does appengine cloudbuild.yaml requires a custom runtime? - google-app-engine

Build errors out with below output (Using a Rails app)
ERROR: ( There is a cloudbuild.yaml in the current directory, and the runtime field in /workspace/app.yaml is currently set to [runtime: ruby]. To use your cloudbuild.yaml to build a custom runtime, set the runtime field to [runtime: custom]. To continue using the [ruby] runtime, please remove the cloudbuild.yaml from this directory.

One way to deal with this is to change the name of the cloudbuild.yaml file to say cloud_build.yaml (you can also just move the file) and then go to your triggers in Cloud Build:
And change it from Autodetected to choosing your Cloud Build configuration file manually:
See this Github issue for some more information

Cloudbuild.yaml should work with App Engine Flexible without the need to use a custom runtime. As detailed in the error message, you cannot have the app.yaml and the cloudbuild.yaml in the same directory if you are deploying in a non-custom runtime, to remedy the situation, follow these steps:
Move the app.yaml and other ruby files into a subdirectory (use your original app.yaml, no need to use custom runtime)
Under your cloudbuild.yaml steps, modify the argument for app deploy by adding a third one specifying the app.yaml path.
Below is an example:
- name: ''
args: ['app', 'deploy']
timeout: '1600s'
- name: ''
args: ['app', 'deploy', '[SUBDIRECTORY/app.yaml]']
timeout: '1600s'


Accessing Cloud SQL from Cloud Build

I want to configure CI/CD from Cloud Repositories that builds my CMS (Directus) when I push to main repository.
In the build-time, the project needs to access Cloud SQL. But I get this error:
I tried this database configuration with gcloud app deploy and it connects Cloud SQL and runs.
cloudbuild.yaml (It crashes at second step, so I didn't add other steps for simplicity):
- name: node:16
entrypoint: npm
args: ['install']
dir: cms
- name: node:16
entrypoint: npm
args: ['run', 'start']
dir: cms
- 'EXTENSIONS_PATH="./extensions"'
- 'DB_CLIENT=pg'
- 'DB_HOST=/cloudsql/XXX:europe-west1:XXX'
- 'DB_PORT="5432"'
- 'DB_USER="postgres"'
Node-pg (node library) adds /.s.PGSQL.5432 at the end automatically. That's why it is not written in DB_HOST.
IAM roles:
How can I solve this error? I read so many answers in Stackoverflow but none of them helped me. I found this article but I didn't fully understand how to implement it in my case (
Without your full Cloud Build yaml, it's hard to say for sure - but, it looks like you aren't following the steps in the documentation correctly.
Roughly what you should be doing is:
Downloading the cloud_sql_proxy into your container space
In a follow up step, start the cloud_sql_proxy then (in the same step) run your script, connecting to the proxy via either tcp or unix socket.
I don't see your yaml describing the proxy at all.

How to allow App Engine to authenticate and download private Go modules

My project uses Go modules hosted in private GitHub repositories.
Those are listed in my go.mod file, among the public ones.
On my local computer, I have no issue authenticating to the private repositories, by using the proper SSH key or API token in the project’s local git configuration file. The project compiles fine here.
Neither the git configuration nor the .netrc file are taken into account during the deployment (gcloud app deploy) and the build phase in the cloud, so my project compilation fails there with an authentication error for the private modules.
What is the best way to fix that? I would like to avoid a workaround which would consist in including the private modules’ source code in the deployed files, and have rather find a way to make the remote go or git use credentials I can provide.
You could try to deploy it directly from a build. According to the Accessing private GitHub repositories, you can set up git with key and domain on one of the build steps.
After that you can specify a step to run the gcloud app deploy command, as suggested in the Quickstart for automating App Engine deployments with Cloud Build.
An example of the cloudbuild.yaml necessary to do this would be:
# Decrypt the file containing the key
- name: ''
- kms
- decrypt
- --ciphertext-file=id_rsa.enc
- --plaintext-file=/root/.ssh/id_rsa
- --location=global
- --keyring=my-keyring
- --key=github-key
- name: 'ssh'
path: /root/.ssh
# Set up git with key and domain.
- name: ''
entrypoint: 'bash'
- '-c'
- |
chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa
cat <<EOF >/root/.ssh/config
IdentityFile /root/.ssh/id_rsa
mv known_hosts /root/.ssh/known_hosts
- name: 'ssh'
path: /root/.ssh
# Deploy app
- name: ""
args: ["app", "deploy"]
timeout: "16000s"

How to pass -ldflags to GAE build?

I have an HTTP service written in Go. Inside main.go I have a global version string.
package main
var version string
Locally, I build using -ldflags "-X main.version=$VERSION where $VERSION is determined by the shell environment, like so:
VERSION=v0.16.0 go build ./cmd/app -ldflags "-X main.version=$VERSION
I've recently decided to trial Google App Engine and started with a basic YAML file:
runtime: go111
- url: /.*
script: auto
What can I set in the YAML file in order to instruct GAE to build with the equivalent ldflags to bake in my version string?
I should also mention I use go modules with GO111MODULE=on locally when building.
You can't do it with you app.yaml file.
However, you can use Cloud build to build and deploy your app to App Engine.
In your cloudbuild.yaml you can add a line to the build step
args: ['build', '-a', '-installsuffix', 'cgo', '-ldflags', '''-w''', '-o', 'main', './main.go']

How to pass environment variables to the app.yaml using cloud build

The final step of my CI/CD is the deployment using gcloud app deploy, but I can't commit the app.yaml with my environment variables, so how to deploy using cloud build passing the env variables do the app.yaml?
Here is my cloudbuild.yaml
- name: ""
args: ["app", "deploy"]
timeout: "1800s"
One easy option is to have your environment variables listed in a file (or even the app.yaml file itself) in Cloud Storage. You can then use the cloud-builders/gsutil to retrieve this file in a build step like this:
- name:
args: ['cp', 'gs://mybucket/env_vars.txt', 'env_vars.txt']
This will copy the file to the /workspace directory. The next build step can then populate the app.yaml file with the environment variables (or even just copy the retrieved app.yaml file to the correct path). The next and final step would the one you mentioned to deploy the app.
Note that, when executed in the Cloud Build environment, commands are executed with credentials of the builder service account for the project. You'll need to grant access to the file on Cloud Storage to that service account.

Time out error when trying to create Google managed vm

I'm trying to create a managed vm for my node 4 application using google custom runtime.
I created the following Dockerfile:
FROM node:4.2.1
ADD package.json package.json
RUN npm install
ADD . .
CMD [ "npm", "start" ]
Along with this app.yaml:
# [START runtime]
runtime: custom
vm: true
api_version: 1
# [END runtime]
enable_health_check: false
- ^(.*/)?#.*#$
- ^(.*/)?.*~$
- ^(.*/)?.*\.py[co]$
- ^(.*/)?.*/RCS/.*$
- ^(.*/)?\..*$
- ^(.*/)?.*/node_modules/.*$
- ^(.*/)?.*\.log$
I deploy the app using gcloud preview command:
gcloud preview app deploy app.yaml --promote
It seems like the docker is being built correctly but the at the end of the process I get this message:
Copying files to Google Cloud Storage...
Synchronizing files to [gs://].
Updating module [default]...\Deleted [].
Updating module [default]...failed.
ERROR: ( Error Response: [4] Timed out creating VMs.
I have my deployment working now. I have had to troubleshoot the same problem before, for another project, but I didn't have the code on hand, so I had to work through the problems again.
The deployment ran smoothly up until the last steps, where updating the module would timeout. This made me think it was something to do with the application starting up on VM and not responding appropriately, so the final hook would time out.
You'll find a lot of information here - . I checked the following things:
logging - ensure that you are writing to the correct log file. See
ensure you have a .dockerignore file and are skipping files in app.yaml so you are not asking the process to copy across unneeded node_modules or log files
turn off health checking if you are not using it, or ensure you have the correct express.js routes configured for it
check that your environment variables are set and match what GAE can use. This was my final step - GAE will let you bind to a VM port on 8080. I had to pass through a NODE_ENV flag in my app.yaml which told the app to use 8080 and not 3000.
Lift the resources of the GAE instance in app.yaml. I specified two logical CPUs and made the ram 2 gig.
Good luck.
