React avoidable re-rendering problem with AntDesign and PrimeReact - reactjs

We are developing a huge application with React. One of our forms includes 60+ plus components placed on different Tab items.
When i try to edit an input it took 190ms to see typed chars in the textbox. After digging the problem for hours we realized adding a component increases the response time. Then we decided that the problem is antdesign s render logic. Then we tried it with PrimeReact using "why-did-you-update" package. The result was same!
When any change occurred in the state, all the components ( including Icons :) ) tried to render per "why-did-you-update" messages.
Here is the sandbox :
Are the "why-did-you-update" messages wrong or we missing something?


Difficulties rendering 3D avatar with react-three-fiber and React

I'm trying to render a 3D avatar using react-three-fiber and React, but I'm experiencing some difficulties with positioning the avatar. As you can see from from the following CodeSandbox, the top of the avatar's head is not visible when you first render the page. However, if you change the position of the model (e.g. from [0.025, -0.9, 1] to [0.025, -1, 1]) and re-render the page, suddenly the avatar is showing correctly. Why is that?
Reposting the solution I got from a Reddit user:
it looks like the keyframe track actions["Armature||Layer0"].play() pushes the model up and down.
i reexported the model
npx gltfjsx model.glb --keepnames and that seems to do it. it should preserve names by default when animations are present, i don't get why it's omitting them. but either way, it works.
should be fixed upstream (gltfjsx) as well now. another export should include names

Ag grid using framework cell renderer keeps re-rendering on any store change

Trying to implement a custom cell framework renderer with React and it seems simple enough. Create the React component, register it with frameworkComponents.
The data that populates rowData is coming from my redux store. The custom cell renderer is a functional react component.
The issue is that because I'm using a frameworkComponent - a React component in my case - as a cellRenderer, it seems that any change in the data for the grid the I'm getting via useSelector(selectorForMyData) causes a re-render of my frameworkComponent, which on the browser, looks like a random, annoying flicker. The application is heavily wired into redux
Two questions:
1 - How come when I natively use ag grid to render this cell using a AgGridColumn without any custom cell renderers, it doesn't cause this re-rendering behavior on the same store changes? I have a click event bound to the main page that toggles a flag to false (in the case a snackbar alert was open).
2 - Is there any way to get around this? I've tried wrapping my return statement in the framework cell renderer component with a useMemo with the params as a dependency, but that doesn't seem to work. Also tried making a render function via useCallback with the same idea as useMemo and that doesn't help either :/
pseudo-code for situation:
const MyAgGrid = () => {
const data = useSelector(selectorForData);
return (
{'myCustomRenderer': CustomRendererComponent}
['field': 'aField', cellRenderer: 'myCustomRenderer']
} />
const CustomCellRendererComponent = (params) => {
console.log("params", params) //logs on every redux store update
return (
<div>HELLO WORLD</div>
The cells that are rendered via the CustomCellRendererComponent are re-rendered on any redux store change. I'm guessing it's due to useSelector causing the re-render on store changes, which is expected, but then it doesn't answer my first question.
I went "function as class" route shown here ("MyCellRenderer") and so far am not seeing the re-rendering issue, so I will stick with that for now even though it's god ugly. This leads me to believe my issue is trying to fit a React component/hooks, with its lifecycle nuances, as a cell renderer is causing problems. Still, I feel like there should be a way to prevent the behavior of constant re-rendering, otherwise it's a pretty useless feature
EDIT pt 2:
I dug deeper and while I haven't found an out of the box solution for it, I added the reselect library to memoize some of my selectors. The selector I use to get rowData is now memoized, and I'm no longer seeing this issue. Will mark as answer in a few days if no one provides a better, ideally out of the box (with redux or ag grid), solution for it.
As I stated in one of my edits. I figured it out, kind of.
I added the library reselect to the application, and it fixes the symptoms and I'm content with it going forward. It allows you to memoize your selectors, so that it only registers changes/"fires" (leading to a re-render) only if the any of the dependency selectors you hook it into changes/fires, so now, my grid doesn't "flicker" until the actual row data changes since my selectorForRowData is memoized!
I'm still uncertain why prior to using a frameworkComponent (React Component) as a cell renderer I wasn't seeing the symptoms, but I'm happy to just assume Ag-Grid has a lot of performance tricks that clients may lose when plugging in their own custom functionality, as is the case in a custom cell renderer.

React / Reactstrap Warning: Legacy context API has been detected within a strict-mode tree

This is brand new install - I have not put any transitions on the Alert component
To replicate the code it is simple
import React from "react";
import { Alert } from "reactstrap";
export const Index = () => {
return (
<Alert color='primary'>This is a primary alert — check it out!</Alert>
Error Msg: Please update the following components: Transition
How does one go about updating Transition or eliminating it all together?
In the event that someone comes here on after searching the question and is looking for insight this is it.
React strap (at the time of this post) uses the react-transition-group things fade in and out and menus slide up and down. After amalgamating the info on this subject here and on Github they are currently updating the library. I have finished the coding of that component by ignoring the warning.
It did not impede this iteration of that component. Happy Coding.
I have this same warning, and I fixed it changing in the index.js file, the value of <React.StrictMode> to <React.Fragment>.
Since this removes the warning, is not guaranteed that your can be bulletproof.
This issue was reported, and apparently fixed but I received the same error even with the updated source code. It's more than just the error as well - it can cause components to re-render
Here is one github thread from the reactstrap repo about this (but there are a number of them):
There are a number of issues related to this warning though.
As best I can tell it has something to do with an item in Transition.js, and I think it may have to do with a this.context call when a component is 'entering'
But, the project I encountered this issue is the first React App I'm building, and I'm not quite ready to learn the Legacy Context API, so that's just my best guess and in the end I just opted for an alternative package.
I don't have the rep to put this in a comment, so the only answers I have are:
Report the issue to the reactstrap team and wait/assist with a fix
Use an alternative package

Transition not happening using ReactCSSTransitionGroup

I've added React, React-DOM, and React Addons library to my pen.
Here's my pen:
On clicking the button, the word in state should appear, from initial opacity of 0.4 to 1.
But as I click the button, all the content on the page disappears.
This is the error I get:[]=.0
There's a few things wrong with the code in your pen that will bring about the problem you are having.
The first step is to use the development versions of the libraries, in order to get better error messages. Use instead of
Second, loading several versions of React can cause the issue your are having. Remove from the list of external scripts you are loading.
Thirdly, there is a typo when you specify the leave timeout of the animation. You have written transtionLeaveTimeout, where it should be transitionLeaveTimeout. With this type, the transition library will complain about a missing property.
This CodePen summarizes the changes you need to make.

Input field and React where Input field is not editable because of react id in attr

I have a specific need to only make one input field in a form (legacy code) a react component. So, I wrap the input with a div and render into it the 'new' input field that needs some special behavior.
The problem arises because the input field is no longer editable. I try to type into it.. nothing. I narrowed it down to the following:
<input type="text" **data-reactid="."**
When I remove that "data-reactid....", by editing via console, it works.
So when I am using react to sub out one form input field with a react one, it doesn't work unless I manually remove that data-reactid..
Is there a workaround for this, or a reason why this is happening?
Well its just a data attribute written by react to help them render into the DOM more efficiently so it should have no real impact on a input element or any element (unless there is code or style explicitly disabling the input) - I realize that this is no real help - because it happens to you, but this is not typical of react apps with inputs or element with data-attributes.
But if its the only bit of react on the page then that id is a bit long and I would have expected something like ".0" or ".0.0" if its wrapped in a div that react controls.
The react-id is only used by the React engine to work out what elements of the DOM need to be re-written when there are changes to state or props in your components.
One thing I noticed is, typically there would be an ID or in react a ref that you applied to the input in order to interact with it (such as getting its value).
I include the mark-up from a simple entry box on the user login form of a working app, as you can see it's not significantly different from what you have and works on all browsers Windows and Mac down to IE8 included.. (but not any IE below 8) and you need various shims for getting it work on IE8.
<input class="username-text-field" id="user-id" type="text" data-reactid=".">
If none of these apply or you have them covered then practicably here should be no reason why your input should be disabled. It should just act like any other input. Have tried just dropping you component onto a simple HTML page with only the input on it, just to debug through the component in isolation?
That said,
It does feel that loading the entire React engine and wiring up a component to allow a single input field is a little over-kill. I realize that you're trying not to have to recreate exactly the same functionality you already have in react again on the legacy form, but if your render function is not too onerous then maybe a simple bit of JavaScript or JQuery might be the answer as a one off in the legacy solution (rather than the hit for the library) - just a thought
