Cascading Select Box with React JS - reactjs

I want to make a depending select box in which data will come in second select box as per the selection of first select box. I am using React JS.


in react ag-grid table , how to prevent a dropdown component from collapsing when user selects an option and open a sub-grid on selecting an option

In react ag-grid table , I want to use Custom Dropdown component for a particular column and on selecting options from that dropdown, I want to prevent dropdown from collapsing and I want to show another flyout table on select of any option from dropdown and then select a row from that flyout table to populate the parent grid/column.For eg - Initial values in my dropdown component will be author like ['John', 'Jason'] now on select of suppose John, below is the expectation : Dropdown should not collapse after selecting John and On selecting John another sub-grid should open which should have details like - Author's Full Name and ProfessionNow after selecting any row from this sub-grid , Author's full name should get set in the original field .
Even after I tried using event.stopPropagation, my dropdown component is getting collapsed as soon as I select any option

How can I get the data out of a table using Semantic UI React Table and Checkbox

I'm trying to implement a semantic ui table in react and include a column of checkboxes to select items from a row. I want to implement it to where the user can select all checkboxes by clicking the first checkbox or one item at a time and then print those values out but I'm struggling to be able to do that. Does anyone have any working examples of this by chance?

Select One option At a time

I am using react-native element for checkbox there 4 option for payment but unable to set state for check box
kindly click on link to view code
Select Why you are using checkbox? If you want to Select One option At a time use Radiobutton plugin
Add your payment options in arrays and render it, when you select one option it will automatically setState and selected.

React Bootstrap Table show and update

I am able to get a react bootstrap table to show with hard coded values, but I am trying to get it to show on a button click and display values based on a parameter. Also, on a button click can I update that same table?

CQ5 checkboxes false

I would like to have it where i can only select one checkbox at a time and when selected show the textfield associated with the selection. At least have it where i can only select one checkbox at a time. I have setup the dialog to run a choose when statement when for the selections but only want to select one at a time.
You can use listeners to react to user actions e.g.: dynamic dialogs, however you probably want to use radios.
