Does Universal restriction fit in this row of description class in protege? - owl

I have class PlannedComposition with two subclasses:
They are closed with covering axiom. Because specific house can have only asymmetrical or symmetrical composition, but not both.
The class with individuals of houses are two types - one of them are symmetrical, the other one isn't.
My question is can I use universal restriction in the description of class HouseTypeOne (this one with symmetrical composition):


'max' and 'exactly' cardinality restrictions in the context of the OWA

In first place i have to apologize for my very, very poor english.
I've been studying the representation of knowledge in the context of design of experts systems trough ontologies. In particular, i've been using protégé as an OWL ontology editor.
After a large number of fails, finally i've started to realize the huge impact of the OWA on the process of inference and reasoning, mainly when i try to performance some automatic classification task.
I've solve many of the basic problems about that but, going deeper on the idea of making more and more specific classifications, i ran into the need for use cardinality restrictions. (which, at first, i tought that i cleary understand, but in the end, i realize that i'm nowhere close it)
Well, so far i've made a mess. Only a very few classification has been working as i spected. I guess that, as usual, i've been losing sight of the OWA.
Mi concrete doubt is this: What's the point on creating a restriction over an object property with a 'max' and, specially, 'exactly' cardinality in a context where we assume that the world is open?
I bring to you this simple example, based on the Pizza Tutorial, since many concepts can be extrapolated from there: Suppose that i want to define the class of pizzas named "FourChessePizza" and i want that, in principle, any individual that has four "ChesseTopping", i.e., four relationships along the "hasTopping" property with individuals of class "CheeseTopping", are inferred as belonging that class.
So i create an individual and, in "types", i assert this:
hasTopping some MozzarellaToping
hasTopping some ParmesanTopping
hasTopping some FontinaTopping
hasTopping some BlueChesseTopping
All the fillers are disjoints.
(The names of each chesse are merely demostrative; i don't know which cheeses are used)
So far, the reasoner have no way to say that that individual belongs to "FourChessePizza" since, although it has four relationships, the OWA considers the possibility that it can have more relations that might not have been "said". No 'max' or 'exactly' cardinality restriction can be applied since the uncertainty about "how much relations" really have the individual.
So, with only this information i can't found any restriction to my "FourCheesePizza" that clasify this simple individual as own.
Beyond this particular example, my question is more general about the generic process of "counting" asserted relationships with the less possible information.
¿Is there any solution to this kind of problems?¿What is what i'm not thinking in the rigth way to solve this and similar problems?
Thank you very much in advance for your time and your good will.
This is a surprisingly intricate problem! At first sight, it looks like what you need is simply a "closure axiom", something that is describe in the Protégé tutorial with the Pizza ontology. There, the concept of a Margherita pizza is at first described as a pizza that has some mozzarella topping and some tomato topping. But even if you know a pizza has mozzarella and tomato, it is not sufficient to classify it as a Margherita pizza, because other kinds of pizzas have mozzarella and tomato. So the solution is to say that a Margherita pizza only has mozarella and tomato toppings.
Similarly, it would be possible to say that your example pizza only has Mozzarella, Parmesan, Fontina, and Blue Cheese toppings. But would this be sufficient to qualify as a FourCheesePizza? Well, it depends how you define 4 cheese pizzas. If a FourCheesePizza is one that has at least 4 cheese toppings, then yes. But we don't want to have 5-cheese pizzas classified as 4-cheese pizzas, right?
A simple conceptualisation of 4-cheese pizzas would be that it has exactly 4 cheese toppings:
FourCheesePizza subClassOf hasTopping exactly 4 CheeseToppings
So, it means that for any instance of FourCheesePizza, there exists x1, x2, x3, x4 four distinct instances of CheeseTopping. The problem is, the four instances could be all distinct instances of MozzarellaTopping.
In the case of Hector Coscia's example, if we have:
FourCheesePizza subClassOf (
hasTopping some MozzarellaTopping and
hasTopping some ParmesanTopping and
hasTopping some FontinaTopping and
hasTopping some BlueChesseTopping and
hasTopping only (MozzarellaToping or ParmesanTopping or FontinaTopping or BlueChesseTopping)
then it is possible that there are 2 mozzarella toppings, 5 parmesan toppings, 16 fontina toppings, and 42 blue cheese toppings. And yet, this woud arguably be fine as a 4-cheese pizza because what matters is that it uses exactly 4 types of cheeses. But how to express that a pizza only has 4 types of toppings?
In OWL, it is not possible to restrict the number of classes used in a definition. For instance, it is not possible to say: the instances that are member of only 2 classes. Even if it was possible, it would be useless, because every instance X belongs to infinitely many classes: it belongs to the singleton class {X}, it belongs to every superclass of this singleton, and it belongs to the union of {X} with all the classes that are disjoint from {X}.
So the only option is to change the modelling pattern: to make TypeOfCheese a class, and to make Mozzarella, Parmesan, Fontina, Blue Cheese instances of this class. Then it is possible to restrict how many types of cheeses are used. To do so, you may proceed as follows:
create a property typeOfCheese that connects instances of CheeseTopping to instances of TypeOfCheese
create another propery usesTypeOfCheese that connects pizzas to types of cheeses
define a property chain axiom that says: hasTopping o typeOfCheese subPropertyOf usesTypeOfCheese
define FourCheesePizza as the subclass of usesTypeOfCheese exactly 4 TypeOfCheese
define the instances of TypeOfCheese: mozzarella, parmesan, fontina, blueCheese, cancoillotte, etc.
define MozzarellaTopping subClassOf typeOfCheese value mozzarella, ParmesanTopping subClassOf typeOfCheese value parmesan, etc.

Protégé & Reasoning: Infer sameIndividualAs with enumerated classes

So, here is something with OWL / Protégé I can't quite understand:
Let's say I have a class Clazz which is an enumerated class containing only the individuals I1 and I2. I then create a third individual I3 and declare it to be of type Clazz.
If I now start a reasoner, I would expect it to infer a sameIndividualAs between all (or at least some) of the indidivuals. This is not the case, I tested with both Hermit and Pellet reasoners.
If I explicitly state the three individuals to be different from each other, the ontology becomes inconsistent. Can anyone tell me why the individuals are not showing up to be sameIndividualAs in Protégé in the first case?
As there is no unique name assumption in OWL, the ontology is consistent until it is explicitly asserted that the manually typed individual is owl:differentFrom all of the individuals defining the class (the set restricted with owl:oneOf). If that's not asserted, in case there is more than one individual, the only inference that can be made is that, in your case, I1and I2 are members of the class Clazz. I3 should be the same as one of the individuals, but there is no information to decide as which. You can remove this ambiguity by making Clazz defined as owl:oneOf :I1. Then there will be no ambiguity and sufficient information to infer that :I3 owl:sameAs :I1.

OWL ontology language boundaries

What are the OWL ontology language boundaries? Like:
Can I use a class with different parents? (Multiple inheritance) Protege doesn't allow this.
What characters I can or cannot use? e.g. Cannot use '#' or '^' in Protege. Why?
Case-sensitive classes? e.g. class A and a are two different classes?
What else?
The boundaries of OWL are determined by the boundaries of logic of the respective OWL dialect. This is the taxonomy of the OWL2 dialects:
-First Order Logic
----OWL EL, RL, QL
-----Concept Hierarchies
--OWL Full
----OWL EL, RL, QL
-----Concept Hierarchies
-----Concept Hierarchies
You can find more about these dialects here.
The most used dialect is OWL-DL, as it offers a good balance between expressiveness and decidability. There is a classification system for Description Logic to determine expressiveness:
"AL" allows: Atomic negation; Concept intersection; Universal restrictions; Limited existential quantification
"FL" allows:Concept intersection; Universal restrictions; Limited existential quantification; Role restriction
"EL" allows: Concept intersection; Existential restrictions
Then there are the following extensions:
"F" - Functional properties, a special case of uniqueness quantification.
"E" - Full existential qualification
"U" - Concept union.
"C" - Complex concept negation.
"H" - Role hierarchy (subproperties - rdfs:subPropertyOf).
"R" - Limited complex role inclusion axioms; reflexivity and irreflexivity; role disjointness.
"O" - Nominals. (Enumerated classes of object value restrictions - owl:oneOf, owl:hasValue).
"I" - Inverse properties.
"N" - Cardinality restrictions (owl:cardinality, owl:maxCardinality), a special case of counting quantification
"Q" - Qualified cardinality restrictions
"D" - Use of datatype properties, data values or data types.
According to this classification the expressiveness of OWL2-DL is (SHROIQ(D)), where "S" stands for An abbreviation for "ALC" with transitive roles. (Note: there is a terminological difference between DL and OWL, for example OWL specification uses "properties", while DL uses "roles").
So, the short answer to you question is: the boundaries of OWL2-DL are (SHROIQ(D)).
Can I use a class with different parents? (Multiple inheritance)
Protege doesn't allow this
You should be careful when trying to apply metaphors from other modelling paradigms. Strictly speaking "Parents" and "inheritance" are not applicable in OWL. We can say that there is something like sharing of properties but its direction - unlike in the Object Oriented paradigm - is upwards, not downwords. OWL uses "classes" but you should think of them as sets, not as "classes" from OO. Being sets, a class can be as sub-class of different classes and Protégé allows this. In fact it is used quite often. "Boar" is a subclass of both "Bear" and "Male", just as "Bull" would be a subclass of both "Cattle" and "Male". We can always find a set of properties to create a new class. All examples so far would be of course subclasses of "Mammal"and then of "Animal", but they can be also subclasses of e.g. "Two-eyed agents", a class, which can have subclasses that are not animals, for example "two-eyed robots".
What characters I can or cannot use
OWL has different serialisations such OWL/XML, Turtle etc. Each has it's own syntax.
As you asked for useful resources, one such would be of course the OWL primer. I would also recommend this free course.

How to represent non-taxonomic relation in Owl

How to represent a non-taxonomic relationship between two concepts in OWL ontology language?
For example:
Bank(concept1) ---- Offer(relation) ---> Credit (concept2)
Earth(concept1)---- is bigger than(relation) ---> Mercury (concept2)
You need to read the OWL standard for multiple examples. But imagine you want to write this in Manchester Syntax, you could have something like the following:
Class: Bank subClassOf: Offer some Credit
Class: Earth subClassOf: isBiggerThan min Mercury
However, I cannot stress enough, that most of these relations and their restrictions (some, only or ...) are strictly modelling decisions and you need to decide what works best based on what you need to model.

Attribute selection for ID3 when there are more than 2 classes

Usually, we discuss attribute selection in ID3 with the highest information gain based on assumption that there are two classes: positive class and negative class. However, I just meet a problem where there are three classes. How to apply attribute selection algorithm for the case of three classes?
For convenience many books only discuss the calculation of I(p,n). If there are more than 2 classes, we can calculate I(c1,...,cn)=-C1*logC1-C2*logC2... while C1 is the proportion of elements of class 1.
