Real time report generate issue - sql-server

We are developing a application has 2.2 million customers. We develop rest api. Transaction report api hit huge table to generate a complex report. If a single time more than 100k customers get this data huge hit my database server. My question is which way we generate report without hit SQL server database. Or world best organization how to manage this type of application database.
We use mvc5 and SQL server

There are at least two standard methods to "generate report without hit SQL server database".
use snapshot isolation in the same OLTP database to avoid the report locking other writing transactions and ensure to get consistent data
use the data transferred (ETL, log shipping, replication...) from OLTP to other (OLAP) database (i.e. to a warehouse or later in datamarts/cubes)

you can have install other SQL instance in prod and create transition replication on the database. Report on the replicated side on the database.


How to regularly download Geo-Replicated Azure Database (PaaS) data to On-Premise database

We have a geo-replicated database in Azure SQL (Platform as a Service). This is a master/slave type arrangement, so the geo-replicated database is read-only.
We want to download data regularly from this Azure SQL database to a SQL Server database on-premise that has the same schema, without it impacting performance too much (the Azure Database is the main database used by the application).
We originally looked at Azure SQL Data Sync, to hopefully read data from the geo-replicated data and pull that down to on-premise, but it needs to create triggers + tracking tables. I don't feel overly comfortable with this, because it won't be possible to run this against the read-only slave database, and so it must be setup on the transactional master database (impacting application performance), which in turn will re-create these extra data-sync artifacts on the geo-replicated database. It seems messy, with bloated data (we have a large number of tables and data, and Azure PaaS databases are limited in size as it is) and we also use Redgate database lifecycle management, which can potentially blow these schema objects and tracking tables away every time we perform a release, as they're not created by us and are not in our source control.
What other viable options are there (other then moving away from PaaS and making a clustered IaaS VM environment across on-prem and cloud, with SQL Server installed, patched, etc). Please keep in mind, we are resource stretched in terms of staff, which is why PaaS was an ideal place for our database originally.
I should mention, we want the On-Premise database to be 'relatively' in sync with the Azure database, but the data on-premise can be up to an hour old data.
Off the top of my head, some options may be SSIS packages? Or somehow regularly downloading a Bacpac of the database and restoring it on-premise every 30 mins (but it's a very large database).
Note, it only needs to be one-directional at this stage (Azure down to on-premise).
You can give it a try to Azure Data Factory since it allows you to append data to a destination table or invoke a stored procedure with custom logic during copy when SQL Server is used as a "sink". You can learn more here.
Azure Data Factory allows you to incrementally load data (delta) after an initial full data load by using a watermark column that has the last updated time stamp or an incrementing key. The delta loading solution loads the changed data between an old watermark and a new watermark. You can learn more how to do that with Azure Data Factory on this article.
Hope this helps.

Firebird database replication to ms sql server

We have an firebird database connected to our access control system and then a separate web app that I developed for our time and attendance using sql server 2005 as the data source.
I wanted to use entity framework to connect to the firebird database to access data like users, transactions, sites, etc. As this method is very complicated getting the connection using firebird .NET provider the other option I have is creating a sort of replication (Mirror) from the firebird database to sql server.
I have done this with a DTS previously (Selecting the data and then inserting it) and it worked fine but had many manual processes involved in getting the data and updates made it difficult.
Is there a simpler way to do this or any suggestions would be appreciated.
Unfortunately you need to track what to replicate at the data level. If you are only pushing it to the MS SQL database you could use a modified timestamp, or a record version field (create a generator, set a trigger to update the version field upon update) to reduce what you select. Another popular option is to update a field to current_transaction, but if you do a restore you will start counting from 0.
If you are sending data both ways it gets more complicated -- you need to have conflict resolution. You could look at something like the Microsoft Sync Framework which can use the methods above.

Is replication the best method for my scenario?

I have a WinForms business application that connects to a SQL Server on a server within the business network. Recently we have added an ASP.NET web site so some of the information within the system can be accessed from the Internet. This is hosted on the same server as the SQL Server.
Due to the bandwidth available to the business network from the Internet we want to host the web site with a provider but it needs access to the SQL Server database.
95% of data changes are made by the business using the WinForms application. The web site is essentially a read only view of the data but it is possible to add some data to the system which accounts for the other 5%.
Is replication the best way to achieve the desired result e.g. SQL Server within the business network remains the master database as most changes are made to this and then replicate this to the off site server? If so which type of replication would be the most suitable and would this support replicating the little data entered from the ASP.NET web site back to the main server?
The SQL Server is currently 2005 but can be upgraded as required for any replication requirements.
Are there other solutions to this problem?
Yes, since the web application is causing 5% (max) transaction; you can separate it.
I mean, you can have a different DB which is a carbon copy of the master one and have web application point to this DB.
You can setup a bi-directional transaction replication. So that, transaction made to the master DB will get replicated as well as transaction made to the secondary DB will be replicated as well.
No need of upgrading; as SQL Server 2005 supports replication.
For further information check MSDN on replication here: Bidirectional Transactional Replication
In a Nutshell, here are the steps you would do:
Take a full backup pf the master DB
Restore the DB to newly created DB server
Configure trans replication between them.
For better performance, you can also have the primary DB mirrored onto someother DB server.

How do I interface an xBase based ERP to a web application?

I am required to setup a web application that will interact with an existing ERP system (WinMagi). The ERP is basically a front-end to an xBase (FoxPro) database. The database is located on an in-house server. The ERP, as far as I'm aware, doesn't have an API but can accept purchase orders, etc through an EDI module. The web application should be able to accept online orders and query data for reporting.
My plan so far:
Synchronize the xBase DB to a SQL server instance on a cloud hosted VM.
(one-way from ERP -> SQL Server)
Use this sync process as an interface between the ERP and web application.
Push purchase orders back to the ERP using EDI.
My thinking here is that it would be safer from a data concurrency perspective to create or update data in the ERP through a controlled and accepted (by the ERP) interface.
What is the best way to update the SQL DB from the xBase DB? Are there any pre-existing libraries that can do this so I don't have to reinvent the wheel?
Would the xBase DB become locked during sync? Or otherwise cause an issues for the live ERP?
How do I avoid data concurrency / integrity problems during the sync?
This system wouldn't be serving live data to the web app. What sort of issues can I expect due to this?
Should I prefer one language over another for this sort of project? My plan was to use Java/Hibernate MVC.
Am I perhaps going about this the wrong way? Would I be better off interfacing my web app directly with the xBase DB? Some problems that immediately spring to mind with this approach are networking issues between the office and the cloud-based VM and potential security vulnerabilities from opening up the ERP directly to the internet.
Any advice or suggestions you might be able to provide would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance.
UPDATE - 3 Sep 2012
How I'm currently doing the data copy (it's not a synchronization) - runs nightly:
A linux box in the office copies the required DBFs from a read-only share on the ERP server to local storage.
The DBFs are converted to CSV using Dave Burton's fantastic dbf2csv perl script
The resulting CSVs are rsync'd to the remote VM. There are only small changes in the data so this is quite fast.
Once the rsync is complete the remote VM does a mysqlimport to the production DB.
Advantages of this approach
The ERP cannot be damaged in any way as the network access is read-only.
No custom logic has to be implemented to sync data and hence there are no concerns that the data could be wrong on the remote VM.
As the data copy runs at night the run time isn't too important.
Current run time is approx 7 minutes for over 1 million records with approx 20-30 fields per record.
Longest phases are the DBF copy and conversion to CSV.
The DBFs have to be copied in full every time.
The DBFs have to be converted in full every time.
Tables that are being copied are locked during the mysqlimport. This isn't really too much of an issue though as the import runs during the night and the mysqlimport only takes about 20 seconds.
If you are using Visual Foxpro 3.0 or greater, you could use the built in DataBase container to create a connection to the SQL Server DB. Then the Views in the .DBC would do the heavy lifting of reading and updating the SQL Server tables.
I would envision a routine that looped through your Foxpro table and reading the rows and then making the updates to the SQL Server DB. So, the Foxpro tables shouldn't be lock. To ensure this, you could first query the DBFs into a cursor, then loop through the cursor.
I would suggest adding procedure to do concurrency checking.
Another option to server live Foxpro data in your web apps would be to create a linked server in SQL Server to your Foxpro database. That way your Foxpro data could be accessed real time.
I am currently doing something similar - I have to make invoice transactions from a FoxPro-based system available through a web application that will be on a remote, hosted VM running SQL Server.
I will answer your first point based on what I'm doing - you can decide for yourself whether it would work for you!
What is the best way to update the SQL DB from the xBase DB? Are there any pre-existing libraries that can do this so I don't have to reinvent the wheel?
I didn't really look for any shared libraries. What I did was (somewhat simplified):
Added a field to the ERP-side transaction table that holds a CRC32 value based on other fields that I want to detect changes to (for example, the transaction balance).
Wrote a standalone EXE that scans the ERP-side transaction table on a timer, calculates a CRC32 value based on some fields, compares this to the last CRC32 value stored in the new field from point 1, and if different then something has changed and the transaction needs to be re-sent. This EXE was written in VFP for simplicity in accessing DBF files, and it runs as a Windows service. When I get time it will be re-done in C#.
Still in this EXE, once I have a list of new or changed transactions I convert them to JSON. I rolled my own JSON functions, but you could use Craig Boyd's from [Sweet Potato Software][1] or a number of others. There may be a PDF document associated with the transaction, if so it is encoded and embedded in the JSON.
I send the JSON to a web service on the remote side using a class that leverages the standard Windows WinHTTP library (WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1) . The remote web service is essentially running Java. It decodes it all and updates the SQL Server.

Oracle database mirroring

We have ERP application that store the data to ORACLE database. And also we have a lot of another application that use the ERP database. Same database but different instances. We got the performance issues when ERP and another application use the same database.
We are planning to separate the database server become three. One for ERP and two others for report and applications. these new database servers are came from ERP database, because they use the same database structure and data. So we could say these new database servers are mirror of ERP database. And also sometime data on the mirror database could be updated by other application, and it should be also updated on ERP database.
What best practice and method should be used for mirroring this condition?
Is it enough by use Data guard from ORACLE?
This is the picture of the architecture plan.
Data guard does not allow writing to the stand-by. Active dataguard does allow reading from the stand-by while archiving transactions from the primary node. So the report server using your ERP Mirror 1 is not a problem as long as it only reads data. Writing from the other applications to ERP Mirror 2 is. What you are looking for is advanced replication or Oracle streams. This is a very complex task. Maybe offloading your reporting to a data-guard stand-by solves your problems.
