React Material-Ui(0.20.0) dialog not show expected results? - reactjs

React Material-Ui has the Dialog component which has the property modal, when i change it to true or false it show me the same result what does this property means?
it is really confusing me kindly help me?
Material Ui version:0.20.0

Modal dialog is apparently similar to the other dialogs but Modal dialog can only be closed by selecting one of the actions.

According to the Material UI documentation, the property which handles the visibility of Dialog is open.
In your example, you have given as open={props.openClose}. Please update the same with true or false and check the result.
Check the example
Also, please find the API documentation here


React-medium-editor not working in Material UI dialog box

I am trying to implement rich text in a dialog box which I picked from Material-UI. For doing so I am using a package react-medium-editor. If I place it inside dialog box it does not convert the text to rich text but outside the dialog box it does.
What can be the problem
Here is the sample project that I made to demonstrate.
Codesandbox link
You can make react-medium-editor work with Material-UI's Dialog by setting the prop: disableEnforceFocus to true.
onClose={() => handleClose()
// Dialog Content
WARNING: According to Material-UI's docs on disableEnforceFocus:
If true, the modal will not prevent focus from leaving the modal while
Generally this should never be set to true as it makes the modal
less accessible to assistive technologies, like screen readers.

How to create React Modal that doesn't have any overlay?

I am using React and Semantic UI for my website and I'm looking to create a modal popup to provide some action items on the page.
Currently, with Semantic's Modal, you must choose between three dimmer options (Default, inverted and blurring). In my case, I want the pop-up to appear, but I don't want ANY overlay. The page behind the model should appear as normal. Strangely, this isn't easy/obvious to implement.
On my page, I have the following example model code.
<Modal dimmer="inverted" size='mini' open={this.state.modalopen} onClose={this.onClose}>
<Modal.Header>Select a Photo</Modal.Header>
<Modal.Content image>
<p>Some contents.</p>
The three options (default,inverted and blur) obviously don't work.
I have tried using styling to set the background color to transparent and other optoins, but nothing seems to work.
<Modal style={{backgroundColor: "transparent"}} dimmer="inverted" size='mini' open={this.state.modalopen} onClose={this.onClose}>
I know there must be an easy solution here..what is it?
Thx for your help.
Is used to be possible to set dimmer={false}, but this is deprecated (see link below) according to the documentation, and you will need to use styling in order to make it transparent, so your solution is close to what you need to do. If you inspect the rendered Modal, you'll see that you need to override the background-color of the .ui.dimmer css class. You should be able to do that in your component's stylesheet.

How do I create a window in react?

Is there any component similar to ext.window in react?
I checked bootstrap/material ui and the closest thing to a window are modals, but I would like to find something resizable and draggable.
You can try specific components that do this, like react-rnd.
See the demo, you can both resize and drag the created component.
Here, you have a live example in codesandbox.
What you need is a draggable modal with React implementation:
Bootstrap draggable modal
Material UI draggable modal
I've been using Material-Ui for a while.
There's a standard modal and dialog (like a modal but with default template for easier customization)
Isn't modal (dialog) sufficient for the job that you want?

When Model popup opens by default .modal-backdrop is applying and monitor screen get disable

I am using Angular js. The issue is when bootstrap model open by default .modal-backdrop class is applying and because of this whole screen get dim and not enable. please suggest me something.
By design a modal is supposed to overtake control of the screen, hence the backdrop.
That being said, you can display the modal without the backdrop.
$("#myModal2").modal({backdrop: false});
Angular has configuration as well
config.backdrop = false;
Here is a stackblitz example with backdrop disabled

Ant Design - Make Menu Uncollapsable/Unfoldable

I am using Ant Design with React. Ant Design has a menu component:
Is it possible to make the menu uncollapsable/unfoldable? I read the documentation, and there was no parameter to turn off folding/collapsing.
I know I'm coming late to the party but for other people struggling with this - there is an undocumented (as far as I could tell from official docs) prop of Menu component called disabledOverflow. Setting it to true solved it for me.
Kudos to VS Code editor, it suggested this property to me and saved my day!
I made it work by including a min-width style object to the Menu
style={{minWidth: '800px'}}
Antd Inline Menu This gives you a menu that does not collapse.
Moreover it is only collapsible when you give the
props to Menu Component
