ASP.NET MVC Connect to DSN with limited access - sql-server

I have a database on which I have very limited access. I need to get some data from a VIEW from a database. I have a generic Windows account and I can only login if I Shift+Click on Sql Server Studio and open as different user and use the default Windows Authentication(No Sql Server Authentication Works). I created some DNSs but I can only login with the default Windows NT authentication and SQL Server. The problem is, when I use the Windows NT I get the error:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user
My Code:
OdbcConnection cn;
OdbcCommand cmd;
string MyString;
MyString = "Select * from users";
cn = new OdbcConnection("dsn=DB77;UID=****;PWD=****;");
cmd = new OdbcCommand(MyString, cn);
catch(Exception e)
return e.ToString();
I want to use a Windows Authentication to get data from the db. Is it something wrong in Code, ODBC Data Source Admin, IIS?

I personally use NHibernate with MVC. Originally I picked it up because our database doesn't support EF but enjoy it enough that even if we moved to SQL Server I'd keep NHibernate.
The learning curve is kinda weird. It is definitely steep to become an expert, but it is interesting in that it is pretty organic to let it handle more and more of the work for you as you get comfortable with certain layers.
So for your case NHibernate probably supports your database, can be used as a simple data access layer (just returning DTOs), provides a database agnostic interface and can support SQL Server when the time comes. If you end up wanting more out of NHibernate it is there when the time comes.

nHibernate doesn't have anything to do with Windows Authentication. SQL server will use your process identity to authenticate
if configured to use windows authentication. What that means is that if your application is a web app, you'll need to ensure that your
application runs under the windows identity that can be authenticated by SQL Server.
And it's not possible to provide windows credentials via database connection string, unfortunately.
Example of connection string when using windows authentication:
Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=SSPI;


IIS Connection IIS Basic User Settings Specific User Cannot Connect to SQL Server using Perl DBI

My Perl IIS web application is getting an SSL Error when the Perl DBI tries to connect to my MS SQL Server database version 11.0.7001 (that's what is listed in SQL Server Manager). The Perl application runs under IIS, and my IIS Basic User Settings Connection is set to Specific User (Domain Administrator).
The SQL Sever database resides on the same system as IIS. The distribution of Perl is Strawberry Perl; IIS' version is 8.5.9600.16384.
I can connect to the database using the SQL Server Manager locally on the server as well as remotely from my workstation. The connection type is SQL username and password. The IIS application listens on port 8085. The IIS permissions are not restricted, and there is no SQL server connection string as part of IIS.
The first page of the application loads, but this first page does not try to connect to the SQL Server database.
I have been looking at Stackoverflow posts -- like this one -- for a while, and have tried some of the suggestions like making a system DSN (which tests correctly), instead of a DSN string in Perl.
None of the suggestions have helped, and many but not all of the posts are dealing with security and certificates, not an application that is behind a firewall. In other words, I do not have security turned on.
To the best of my knowledge there is no security turned on for this application, and Named Pipes and TCP/IP were already turned on, as was suggested in one of the posts I read.
Here is the error:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBMSLPCN]ConnectionOpen (SECCreateCredentials()). (SQL-01000) at ../../include/ line 266.
DBI connect('driver={SQL Server};server=arlsql\arlsql;database=BuildingPermit;uid=user;pwd=pwd','',...) failed: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBMSLPCN]SSL Security error (SQL-08001) [state was 08001 now 01000]
Any suggestions on what to try next would be appreciated.
Edit 1/6/2020
I need to add that my C# client application using .Net ODBC objects successfully accesses the same database on which the web-based Perl DBI code fails. The username and password are the same for the client application as that used in the Perl CGI.
The IIS user for this application runs as the domain administrator, but when creating the DBI connection uses the same username and password. The database is set up for SQL username and password, and, as stated previously, there is no security set, at least that I can tell.
This does not answer the question but is instead a workaround. I consider the following a workaround, because I would still like to know why the DBI call failed with a specific user.
I switched my IIS Basic User Settings Connection from Specific User (Domain Administrator) to Application User (pass-through authentication).
After making this change and restarting IIS, the Perl DBI connection worked, but why?

SQL Server log in failing from Java DriverManager.getConnection(), working from Python with pymssql.connect()

I'm trying to use DriverManager.getConnection() to connect to a SQL Server db from a Java application, but I keep getting "Login failed for user" errors with it. I've tried using both and net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver to connect, but both keep hitting the issue.
Here's the code I'm using to connect:
I know that account has access to that DB, as I've connected to it before from a Python application using pymssql.connect(SERVERADDRESS, USER, PASS, DBNAME) with the same server/DB/creds.
From this article, I eventually managed to get it working using windows authentication with my personal account, but I still can't get it to work using our service account. Does anyone have any insight into why the Python app can connect but the Java one can't?
pymssql is built on top of FreeTDS. Both FreeTDS and jTDS support an older Windows authentication scheme named NTLM, while current versions of Microsoft's JDBC Driver for SQL Server (mssql-jdbc) no longer support that authentication mechanism.
So, given that you've confirmed that pymssql can connect, you should be able to connect from your Java app as Windows user MYDOMAIN\username using jTDS like so:
String myUid = "username", myPwd = "mypassword";
String connUrl = "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://;DOMAIN=MYDOMAIN";
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connUrl, myUid, myPwd);
To find out the reason of "Login failed for user" one should go to SQL Server error log.
The next row to 18456 error will give you the reason.
The most probably reason of failure in your case is that the server is configurated to use Windows Authentication only

ODBC DSN Connection Error - SQL Server 2014 Express Classic ASP

Trying to connect a classic asp page to sql server express 2014 using a dsn.
I've created a new database (in sql server management studio) called warehouse, with a table called users. I've added a new login called user1 with a password and mapped it to the warehouse database
I've created an ODBC System DSN on the same machine, using sql server native client 11 driver called SQLServer2 with integrated windows authentication, and a default database warehouse. Testing the connection at this point works fine!
On the ASP page I'm using:-
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "dsn=SQLServer2;uid=user1;pwd=xyz;"
Error:- Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e4d'
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot open
database "warehouse" requested by the login. The login failed.
I'm pretty sure that its a permissions issue and that the connection string is OK otherwise but after hours and hours of trying different strings, different users, I can't seem to get the damn thing to connect
If Anyone can throw any ideas my way I'd be very grateful. Thanks!
The way you are describing the problem the DSN uses integrated security so your credentials might be ignored and the database is called using the application pool identity.
If you have no specific reason why you need to use a DSN I would recommend using a connection string like the following:
objConn.Open "Provider=sqloledb;Server=yourdbserver;uid=user1;pwd=xyz;Database=warehouse"
A look into your SQL server log might give you a hint as to which user is actually failing to connect to your database.
I think you should have done something like this
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.ConnectionString "dsn=SQLServer2;uid=user1;pwd=xyz;"

Authenticating to a SQL Server instance as a Windows User via JDBC

I'm having to support multiple database types for my tenant-enabled web application. Among others, I have successfully supported Microsoft's SQL Server, by using the net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver class with a connection String like "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://". This works, but it requires that the user explicitly defines a user in the SQL Server instance and enables SQL Server authentication.
Now, inevitably, requirements changed, and we're supposed to support connecting to SQL Server via Windows Authentication. Evidently this requires some sort of change to the connection string, since the data base server must somehow be able to distinguish whether the credentials passed into the data base connection are for a user defined in the SQL Server installation or in the Windows OS. But what is it?
Acting on advice from the internet, if progressed as far as extending the connection string with ;useNTLMv2=true;domain=WORKGROUP. That seems to make the data base server aware that I want to authenticate as a Windows user, but the actual log-in fails with
The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication. (code 18452, state 28000)
Now im my testing set-up, both the J2EE app and the SQL server instance are in fact on the same machine (although in production they may not be), and still this computer isn't trusted enough to log on to itself? Evidently I'm missing a big part of the puzzle here. What does one have to do to convince an SQL Server instance that the user who started it can in fact log on to it via JDBC?
Since we have already sunk too much unsuccessful effort trying to integrate our web application with a full Microsoft infrastructure stack (SQL Server, Active Directory, Domain Name Service...), I have to restrict this question:
Does anyone know a way to access an SQL Server installation with a user account defined as a "Windows User" via JDBC form a J2EE application, without having to use Active Directory, a Windows machine running the web application and a proprietary DLL? The bounty is for any solution of that sub-problem. The entire problem is clearly too broad to be answered in one forum post.
I ran into the error
The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows
when a 2012 SQL Server DB instance was recently upgraded to 2016. In order to use AD based authentication with the JTDS driver and SQL Server 2016, it seems necessary to specify both the useNTLMv2=true and the suffix in order to establish a connection. The name of the domain is absolutely necessary and I confirmed that through testing. This is with JTDS driver version 1.3.1.
Example of a working connection string using AD based authentication to SQL Server 2016 DB with JTDS 1.3.1:
Recently (due to the pandemic lockdown), I found myself also having to connect to SQL Server using Windows authentication from a non-domain computer (over VPN). This can be accomplished by starting the Windows process initiating the SQL Server connection, e.g. Eclipse / Spring Tool Suite, with the following command:
C:\Windows\System32\runas.exe /netonly /user:domain\user "path_to_executable.exe"
In discovering that gem, I also discovered that encryption needed to be used. Here are the settings I'm using (in addition to now running the executable with /netonly and a domain account):
spring.datasource.hikari.connection-test-query=SELECT 1
What you describe certainly appears to be feasible. I have SQL Server 2008 R2 Express running on a stand-alone server and I was able to connect using a Windows username/password on that server via jTDS 1.3.1 from a separate Windows machine and from an Xubuntu 14.04 box.
On the machine running SQL Server I created a Windows user named 'kilian'. In SQL Server itself I created a SQL Login for NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users. Then in the database (named 'myDb') I created a User named 'AuthenticatedUsers' for that SQL Login. Just to keep things simple I gave that user db_owner rights on the database.
There is no SQL Login for 'kilian' and no database User with that name.
Then, from the other two machines (the Windows workstation and the Xubuntu box) I just ran this:
package com.example.jtdstest;
import java.sql.*;
public class JtdsTestMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://" +
"4theBounty")) {
try (Statement s = con.createStatement()) {
String sql = "SELECT LastName FROM Clients WHERE ID=1";
try (ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sql)) {;
} catch (Exception e) {
Additional notes:
I did not have to include useNTLMv2=true. I was able to connect with or without that parameter.
I did have to include domain= to tell the SQL Server not to use SQL authentication, but the actual value I supplied made no difference. (I literally used 'whatever', which was not the name of the server or the name of the workgroup to which it belongs.)
Alternative Method
The alternative solution is to utilize integrated security. This enables your application to connect to the database as the user in which the application is currently running as. This is enabled by adding integratedSecurity=true; into the connection string properties. If you run into any trouble, make sure the sqljdbc_auth.dll is accessible via classpath or within your app library.
Security Note
You're probably already aware, but just have to say make sure not to grant access to "Authenticated Users" to your database as previously suggested as part of the demonstration. Identify which user account your application runs as and grant access to only that specific user in your database server.
Sources / Additional Info
MSDN Doc on JDBC Connection String Configuration (
The main problem is the windows authentication with a full java solution (no DLL). So you could use one of the libs below:
NTLM authentication:
spring based Kerberos authentication:
another integrated windows auth lib is SPNEGO (don't know much about this one)
So once your app is authenticated with one of the lib above, your JDBC should run fine using "integratedSecurity=true;" and if needed "authenticationScheme=JavaKerberos".
Firstly you should write the jdbc connection like this:
String url ="jdbc:sqlserver://PC01\inst01;databaseName=DB01;integratedSecurity=true";
you need to enable the SQL Server TCP/IP Protocol in Sql Server Configuration Manager app. You can see the protocol in SQL Server Network Configuration.
I can see two possibilities,
1. You are using a local system account which the server won't understand
In this case, switch to a domain account.
Windows authentication has different credential requirements and you might not be meeting those.
In this case try changing the password to match the requirements.
It is very well possible that both are happening.
see this other SO post that describes how to connect to a SQL Server with Windows Authentication from a Linux machine through JDBC
This is my NiFi setup for jTDS driver:
Database Connection URL: jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://;DOMAIN=domain_name
I didn't need to add useNTLMv2=true, but most people need to, so if it doesn't work you can try also:
Database Driver Class Name: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver
Database User: domain_user_name (**without** #domain)
Password: domain_password
Validation query: select 1
One of the possible reasons for this error to appear is when you configure you data source to use windows authentication and SQL Server is using Extended Protection mode together with SSL (i'm not sure if SSL is required though). This mode requires the client to send additional information - signed service principal name (SPN) and channel binding token (CBT). See more information about Extended Protection Mode here. Currently both JTDS JDBC and Microsoft JDBC drivers do not support this mode. I couldn't find an official statement from JTDS, but there is an open ticket for Microsoft drivers.
In order to configure Extended Protection mode, go to SQL Server Configuration Manager, select properties on SQL Server Network Configuration -> Protocols for %your instance% and change Extended Protection option.

How do I connect to SQL Server using OLEDB using Windows Authentication connection string

I have SQL Server 2010 running in windows auth mode and the proper groups have been assigned. I can connect via the SQL Server Client Studio using windows auth. That works. But when connecting using .NET OLEDB connections it fails and I can't figure out why.
Here is the string:
data source=;initial catalog=ForgeEnterprise;Integrated Security=SSPI;multipleactiveresultsets=True;App=EntityFramework
And here is the error:
Login failed for user 'MOMENTUMI\jmcclure'
Is there something I'm missing?
According to this should do the trick
Where Trusted_Connection is the same as Integrated Security apparently.
If that doesn't work, you should verify that the user is added in the permissions tab (picture) for the database, but I guess you already did that.
