Should these names coincide in WPF application project? - wpf

I would like to know if this names (StartupUri="MainWindow.xaml" and MainWindow.xaml) should coincide. For example, if I'm going to rename MainWindow.xaml to e.g. MsgBox.xaml.
Please look at pic and code sample.
Solution explorer tree view
App.xaml of project CustomMessageBox
<Application x:Class="CustomMessageBox.App"
StartupUri="MainWindow.xaml"> <!-- this name -->
Please any comments and thanks in advance.

That is the name of the window that will be opened when the app starts. If you rename the window without changing the StartupURI you will get a System.IO.IOException, Cannot locate resource 'mainwindow.xaml'.


IOException when referencing App.xaml's ResourceDictionary

I'm trying to reference App.xaml's ResourceDictionary from a separate WPF window. I want to use resources from there in different windows, and this seems like the recommended way to do it. Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to effectively reference App.xaml from the other window. Here is my App.xaml:
<Application x:Class="View.App"
<local:PriorityToIconConverter x:Key="PriorityToIconConverter" />
Notes: I'm not using MainWindow, so I've replaced the startup URI with a form that always comes up. I noted that in some other answers, the location of MainWindow is sometimes the issue. In my case, I haven't seen any difference between using ClockView or MainWindow. Both ClockView and MainWindow exist in the root namespace, MainWindow is just never loaded. I also have more resources, but I've removed them for the sake of conciseness.
Here's a simplified example of the code where I'm trying to reference the ResrouceDictionary from App.xaml:
Topmost="{Binding Source={x:Static properties:Settings.Default}, Path=ToolAlwaysOnTop}"
<ResourceDictionary Source="App.xaml" />
Again, this is simplified to be concise. When I try to load this form, I get the exception:
System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: ''Set property 'System.Windows.ResourceDictionary.Source' threw an exception.' Line number '21' and line position '10'.'
Inner Exception
IOException: Cannot locate resource 'tool/app.xaml'.
The view for "Tool" is located in a folder that is also named "Tool." However, the xaml and code behind don't reference this namespace, I'm just using the folder to organize my classes. It looks like it's looking for App.xaml in the folder the view resides in. App.xaml resides in the root namespace (View). I've tried modifying the source in the xaml for Tool to:
- View.App.xaml
- View:App.xaml
- View/App.xaml
How can I get this reference to work, so I can share resources throughout my application? Thank you.
You can't load App.xaml like you're trying to do because it's not actually a ResourceDictionary. You can only specify ResourceDictionary files as the target of Source.
However, if you declare a resource in App.xaml, you can reference it anywhere without needing to load the file it's in. That's done for you automatically. Therefore, you can reference your converter at any time with {StaticResource PriorityToIconConverter}.
Note that if you moved it from the default starting location (the base project folder) you may have to update its location. Right click your project, then Properties. Navigate to the "Application" tab (should be the uppermost element on the left-hand sidebar) and look for the "Startup object" field. Set that to [ProjectName].[Namespace?].[Namespace?].App. When I tested it, mine worked without needing to manually change the location, but your setup may be different.

Telerik set application theme from XAML

Is it possible to set application wide theme from XAML in Telerik? There is only a code-behind example. I would like to set in in XAML and have a Metro theme in design-mode too.
You could achieve this as follows:
<telerik:MetroTheme x:Key="Theme" IsApplicationTheme="True"/>
This did not work for me at first. It threw the follwoing exceptions:
{System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was
not present in the dictionary. at
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key) at
System.Windows.ResourceManagerWrapper.GetResourceForUri(Uri xamlUri,
Type componentType)}
Set property 'Telerik.Windows.Controls.Theme.ApplicationThemeSetter'
threw an exception. [Line: 53 Position: 70]
I tried declaring it in the App.xaml and the Generic.xaml but the same result.
I also tried to set the theme in the XAML like:
<t:RadGridView t:StyleManager.Theme="Windows8Theme" ..../>
But this has no affect.
NOTE: I'm using 2012's Q3
I solved the problem eventually. You have to include the theme DLL. So in my case I wanted to use the Windows8Theme, I needed to add a reference to the Telerik.Windows.Themes.Windows8.dll. It would be helpful if Telerik's code throw an exception saying as much, but "hey", that's just me.

How can i make a prefix so i can address a folder in xaml

I always have problems making new prefixes in xaml. Most of the time, i get the message that the URI cannot be found in the assembly. My setup:
I have a WPF project (in a solution with class libs and asp.NET projects) with a MainWindow.xaml file. The XAML starts with : Window x:Class="MainWindow" ... .
So as default, there's no namespace given to it. In that same project i made a folder "Folder". In that folder, i have resx-files. What i need to do is make a prefix in xaml so i can address those files. I was thinking of :
and then for my controls
<Label Content="{x:Static p:NameResxFile.KeyName></Label>
However, the prefix generates the "URI cannot be found in the assembly" error. I'm i just failing at making prefixes?
Thanks in advance.
If you cannot make a namespace ref to a folder, what is happening here?
xmlns specifies namespaces, it does not bother with folders or files, if you need access to an external resource you can load it into your control's resources via ResourceDictionary.
There was something like this i think:
<ResourceDictionary x:Key="ExternalRes" Source="Folder/File.xaml"/>
To reference an element of resource dictionary you should add that dictionary to your control's Resources collection or register it in the App.xaml file. After that you could just use StaticResource extension to get access to the element. Your code will look like this:
<ResourceDictionary Source="/Folder/NameResxFile.xaml" />
<!-- ... -->
<Label Content="{StaticResource KeyName}"/>
Things get trickier if you want to put the resource dictionary to another assembly and reference it. For this purpose refer to PackURIs in WPF article.

How to specify path for file from different project in WPF?

I've got two projects in WPF and one project is the main one and the second one is just for testing (it uses files of the main project - files are added via Project -> add -> Existing items... -> selected file -> add as link so that the file is only in the main project really).
Folders with projects are these:
where XXX stands for different parts of the Main project which I test separately.
I've got the code:
<Window x:Class="Sokoban.Window1"
Title="Window1" Height="559" Width="419">
<ResourceDictionary Source="GameDesk.xaml" />
<Rectangle local:GameDeskProperties.FieldSize="30" Name="myrect" Style="{DynamicResource GameDesk}" MouseEnter="Rectangle_MouseEnter" />
... which should use XAML resources from GameDesk.xaml which is in the main project and it seems that I can't use Pack URI ( How can I specify the file?
Should I use absolute path? (C:\Work...\Main\Resources\GameDesk.xaml)
Or is there any other way?
Thank you for help!
MSDN link here
Use a pack:// URI of the form:
if the XAML is in a referenced assembly
if the XAML is loose and copied to the bin folder.

Error when adding code behind for Silverlight resource dictionary: AG_E_PARSER_BAD_TYPE

It should be possible to add a code behind file for a resource dictionary in Silverlight, but I keep getting the same error, thrown from the InitializeComponent method of my App.xaml constructor: XamlParseException: AG_E_PARSER_BAD_TYPE.
The resource dictionary xaml file looks like this:
If I remove the x:Class attribute everything works fine again (of course, I double-checked the class name and it's correct). My App.xaml file isn't really exciting and just contains a reference to the resource dictionary:
<Application xmlns=""
<ResourceDictionary Source="ProvisiorResourceDictionary.xaml"/>
What am I doing wrong?
Kind regards,
Ronald Wildenberg
Silverlight does not support the x:ClassModifier thats only supported in WPF.
In addition x:Class isn't valid in a Resource dictionary. Certainly when trying to include the Xaml from the resource dictionary as a merged dictionary Silverlight wouldn't know what to do with the x:Class at that point.
Actually the above isn't strictly true x:Class is valid but the way you are including the dictionary in the application dictionary needs tweaking. Let me first just state that there is the assumption here that you actually need to sub-class ResourceDictionary (if not just drop the x:Class).
I'm also going to go out on a limb based on your inclusion of x:ClassModifier that you actually don't have a ProvisiorResourceDictionary.xaml.cs file in your project. Since SL always creates a public partial you need this file to contain at least:-
public partial class ProvisiorResourceDictionary
public ProvisiorResourceDictionary()
That said if don't have something like this already then you may as well just drop x:Class altogether.
Now your app.xaml needs to look like this:-
<common:ProvisiorResourceDictionary />
Instead of trying to import the XAML file as resource via the Source property you now include an instance of the specialised ResourceDictionary.
Is the ProvisiorResourceDictionary class public? If not, maybe you need to specify the x:ClassModifier attribute as well.
