could a "Sale" doc, and a "DamagedItem" doc etc. Looking at each document, they read very clearly. And the view handles all the hard work.
Actually, you can in a way. Have a look at the HTTP Document API and scroll down to the heading "Modify Multiple Documents With a Single Request".
Basically you can create/update/delete a bunch of documents in a single post request to URI /{dbname}/_bulk_docs and they will either all succeed or all fail. The document does caution that this behaviour may change in the future, though.
EDIT: As predicted, from version 0.9 the bulk docs no longer works this way.
Just use SQlite kind of lightweight solution for transactions, and when the transaction is completed successfully replicate it, and mark it replicated in SQLite
SQLite table
txn_id , txn_attribute1, txn_attribute2,......,txn_status
dhwdhwu$sg1 x y added/replicated
You can also delete the transactions which are replicated successfully.

Creating a Notifications type feed in GAE Objectify

I'm working on a notification feed for my mobile app and am looking for some help on an issue.
The app is a Twitter/Facebook like app where users can post statuses and other users can like, comment, or subscribe to them.
One thing I want to have in my app is to have a notifications feed where users can see who liked/comment on their post or subscribed to them.
The first part of this system I have figured out, when a user likes/comments/subscribes, a Notification entity will be written to the datastore with details about the event. To show a users Notification's all I have to do is query for all Notification's for that user, sort by date created desc and we have a nice little feed of actions other users took on a specific users account.
The issue I have is what to do when someone unlikes a post, unsubscribes or deletes a comment. Currently, if I were to query for that specific notification, it is possible that nothing would return from the datastore because of eventual consistency. We could imagine someone liking, then immediate unliking a post (b/c who hasn't done that? =P). The query to find that Notification might return null and nothing would get deleted when calling ofy().delete().entity(notification).now(); And now the user has a notification in their feed saying Sally liked his post when in reality she liked then quickly unliked it!
A wrench in this whole system is that I cannot delete by Key<Notification>, because I don't really have a way to know id of the Notification when trying to delete it.
A potential solution I am experimenting with is to not delete any Notifications. Instead I would always write Notification's and simply indicate if the notification was positive or negative. Then in my query to display notifications to a specific user, I could somehow only display the sum-positive Notification's. This would save some money on datastore too because deleting entities is expensive.
There are three main ways I've solved this problem before:
deterministic key
for example
{user-Id}-{post-id}-{liked-by} for likes
{user-id}-{post-id}-{comment-by}-{comment-index} for comments
This will work for most basic use cases for the problem you defined, but you'll have some hairy edge cases to figure out (like managing indexes of comments as they get edited and deleted). This will allow get and delete by key
parallel data structures
The idea here is to create more than one entity at a time in a transaction, but to make sure they have related keys. For example, when someone comments on a feed item, create a Comment entity, then create a CommentedOn entity which has the same ID, but make it have a parent key of the commenter user.
Then, you can make a strongly consistent query for the CommentedOn, and use the same id to do a get by key on the Comment. You can also just store a key, rather than having matching IDs if that's too hard. Having matching IDs in practice was easier each time I did this.
The main limitation of this approach is that you're effectively creating an index yourself out of entities, and while this can give you strongly consistent queries where you need them the throughput limitations of transactional writes can become harder to understand. You also need to manage state changes (like deletes) carefully.
State flags on entities
Assuming the Notification object just shows the user that something happened but links to another entity for the actual data, you could store a state flag (deleted, hidden, private etc) on that entity. Then listing your notifications would be a matter of loading the entities server side and filtering in code (or possibly subsequent filtered queries).
At the end of the day, the complexity of the solution should mirror the complexity of the problem. I would start with approach 3 then migrate to approach 2 when the fuller set of requirements is understood. It is a more robust and flexible approach, but complexity of XG transaction limitations will rear its head - but ultimately a distributed feed like this is a hard problem.
What I ended up doing and what worked for my specific model was that before creating a Notification Entity I would first allocate and ID for it:
// Allocate an ID for a Notification
final Key<Notification> notificationKey = factory().allocateId(Notification.class);
final Long notificationId = notificationKey.getId();
Then when creating my Like or Follow Entity, I would set the property Like.notificationId = notificationId; or Follow.notificationId = notificationId;
Then I would save both Entities.
Later, when I want to delete the Like or Follow I can do so and at the same time get the Id of the Notification, load the Notification by key (which is strongly consistent to do so), and delete it too.
Just another approach that may help someone =D
