Conditionally apply css class to div in React ternary - reactjs

I'm mapping over a data object in React, and need to be able to conditionally apply a class to a div if item.lead === true for either item.profile or item.noprofile. My current implementation is grabbing user data, but not sure how to apply a class with my current setup:
React Profile
<li key={i} className={classes.member}>
<a href={`mailto:${}`}>
{item.profile ? (
) : (
<div className={classes.noprofile}>
<span className={classes.initials}>
<div className={classes.details}>
{item.firstName} {item.lastName}
JSS class that needs to be applied if a user is a lead (item.lead)
lead: {
"&:after": {
content: `'LEAD'`,
top: "5px",
position: "relative",
zIndex: "-1",
fontSize: "10px",
padding: "5px 4px 2px 4px",

You can use like this:
className={classes.profile + (item.lead && ' lead' || '')}

#Bhojendra's logic was close, but I discovered the logic needed to be as follows:
-for profiles with images: (item.lead === true && ${classes.profilelead}) || ""
-for those without: className={classes.noprofile + ((item.lead === true && ${classes.lead}) || "")}


How to highlight the selected menu item

I want to highlight the selected menu item, can anyone help?
<div className="scrollmenu" style={{ display: "flex" }}>
{ => (
<div className="menu__wrapper">
onClick={() => { showCat(; showCatName(; }}
// style={{ float: "right", cursor: "pointer", paddingLeft: "0px", margin: "0px" }}
You can change the className depending on the selected element, and use CSS to highlight it.
For example, let's assume that you want to highlight a cat called Supercat:
<div className = "scrollmenu" style = {{ display: "flex" }}>
{ => (
<div className = "menu__wrapper">
onClick = {() => { showCat(; showCatName(; }}
className = "mobile-cat-menu"
<div className = { === "Supercat" ? "highlight" : "not__highlight" }>
Then use CSS:
background: red;
background: transparent;

Include an icon/image inside Ant Design Collapse panel other than expandIcon

I'm having issue adding icon in front of the header title as according to the Ant design collapse docs, we can only add expandIcon either on the right or left and I wonder if I can do both. But the icon I want to add is static which won't change when I clicked on panel to expand. Here's the picture to illustrate my CustomCollapse.
Here's my code of my collapse:
const StyledCollapse = styled(AntCollapse)`
&&& {
border: none;
border-radius: 0 10px 0 0;
box-shadow: none;
background-color: #0e0304;
.ant-collapse-content {
background-color: #0e0304;
color: #b5b5b6;
.ant-collapse-header {
color: #b5b5b6;
<StyledCollapse accordian activeKey={ ? key : []} onChange={combineFunc}>
<div className={styles.extraContainer}>
! && !props.isFollowed && props.panelID !== "1" && <img src={rewardIcon} alt="" style={{height:'1.2em', marginLRight:'10px', width:'auto', objectFit:'contain'}} /> // show this box
{ && !props.isFollowed && <img src={arrowDownIcon} alt="" style={{height:'1.2em', marginRight:'10px', width:'auto', objectFit:'contain'}} /> // show this icon
props.isFollowed ? <img src={tickIcon} alt="" style={{height:'1.2em', marginLRight:'10px', width:'auto', objectFit:'contain'}} /> : ""
In the extra API, I have added display of +10. So i'm wondering if I can still add an icon in front of the header title and what API should I use.
Try it:
JSX return
function createMarkup() {
return {__html: '<img src="" /> abc'};
return (
<Collapse defaultActiveKey={["1"]} onChange={onChange}>
header={<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={createMarkup()} />}

React Conditional Rendering to check if something is an empty tag

I have the following code:
{item && item.description && (
style={{ display: 'block', paddingBottom: '2px' }}
title="View Details"
onClick={() => setIsOpen(!isOpen)}
View Details
<Icon icon={isOpen ? 'collapse_arrow' : 'expand_arrow'}
The problem is that item.description could be an empty tag and therefore the condition is met and a Link component is rendered when it actually shouldn't be.
How is the best way I could avoid this case?
Thanks in advance!
You could use a regex to check for empty tags.
function checkForEmptyTags(tags) {
if (!tags) return false;
const EMPTY_TAGS_REGEX = RegExp('<[^>]*>\s*<\/[^>]*>');
return EMPTY_TAGS_REGEX.test(tags);
{item && !checkForEmptyTags(item.description) && (
style={{ display: 'block', paddingBottom: '2px' }}
title="View Details"
onClick={() => setIsOpen(!isOpen)}
View Details
<Icon icon={isOpen ? 'collapse_arrow' : 'expand_arrow'}

how can I search in 2 different arrays of objects if there is an id withn both when doing a map?

I am developing an app in React using redux, I set the reports (which is an array of objects), and the properties (another array of objects) both to the store. Then I do a =>(...more code)) but every time a property is created I need to check if the property.id_property is also in the reports.id_property. I have been trying to include a loop inside the property.id_property but it does not work
This is the properties map:
{ => (
<div id="propertiesList"
className="card my-2 ml-2 mainProperty"
maxWidth: "14rem",
maxHeight: "12rem",
cursor: "pointer"
onClick={() => this.showPropertyDetails(property.id_property)}>
{property.photo_property === null || property.photo_property == "null"
? (
<img style={{ height: 100 }}
) : (
<img style={{ height: 100 }}
<div style={{backgroundColor: "rgb(70, 88, 102)", color: "white", textAlign: "center"}}
className="card-header card-bottomPart">
<div className="card-body">
<p style={{ fontSize: 14 }} className="card-title" {property.address_line1}</p>
returns a boolean:
reports.some(item => item.id_property === property.id_property)
or if you need to return a value:
reports.find(item => item.id_property === property.id_property)

How to style a conditionally rendered ternary operator in a separate css file?

I am tasked with removing all inline css in my project. It is a React project with sass. I was able to remove all inline css and put in a separate "styles" directory except this one. I told my boss we can just leave it as it is minimal and makes the code more readable but he insists on removing it and putting in a separate file in the styles directory.
How would one go about doing this? Any and all help is appreciated.
****Here is the code**** (this is a snipet from a component file)
isLoggedIn ? (
className='share-icon cursor'
height: '20px',
width: '100px'
<img src={shareImage}/>
) : (
className='people-icon cursor'
height: '20px',
width: '100px'
<img src={groupImage}/>
Just create a class with these height and width values and use it in both cases:
isLoggedIn ? (
className='share-icon cursor whatever-classname-makes-sense'>
<img src={shareImage}/>
) : (
className='people-icon cursor whatever-classname-makes-sense'>
<img src={groupImage}/>
.whatever-classname-makes-sense {
width: 100px;
height: 20px;
