React web-page won't display on server - reactjs

I have been trying to deploy my create-react-app on a server but have been unable to do so. I created a homepage field in the package.json as instructed and set it to the https://... domain address. Then I ran npm run build and created the build file. I am finding resources sparse online, instructing me what to do after. Running npm start just runs from the root directory, not displaying anything. The source shows and index.html file which paths are stuck at the root. I am wondering what I need to do to run/deploy the build(production). I have tried downloading the npm package serve, but this seems to do the same as npm run, if not worse. I feel like I am only moving in the opposite direction, and would love some assistance. Thank you.

You need to run npm build.
This creates files in the build folder.
These files you then need to take and put them in a folder that is served by a web server.
You can use Nginx, Apache, IIS or any other production ready web server.
You have an IT department, ask them where exactly you need to put your files.


Having trouble correctly building/deploying create-react-app using NPM

I've recently tried getting into the whole Node ecosystem and am trying to set up some continuous deployment for my app to AWS Amplify.
For background, my project structure looks like this:
As far as I know, this is basically what create-react-app gave me to start with, and I didn't change the file structure.
For most of my time working on the app, I've been able to go to the base project directory and use
npm start
to launch the app. This will bring me to the App.tsx/js homepage.
However, when I hosted this to AWS Amplify via GitHub, the default build settings actually point to the public directory, so the published site is actually point to index.html (which is basically just an empty placeholder).
While debugging, I ran
npm build
in my root project directory, which constructed a build folder, so now the overall project looks like this:
Now, running
npm start
will bring me to the index.html from the build directory, instead of App.js/tsx as it used to.
The AWS setup says that it will run
npm build
so I assume that what I've done on my local machine is mirroring what the AWS server is doing behind the scenes and explains why AWS is serving the empty index.html.
I've read a few articles and watched some videos about hosting a create-react-app on AWS, and in every version, it looks like AWS will serve the App.tsx/App.js right out of the box, rather than build/index.html, and I've not been able to find a good guide on how to configure this behavior. Quite frankly, there is an overwhelming number of similar-but-slightly-different answers for questions like this, which use different combinations of package managers, packages, hosting services, all on different release versions, with different setups, and it's very difficult for me to tell which ones apply to my scenario.
So I'm hoping someone can help straighten some of this out for me, or point me towards a good resource for learning more about this type of thing. Particularly interested in learning the right way to do these things, rather than a quick hack around whatever my particular issue is.
Some specific questions...
Is deploying things from a /build folder standard convention?
Why does create-react-app create a separate /src/app.tsx and /public/index.html that seem to be competing with one another as the app's "homepage"?
Why does the behavior of
npm start
change depending on whether
npm build
has been run?
Is the correct fix here to just insert my App.tsx component into the index.html? This doesn't seem hard, but doesn't seem right either
I have seen a lot of answers discussing tweaks to webpack.config.js to solve issues like this one. My project does have webpack installed, but as best I can tell, there is no webpack.config.js anywhere. Am I expected to create this file, or should it exist already? In either case, in which directory is it supposed to live? I've seen a couple answers saying it should be in /node_modules/webpack/, but also some saying it needs to live in the same directory as package.json
Things I've tried already: Spent a bunch of time reading through other StackOverflows and watching a few videos, but as outlined above, I'm finding it difficult to tell which could apply to my situation and which are unrelated, given the huge number of unique combinations of build/packages/platforms/versions. Also spent some time monkeying around with file structure/moving code around, but not very productively.
Eventually found my issue. In the production built version of my app (aka, /build), the bundled script created by webpack was failing in the browser because exports was undefined, so index.html was being served in its vanilla state, rather than with the TSX/JSX content. I changed the "module" property in tsconfig.json from commonjs to es6 and this fixed most of the problems.
Also of note is that the reason I couldn't find my webpack.config.js is that I had hidden ALL js files in my project, so VSCode wasn't finding it. I swapped to the suggestion from this blogpost to hide only js files with a matching TS file.
For general learning about how create-react-app works, I eventually found this page, which I found helpful:
For the basic create-react-app
npm start
Is a short command for react-scripts start that sets up the development environment and starts your development server usually localhost:3000
npm build
After you are done developing, this command short for react-scripts build correctly bundles your app for production and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The files generated in the build folder are solely the files you serve to the public folder accessible by the public URL.
In short the files in the build folder should be copied to the public folder
AWS Amplify
Provides a CI/CD process where you don't have to set all this up by yourself, as long as you have a well-configured package.json file.
There are so many methods to deploy your react app to a production server but using AWS Amplify this link might help you out:
More on create-react-app deployment:

Embedding react application's build into Drupal

Primarily, I'm trying to integrate a react application (Created and build separately) with Drupal.
Unable to install private package from Bitbucket using npm install in Drupal app, because no package.json found.
Implementation Details
Development Environment
To achieve this in development environment I run npm run build which produces the following content in dist directory.
Not going in the details of what are the roles of other files but to make the things work, I just need to copy bundle.js file and paste it inside a directory under app/web/themes/custom/abc_themes/js/.
This is okay for development environment to copy a folder from one project and paste it into another. However, for production environment it' not viable.
Production Environment
In production we thought to create a private package on Bitbucket, where through Bitbucket pipelines on every commit we trigger a build and push that build 's result into a separate repo (i.e. private package).
Here is the content that is pushed to the so-called private package. Since it's the entire react application (not a library) therefore when it builds it creates compiled js and doesn't contain packgae.json.
Now if I try to install this package throught npm install
npm ERR! Could not install from "" as it does not contain a package.json file.
That is obvious but to solve this I can't convert my project into a library. Because even if I convert it to a library, Drupal needs a build js file at the specified directory to work.
Want to know if there is a way I could install that private package (that doesn't have package.json) into Drupal application.
OR any other way around to achieve the same.
NOTE: I know one solution could be to host the build file at some CDN and pull it from there. But problem is, the Drupal app might be running behind a corporate network and users won't be able to access the internet openly. Therefore, we want to make the react app a part of build process, so once Drupal is served, react application would be a part of it already. No loading at runtime.

Best practice for installing node_modules for a reactjs app on Azure Linux Web App

I have a react(specifically NextJS) web app running on a Linux Azure Web App Server. I have it deployed and working correctly via GitHub Actions. However, I'm having issues finding the most efficient way to deploy the node_modules.
Here's what I've tried.
I've ran the install and build within GitHub Actions and deployed the package as a zip artifact. However, the file was huge due to the node_modules and takes 10+ minutes to deploy.
I've created a postDeploy script to run after deployment that runs an npm install. Not sure if this is the best way to go about it so I reverted this.
For the startup command, I have azure running npm run start:prod. I thought about changing this to npm install && npm run start:prod . I'm not sure if this is a good idea either
What I've settled on so far is I just manually get on the server and run npm install after a deployment. This won't work for CI/CD though.
I've read that azure kudu supposedly detects package.json within the wwwroot folder and will automagically install dependencies but I haven't seen this work, nor could I find any documentation on it. So far, my best idea seems to be to change my startup command to run an install before starting the app but I'm not sure.
Any advice?
There shouldn't be a big difference between GitHub Action and Azure DevOps in that terms. But what should you do actually on your pipeline is run npm run build command and publish only produced output.
Please take a look here how it looks on Azure DevOps.

How to deploy the build of a electron app like Sizzy?

I'm new to yarn, nodejs and react apps. I've tried running the Sizzy app and it works on my local XAMPP server if I first run yarn start in the cmd terminal and then access via http://localhost:3033, but after a while I have to rerun the same command. I've tried yarn build and then navigating to the build directory but that just loaded a page with a header, it didn't have the same functionality. And the contents of the build directory looks very similar to the contents of the public directory anyway.
I've had a look at this SO post and this one but still unsure why I need to run yarn start everytime.
I'm still not sure how node, react, and electron fit together and why each is required, much research and learning still to do! Rather than a 'react app' I believe I'm looking at an 'Electron app'. I think if I run the command npm run package-win then I think I should get an exe file and some dlls. But how to instead setup for running on an Apache web server without having to start using the command line, or would you just have to build it with different architecture?
Starting to get a vague understanding from reading this.
If you used the npx create-react-app <app-name> then you just have to change the "start" script in the package.json file as "serve -s build". Run yarn add serve to add For deployment, Heroku is a good choice. Create a Heroku app and connect your git repo to the newly created app. Then go to the deploy tab and deploy your branch.

npm run build does not use proxy

I have a working react.js application, which works using npm start (app built using create-react-app).
When I try to run npm run build, it builds the application. I serve it using
serve -s build -l 3000
It loads the first dashboard page but does not communicate with the server. I have put console.log statements in server to check for any requests coming in, but it never logs anything... which means the client does not talk to the server.
I have proxy statement in package.json to connect to server on port 3300. This works in development mode but in production mode it seems to not pickup the proxy settings in the package.json.
Please guide... this is my first time switching to production mode... any guidance on switching to production mode would help.
BTW I use react-loadable as well...
The proxy field in package.json is only used in development by webpack-dev-server. You can learn more about this here
Thanks for all the help guys....
Finally, I understood that "npm run build" just creates the static files to deploy. But how to use it, is our hands. :)
I copied the build folder inside the /server folder and added the following line in my root server.js file itself. Basically, served the static files from /server/build folder and it all works beautifully.
app.use('/', express.static(__dirname+'/server/build'))
Thanks for the support. :)
