Spring Devtools triggers restart when changing excluded files - spring-boot-devtools

I have a Spring Boot Web Project that uses Joinfaces and Primefaces. The application extends from SpringBootServletInitializer and also generates a war file.
For development I start my Project (in Eclipse) using RunAs -> Spring Boot App. I've added the spring-boot-devtools dependency as described in the Developer Tools Docu. Everything seems to work, except that changes in a xhtml file also triggers the restart.
I've added the spring.devtools.restart.additional-exclude property in my application.yml to exclude also webapp/**. But this seems to have no effect, because a change still triggers the restart.
additional-exclude: webapp/**
My Project structure looks like:
- *.xhtml
But maybe I do not understand how to use the DevTools correct - Starting the application as Spring Boot App might not be the correct usage? Because if I place a file e.g. foo.txt under src/main/resources and update its content the application is also restarted (using the DevTools defaults (which should exclude /resources)).
Eclipse Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a)
Joinfaces 3.2.1 -> Spring Boot 2.0.2.RELEASE

The solution to my main problem might be relatively easy.
I've added the webapp folder as Source Folder in Eclipse. As soon as I've removed the folder from the list of source folders, the reload was no longer triggered when I changed something in the xhtml files.
This answer gave me the idea, that the source folder might be the problem.

My exclude also did not work. What I did as a workaround is slowing the reload down like this:
poll-interval: 6000
quiet-period: 5000


Typeorm + Firebase functions: "No connection options were found in any orm configuration files" after deployed

Folder structure:
Everything worked when developing in local environment. After deployed to firebase functions, No connection options were found in any orm configuration files shows up.
What might be the cause?
I'll update with more information if needed.
Below is the folder structure of deployed codes. (Cloud functions can't show more than 50 files so I downloaded the source code from GCP)
As you can see the ormconfig.json does exist in the root, but somehow it cannot be located. I have to create connection manually with typeorm.createConnection({type: "postgres",...}) to make the code work.
This is likely being caused by a known bug with app-root-path (which TypeORM uses for config file resolution) when used in conjunction with Google Cloud Functions.
The workaround / fix that worked for me was to set the environment variable APP_ROOT_PATH to /workspace when I deployed my Google Cloud Function (app-root-path will short-circuit when it sees that variable).

Error 404 Not Found Loading Bootstrap Glyphicons with Spring MVC

I'm building a maven web application using Spring 3.0.5 MVC, AngularJS 1.5 and Boostrap 3.3.6.
All front-end resources are under webapp/resources/[js,css,fonts].
I've add <mvc:resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/resources/" /> to my spring configuration file.
My issue is that i'm not able to get glyphicons-halflings-regular.xxx files. I got a 404 not found error. (exemple with http://localhost:8080/my-app/resources/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff)
I run my app with maven jetty plugin.
any hints?
Thanks in advance
Check that your font files are being copied to the target folder you expect them to be copied to. In your case, you should end up with the *.woff files under ~target/my-app/resources/fonts.
If the files are not in the correct/expected target location, check that you have correctly defined the resources element in your pom, and you're including the *.woff files.
Based on what you've said, I would expect your files to be placed into ~/target/my-app/[js,css,fonts] rather than ~/target/my-app/resources/[js,css,fonts]. If you see them there, then you can either remove the /resources portion of the links, or move the resources under /src/main/resources/resources.
If there are no *.woff files in the target folder at all, check the <resource> element of your pom and make sure you're including all the file types you want. If you need more control, take a look at the copy-resources goal of the maven-resources-plugin here: https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-resources-plugin/examples/copy-resources.html
I just noticed that you put your resources under /src/main/webapp/resources. Since this isn't the standard resource source folder, you can either move the resources into /src/main/resources or add the directory /src/main/webapp/resources to your resource list in the pom.

Grails 3.0 static html in run-app

similar questions have been asked before, regarding grails 2(.3, .4). I find it strange that i could not find a way to do this, as it seems a standard use-case to me.
I simply want to serve html-pages, including their linked .css and .js (angular and jquery content) when i run grails run-app.
I want to check if my http-calls are handeled correctly on both sides - without needing to deploy a .war and configuring a database.
afaik grails run-app simply starts a jetty/tomcat - both of which can obviously serve .html pages. What do i have to do to make the grails development-tooling deploy my files?
I need to make http-requests,
so using a different Server would violate JS-SOP,
while deploying the .war would greatly slow down the development process
I've so far only found clunky jsonp, proxy, .war deployment solutions, or solutions for grails 2.x
I tried placing the files literally everywhere in the projects' structure (/src/main, /src/main/resources, /src/main/public, the assets folder and its subfolders, created web-app directories in every subdirectory, the Init, domain, conf directories - you name it)
Add the index.html to src/main/resources/public
Then add this to UrlMappings.groovy:
For grails >= 3.0.12
Location of static resources
In order to resolve an issue around how POST requests are treated for
REST applications on non-existent resources, static resources located
in src/main/resources/public are now resolved under the /static/** URI
by default, instead of the base URI /**. If you wish to restore the
previous behaviour add the following configuration:
grails.resources.pattern = '/**'
Contrary to the accepted answer, you don't need a redirect. I have made able to make this work with the following config:
"/"(uri: "/index.html")
pattern: '/**'
Finally, you just need to have your index.html file located under src/main/webapp

IntelliJ: Automatically update resources

I am using IntelliJ IDEA to develop AngularJS app with Java back-end. HTML/JS is server from Tomcat.
Whenever I changed HTML/JS file, I hit CMD+F10 and select Update resources, then refresh my browser and everything is OK.
I'd like to ask if there is a way that IntelliJ would do this automatically for me. I know that I can check 'Don't ask again', but sometimes I really want to Redeploy or Restart server as well ...
If you go into your Server Run Configuration, on the Server tab there is an option named "On frame deactivation". Set that to "Update resources" and then whenever IDEA loses focus, it will update the resources of the server.
Relevant docs from Intellij http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/webhelp10.5/updating-a-running-java-ee-application.html#update_on_frame_deactivation
Edit 8/19/2020
Thanks to Adi Gerber for providing an updated link, which is https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/2016.2/updating-applications-on-application-servers.html#update (the previous one doesn't work anymore)
And here is a link to the current docs as of 8/19/2020: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/updating-applications-on-application-servers.html#update
Another TRUE AUTOMATED APPROACH that works very well is :
Having an imported Maven project
Option: Build Tools > Maven > Importing > Import Maven Project Automatically to keep in sync IDE compiler options specified in POM ( for example maven-compiler-plugin options)
Plugin: File Watcher to watch for resources' updates
Option: Tools > File Watcher > Custom watches to copy updated files via mvn war:exploded ( in our case Javascript and HTML )
Option: Build > Compiler Build Project Automatically to update .class
In our case we deploy on Google Cloud App Engine Devserver which reloads files everytime they are updated

Retrieve file relative to play application path

I created a Play! app and deployed it under TomCat. This works well. The only problem is the management of a properties file, currently in the conf folder right next to application.conf. But as soons as the client replaces the war file the custom properties are overwritten with the default values, resulting in errors.
Now I want to introduce a seperate properties file placed inside the webapps folder. This way I will be sure my clients will not overwrite the file 'accidentally'.
So the structure would be:
TomCat webapps:
PlayConfig <-- here I want to place the config file
So I would like to retrieve the properties file by something like:
This obvious does not work, but I do not know how to achieve this?
I thought retrieving it by tomcat http url but the portnumber my vary, so this would also not work, I guess...
UPDATE 2012-01-25:
Actually when using the following code:
I get the absolute path when running the project outside tomcat (so not inside war file!)
When I deploy the same project in a TomCat server I get the following output:
From this point on I can indeed use a relative path.
I think that when deployed in a Servlet container, play uses the /WEB-INF/application as base directory.
Try changing the path relative to this folder.
