How to dynamically bind a custom AngularJS modal? - angularjs

For an educational side-project I am working on, I want to avoid using AngularJS Material Design, UI Bootstrap, or any custom libraries that provide modal functionality.
However, I've hit a snag. I've created a service that is supposed to manage and dynamically create modals. It provides an open function that accepts a spec object, which it then reproduces in the DOM.
What this code actually does:
1. The modal is correctly appended to the DOM.
2. The modal controller's $onInit function fires.
What this code does not do:
1. Bind the $ctrl.message property in the markup to the instance of the controller that we know starts.
Normally, I would ask my question after providing code, however there's a good bit of code required to reproduce this problem (it's below, sans some AngularJS boilerplate.) As that's the case, though, here's my question:
In what way can I get the modals being spun off by this service to properly bind their contents to their given controller?
What I've tried:
As you can see in ModalService.bindModalDiv, I've tried a few avenues of thought, mostly using $compile. Yet, $compile and the resulting link function don't actually seem to be binding the new DOM elements to Angular.
I've tried using $controller to explicitly bind the new scope being generated to the someModalCtrl being instantiated, but that doesn't seem to help at all.
Because I can hit breakpoints on the someModalCtrl, and see the console.log message I used as a sanity check, I think I'm misunderstanding how exactly I'm supposed to bind the new DOM elements to Angular. I'm sure I'm missing something basic that I've managed to forget about or disregard, somehow.
One more note:
I'm sure my problems with getting the modal to bind to AngularJS properly aren't the only problems present. Please remember, I'm doing this partially as a learning excersize; if y'all can help me figure out my modal problem, I'll keep on doing my due diligence and hunting down the flaws I've doubtless built into this approach. Therefore, if you see something that's not a modal problem, it's OK to draw my attention to it, but I won't rewrite the question to fix whatever you find - unless it's absolutely essential that I do. As an example - I know that has some issues in how I'm implementing the promise setup. A $rootScope.$watch is probably more reasonable.
export interface IModalSpecObject {
parent?: string | Element | JQuery;
templateURL: string
controller: string;
controllerAs?: string;
data: object;
export class ModalInstance {
public isOpen: boolean = true;
public returnData: object = null;
public element: JQLite = null;
public $parent: JQuery = null;
public constructor(
public specObject: IModalSpecObject
) {
public close(returnData: object): void {
if (this.element)
this.isOpen = false;
this.returnData = returnData;
export class ModalService {
public pollRate: number = 250;
public instance: ModalInstance = null;
public static $inject: string[] = [
'$q', '$rootScope', '$compile', '$controller'
public constructor(
public $q: ng.IQService,
public $rootScope: ng.IRootScopeService,
public $compile: ng.ICompileService,
public $controller: ng.IControllerService
) {
public open(specObject: IModalSpecObject): ng.IPromise<{}> {
if (this.instance && this.instance.isOpen)
this.instance = new ModalInstance(specObject);
const $parent: JQuery = this.setParent(specObject);
const modalDiv: JQLite = this.buildModal(specObject);
this.bindModalDiv(modalDiv, $parent);
const result: ng.IPromise<{}> = this.$q((resolve) => {
setInterval(() => {
if (!this.instance.isOpen) {
}, this.pollRate);
return result;
private buildModal(specObject: IModalSpecObject): JQLite {
const modalDiv: JQLite = angular.element('<div/>');
const $modalPanel: JQuery = $('<div/>');
// Inject HTML template...
// Set up the angular controller...
const controllerAs: string = specObject.controllerAs
? specObject.controllerAs
: '$ctrl';
$modalPanel.attr('ng-controller', `${specObject.controller} as ${controllerAs}`);
this.instance.element = modalDiv;
return modalDiv;
private setParent(specObject: IModalSpecObject): JQuery {
let $parent: JQuery;
$parent = $(document);
else if (typeof specObject.parent === "string"
|| specObject.parent instanceof Element)
$parent = $(specObject.parent);
else if (specObject.parent instanceof jQuery)
$parent = specObject.parent;
$parent = $(document);
this.instance.$parent = $parent;
return $parent;
// !!!! !!!! I suspect this is where my problems lie. !!!! !!!!
private bindModalDiv(modalDiv: JQLite, $parent: JQuery): void {
const newScope: ng.IScope = this.$rootScope.$new(true);
// Try #1: Bind generated element to parent...
// Try #1a: Generate bindings, then append to parent...
//const element: JQLite = this.$compile(modalDiv)(newScope);
// Try #2: Bind element to parent, then generate ng bindings...
// Try #3: Well, what if we bind a controller to the scope?
const specObject: IModalSpecObject = this.instance.specObject;
const controllerAs: string = specObject.controllerAs
? specObject.controllerAs
: '$ctrl';
this.$controller(`${specObject.controller} as ${controllerAs}`, {
'$scope': newScope
const element = this.$compile(modalDiv)(newScope);
.service('modalSvc', ModalService);
SomeController.ts pretty much just controls a button to trigger the modal's appearance; I've not included the markup for that reason.
export class SomeController {
public static $inject: string[] = [ 'modalSvc' ];
public constructor(
public modalSvc: ModalService
) {
public $onInit(): void {
public openModal(): void {
const newModal: IModalSpecObject = {
parent: 'body',
templateUrl: '/someModal.html',
controller: 'someModalCtrl',
data: {
'message': 'You should see this.'
.then(() => {
console.log('You did it!');
angular.module('app').controller('someCtrl', SomeController);
<div class="modal-header">
Important Message
<!-- This should read, "You should see this." -->
<div class="modal-body">
{{ $ctrl.message }}
<!-- You should click this, and hit a breakpoint and/or close the modal. -->
<div class="modal-footer">
<button ng-click="$ctrl.close()">Close</button>
export class SomeModalController {
public message: string = '';
public static $inject: string[] = [ 'modalSvc' ];
public constructor(
public modalSvc: ModalService
) {
public $onInit(): void {
console.log('$onInit was triggered!');
this.message =['message'];
public close(): void {
.controller('someModalCtrl', SomeModalController);

I figured out where I went wrong - I needed to use $().load()'s callback. JQuery load is asynchronous, which meant that $compile was working correctly; however, the HTML in my modal partial wasn't loaded by the time $compile had done its job, thus the unbound HTML.
A slight modification of my ModalService got around this, though.
Revised fragment of ModalSvc.ts:
// This is just a convenience alias for void functions. Included for completeness.
export type VoidFunction = () => void;
// ...
public open(specObject: IModalSpecObject): ng.IPromise<{}> {
if (this.instance && this.instance.isOpen)
this.instance = new ModalInstance(specObject);
const $parent: JQuery = this.setParent(specObject);
// open already returned a promise before, we just needed to return
// the promise from build modal, which in turn sets up the true
// promise to resolve.
return this.buildModal(specObject)
.then((modalDiv: JQLite) => {
this.bindModalDiv(modalDiv, $parent);
const result: ng.IPromise<{}> = this.$q((resolve) => {
// Also, side-note: to avoid resource leaks, always make sure
// with these sorts of ephemeral watches to capture and release
// them. Resource leaks are _no fun_!
const unregister: VoidFunction = this.$rootScope.$watch(() => {
}, () => {
if (! this.instance.isOpen) {
return result;
private buildModal(specObject: IModalSpecObject): ng.IPromise<{}> {
const modalDiv: JQLite = angular.element('<div/>');
this.instance.element = modalDiv;
const $modalPanel: JQuery = $('<div/>');
// By wrapping $modalPanel.load in a $q promise, we can
// ensure that the modal is fully-built before we $compile it.
const result: ng.IPromise<{}> = this.$q((resolve, reject) => {
$modalPanel.load(specObject.templateUrl, () => {
return result;
private setParent(specObject: IModalSpecObject): JQuery {
let $parent: JQuery;
$parent = $(document);
else if (typeof specObject.parent === "string"
|| specObject.parent instanceof Element)
$parent = $(specObject.parent);
else if (specObject.parent instanceof jQuery)
$parent = specObject.parent;
$parent = $(document);
this.instance.$parent = $parent;
return $parent;
private bindModalDiv(modalDiv: JQLite, parent: JQLite): void {
// parent should be a JQLite so I can use the injector() on it.
parent.injector().invoke(['$rootScope', '$compile', ($rootScope, $compile) => {
const newScope: ng.IScope = $rootScope.$new(true);
this.$controller(this.getControllerAsString(), {
'$scope': newScope
const element: JQLite = $compile(modalDiv)(newScope);
private getControllerAsString(): string {
const specObject: IModalSpecObject = this.instance.specObject;
const controllerAs: string = specObject.controllerAs
? specObject.controllerAs
: '$ctrl';
return `${specObject.controller} as ${controllerAs}`;
I figured this out by going back and doing the step-by-step engineering. I first ensured that $compile was working by creating an element whose contents were {{ 2 + 2 }}, compiling it, then injecting it. When I saw 4 added to my page, I knew that the compile-then-inject aspect of the program worked just fine.
From there, I started building up the modal's construction, and found it working flawlessly...up until I got to jQuery load. When I read the documentation, I saw the error of my ways.
TL;DR: Read the friendly manual!


AngularJS, TypeScript, Component Architecture weird behavior

I've jumped for a while from Angular 6 to Angular JS and I'm trying to code in Component Architecture. The problem is - I'm trying to use ng-show="somevariable" to hide / show a div.
export const appRootModule: IModule = module('datawalk', ['asyncFilter'])
.component('appRoot', new AppRootComponent())
.component('postModal', new PostModalComponent())
.service('componentsDataService', ComponentDataService);
export class PostModalComponent {
public template: string;
public controller: Injectable<IControllerConstructor>;
public controllerAs: string;
constructor() {
this.controller = PostModalController;
this.controllerAs = 'postM';
this.template = PostModalTemplateHtml;
export class PostModalController implements IController {
public modalVisible: boolean;
constructor(componentsDataService: ComponentDataService) {
this.modalVisible = false;
this.$cds.getModalData().subscribe((data: any) => {
if (data.showMod === true) {
public $onInit = async (): Promise<void> => {};
public modalOpen(post: any): void {
console.error(this.modalVisible); // false
this.modalVisible = true;
console.error(this.modalVisible); // true
And the template:
<div class="modal" ng-show="modalVisible">
<div class="modal-body">
Anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong?
console logs shows that the variable changes, but nothing happen, modal div is still hidden.
OK. So I've figured it out.
That's not a problem of code, but the problem is inside my IDE.
WebStorm has an issue - it does not recognize a controllerAs property in HTML templates of AngularJS in component architecture.
Also tslint works faulty.
I don't recommend to use that with AngularJS with component architecture.
Vs Code works perfect with that.

Binding Angular2 components inside of a Jquery plugin template

I'm working on using a kendo inside of an angular 2 project.
Getting the widget set up correctly is no problem:
ngOnInit() {
let options = inputsToOptionObject(KendoUIScheduler, this);
options.dataBound = this.bound;
this.scheduler = $(this.element.nativeElement)
When that runs, the plugin modifies the DOM (and, to my knowleged, without modifiying the shadow DOM maintained by angular2). My issue is that if I want to use a component anywhere inside of the plugin, like in a template, Angular is unaware of it's existence and won't bind it.
public views:kendo.ui.SchedulerView[] = [{
type: 'month',
title: 'test',
dayTemplate: (x:any) => {
let date =;
let count =[date];
return `<monthly-scheduler-day [date]="test" [count]=${count}"></monthly-scheduler-day>`
The monthly-scheduler-day class:
selector: 'monthly-scheduler-day',
template: `
<div class="badge" (click)=dayClick($event)>Available</div>
export class MonthlySchedulerDayComponent implements OnInit{
#Input() date: number;
#Input() count: number;
constructor() {
console.log('clicked a day');
Is there a "right" way to bind these components inside of the markup created by the widget? I've managed to do it by listening for the bind event from the widget and then looping over the elements it created and using the DynamicComponentLoader, but it feels wrong.
I found some of the details I needed in this thread:
I whipped this service up to handle binding my components:
import { Injectable, ComponentMetadata, ViewContainerRef, ComponentResolver, ComponentRef, Injector } from '#angular/core';
declare var $:JQueryStatic;
export class JQueryBinder {
private resolver: ComponentResolver,
private injector: Injector
public bindAll(
componentType: any,
componentInitializer:(c: ComponentRef<any>, context: {})=>void):
let selector = Reflect.getMetadata('annotations', componentType).find((a:any) => {
return a instanceof ComponentMetadata
this.resolver.resolveComponent(componentType).then((factory)=> {
$(selector).each((i,e) => {
let context = contextParser($(e).html());
let c = factory.create(this.injector, null, e);
componentInitializer(c, context);
componentType: The component class you want to bind. It uses reflection to pull the selector it needs
contextParser: callback that takes the existing child html and constructs a context object (anything you need to initialize the component state)
componentInitializer - callback that initializes the created component with the context you parsed
Example usage:
let parser = (html: string) => {
return {
date: parseInt(html)
let initer = (c: ComponentRef<GridCellComponent>, context: { date: number })=>{
let d =;
c.instance.count =[d]; = d;
this.binder.bindAll(GridCellComponent, parser, initer );
Well your solution works fine until the component needs to change its state and rerender some stuff.
Because I haven't found yet any ability to get ViewContainerRef for an element generated outside of Angular (jquery, vanilla js or even server-side)
the first idea was to call detectChanges() by setting up an interval. And after several iterations finally I came to a solution which works for me.
So far in 2017 you have to replace ComponentResolver with ComponentResolverFactory and do almost the same things:
let componentFactory = this.factoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(componentType),
componentRef = componentFactory.create(this.injector, null, selectorOrNode);
After that you can emulate attaching component instance to the change detection cycle by subscribing to EventEmitters of its NgZone:
let enumerateProperties = obj => Object.keys(obj).map(key => obj[key]),
properties = enumerateProperties(injector.get(NgZone))
.filter(p => p instanceof EventEmitter);
let subscriptions = Observable.merge(
.subscribe(_ => changeDetectorRef.detectChanges());
Of course don't forget to unsubscribe on destroy:
componentRef.onDestroy(_ => {
subscriptions.forEach(x => x.unsubscribe());
UPD after stackoverflowing once more
Forget all the words above. It works but just follow this answer

Setting context of "this" from another typescript class, using AngularJS dependency injection

I'm using a TypeScript class to define a controller in AngularJS:
class TrialsCtrl {
constructor(private $scope: ITrialsScope, private ResourceServices: ResourceServices) {
loadTrials() {
console.log("TrialsCtrl:", this);
this.Trial.query().then((result) => {
this.$scope.Trials = result;
remove(Trial: IRestTrial) {
this.ResourceServices.remove(Trial, this.loadTrials);
angular.module("app").controller("TrialsCtrl", TrialsCtrl);
I'm refactoring common controller methods into a service.
class ResourceServices {
public remove(resource, reload) {
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this?")) {
resource.remove().then(() => {
angular.module("app").service("ResourceServices", ResourceServices);
The console log shows that this is referencing the window context when I want it to be TrialsCtrl. My problem is that the reload() method needs to run in the context of TrialsCtrl, so that it can access this.Trial and this.$scope. How can I tell the reload() method to set this as the TrialsCtrl? Or is there some other workaround I should be using for this kind of thing?
Have you tried:
this.ResourceServices.remove(Trial, this.loadTrials.bind(this));
this.ResourceServices.remove(Trial, () => this.loadTrials());
For methods that are supposed to be passed as callbacks (as with this.loadTrials) it is preferable to define them as arrows,
loadTrials = () => { ... }
So they keep the context whether Function.prototype.bind is used or not.
Alternatively, a decorator may be used on the method (like core-decorators #autobind) to bind a method while still defining it on class prototype:
loadTrials() { ... }

cloning an element in angular, and tying up the attached directives

I have built a function that correctly appends a new row to a table when the last row gets the focus.
This works successfully, but the directive is no longer triggering the cloned row
How do I fix the clone so that the elements are added with directives attached.
I need to trigger the directive link after the clone is complete.
each row has a directive attached.
<tr add-table-row-empty>
And this is the directive.
module Panda {
#directive('$log', '$compile')
export class AddTableRowEmpty implements ng.IDirective
public restrict: string = "A";
constructor(public $log: ng.ILogService, public $compile: ng.ICompileService)
public link: Function = ($scope: any, element: angular.IAugmentedJQuery, attrs: angular.IAttributes) => {
var inputs = $('input', element);
inputs.on('focus', () => this.addIfLastRow(element));
private addIfLastRow(element: angular.IAugmentedJQuery) {
if (!($(element).is(':last-child')))
private addRow(element: angular.IAugmentedJQuery)
// this should do a deep clone including all events etc.
var clone = element.clone(true, true);
$("input", clone).each((i, _) => $(_).val(""));
panda.directive("addTableRowEmpty", <any>AddTableRowEmpty);

Creating a custom Angular filter with TypeScript

I'm trying to work out the best way of creating a custom Angular Filter with TypeScript.
All the code samples I see use something like:
myModule.filter( "myFilter", function()
return function( input )
// filter stuff here
return result;
... which works, but seems messy as I want to keep all my filter code separate. So I want to know how to declare the filter as a separate file (eg filters/reverse-filter.ts) so I can create it like:
myModule.filter( "filterName", moduleName.myFilter );
... the same way you would for Controllers, Services etc.
The documentation for TS and Angular together seems pretty thin on the ground, especially where filters are concerned - can anyone help out?
Functions can be exported from modules like this:
module moduleName {
export function myFilter()
return function(input)
// filter stuff here
return result;
then outside the module:
myModule.filter("filterName", moduleName.myFilter);
Then it would then be possible to do things like automatically register all of the filters defined in the moduleName module by iterating over its public properties.
Maybe too late but can be useful for someone else.
module dashboard.filters{
export class TrustResource{
static $inject:string[] = ['$sce'];
static filter($sce:ng.ISCEService){
return (value)=> {
return $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(value)
To explain the last line:
I will add a piece of code, wich represents my Bootstrap class, so you can understand it.
module dashboard {
export class Bootstrap {
static angular:ng.IModule;
static start(){
Bootstrap.angular = angular.module('EmbApp', dashboard.Bootstrap.$inject);
//run application
If you need more information about how it works, you can checkout my own TypeScript/AngularJS/Less structure here
Here's an example using the injector to get dependencies into your filter. This one gets injected with the $filter service.
export class CustomDateFilter {
public static Factory() {
var factoryFunction = ($filter: ng.IFilterService) => {
var angularDateFilter = $filter('date');
return (theDate: string) => {
return angularDateFilter(theDate, "yyyy MM dd - hh:mm a");
factoryFunction.$inject = ['$filter'];
return factoryFunction;
// and in the bootstrap code:
app.filter('customDate', your.module.CustomDateFilter.Factory());
You should use something like this to inject dependencies
myModule.filter('filterName', ['$http', moduleName.myFilter]);
You can create a filter using class with a static function.
export class FilterClass
static id = "FilterId"; //FilterName, use while consume
public static instance() { //static instance function
let dataFilter = () => {
let filteredObject = () => {
//filter logic
return filteredData;
return filteredObject;
return dataFilter;
//Module configuration
angular.module(myModule).filter(, FilterClass.instance());
Consume this filter in the controller using below way.
let FilterFun:any = this.$filter('FilterId');
let Filteroutput = FilterFun();
