How to interrupt an user-space app from a Kernel driver? - c

I am writing a device driver that receives interrupts from hardware. (32 IRQs using MSI)
From the driver, I'd like to signal/interrupt the application that opened the device file that an event occured.
I might be able to use signal but I think it's not really reliable and too slow. Moreover, only 2 SIGUSR are available.
I'd like to avoid adding overhead.
I'd like to avoid them because:
signal: not enough reliable and high latency
netlink: high latency, asynchronous and may loose packets
polling/read/ioctl: need to use a pthread and an infinity loop
Currently, I exchange data using ioctl/read/write syscalls.
What is the best practice to interrupt/signal an event to an user-space application from a kernel driver?
The method should support many interrupts/signals without loosing any of them, it has to be reliable and fast.
Basically, I'd like to use my user-space app as bottom half of the interrupts I receive in the driver.
The device file is opened by a unique app.


What needs to be done to write interrupt handler on linux without actual hardware?

Is there any Hardware emulator which can generate hardware interrupt on Linux. I am looking to write device drivers that could process hardware interrupts, read or write into hardware memory, deferred work, top and bottom halves processing, etc. Basically, looking to learn complete device driver end to end. But what hurdle is - how to simulate hardware. Do I really need some hardware that could generate an interrupt. I went through book LDD3, but there they are using skull - a chunk of kernel space memory emulating as a hardware, but this cannot generate an interrupt, or it can? pls, throw some light.
The skull driver of LDD3 doesn't generate interrupts, because there's no actual hardware to generate them.
Device driver interrupts are a mechanism that allows the cpu to begin attending some other task because the action being performed will be handled by an asynchronous interrupt.
For example, a floppy disk drive interrupt's the cpu as each byte of a disk transfer is readin if no dma is in use. If DMA is being used, the disk will transfer directly to ram the bytes of the transfer until a full block (or a set of them) is actually transferred. Then some hardware interrupt will come in.
A serial interface interrupts your computer in a programmed basis. When a single character arrives, when a specific character arrives (let's say a \r char).
LDDP shows you how linux device drivers work..... but as the book cannot assume you have any concrete device, it is not capable of selecting a proper hardware to serve as usable (strange, as normally every pc has a parallel port or a serial port) I think LDDP3 has some driver using the parallel port, but you must continue reading the book before you start with interrupting hardware.
Asynchronous interrupts must be programmed into the device (the device must know that it has to generate an interrupt at the end of the transfer) so they have to be activated. For the interrupt to be properly catched, an interrupt handler must be installed before the first interrupt happens, or you'll get in an state in which no interrupt comes ever, because it arrived and was lost. And finally, interrupts have to be acknowledged. Once you have stored the data comming from the device, they have to be reactivated, so another interrupt can happen again. You need to learn that you have to protect your processes from accessing the data structures shared with an interrupt handler and how to do this. And all of this is explained in the book.... but you must read it, and don't stop in the skull driver which is the first driver developed in the book.
By the way, the kill(2) and sigaction(2) system calls of user mode are a very close approach into the world of hardware interrupts, because they are asynchronous, you can block them to occur, before entering a critical zone, and you can simulate them by kill(2)ing your process externally from another program. You will not see the difference, but instead of having a full system crash, you only get a hung process to kill.

Reading a 4 µs long +5V TTL from a parallel port -- when to use kernel interrupts

I've got an experimental box of tricks running that, every 100 ms or so, will spit out a 4 microsecond long +5V pulse of electricity on a TTL line. The exact time that this happens is not known ahead of time, but it's important -- so I'd like to use the Red Hat 5.3 computer that essentially runs the experiment to service this TTL, and create a glorified timestamp.
At the moment, what I've done is wired the TTL into pin 13 of the parallel port (STATUS_SELECT, one of the input lines on a parallel port) on the linux box, spawn a process when the experiment starts, use chrt to change its scheduled priority to 99 -- i.e. high -- and then just poll the parallel port repeatedly in a while loop until the pin goes high. I then create an accurate timestamp, and, in a non-blocking way write it to disk.
Obviously, this is inefficient -- sometimes the process is suspended, and a TTL will be missed. As the computer is, itself, busy doing other things (namely acquiring data from my experimental bit of kit -- an MRI scanner!) this happens quite often. Polling is easy, but probably bad.
My question is this: doing something quickly when a TTL occurs seems like the bread-and-butter of computing, but, as far as I can tell, it's only possible to deal with interrupts on linux if you're a kernel module. The parallel port can generate interrupts, and libraries like paraport let you build kernel modules relatively quickly, where you have to supply your own handler.
Is the best way to deal with this problem and create accurate (±25 ms) timestamps for an experiment whenever that TTL comes in -- to write a kernel module that provides a list of recent interrupts to somewhere in /proc, and then read them out with a normal process later? Is that approach not going to work, and be very CPU inefficient -- or open a bag of worms to do with interrupt priority I'm not aware of?
Most importantly, this seems like it should be a solved problem -- is it, and if so do any wise people wish to point me in the right direction? Writing a kernel module seems like, frankly, a lot of hard, risky work for something that feels as if it should perhaps be simple.
The premise that "it's only possible to deal with interrupts on linux if you're a kernel module" dismisses some fairly common and effective strategies.
The simple course of action for responding to interrupts in userspace (especially infrequent ones) is to have a driver which created a kernel device (or in some cases sysfs node) where either a read() or perhaps a custom ioctl() from userspace will block until the interrupt occurs. You'd have to check if the default parallel port driver supports this, but it's extremely common with the GPIO drivers on embedded-type boards, and the basic scheme could be borrowed into the parallel port - provided that the hardware supports true interrupts.
If very precise timing is the goal, you might do better to customize the kernel module to record the timestamp there, and implement a mechanism where a read() from userspace blocks until the interrupt occurs, and then obtains the kernel's already recorded timestamp as the read data - thus avoiding the variable latency of waking userspace and calling back into the kernel to get the time.
You might also look at true local-bus serial ports (if present) as an alternate-interrupt capable interface in cases where the available parallel port is some partial or indirect implementation which doesn't support them.
In situations where your only available interface is something indirect and high latency such as USB, or where you want a lot of host- and operation-system- independence, then it may indeed make sense to use an external microcontroller. In that case, you would probably try to set the micro's clock from the host system, and then have it give you timestamp messages every time it sees an event. If your experiment only needs the timestamps to be relative to each other within a given experimental session, this should work well. But if you need to establish an absolute time synchronization across the USB latency, you may have to do some careful roundtrip measurement and then estimation of the latency in order to compensate it (see NTP for an extreme example).

Interupts Vs Poling a Device

In my application a no. of devices (camera, A/D, D/A etc ) are communicating with a server. I have two options for saving power consumptions in a device as not all devices has to work always:
1- Do poling, i.e each device periodically keep on looking at a content of a file where it gets a value for wake or sleep. If it finds wake, then it wakes up and does its job.
In this case actually the device will be sleeping but the driver will be active and poling.
2- Using interrupts, I can awake a device when needed.
I am not able to decide which way to go and why. Can someone please enlighten me in this regard?
Platform: Windows 7, 32 bit, running on Intel Core2Duo
Polling is imprecise by its nature. The higher your target precision gets, the more wasteful the polling becomes. Ideally, you should consider polling only if you cannot do something with interrupts; otherwise, using an interrupt should be preferred.
One exception to this rule is if you would like to "throttle" something intentionally, for example, when you may get several events per second, but you would like to react to only one event per minute. In such cases you often use a combination of polling and interrupts, where an interrupt sets a flag, and polling does the real job, but only when the flag is set.
If your devices are to be woken up periodically, I would go for the polling with the appropriate frequency (which is always easier to setup because it's just looking at a bit). If the waking events are asynchronous, I would rather go for an interrupt-driven architecture, despite the code and electronic overhead.
Well it depends on your hardware and software atchitecture and complexity of software. It is alwasy better to choose interrupt mechanism over polling.
As in polling your controller will be busy continuously polling the hardware to check if desired value is available.
While using interrupt mechanism will free the controller to perform other tasks, and when interrupt arises your ISR can perform task for specific need.

Implementing correct inter-module synchronization in Linux kernel

I'm implementing a custom serial bus driver for a certain ARM-based Linux board (a custom UART driver, actually). This driver shall enable communication with a certain MCU on the other end of the bus via a custom protocol. The driver will not (and actually must not) expose any of its functions to the userspace, nor it is possible to implement it in userspace at all (hence, the need for the custom driver instead of using the stock TTY subsystem).
The driver will implement the communication protocol and UART reads/writes, and it has to export a set of higher-level functions to its users to allow them to communicate with the MCU (e.g. read_register(), drive_gpios(), all this stuff). There will be only one user of this module.
The calling module will have to wait for the completion of the operations (the aforementioned read_register() and others). I'm currently considering using semaphores: the user module will call my driver's function, which will initiate the transfers and wait on a semaphore; the IRQ handler of my driver will send requests to the MCU and read the answers, and, when done, post to the semaphore, thus waking up the calling module. But I'm not really familiar with kernel programming, and I'm baffled by the multitude of possible alternative implementations (tasklets? wait queues?).
The question is: is my semaphore-based approach OK, or too naïve? What are the possible alternatives? Are there any pitfalls I may be missing?
Traditionally IRQ handling in Linux is done in two parts:
So called "upper-half" is actual working in IRQ context (IRQ handler itself). This part must exit as fast as possible. So it basically checks interrupt source and then starts bottom-half.
"Bottom-half". It may be implemented as work queue. It is where actual job is done. It runs in normal context, so it can use blocking functions, etc.
If you only want to wait for IRQ in your worker thread, better to use special object called completion. It is exactly created for this task.

Executing a user-space function from the kernel space

Im writing a custom device driver in linux that has to be able to respond very rapidly on interrupts. Code to handle this already exists in a user-space implementation but that is too slow as it relies on software constantly checking the state of the interrupt line. After doing some research, I found that you can register these interrupt lines from a kernel module, and execute a function given by a function pointer. However the code we want to execute is in the user-space, is there a way to call a function in the user-space from a kernel space module?
You are out of luck with invoking user-space functions from the kernel since the kernel doesn't and isn't supposed to know about individual user-space application functions and logic, not to mention that each user-space application has its own memory layout, that no other process nor the kernel is allowed to invade in that way (shared objects are the exception here, but still you can't tap into that from the kernel space). What about the security model, you aren't supposed to run user-space code (which is automatically considered unsafe code in the kernel context) in the kernel context in the first place since that will break the security model of a kernel right there in that instant. Now considering all of the above mentioned, plus many other motives you might want to reconsider your approach and focus on Kernel <-> User-space IPC and Interfaces, the file system or the user-mode helper API(read bellow).
You can invoke user space apps from the kernel though, that using the usermode-helper API. The following IBM DeveloperWorks article should get you started on using the usermode-helper Linux kernel API:
Kernel APIs, Part 1: Invoking user-space applications from the kernel
I think the easiest way is to register a character device which becomes ready when the device has some data.
Any process which tries to read from this device, then gets put to sleep until the device is ready, then woken up, at which point it can do the appropriate thing.
If you just want to signal readyness, a reader could just read a single null byte.
The userspace program would then just need to execute a blocking read() call, and would be blocked appropriately, until you wake it up.
You will need to understand the kernel scheduler's wait queue mechanism to use this.
Sounds like your interrupt line is already available to userspace via gpiolib? (/sys/class/gpio/...)
Have you benchmarked if gpio edge triggering and poll() is fast enough for you? That way you don't have to poll the status from the userspace application but edge triggering will report it via poll(). See Documentation/gpio.txt in kernel source.
If the edge triggering via sysfs is not good enough, then the proper way is to develop a kernel driver that takes care of the time critical part and exports the results to userspace via a API (sysfs, device node, etc).
I am also facing the same problem, I read this document, so planning to use signals. In my case there is no chance of losing signals, because
1. the system is closed loop, after signals executed then only I will get another signal.
2. And I am using POSIX real-time signals.
