How do I display Dynamics NAV table option field text values in SQL Server - dynamics-nav

Sometimes during Dynamics NAV development, it is helpful to take a quick look at the data using SQL Server. But because any fields of type option are an enumeration, all you get in SQL Server is the numeric value. I needed a quick and dirty way to get the option text values instead.

From within NAV you can read the OPTIONSTRING property of a FieldReference. This is a comma separated string. A job can be scheduled that will loop through all of the tables (Object virtual table filtered on table) by number, find the options strings and add them to a table. Then in a query you can find the option text value for the Table, Field No, and Field Value.
FieldRef := RecRef.FIELDINDEX(i);
optionstring := FieldRef.OPTIONSTRING;
c := NumberofOptions(optionstring);
FOR o := 1 TO c DO BEGIN
OptionsTable."Table No" := TableNo;
OptionsTable."Field No" := FieldRef.NUMBER;
OptionsTable."Option Value" := o-1;
OptionsTable."Option Text" := SELECTSTR(o, optionstring);
OptionsTable."Field Name" := FieldRef.NAME;
IF NOT OptionsTable.INSERT THEN OptionsTable.DELETE;

To make this a little less painful, I created a macro enabled Excel file that parses the Dynamics NAV field option string into a Sql Server T-Sql Case statement. It provides a horizontal or vertical case statement and uses the field name as the column alias in Sql Server. Enjoy...
Here is a link to the Excel file
Excel File

I often get this problem. I created a table with option values (int) and names (string). The primary key is code, value. So you can use it also to resolve magicnumbers from other systems. Then you can easy join this table:
select Type, i.[Option] [Option Name]
from Object o
join [xxx$IntegerToOption] i on i.Code = 'OBJEKT TYP' and i.Integer = o.Type
order by o.Name
Type Option Name
5 Codeunit
2 Form
1 Table
2 Form
2 Form
1 Table
2 Form
5 Codeunit
3 Report


Why does FireDAC ignore index name?

I'm trying to creating a table in a SQL Server database using FireDAC. However, instead of using the index name I provide, FireDAC uses a bad index name, raising an exception and the table does not get created. Am I doing something wrong? If not, is there a work-around?
Note that I'm using the valid database schema name cnf for TableName. I specifically need to create the table in a schema.
Simplest test case:
Connection: TFDConnection;
Table: TFDTable;
Connection := TFDConnection.Create(nil);
Table := TFDTable.Create(nil);
Connection.Params.Add ('DriverID=MSSQL');
Connection.Params.Add ('OSAuthent=No');
Connection.Params.Add ('User_Name=sa');
Connection.Params.Add ('Password=XXXXXX');
Connection.Params.Add ('Server=DAVE-DELL\MSSQLSERVER2016');
Connection.Params.Add ('Database=PROJECT_DB');
Connection.Params.Add ('MARS=No');
Table.Connection := Connection;
Table.TableName := 'cnf.TestTable';
Table.FieldDefs.Add ('TableID', ftAutoInc, 0, true);
Table.FieldDefs.Add ('Field1', ftInteger, 0, true);
Table.FieldDefs.Add ('Field2', ftstring, 100, true);
Table.IndexDefs.Add ('PK_XYZ', 'TableID', [ixPrimary]); // should use this index name!
Table.CreateTable (true);
An exception is raised:
[FireDAC][Phys][ODBC][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near '.'.
Running SQL Server Profiler shows me that FireDAC is trying to create the index using the following SQL code:
ALTER TABLE temp.TestTable ADD CONSTRAINT [cnf].[PK_TestTable] PRIMARY KEY (TableID)
And, of course, [cnf].[PK_TestTable] is not a valid index name in T-SQL, which is the crux of the problem.
If I remove the line Table.IndexDefs.Add, the table is created properly, but without the index.
If I replace that line with the following, it gives the same problem:
with Table.IndexDefs.AddIndexDef do begin
Name := 'PK_XYZ';
Options := [ixPrimary];
Fields := 'TableID';
If I replace setting the table name with the following, it gives the same problem:
Table.TableName := 'TestTable';
Table.SchemaName := 'cnf';
Why is it using it's own (wrong) index name, instead of the name I gave it? (i.e. PK_XYZ)
Embarcadero® Delphi 10.1 Berlin Version 24.0.25048.9432
SQL Server 2016 (SP2-CU4) - 13.0.5233.0 (X64)
Am I doing something wrong?
Why is it using it's own (wrong) index name, instead of the name I gave it?
You seem to be doing everything just right. The issue is with the generated SQL command as you have tracked that down. SQL Server doesn't allow schema name in constraint name when adding a constraint using ALTER TABLE. Constraints created this way automatically become part of schema of the related table, however you should later use schema name when referring to the constraint:
Now where do the things go wrong? FireDAC uses TFDPhysCommandGenerator and its ancestors to generate SQL commands for specific DBMS. Your call to CreateTable method results in call to TFDPhysCommandGenerator.GetCreatePrimaryKey, which is responsible for generating SQL for primary key. It also contains this code:
sTab := GetFrom;
FConnMeta.DecodeObjName(sTab, rName, nil, [doUnquote]);
rName.FObject := 'PK_' + rName.FObject;
Result := 'ALTER TABLE ' + sTab + ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' +
FConnMeta.EncodeObjName(rName, nil, [eoQuote, eoNormalize]) + ' PRIMARY KEY (';
What this code does is that it takes your fully qualified table name (sTab) splits it (DecodeObjName) into parts (rName) prepends 'PK_' to table name and joins the parts (EncodeObjName) back to fully qualified name, which is then used as the constraint name for your primary key. Now we can clearly see that command generator ignores your index name and generates erroneous T-SQL. This can either be a bug or just a not supported feature. EMBT has to make decision on that. I'd recommend reporting it as a bug.
Is there a work-around?
Yes, you can either hook problematic method or you can override it in your own derived class. Implementation none of these is trivial and due to legal issues I'm not going to extend it here, because I would have to duplicate the original FireDAC code.
As for the syntax error adding these lines to 'TFDPhysCommandGenerator.GetCreatePrimaryKey' implementation after DecodeObjName would fix the issue:
rName.FCatalog := '';
rName.FSchema := '';
rName.FBaseObject := '';
rName.FLink := '';
Fixing constraint name is going to be more cumbersome than that, because the method only receives index column names as argument and has no obvious access to original IndexDefs where you could just use index name as primary key constraint name. Gaining access to index name from there would also allow you to get rid of decoding/encoding table name into index name. This process, however, could be essential for other DMBS's than SQL Server.
PS: If only half of all the questions were written in this manner ... Thank you for this wonderful question.

How to apply a cached update FDQuery using Delphi FireDAC with an UNIQUE constraint on the database

I have a problem to resolve cache updates when delta includes fields that have UNIQUE constraint on the database. I have a database with the following DDL schema (SQLite in memory can be used to reproduce):
create table FOO
ID integer primary key,
The initial database table contains one record with ID = 1 and DESC = R1
Acessing this table with a TFDQuery (select * from FOO), if the following steps are performed, the generated delta will be correctly applied with ApplyUpdates:
Update record ID = 1 to DESC = R2
Append a new record ID = 2 with DESC = R1
Delta includes the following:
No error will be generated on ApplyUpdates, because the first operation on delta will be an update. The second will be an insert. As record 1 now is R2, the insertion can be done because there are no violation of the unique contraint on this transaction.
Now, performing the following steps, will generate the exactly same delta (look at the FDQuery.Delta property), but a UNIQUE constraint violation will be generated.
Append a new temporary record ID = 2 with DESC = TT
Update the first record ID = 1 to DESC = R2
Update the temporary record 2 - TT to DESC = R1
Delta includes the following:
Note that FireDAC generates the same delta on both scenarios, this can be viewed through the FDquery's Delta property.
This steps cand be used to reproduce the error:
File > New VCL Forms Application; Drop a FDConnection and FDQuery on form; Set FDConnection to use SQLite driver (using in memory database); Drop two buttons on form, one to reproduce the correctly behavior, and another to reproduce the error, as follows:
Button OK:
procedure TFrmMain.btnOkClick(Sender: TObject);
// create the default database with a FOO table
con.ExecSQL('create table FOO' + '(ID integer primary key, DESC char(2) UNIQUE)');
// insert a default record
con.ExecSQL('insert into FOO values (1,''R1'')');
qry.CachedUpdates := true;
qry.Open('select * from FOO');
// update the first record to T2
qry.Fields[1].AsString := 'R2';
// append the second record to T1
qry.Fields[0].AsInteger := 2;
qry.Fields[1].AsString := 'R1';
// apply will not generate a unique constraint violation
Button Error:
// create the default database with a FOO table
con.ExecSQL('create table FOO' + '(ID integer primary key, DESC char(2) UNIQUE)');
// insert a default record
con.ExecSQL('insert into FOO values (1,''R1'')');
qry.CachedUpdates := true;
qry.Open('select * from FOO');
// append a temporary record (TT)
qry.Fields[0].AsInteger := 2;
qry.Fields[1].AsString := 'TT';
// update R1 to R2
qry.Fields[1].AsString := 'R2';
// update TT to R1
qry.Fields[1].AsString := 'R1';
// apply will generate a unique contraint violation
Update Since writing the original version of this answer, I've done some more investigation and am beginning to think that either there is a problem with ApplyUpdates, etc, in FireDAC's support for Sqlite (in Seattle, at least), or we are not using the FD components correctly. It would need FireDAC's author (who is a contributor here) to say which it is.
Leaving aside the ApplyUpdates business for a moment, there are a number of other problems with your code, namely your dataset navigation makes assumptions about the ordering on the rows in qry and the numbering of its Fields.
The test case I have used is to start (before execution of the application) with the Foo table containing the single row
(1, 'R1')
Then, I execute the following Delphi code, at the same time as monitoring the contents of Foo using an external application (the Sqlite Manager plug-in for FireFox). The code executes without an error being reported in the application, but notice that it does not call ApplyUpdates.
qry.Open('select * from FOO');
qry.InsertRecord([2, 'TT']);
assert(qry.Locate('ID', 1, []));
qry.FieldByName('DESC').AsString := 'R2';
assert(qry.Locate('ID', 2, []));
qry.FieldByName('DESC').AsString := 'R1';
The added row (ID = 2) is not visible to the external application until after Con.Close has executed, which I find puzzling. Once Con.Close has been called, the external application shows Foo as containing
(1, 'R2')
(2, 'R1')
However, I have been unable to avoid the constraint violation error if I call ApplyUpdates, regardless of any other changes I make to the code, including adding a call to ApplyUpdates after the first Post.
So, it seems to me that either the operation of ApplyUpdates is flawed or it is not being used correctly.
I mentioned FireDAC's author. His name is Dmitry Arefiev and he has answered a lot of FD qs on SO, though I haven't noticed him here in the past couple of months or so. You might try catching his attention by posting in EMBA's FireDAC NG forum,

NVarchar Prefix causes wrong index to be selected

I have an entity framework query that has this at the heart of it:
SELECT 1 AS dummy
FROM [dbo].[WidgetOrder] AS widgets
WHERE widgets.[SomeOtherOrderId] = N'SOME VALUE HERE'
The execution plan for this chooses an index that is a composite of three columns. This takes 10 to 12 seconds.
However, there is an index that is just [SomeOtherOrderId] with a few other columns in the "include". That is the index that should be used. And when I run the following queries it is used:
SELECT 1 AS dummy
FROM [dbo].[WidgetOrder] AS widgets
WHERE widgets.[SomeOtherOrderId] = CAST(N'SOME VALUE HERE' AS VARCHAR(200))
SELECT 1 AS dummy
FROM [dbo].[WidgetOrder] AS widgets
WHERE widgets.[SomeOtherOrderId] = 'SOME VALUE HERE'
This returns instantly. And it uses the index that is just SomeOtherOrderId
So, my problem is that I can't really change how Entity Framework makes the query.
Is there something I can do from an indexing point of view that could cause the correct index to be selected?
As far as I know, since version 4.0, EF doesn't generate unicode parameters for non-unicode columns. But you can always force non-unicode parameters by DbFunctions.AsNonUnicode (prior to EF6, DbFunctions is EntityFunctions):
from o in db.WidgetOrder
where o.SomeOtherOrderId == DbFunctions.AsNonUnicode(param)
select o
Try something like ....
SELECT 1 AS dummy
FROM [dbo].[WidgetOrder] AS widgets WITH (INDEX(Target_Index_Name))
WHERE widgets.[SomeOtherOrderId] = N'SOME VALUE HERE'
This query hint sql server explicitly what index to use to get resutls.

DBCheckComboBox get values in SQL Server

I have a column that is NVarChar(MAX), it contains text like this: ;0,4,6
These are the Flag values from another table.
A. I set the EditValueFormat propertie of the component to cvfIndices
B. I put the table values from Table a to a TcxDBCheckComboBox component using code like this:
Query.Active := True;
while not Query.Eof do begin
Query.Active := False;
C. I assigned a datasource to point to that column I want to hold my value when I select the values in the program the text looks like this in the database: ;0,4,6 how should I query it to find what is selected from SQL Server?
Found the answer while using cvfIndices the value saved in the database represents the index of the value in the combobox so you can query it like this:
SELECT * FROM TechCardsData
LEFT JOIN TechCardsOperations
CHARINDEX(CAST(TechCardsOperations.ID-1 as nvarchar(max)),TechCardsData.OperationsFlags) <> 0
and everything works :) hope this helps someone :)

oracle forms builder pl/sql - access a column that is dervied from other columns

I have a view in my database that has a bunch of fields derived from other information in the database, this is how the view is defined:
create view patient_account_view AS
select patient.p_mrn,
quantity*item_cost + repeats*item_cost "ammount_owing",
(quantity*item_cost + repeats*item_cost) - ammount_paid "balance"
from patient_account,
where patient.p_mrn = diagnosis.p_mrn AND
patient_account.p_mrn = patient.p_mrn AND
diagnosis.prescribed_treatment_id = prescribed_treatment.prescribed_treatment_id AND
prescribed_treatment.prescribed_treatment_id = perscription.prescribed_treatment_id AND
items_used.ptreatment_id = prescribed_treatment.prescribed_treatment_id AND
items_used.item_number = item.item_number;
I would like to use pl/sql to access the information in the view to stick it into a form, but I'm getting a 'bad bind variable' error. How do I access this kind of attribute without having to recalculate the information stored there?
Here is the plsql that is problematic:
pmrn patient.p_mrn%TYPE;
var_ptuple patient%ROWTYPE;
var_accttuple patient_account%ROWTYPE;
SELECT * INTO var_ptuple from patient WHERE patient.p_mrn = pmrn;
SELECT * INTO var_accttuple from patient_account_view WHERE patient_account_view.p_mrn = pmrn;
:PATIENT_BLOCK.FNAME := var_ptuple.p_fname;
:PATIENT_BLOCK.LNAME := var_ptuple.p_lname;
:PATIENT_BLOCK.BALACNCE_OWING := var_accttuple.balance;
The columns of your view patient_account_view do not match exactly the columns of the table patient_account, but in your code you have:
var_accttuple patient_account%ROWTYPE;
which means when you run this:
SELECT * INTO var_accttuple from patient_account_view ...
You haven't specified which columns get mapped to which record attributes, so Oracle requires that the column list matches exactly.
In this case, I'd expect you probably want to change the definition of the variable, e.g.
var_accttuple patient_account_view%ROWTYPE;
Side note
Since you're only using one attribute from the view, you can simplify your code as follows:
from patient_account_view WHERE patient_account_view.p_mrn = pmrn;
and you no longer need var_accttuple.
