Run parallel loops in Ruby - arrays

I have two sets of arrays stored in a file and I need to extract values one by one and compare them. I am using this code but does look like I am doing correctly.
# First Dataset
File.foreach(file_set_a) do |data_a|
data_array_a = data_a.split("\t")
#file_name_a = data_array_a[0]
#file_ext_a = data_array_a[1]
# Second Dataset
File.foreach(file_set_b) do |data_b|
data_array_b = data_b.split("\t")
#file_name_b = data_array_b[0]
#file_ext_b = data_array_b[1]
#file_name_a == #file_name_b
The problem is, I cannot go back and extract the next values in the set A when I enter the set B. Any suggestions?

First, convert those 2 files into two separated data arrays
lines_array_a = File.readlines(file_set_a)
lines_array_b = File.readlines(file_set_b)
I am assuming both of the array size will be same. Now run a loop and get the items from both array to compare them.
for i in 0..(lines_array_a.count - 1) do
data_array_a = lines_array_a[i].split("\t")
#file_name_a = data_array_a[0]
#file_ext_a = data_array_a[1]
data_array_b = lines_array_b[i].split("\t")
#file_name_b = data_array_b[0]
#file_ext_b = data_array_b[1]
#file_name_a == #file_name_b


How to loop through a set of ranges from an array inside a for loop using readtable?

I have a for loop that is calculating values using parameters from a spreadsheet. I want the for loop to loop through different ranges but I am receiving an error and I am not sure how to fix it.
e_params_components = ["'G3:G5'","'D3:D5'","'F3:F5'","'E3:E5'"];
h_params_components = ["'G6:G8'","'D6:D8'","'F6:F8'","'E6:E8'"];
for i = 1 : length(Material_Names)
params_e = table2array(readtable(databaseFilename, 'Range', e_params_components(1))); % Read in width indep parameters for e- - hardcoded for GaAs
params_h = table2array(readtable(databaseFilename, 'Range', h_params_components(1))); % Read in width indep parameters for holes - hardcoded for GaAs
alpha_ = ionCoeff(params_e(1), params_e(2), params_e(3), Efield);
beta_ = ionCoeff(params_h(1), params_h(2), params_h(3), Efield);
k_ = beta_./alpha_; % Ionization coefficient ratio
k_values = k_values + k_(i);
I get the following error:
Error using readtable (line 198)
Unable to determine range. Range must be of the form 'A1' (cell), 'A:B' (column-select), '1:5' (row-select), 'A1:B5'
(rectangle-select), or a valid named range in the sheet.
I should be able to use the strings that are contained in e_params_copmponents to put into the read table function
You have to many quotes.
For example:
"'G6:G8'" is the string 'G6:G8' you want it to be the string G6:G8

Reading and Writing Arrays from Multiple HDF Files in IDL

I am fairly new to IDL, and I am trying to write a code that will take a MODIS HDF file (level three data MOD14A1 and MYD14A1 to be specific), read the array, and then write the data from the array preferably to a csv file, but ASCII would work, too. I have code that will allow me to do this for one file, but I want to be able to do this for multiple files. Essentially, I want it to read one HDF array, write it to a csv, move to the next HDF file, and then write that array to the same csv file in the next row. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. I've supplied the code I have so far to do this with one file.
filename = dialog_pickfile(filter = filter, path = path, title = title)
csv_file = 'Data.csv'
sd_id = HDF_SD_START(filename, /READ)
; read "FirePix", "MaxT21"
attr_index = HDF_SD_ATTRFIND(sd_id, 'FirePix')
HDF_SD_ATTRINFO, sd_id, attr_index, DATA = FirePix
attr_index = HDF_SD_ATTRFIND(sd_id, 'MaxT21')
HDF_SD_ATTRINFO, sd_id, attr_index, DATA = MaxT21
index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(sd_id, 'FireMask')
sds_id = HDF_SD_SELECT(sd_id, index)
HDF_SD_GETDATA, sds_id, FireMask
index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(sd_id, 'MaxFRP')
sds_id = HDF_SD_SELECT(sd_id, index)
HDF_SD_END, sd_id
help, FirePix
print, FirePix, format = '(8I8)'
print, MaxT21, format = '("MaxT21:", F6.1, " K")'
help, FireMask, MaxFRP
WRITE_CSV, csv_file, FirePix
After I run this, and choose the correct file, this is the output I am getting:
0 4 0 0 3 12 3 0
MaxT21: 402.1 K
FIREMASK BYTE = Array[1200, 1200, 8]
MAXFRP LONG = Array[1200, 1200, 8]
The "FIREPIX" array is the one I want stored into a csv.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Instead of using WRITE_CSV, it is fairly simple to use the primitive IO routines to write a comma-separated array, i.e.:
openw, lun, csv_file, /get_lun
; the following line produces a single line the output CSV file
printf, lun, strjoin(strtrim(firepix, 2), ', ')
; TODO: do the above line as many times as necessary
free_lun, sun

How to use arrays created by loop? Matlab

The code I'm using imports data from multiple files and saves them into an array of cells, the code is as follows:
[FileName,PathName,FilterIndex] = uigetfile('*.txt*','MultiSelect','on');
numfiles = size(FileName,2);
FileData= cell(1,numfiles);
for ii = 1:numfiles
entirefile =fullfile(PathName,FileName{ii});
fid = fopen(entirefile);
tline = fgets(fid);
while ischar(tline)
parts = textscan(tline, '%f;');
if numel(parts{1}) > 0
A = [ A ; parts{:}' ];
tline = fgets(fid);
FileData{ii} = A;
A = FileData{ii};
X = A(:,1);
Y = A(:,5);
DataToUse = [X,Y];
Now my issue is I want to use the first DataToUse created by the loop, which will be data from the first file, seperatley to the other files but I can not issolate it. I have tried DataToUse(1), DataToUse(1,1) and DataToUse(:,[1,2]) but none are working for me. An example of the type of data would be:
0.0762 0.0271
0.0763 0.2671
0.0764 0.4079
0.0765 0.0510
0.0766 0.0087
0.0767 0.0099
0.0768 0.0067
0.0769 0.0047
0.0770 0.0047
0.0771 0.0349
0.0772 0.2094
0.0773 0.2740
0.0774 0.0294
0.0775 0.0100
0.0776 0.0159
I have different numbers of this kind of data depending on how many files are selected but I would like to only use the first initially and use the others later. Anybody know how I can go about doing this? Many thanks in advance
The solution is to use cell arrays, like so:
DataToUse{ii} = [X, Y]
To get the desired output put this after your for-loop:
firstLoopXY = DataToUse{1}

Addressing an index in array in Lua

I am trying to write a simple game using Love 2d engine. It uses lua as the scripting language. I have some problems with arrays and can't find any solution. Here is my issue:
for i = 1, 10 do
objects.asteroids = {}
objects.asteroids[i] = {}
objects.asteroids[i].body = love.physics.newBody(world, 650/2, 650/2, "dynamic")
objects.asteroids[i].size = 3
objects.asteroids[i].angle = math.random(6)
In the same function I am trying to do a following operation:
for i = 1, 10 do
objects.asteroids[i].size = 2
And I get this error when trying to run my game:
main.lua:48: attempt to index a nil value
Where line 48 refers to this line of code:
objects.asteroids[i].size = 2
You're overwriting objects.asteroids on each loop iteration.
for i = 1, 10 do
objects.asteroids = {} -- <== Here.
objects.asteroids[i] = {}
What this means is that the asteroid objects that you're trying to add end up being erased on the next step of the loop, since object.asteroids is set to a new {} table and the old one becomes inaccessible thereafter.
You might want to rearrange it like so:
objects.asteroids = {}
for i = 1, 10 do
objects.asteroids[i] = {}
-- ...

Function that outputs multiple datasets

I am working in MATLAB.
I have a function that loops through all the files in a directory, runs them and concatenates their dataset outputs into a single dataset.
Is there a way that I can alter my function so that it outputs all the individual datasets as well as the unified one?
Below, the array named "FileInfo" has 3 columns. The first has the file name, and the second and third columns are the inputs
function [AllFunOutputs] = RunAllFuns(FileInfo)
fileDir = dir('C:\MATLAB\Funs'); % get all file names in directory 'Funs'
files = {};
funNames = strrep(files, '.m', ''); % strip the '.m' suffix from all files
funNames(:,1:2) = [];
funNames = transpose(funNames);
k = 1; % below, match the function name with its argument
for i=1:length(FileInfo)
if strcmp(FileInfo(i,1),funNames(k,1))
funNames(k,3) = FileInfo(i,2);
k = k+1;
% create function handles
fh_array = cellfun(#str2func,{funNames{:,1}},'UniformOutput', false);
X = []; % below, concatenate all output datasets into a single dataset
for i=1:size((funNames),1)
X = X+1;
so..... why doesn't this work to give me the output dataset of all the functions?
nFcns = numel(fh_array); % number of functions to evaluate
for i=1:size(nFcns)
[allresults] = feval(#(i)funNames(i,2),funNames(i,3));
Thank you so much for your help and time!
