Moving Instances Across Projects in Google App Engine Projects - google-app-engine

How do I move instances from one project to the next?
Problem: I have frontend production instance and backend production instance in 2 separate project. I would like to have my production instances (both frontend and backend) in the same project.
How do I move instances from one project to the next within Google App Engine?

You could have the 2 apps run as 2 separate services inside the same project. To do that you'd have to deploy the app from the project that will disappear as another service in the project that will remain. Some code changes might be required, depending on how the app is coded. Typically they're small changes, though.
IMHO it would be simpler to keep the project currently hosting the frontend and move the backend over from the project to be retired. The reason is that the frontend is typically better fitted to play the default service role and it is already setup as such, changes should be smaller. Performing the move in the other direction would mean both services would need to changed.
You might need a dispatch.yaml file to route incoming packets, unless the URL mappings of the services are really well done. Not a big deal.
If you're using custom domains, with a bit of care it is possible to make the move (almost) transparent - by having the new service up and running before retiring the old project. DNS propagation time becomes rather irrelevant - both old and new services being simultaneously ready during the transition.
Note: technically you wouldn't be "moving" instances, you'd just stop the ones serving the project to be retired and start new ones for the service added to the project to be kept.
More or less related:
Change runtime from Python to Go in App Engine standard environment
Can a default service/module in a Google App Engine app be a sibling of a non-default one in terms of folder structure?


Firebase - Add many apps to one project

This is the first time i'm working with firebase. My goal is to have a bounch of client apps (more and more over time), all of them managed by an admin app (One app to rule them all).
The thing is that the client apps have a certain content that needs to be updated from the admin app. My best approach is to create a firebase project, put the admin app there and adding client apps over time. I'have read that is possible to have an unlimited number of apps inside one Firebase project. On addition, someone told me to create one project for each client app and connect them to the same database somehow. I simply don't know what to do.
Which would be the best solution for my problem? thank you
firebaser here
A Firebase project can currently contain up to 30 app definitions. This is meant to support variations of the same logical application. For example, having an Admin app in addition to the app for regular users, and/or having an iOS, Android, and Web version of the same app, and for example having a free and a pro version of the app (if that is allowed by the stores where you deliver them).
Adding multiple apps to a project is expressly not meant to be used for white labeling apps, where you ship essentially the same app with different branding to different user segments, as you'd be sharing the backend services between them. For some backend services (such as database and storage) this is not necessarily a problem, as you can isolate the customers with security rules. But for other services (such as authentication and analytics) this is not possible, which is why this use-case is not supported.
If you need to define a separate app in the project for each customer, the only supported approach is to create a separate project for each customer.
I'have read that is possible to have an unlimited number of apps inside one Firebase project.
In that case please provide a link, so we can either fix it, or (if it's not in the Firebase documentation) leave a comment to clarify.

Serving different Container Registry images for dev, test, prod within one GAE project

I deploy my Docker image to default GAE by gcloud app deploy
I have successfully mapped my custom domain to this application with custom runtime and flex env.
My dispatch.yaml sends requests to its sub-domain:
- url: "*"
service: default
Now I want to use different images from Container Registry for and
While having all these images sharing same Cloud Storage and Firebase credentials.
Being new to GCP I wanted to learn any simple approach to organize such basic structure without going into services and versions (just by assigning proper images to serve relevant domains).
Is it even possible to do within one GAE project or I should create separate projects for it?
Mapping custom domains can only be done at the service level, so if you don't want to go into services separate projects is your only choice.
Actually using separate projects instead of services (or service versions) for implementing different environments has some advantages, I'd choose separate projects, too. See Advantages of implementing CI/CD environments at GAE project/app level vs service/module level?
I'm not sure if sharing the storage and credentials between production and other environments is a good idea (what if something goes wrong?). I'd keep them separate, too (maybe with some jobs to populate non-production projects with production data, if you need to). But if you do want to share them across projects you'll probably need to make some extra steps.

Can I have two instances on same App Engine project - Java servlet and Endpoints side by side?

We have Java servlets up and running on GAE, using blobstore, datastore and other cloud services.
Currently, we're starting a migration process to cloud Endpoints and we've hit an issue: if we use a different GAE project, we would not be able to query regarding current datastore entities (to the best of my knowledge, Google doesn't want you to do this - see
this question
and the GAE terms of service - section 3.3d), so we need to use the same project for both.
I looked up whether it's possible to have one GAE instance running Java servlets and one instance running Endpoints, but I found no conclusive answer anywhere.
If we try to implement and something goes wrong, we're looking at a potentially major issue for our users, so we need to be sure beforehand.
Has anyone tried something similar, and can assure us that this works?
You have 2 options to run the old and the new code inside the same app (thus with no issues sharing access to the datastore) but as separate engine instances, so they can be developed/deployed/managed independently:
as different versions of the same app/module(s):
the old version remains the default, the new one can be accessed at a different URL during development (possibly via URL routing)
you can use traffic splitting to do live A/B testing on the new code and for gradual final migration until you make the new version the default
as different modules of the same app:
both can run (fully functional) side by side indefinitely, but you need to be more careful during development
traffic is routed to the modules in several possible ways
final migration is done by publishing the new URLs, eventually re-directing the old URLs and finally bringing down the old module code
The 2 approaches can even be combined, if needed, as the final solution described by the OP's in this somehow similar question (for the python environment, but java equivalents exist): Google App Engine upgrading part by part

web page folder inside war in google app engine project?

I am working on Restful Web application. I am maintaining different project for web client code and Google app engine server code.
When ever i made changes in the client code, i rebuilt the client code and places inside the war folder of server project through build scripts.
Here i dont want to place all files directly to war folder and i wanted to put them under folder called 'Publish' for better maintainence. How can do it?
Is there any better way to maintaining client code and Google app engine server code?
The structure also works well for Mobile application in future.
I am still new to this too, but there is versioning. If you change the version number in your project manifest file, it does not become the default (i.e., visible to your original public URL). It is public and accessible for you to test. When you are ready to "publish" just switch the new version to be the default. Use the Manage section of the Dashboard and set the Version to be the default when you are ready.
To test any of the earlier versions, you access through the Manage and click on the specific version. I don't know if the persistent storage is versioned with this same mechanism -- I can image problems if you have a huge DB.

Scaling AppEngine applications

I've been thinking lately about the pros and cons of using AppEngine.
My concern would be, when we create application for GAE, the front-end code (the UI stuff) is served from the same application instance in the GAE cloud as with the Datastore codes.
The question would be when my applications grows:
For GAE:
Do I need to create multiple instance of my application?
If so, what do I need to manually update all instances?
For Appscale:
Do I also need to create multiple instance of my application?
If so, what do I need to manually update all instances?
GAE starts new frontend instances automatically, you even can't create or update frontend instances. You just need to configure min/max latency, min/max idle instances in Application Settings. See docs for performance settings
Btw, there are also Backend Instances that can be Resident and started manually from Admin Console. But it's useful only when you need something very specific
You seem to have missed the whole point of AppEngine, which is that Google takes care of scaling your app for you automatically. You seem to be confusing 'instance' with 'version' - you have control over which version of your app is serving, but Google dynamically creates and kills instances of that app depending on load. That's the main benefit of using AppEngine in the first place.
