Injecting MobX State Tree store into react components throwing error - reactjs

Issue: I am getting an error when attempting to inject a MST store into react class component:
Error: Uncaught [Error: MobX injector: Store 'auth' is not available! Make sure it is provided by some Provider
the error stems from the LoginForm component posted below, and is nested under another component (not sure if this is the issue, as to say each component needs a <Provider>?)
component hierarchy:
Application (contains no Provider)
|__ Authentication (contains no Provider)
a little code:
import { AuthenticationStore } from './stores/AuthenticationStore'
const auth = AuthenticationStore.create()
<Provider auth={auth}>
<Application />
const Application = inject('auth')(observer(class Application extends
Component {
render() {
console.log(this.props.auth) // logs the store as expected
return (
<div className={styles.applicationContainer}>
export default Application
// LoginForm
const LoginForm = inject('auth')(observer(class LoginForm extends Component {
render() {
return (
export default LoginForm
and to the question:
If not this, what is the preferred protocol for passing the store to child components (without passing as props)?
As always, thanks in advance for any and all input. If this is a duplicate (I couldn't find this particular error), please mark as such and I will update accordingly...


App Component is Getting Props Magically?

I'm checking the code base of a functioning react web-app, and struggling to understand the following from the App.js file:
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
let error = null
if (this.props.error) {
error = <ErrorMessage
debug={this.props.error.debug} />
return (
{this.props.isAuthenticated ?
<div className="holder">
Specifically, where does props (this.props.error and this.props.isAuthenticated) come from? Seems like it isn't defined anywhere. In Index.js, it renders the App component without passing in any props ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));.
Edit: at the bottom of App.js, it's exported with export default withAuthProvider(App)
and there's a file called AuthProvider.tsx which defines error and isAuthenticated.
Well withAuthProvider is a Higher-Order component. You can learn more about this pattern here. They're actually functions that take a React component as an argument (App in this case) and enhance it with props or logic. withAuthProvider wraps the App component and provides it the error and isAuthenticated props, while it could also implement some authentication logic for you.

Mocking Redux store when testing React components?

I'm using React and Redux. I have a component which loads ChildComponent and depending on Redux's state will also load MainComponent
const ChooseIndex = ({ appInitMount }) => {
return (
<ChildComponent />
{!appInitMount && <MainComponent />}
const mapStateToProps = ({ main }) => {
return {
appInitMount: main.appInitMount
export default connect(
I'm trying to write a test to check that ChildComponent is loaded:
import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-testing-library";
import ChooseIndex from "../choose-index";
test("ChooseIndex should call ChildComponent", () => {
const wrapper = render(
<ChooseIndex />
I get this error:
Error: Uncaught [Invariant Violation: Could not find "store" in either
the context or props of "Connect(ChooseIndex)". Either wrap the root
component in a , or explicitly pass "store" as a prop to
Should I mock Redux by passing an object literal to ChooseIndex? Or should I create a Redux store (as my real application does) for every test?
Try to render your component like this:
<Provider store={store}>
<ChooseIndex />
And pass the actual store you use in your app. In this way, you're testing the real logic that you'll use in production. You also don't care what actions get dispatched and what's in the state. You look at what gets rendered and interact with the UI—which is what matters in the end.
Separating the component from Redux and testing the two in isolation is against the whole point of react-testing-library. You want to test your app as a real user would.
If you check out the writing tests section of the redux docs, there is an example of testing a connected component.
when you import it [A redux connected component], you're actually holding the wrapper component returned by connect(), and not the App component itself. If you want to test its interaction with Redux, this is good news: you can wrap it in a with a store created specifically for this unit test. But sometimes you want to test just the rendering of the component, without a Redux store.
In order to be able to test the App component itself without having to deal with the decorator, we recommend you to also export the undecorated component
As with most unit tests, you really want to be testing your components, and not that redux is working correctly. So the solution for you is to export both the component and the connected component, while only testing the component itself, and providing whatever props redux is passing to your component.
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
// Use named export for unconnected component (for tests)
export class App extends Component {
/* ... */
// Use default export for the connected component (for app)
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(App)

What's the point of inject decorator if Provider is said to be already passing all the props down to all the children?

Consider a case:
import { Provider } from 'mobx-react';
import usersStore from './stores/usersStore';
import itemsStore from './stores/itemsStore';
const stores = { usersStore, itemsStore };
<Provider {...stores}>
<SomeComponent />
So, doesn't SomeComponent in the sample above already get both usersStore and itemsStore as its props from Provider? Why is the #inject('itemsStore') line in the following sample even required?
#inject('itemsStore') #observer
class SomeComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="index">
{, index) => {
return <span key={index}></span>
Provider is a component that can pass stores (or other stuff) using
React's context mechanism to child components. This is useful if you
have things that you don't want to pass through multiple layers of
components explicitly.
inject can be used to pick up those stores. It is a higher order
component that takes a list of strings and makes those stores
available to the wrapped component.
Provider and inject are abstractions to React context API (which until recently was quite unstable).
The Provider makes data available from components context, while inject HOC provides a simple API to declare what we want out of the context and passes it to the wrapper component.
The same works other libraries like react-redux.

JEST testing on redux is not working as expected

I have a code in redux which i exported as
export default connect(mapStateToLinkProps, mapDispatchToLinkProps)(Link);
And in jest test case i have written to test this exported component
//imported the above component as Link
describe('Dashboard component testing', () => {
test('1. Must be an Instance of CreateAssest', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<FilterLink />);
const inst = wrapper.instance();
For this i'm getting error
Invariant Violation: Could not find "store" in either the context or
props of "Connect(Link)". Either wrap the root component in a
, or explicitly pass "store" as a prop to "Connect(Link)".
When not using redux and exporting only as react component the test cases were working.Now in redux some store issue is coming.please can anyone guide a little in this issue what's happening
You need to wrap your component in Provider in order to be able to use store, like so:
import { Provider, connect } from "react-redux";
let store = createStore(reducer, defaultStoreItems);
<Provider store={store}>
<App />

reactjs - jest snapshot testing nested redux "connected" components

When snapshot testing (jest snapshot) a component which is connected to redux store I can export the actual component in addition to the connected component
// User.js
/* ... */
export class User extends React.Component {/* ... */}
/* ... */
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(User);
In the test file I can import the actual component (not the connected version) and do snapshot testing on it.
// User.spec.js
import { User } from './User';
/* ... toMatchSnapshot() testing */
But I run into issues when a connected component is nested inside another connected component. For example, let's say User component is nested inside another connected component -
// Wrapper.js
import User from './User'; // importing the connected version
/* ... */
export class Wrapper extends React.Component {
/* ... */
render() {
return (
/* ... */
<User />
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Wrapper);
When running snapshot test on Wrapper the same way I did on User gives me the following error:
Invariant Violation: Could not find "store" in either the context or props of "Connect(User)". Either wrap the root component in a <Provider>, or explicitly pass "store" as a prop to "Connect(User)".`
Is there any way to shallow render when snapshotting? Or am I doing something wrong?
In this case the best way is to test the Wrapper on its own by just mocking User
import Wrapper from './Wrapper'
jest.mock('./User', () => 'User') // note that the path to user is relative the test file not to the Wrapper.js file.
This will replace User with a simple component with name User.
Just a small tweak to the answer provided by #andreas-köberle as it may produce the error: using incorrect casing. Use PascalCase for React components, or lowercase for HTML elements
To fix that if you want to mock a component it should return a fn. Example reflects multi word naming:
jest.mock('./User', () => () => 'UserThingStuff')
or to return an HTML element:
jest.mock('./User', () => 'user-thing-stuff')
You can add Mock store & then test component withougth connect, but with nested connect Components ↓
Component withought connect,
but include nested connected Elements ->
test with mocking store, which state can configure.↓
before test : npm install redux-mock-store --save-dev
test.js ↓
import configureStore from "redux-mock-store";
import {Provider} from "react-redux";
//create mockStore
let mockStore;
//create Obj for config store
const mockStoreConf = configureStore([]);
//configure store (add states)
mockStore = mockStoreConf({
someStateInMockStore: `SomeValueFromMockKetInMockStore`,
const tree = renderer.create(
<Provider store={mockStore}>
<Component />
Now your Component's nested connected children take state from your mockStore.
Just add needed states on configuration step (//configure store (add states)).
information from

