How to show bootstrap tooltip dynamic data where tooltip has html content - angularjs

I am trying to load data from the grid inside tooltip. This tooltip is generated once the user hovers on first column inside ui-grid. I want to use bootstrap and html of tooltip is displaying as required. I have tried several ways but now the data is not showing.
Please see the attached picture. I want actual value of {{row.entity.Status}}
Please see the current code for reference
angular.module('GridDemo', ['ngTouch', 'ui.grid', 'ui.grid.cellNav', 'ui.grid.pinning']).controller('MainCtrl', function($scope,uiGridConstants,$sce){
$scope.equipData = [
{ Status: "Maintenance",
PackageName: "Package 1",
Hours: "15,000",
{ Status: "Running",
PackageName: " Package 2",
Hours: "15,000",
{ Status: "Running",
PackageName: "Package 3",
Hours: "15,000",
{ Status: "Running",
PackageName: "Package 4",
Hours: "15,000",
$scope.gridOptions = {
enableSorting: true,
enableColumnResizing : true,
columnDefs: [{ field: 'PackageName', cellTemplate:'<div data-toggle="tooltip" title="\<table class=table-borderless><tbody><tr><td class=gray>Status</td><td class=yell>Data 2</td></tr><tr><td class=gray>Status</td><td class=yell>{{row.entity.Status}}</td></tr></tbody></table>" data-html="true" data-placement="right" ><div class="ui-grid-cell-contents">{{ COL_FIELD }}</div></div>'},
{ field: 'Hours'}],
}).directive('toggle', function(){
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attrs){
if (attrs.toggle=="tooltip"){

if you are looking for something more angular you should do it this way:
<div class="grid-tooltip" tooltip="{{row.entity.Status}}" tooltip-placement="left">
<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents">


Angular advanced searchbox doesn't display suggestedValues

I use Angular advanced searchbox to create a search box.But when adding suggestedValues into scope availableSearchParams it doesn't display suggestions and my modal get undefined.Please let me know what went wrong.
Scripts load order
app.js // contain app module
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-md-2 col-lg-2 control-label"></label>
<div class="col-md-10 col-lg-10">
<nit-advanced-searchbox ng-model="searchParams" parameters="availableSearchParams" placeholder="Search..."></nit-advanced-searchbox>
$scope.availableSearchParams = [
{ key: "team", name: "Team", placeholder: "filter by team", restrictToSuggestedValues: true, suggestedValues: ['Berlin', 'London', 'Paris'] },{ key: "testtype", name: "TestType", placeholder: "filter by test type",restrictToSuggestedValues: true, suggestedValues: ['Smoke', 'Regression', 'Benchmark'] }, { key: "text", name: "Text", placeholder: "filter by text" } ];
$scope.$on('advanced-searchbox:modelUpdated', function (event, model) {
You must include ui.bootstrap in your module, before angular-advanced-searchbox:
angular.module('SensacionalApp', [

KendoGrid with Angular ng-repeat

I have kendo-grids in Angular ng-Repeat and serach options on the grids data.
I want to refresh the grids on search.
This is my code and it doesn't refresh the grids ($("#kendoGrid1").data("kendoGrid") is undefined), what Is the fix for this?
<article ng-repeat="(key,val) in gridsResult" >
<h2 class="tableTitle">{{key}}</h2>
<div kendo-grid="kendoGrid{{$index}}" k-options="getGridSlice('{{key}}')"></div>
$scope.getGridSlice = function (index) {
var data = $scope.gridsResult[index];
return {
dataSource: {
data: data
columns: [
{ field: "aa", title: " ", attributes: { "class": "k-header",style:"text-align:center;" }, width:"33px" },
{ field: "bb", title: "IF", template: rowTemplate.replace(/XX/g, 'IF')}
scrollable: false,
noRecords: true,
scope.onSearch function -
I found the answer!
The $digest dosen't work on functions so I added k-data-source based on a scope parameter not scope function.
(you need to pull the data from the DB grouped by the grids category)
<article class="tradescreenTable" ng-repeat="(key,val) in gridsResult" ng-class="{'bestAverage': bestAverageSelected}">
<h2 class="tableTitle">{{key}}</h2>
<div kendo-grid k-data-source="{{val}}" k-options="gridOptions"></div>
And k-options
$scope.gridOptions = {
columns: [
{ field: "aa", title: " ", attributes: { "class": "k-header",style:"text-align:center;" }, width:"33px" },
{ field: "bb", title: "IF", template: rowTemplate.replace(/XX/g, 'IF')}
scrollable: false,
noRecords: true,
You also need to refresh the grid:
kendo-grid="kendoGrid{{$index}}" binds the grid to the $scope - you don't need to use jQuery for this (and besides, you're not setting an id on the DOM element, so $("#kendoGrid1") is never going to work with your code as it is now).
The one caveat to this is that I haven't ever tried dynamically setting the name for a Kendo Grid, so I'm not 100% that it works.

KendoUI Grid does not invoke update function in popup mode with editable template

I'm using a Kendo UI Grid with AngularJS. The grid has a 'popup' mode editable kendo template. The grid invokes the create, destroy & delete functions; however the update function won't get called. Strangely when I change the edit mode to 'inline', the update function is called. Below are the code snippets from my application :
Main UI Grid:
<div class="container-fluid">
<kendo-grid style="margin-top: 2em" k-options="ctrl.fundGridOptions" k-scope-field="kgrid" id="myGrid"></kendo-grid>
Edit Template:
<script id="edit-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<div class="container">
<div class="well">
Fund :
<select kendo-drop-down-list k-options="ctrl.fundOptions" style="width: 130px;" ng-model="dataItem.GenevaId"></select>
<!--<select kendo-drop-down-list k-data-source="ctrl.funds" style="width: 130px;" ng-model="dataItem.GenevaId"></select>-->
NAV Change Threshold
<input kendo-numeric-text-box k-min="0" k-max="100" k-ng-model="value" style="width: 60px;" ng-model="dataItem.NAVThreshold" />
NAV Source
<select k-data-source="ctrl.navSources" kendo-drop-down-list k-option-label="'-Select-'" style="width: 130px;" ng-model="dataItem.NAVSource"></select>
<select k-data-source="ctrl.frequencyList" kendo-drop-down-list k-option-label="'-Select-'" style="width: 130px;" ng-model="dataItem.Frequency"></select>
<select k-data-source="ctrl.typeList" kendo-drop-down-list k-option-label="'-Select-'" style="width: 130px;" ng-model="dataItem.Type"></select>
<div kendo-grid="ctrl.currencyKendoGrid" style="margin-top: 2em" k-options="ctrl.currencyGridOptions"></div>
Grid Options:
ctrl.fundGridOptions = {
dataSource: {
transport: {
update: function (options) {
DataSvc.updateFund( (response) {
schema: {
model: {
id: "FundId",
fields: {
FundId: { type: "number", editable: false, nullable: true },
GenevaId: { type: "string", editable: true },
NAVThreshold: { type: "number", editable: true },
NAVSource: { type: "string", editable: true },
Frequency: { type: "string", editable: true },
Type: { type: "string", editable: true },
sortable: true,
columns: [
{ field: "GenevaId", title: "Fund Name" },
{ field: "NAVThreshold*100", title: "NAV Threshold", template: '#=kendo.format("{0:p}", NAVThreshold)#' },
{ field: "NAVSource", title: "NAV Source" },
{ field: "Frequency", title: "Frequency" },
{ field: "Type", title: "Type" },
{ command: ["edit", "destroy"], title: " " }
detailTemplate: kendo.template($("#detail-template").html()),
detailInit: function (e) {
dataBound: function (e) {
var grid = e.sender;
if ( == 0) {
var colCount = grid.columns.length;
.append('<tr class="kendo-data-row"><td colspan="' + colCount + '" class="no-data">Sorry, no data :(</td></tr>');
editable: {
mode: "popup",
template: kendo.template($("#edit-template").html()),
window: {
title: "Edit Fund Details",
animation: false,
height: "600",
width: "1200"
edit: function (e) {
if (e.model.Currencies);
toolbar: [
name: 'create',
text: 'Add Fund',
Could anyone help me understand the reason why the 'update' function won't be called in 'popup' mode, but gets called in 'inline' mode ? Appreciate any responses in advance.
I know this is question old, but I came across it searching for an answer. I think the issue might be that your (and my) edit template uses ng-model binding to edit the dataItem ie we're using angularjs. This doesn't actually seem to change the dirty property on the dataItem. I solved the issue by using ng-change on each control. It's a pain, but seems to work.
<input id="Title" type="text" class="k-textbox" ng-model="dataItem.Title" ng-change="dataItem.dirty=true"/>

How to get all checked checkboxes value by ng-model in Angular?

here is the jsfiddle.
<div ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="ctrl">
<div ng-repeat="item in list">
<div mycb group="{{}}" title="{{item.title}}" is-checked="item.isChecked" value="{{item.value}}" update="callMe()"></div>
.controller("ctrl", ["$scope", function($scope){
$scope.list = [
{ group: "pet", title: "dog", isChecked: true, value: "dog" },
{ group: "pet", title: "cat", isChecked: true, value: "cat" },
{ group: "pet", title: "bird", isChecked: true, value: "bird" },
{ group: "pet", title: "snake", isChecked: true, value: "snake" },
{ group: "pet", title: "boy", isChecked: true, value: "boy" },
{ group: "pet", title: "cup", isChecked: true, value: "cup" }
$scope.callMe = function(){
var collection = [];
for(var i=0;i<$scope.list.length;i++){
var isChecked = $scope.list[i].isChecked;
$scope.result = collection.join(" ");
.directive("mycb", function(){
restrict: "A",
scope: {
title: "#",
isChecked: "=",
group: "#",
value: "#",
update: "&"
template: "<input type='checkbox' ng-model='isChecked' name='{{group}}' value='value' ng-change='update()'>{{title}}"
I created a group of checkbox and it will be updated when each of them is clicked.
By default, all checkboxes are checked. When I click the first one, it will be turned to status unchecked. The value of other checked boxes will show up.
For example:
When I click dog, the checkbox of dog will be turned to unchecked and "cat,bird,snake,boy,cup" will show up. Actually, it not happened like that. It shows "dog,cat,bird,snake,boy,cup".
Please check it out and give me a hand. Many thanks!
You can use an arrray to keep track of the boxes that are checked.
$scope.selectedCheckboxes = [];
var idx = $scope.selectedCheckboxes.indexOf(item);
// is currently selected
if (idx > -1) {
$scope.selectedCheckboxes.splice(idx, 1);
// is newly selected
else {
And in html pass item.value to callMe function. You wil have all the value that are checked in $scope.selectedCheckboxes
<div ng-repeat="item in list">
<div mycb group="{{}}" title="{{item.title}}" is-checked="item.isChecked" value="{{item.value}}" update="callMe(item.value)"></div>
<div ng-repeat="item in list">
<div mycb group="{{}}" title="{{item.title}}" is-checked="item.isChecked" value="{{item.value}}" ng-change="callMe()"></div>
Use ng-change event. Call Me function called when the user clicked on the checkbox. you can easily track all the checked checkbox in the controller.
Let me know if you need help more. Thanks.

Dynamically displaying template in ng-repeat directive in AngularJS?

I am attempting to dynamically display one of several templates within an ng-repeat directive, based on the current item.
My JSON data looks like this:
data: {
groups: [
name: "Group 1",
sections: [
{ name: "Section A" },
{ name: "Section B" }
name: "Group 2",
sections: [
{ name: "Section A" },
{ name: "Section B" }
My goal is to render the tree of data dynamically, with each group containing multiple sections. The groups will all have the same template, but each section should have its own template, based on the name field.
Assuming the top level HTML is:
<div ng-repeat="group in groups">
{{ }}
<div ng-repeat="section in sections">
<!-- Dynamic section template used -->
Ideally, each section would also need to have its own scoped data and controller associated with it. I've had good luck building this type of system with Knockout but am trying to understand the Angular way of doing things.
You could do something like this:
<div ng-repeat="group in groups">
{{ }}
<div ng-repeat="section in sections" ng-include="getIncludeFile(section)">
<!-- Dynamic section template used -->
Then in your controller:
$scope.getIncludeFile = function(section) {
// Make this more dynamic, but you get the idea
switch (section) {
case "Section A":
return 'partials/sectiona.html';
case "Section B":
return 'partials/sectionb.html';
Then your sectiona.html could look like this (to have a controller specific to that file):
<div ng-controller="SectionAController">
<!-- HTML in here, and can bind straight to your SectionAController -->
In the past month there was a checkin to angular for supporting dynamic templates in a directive however I wasn't able to find very much information with regards to its use. Here is the reference.
Although this still uses the the same nginclude it is all encapsulated in two directives:
<groups-control groupdata="groups"></groups-control>
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$ = 'World';
var json = {data: {
groups: [
name: "Group 1",
sections: [
{ name: "Section A" },
{ name: "Section B" }
name: "Group 2",
sections: [
{ name: "Section A" },
{ name: "Section B" }
$scope.groups =;
Directive split into two:
app.directive('groupsControl', function(){
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
transclude: false,
scope: { items:'=groupdata'},
template: '<div ng-repeat="group in items">' +
'{{ }}' +
'<section-control sections="group.sections" />'+
// The linking function will add behavior to the template
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
}).directive('sectionControl', function(){
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
transclude: false,
scope: { items:'=sections'},
template: '<div ng-repeat="section in items" ng-include="getIncludeFile(section)">'+
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.getIncludeFile = function(section) {
return'section ','') + ".html";
I'd actually like to see someone post an answer using a function for the templateUrl based on some of the scope data.
