Stack Smashing Issue With Pipes, greps, wc in C - c

EDIT: ** QUESTION HAS BEEN ANSWERED: see comments by PaulMckenzie and Rishikesh Raje
The intention of this function is to call grep on parameter file with parameter pattern using pipes, but I am having an issue with stack smashing in my program. It runs through and works straight through to the end of the function, but then complains of stack smashing.
Here's my code:
void count_pattern(char *file, char *pattern) {
int bytes_read;
int nbytes = 20000;
char *read_string;
char grep_str[] = "";
FILE *grep_pipe;
FILE *wc_pipe;
strcat(grep_str, "grep ");
strcat(grep_str, pattern);
strcat(grep_str, " ");
strcat(grep_str, file);
strcat(grep_str, "\0");
grep_pipe = popen (grep_str, "r");
wc_pipe = popen ("wc -l", "w");
/* Pipe Error Checking*/
if ((!grep_pipe) || (!wc_pipe))
fprintf (stderr,"One or both pipes failed.\n");
/* Read from grep_pipe until EOF? */
read_string = (char *) malloc (nbytes + 1);
bytes_read = getdelim (&read_string, &nbytes, -1, grep_pipe);
/* Close grep_pipe */
if (pclose (grep_pipe) != 0)
fprintf (stderr, "Could not run 'grep'.\n");
/* Send output of 'grep' to 'wc' */
fprintf (wc_pipe, "%s", read_string);
/* Close wc_pipe */
if (pclose (wc_pipe) != 0)
fprintf (stderr, "Could not run 'wc'.\n");
printf("%s\n\n",grep_str); /* migrating bug-check print statement */
Running it through the main with parameters file="somefile" pattern="somepattern" outputs the correct amount of somepatterns in the somefile as well as the typical migrating bug-checking print statement at the very end, after which it gets terminated for stack smashing.
Having read up on stack smashing, it seems like some end of the pipe is overextending a read or write into illegal space. I'm not sure where or why that's happening, however, since everything seems to work fine until function end. Other posts on here about stack smashing imply that it is the compiler throwing a canary into the code that signals failure when stack smash may happen. The problem is not with the main either. Can anyone shed any light on the situation?
Is where this code is mostly based off of.

The issue was not with the pipes. The issue had to do with the concatenation of strings to the empty string variable grep_str that clearly could not fit more strings in it. Credit to Paul and Rishikesh in the comments


Not getting expected debug print from program that opens and writes a file

I am learning about file descriptors by using the open, write and close functions. What I expect is a printf statement outputting the file descriptor after the open function, and another printf statement outputting a confirmation of the text being written. However, I get the following result:
.\File.exe "this is a test"
[DEBUG] buffer # 0x00b815c8: 'this is a test'
[DEBUG] datafile # 0x00b81638: 'C:\Users\____\Documents\Notes'
With a blank space where the further debugging output should be. The code block for the section is:
strcpy(buffer, argv[1]); //copy first vector into the buffer
printf("[DEBUG] buffer \t # 0x%08x: \'%s\'\n", buffer, buffer); //debug buffer
printf("[DEBUG] datafile # 0x%08x: \'%s\'\n", datafile, datafile); //debug datafile
strncat(buffer, "\n", 1); //adds a newline
fd = open(datafile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); //opens file
if(fd == -1)
fatal("in main() while opening file");
printf("[DEBUG] file descriptor is %d\n", fd);
if(write(fd, buffer, strlen(buffer)) == -1) //wrting data
fatal("in main() while writing buffer to file");
if(close(fd) == -1) //closing file
fatal("in main() while closing file");
printf("Note has been saved.");
I basically copied the code word for word from the book I'm studying, so how could it not work?
The problem is that the printf function does not display anything, and the file descriptor is not returned.
Here is the full code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
void usage(char *pnt, char *opnt) //usage function
printf("Usage: %s <data to add to \"%s\">", pnt, opnt);
void fatal(char*); //fatal function for errors
void *ec_malloc(unsigned int); //wrapper for malloc error checking
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) //initiates argumemt vector/count variables
int fd; //file descriptor
char *buffer, *datafile;
buffer = (char*) ec_malloc(100); //buffer given 100 bytes of ec memory
datafile = (char*) ec_malloc(20); //datafile given 20 bytes of ec memory
strcpy(datafile, "C:\\Users\\____\\Documents\\Notes");
if(argc < 2) //if argument count is less than 2 i.e. no arguments provided
usage(argv[0], datafile); //print usage message from usage function
strcpy(buffer, argv[1]); //copy first vector into the buffer
printf("[DEBUG] buffer \t # %p: \'%s\'\n", buffer, buffer); //debug buffer
printf("[DEBUG] datafile # %p: \'%s\'\n", datafile, datafile); //debug datafile
strncat(buffer, "\n", 1); //adds a newline
fd = open(datafile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); //opens file
if(fd == -1)
fatal("in main() while opening file");
printf("[DEBUG] file descriptor is %d\n", fd);
if(write(fd, buffer, strlen(buffer)) == -1) //wrting data
fatal("in main() while writing buffer to file");
if(close(fd) == -1) //closing file
fatal("in main() while closing file");
printf("Note has been saved.");
void fatal(char *message)
char error_message[100];
strcpy(error_message, "[!!] Fatal Error ");
strncat(error_message, message, 83);
void *ec_malloc(unsigned int size)
void *ptr;
ptr = malloc(size);
if(ptr == NULL)
fatal("in ec_malloc() on memory allocation");
return ptr;
EDIT: the issue has been fixed. The reason for this bug was that the memory allocated within the ec_malloc function was not sufficient, which meant that the text could not be saved. I changed the byte value to 100 and the code now works.
I am not sure which compiler you are using, but the one I tried the code with (GCC) says:
main.c:34:5: warning: ‘strncat’ specified bound 1 equals source length [-Wstringop-overflow=]
34 | strncat(buffer, "\n", 1); //adds a newline
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In other words, the call to strncat in your code is highly suspicious. You are trying to append a single line-break character, which has a length of 1, which you pass as the third argument. But strncat expects the third parameter to be the remaining space in buffer, not the length of the string to append.
A correct call would look a bit like this:
size_t bufferLength = 100;
char* buffer = malloc(bufferLength);
strncat(buffer, "\n", (bufferLength - strlen(buffer) - strlen("\n") - 1));
In this case, however, you are saved, because strncat guarantees that the resulting buffer is NUL-terminated, meaning that it always writes one additional byte beyond the specified size.
All of this is complicated, and a common source of bugs. It's easier to simply use snprintf to build up the entire string at one go:
size_t bufferLength = 100;
char* buffer = malloc(bufferLength);
snprintf(buffer, bufferLength, "%s\n", argv[1]);
Another bug in your code is the ec_malloc function:
void *ec_malloc(unsigned int size)
void *ptr;
ptr = malloc(size);
if(ptr == NULL)
fatal("in ec_malloc() on memory allocation");
return ptr;
See if you can spot it: what happens if ptr is not NULL? Well, nothing! The function doesn't return a value in this case; execution just falls off the end.
If you're using GCC (and possibly other compilers) on x86, this code will appear to work fine, because the result of the malloc function will remain in the proper CPU register to serve as the result of the ec_malloc function. But the fact that it just happens to work by the magic of circumstance does not make it correct code. It is subject to stop working at any time, and it should be fixed. The function deserves a return value!
Unfortunately, the GCC compiler is unable to detect this mistake, but Clang does:
<source>:64:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value in all control paths [-Wreturn-type]
The major bug in your code is a buffer overrun. At the top, you allocate only 20 bytes for the datafile buffer:
datafile = (char*) ec_malloc(20); //datafile given 20 bytes of ec memory
which means it can only store 20 characters. However, you proceed to write in more than 20 characters:
strcpy(datafile, "C:\\Users\\____\\Documents\\Notes");
That string literal is 33 characters, not including the terminating NUL! You need a buffer with at least 50 characters of space to hold all of this. With a buffer that is too small, the strcpy function call creates a classic "buffer overrun" error, which is undefined behavior that manifests itself as corrupting your program's memory area and thus premature termination.
Again, when I tried compiling and running the code, GCC reported:
malloc(): corrupted top size
because it detected that you had overrun the dynamically-allocated memory (returned by malloc). It was able to do this because, under the hood, malloc stores sentinel information after the allocated memory block, and your overwriting of the allocated space had written over its sentinel information.
The whole code is a bit suspect; it was not written by someone who knows C very well, nor was it debugged or reviewed by anyone else.
There is no real need to use dynamic memory allocation here in order to allocate fixed-size buffers. If you're going to use dynamic memory allocation, then allocate the actual amount of space that you need. Otherwise, if you're allocating fixed-size buffers, then just allocate on the stack.
Don't bother with complex string-manipulation functions when you can get away with simply using snprintf.
And as a bonus tip: when debugging problems, try to reduce the code down as small as you can get it. None of the file I/O stuff was related to this problem, so when I was analyzing this code, I replaced that whole section with:
printf("[DEBUG] file descriptor is %d\n", 42);
Once the rest of the code is working, I can go back and add the real code back to that section, and then test it. (Which I didn't do, because I don't have a file system handy to test this.)

Sending exec output from function to main method

I have a method I call from the main method called that executes ls-l on a certain directory, I want it to execute it and send the result as a string to the main method.
My current flawed code:
char *lsl(){
char *stringts=malloc(1024);
char * lsargs[] = { "/bin/ls" , "-l", NULL};
stringts="The result of ls-l in the created directory is:"+ execv(lsargs[0], lsargs);
return stringts;
Currently I am only getting the exec output on the screen, I understand why this is happening(exec getting called before reaching return point). However I don't know how I could possibly do what I want and if it's actually doable.
I was thinking of using pipes and dup2() so I don't let the exec function use stdout but I don't know if it would be possible to put the output in a string.
As Jonathan Leffler already pointed out in comments, there is no '+' operator for concatenating strings in C.
A possibility to dynamically extends strings is to use realloc together with strcat.
For each number of bytes you read from the pipe, you could check the remaining capacity of the originally allocated memory for the string and, if this is not enough, reallocate twice the size.
You have to keep track of the size of the current string yourself. You could do this with a variable of type size_t.
If you combine this with the popen handling, it could look something like this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void) {
FILE *fp;
if ((fp = popen("ls -l", "r")) == NULL) {
perror("popen failed");
size_t str_size = 1024;
char *stringts = malloc(str_size);
if (!stringts) {
perror("stringts allocation failed");
stringts[0] = '\0';
char buf[128];
size_t n;
while ((n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf) - 1, fp)) > 0) {
buf[n] = '\0';
size_t capacity = str_size - strlen(stringts) - 1;
while (n > capacity) {
str_size *= 2;
stringts = realloc(stringts, str_size);
if (!stringts) {
perror("stringts realloation failed");
capacity = str_size - strlen(stringts) - 1;
strcat(stringts, buf);
printf("%s\n", stringts);
if (pclose(fp) != 0) {
perror("pclose failed");
You have several flaws in your code:
char *lsl(){
char *stringts=malloc(1024);
char * lsargs[] = { "/bin/ls" , "-l", NULL};
stringts="The result of ls-l in the created directory is:"+ execv(lsargs[0], lsargs);
return stringts;
If you malloc(3) a 1024 byte buffer into stringts pointer, but then you assign a different value to the pointer, making your buffer to be lost in the immensity of your RAM.
When you do execv(2) call, all the memory of your process is freed by the kernel and reloaded with an execution of the command ls -l, you'll get the output in the standard output of the process, and then you'll get the prompt of the shell. This makes the rest of your program unuseful, as once you exec, there's no way back, and your program is unloaded and freed.
You can add (+) to a pointer value (you indeed add to the address pointing to the string "The result of the ls -l..." and ---as the result of exec is nothing, as a new program is loaded--- you get nothing) If execv fails, then you get a pointer pointing to the previous char to that string, which is a valid expression in C, but makes your program to behave erratically in an Undefined Behaviour. Use strcpy(3), strcat(3), or snprintf(3), depending on the exact text you want to copy in the space of the buffer you allocated.
Your return an invalid address as a result. The problem here is that, if execv(2) works, it doesn't return. Only if it fails you get an invalid pointer that you cannot use (by the reason above), and of course ls -l has not been executed. Well, you don't say what you got as ouptut, so it is difficult for me to guess if you actually exec()d the program or not.
On other side, you have a popen(3) library function that allows you to execute a subprogram and allows you to read from a file descriptor its output (I recommend you not to chdir gratuitously in your program, as that is a global change in your program environment, IMHO it is better to pass ls(1) the directory you want to list as a parameter)
#include <stdio.h>
FILE *lsl() {
/* the call creates a FILE * descriptor that you can use as input and
* read the output of the ls command. It's bad resources use to try to
* read all in a string and return the string instead. Better read as
* much as you can/need and then pclose() the descriptor. */
return popen("/bin/ls -l /Users/file/path|", "rt");
and then you can read (as it can be very long output, you probably don't have enought buffer space to handle it all in memory if you have a huge directory)
FILE *dir = lsl();
if (dir) {
char buffer[1024];
while (fgets(buffer, sizeof buffer, dir)) {
pclose(dir); /* you have to use pclose(3) with popen(3) */
If you don't want to use popen(3), then you cannot use execv(2) alone, and you have to fork(2) first, to create a new process, and exec() in the child process (after mounting the redirection yourself). Read a good introduction to fork()/exec() and how to redirect I/O between fork() and exec(), as it is far longer and detailed to put it here (again)

stdin to stdout after processing

I have a utility that is supposed to optimize files by transforming them into an alternate file-format. If it cannot make the files smaller, I would like the original file returned.
The design is to use stdin in and stdout for input and output. This is for a case where the processed size is larger than the original file size. All other branches are tested as working.
char readbuffer[65536];
ssize_t readinbytes;
while ((readinbytes = fread(readbuffer, sizeof(char), insize, stdin)) > 0) {
if (fwrite(readbuffer, sizeof(char), readnbytes, stdout) != readnbytes) {
fatal("can't write to stdout, please smash and burn the computer\n");
Problem This is resulting in a file with size 0
Right this question has a strange answer. Essentially I had to read stdin into a buffer (inbuf), then output the contents of that buffer. The overarching reason I was getting no output was multi-faceted.
Firstly I'd failed to spot a branch which already determined if the input buffer was smaller than the output buffer
if((readinbytes < outbuffersize) || force) {
// inside this is where the code was...
It looks like (because stdout was being used to write to) there was a section that contained a log statement that was not output in the matching else block. The code inherited was terribly formatted so it was never picked up on.
As outputting error messages is not fulfilling the purpose of the utility (always output a valid output file if a valid input file is provided)
solution (stdin is read into inbuf at the start of the program)
if (fwrite(inbuf, 1, readinbytes, stdout) != insize) {
fprintf(stderr, "error writing to stdout\n");
errata (reading in stdin)
unsigned char * inbuf = NULL;
size_t readinbytes;
long insize = 0;
// elsewhere...
// die if no stdin
insize = getFileSize(stdin);
if (insize < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "no input to stdin\n");
// read stdin to buffer
inbuf = createBuffer(insize); // wrapper around malloc handling OOM
if ((readinbytes = fread(inbuf, sizeof(char), insize, stdin)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "error reading from stdin\n");
Also don't forget to free(inbuf).
if(inbuf){ free(inbuf); }
I Hope this helps someone.

C - Print lines from file with getline()

I am trying to write a simple C program that loads a text-file, prints the first line to screen, waits for the user to press enter and then prints the next line, and so on.
As only argument it accepts a text-file that is loaded as a stream "database". I use the getline()-function for this, according to this example. It compiles fine, successfully loads the text-file, but the program never enters the while-loop and then exits.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
FILE *database = NULL; // input file
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* assuming the user obeyed syntax and gave input-file as first argument*/
char *input = argv[1];
/* Initializing input/database file */
database = fopen(input, "r");
if(database == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Something went wrong with reading the database/input file. Does it exist?\n");
printf("INFO: database file %s loaded.\n", input);
/* Crucial part printing line after line */
char *line = NULL;
size_t len = 0;
ssize_t read;
while((read = getline(&line, &len, database)) != -1)
printf("INFO: Retrieved line of length %zu :\n", read);
printf("%s \n", line);
char confirm; // wait for user keystroke to proceed
scanf("%c", &confirm);
// no need to do anything with "confirm"
/* tidy up */
I tried it with fgets() -- I can also post that code --, but same thing there: it never enters the while-loop.
It might be something very obvious; I am new to programming.
I use the gcc-compiler on Kali Linux.
Change your scanf with fgetline using stdin as your file parameter.
You should step through this in a debugger, to make sure your claim that it never enters the while loop is correct.
If it truly never enters the while loop, it is necessarily because getline() has returned -1. Either the file is truly empty, or you have an error reading the file.
man getline says:
On success, getline() and getdelim() return the number of
read, including the delimiter character, but not including the termi‐
nating null byte ('\0'). This value can be used to handle embedded
null bytes in the line read.
Both functions return -1 on failure to read a line (including end-of-
file condition). In the event of an error, errno is set to indicate
the cause.
Therefore, you should enhance your code to check for stream errors and deal with errno -- you should do this even when your code works, because EOF is not the only reason for the function
to return -1.
int len = getline(&line, &len, database);
if(len == -1 && ferror(database)) {
perror("Error reading database");
You can write more detailed code to deal with errno in more explicit ways.
Unfortunately handling this thoroughly can make your code a bit more verbose -- welcome to C!

c recv() read until newline occurs

I'm working on writing a IRC bot in C, and have ran into a snag.
In my main function, I create my socket and connect, all that happy stuff. Then I have a (almost) infinite loop to read what's being sent back from the server. I then pass what's read off to a helper function, processLine(char *line) - the problem is, that the following code reads until my buffer is full - I want it to only read text until a newline (\n) or carriage return (\r) occurs (thus ending that line)
while (buffer[0] && buffer[1]) {
for (i=0;i<BUFSIZE;i++) buffer[i]='\0';
if (recv(sock, buffer, BUFSIZE, 0) == SOCKET_ERROR)
What ends up happening is that many lines get jammed all together, and I can't process the lines properly when that happens.
If you're not familiar with IRC protocols, a brief summary would be that when a message is sent, it often looks like this: :YourNickName!YourIdent#YourHostName PRIVMSG #someChannel :The rest on from here is the message sent...
and a login notice, for instance, is something like this: :the.hostname.of.the.server ### bla some text bla with ### being a code(?) used for processing - i.e. 372 is an indicator that the following text is part of the Message Of The Day.
When it's all jammed together, I can't read what number is for what line because I can't find where a line begins or ends!
I'd appreciate help with this very much!
P.S.: This is being compiled/ran on linux, but I eventually want to port it to windows, so I am making as much of it as I can multi-platform.
P.S.S.: Here's my processLine() code:
void processLine(const char *line) {
char *buffer, *words[MAX_WORDS], *aPtr;
char response[100];
int count = 0, i;
buffer = strdup(line);
printf("BLA %s", line);
while((aPtr = strsep(&buffer, " ")) && count < MAX_WORDS)
words[count++] = aPtr;
printf("DEBUG %s\n", words[1]);
if (strcmp(words[0], "PING") == 0) {
strcpy(response, "PONG ");
strcat(response, words[1]);
sendLine(NULL, response); /* This is a custom function, basically it's a send ALL function */
} else if (strcmp(words[1], "376") == 0) { /* We got logged in, send login responses (i.e. channel joins) */
sendLine(NULL, "JOIN #cbot");
The usual way to deal with this is to recv into a persistent buffer in your application, then pull a single line out and process it. Later you can process the remaining lines in the buffer before calling recv again. Keep in mind that the last line in the buffer may only be partially received; you have to deal with this case by re-entering recv to finish the line.
Here's an example (totally untested! also looks for a \n, not \r\n):
#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024
char inbuf[BUFFER_SIZE];
size_t inbuf_used = 0;
/* Final \n is replaced with \0 before calling process_line */
void process_line(char *lineptr);
void input_pump(int fd) {
size_t inbuf_remain = sizeof(inbuf) - inbuf_used;
if (inbuf_remain == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Line exceeded buffer length!\n");
ssize_t rv = recv(fd, (void*)&inbuf[inbuf_used], inbuf_remain, MSG_DONTWAIT);
if (rv == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Connection closed.\n");
if (rv < 0 && errno == EAGAIN) {
/* no data for now, call back when the socket is readable */
if (rv < 0) {
perror("Connection error");
inbuf_used += rv;
/* Scan for newlines in the line buffer; we're careful here to deal with embedded \0s
* an evil server may send, as well as only processing lines that are complete.
char *line_start = inbuf;
char *line_end;
while ( (line_end = (char*)memchr((void*)line_start, '\n', inbuf_used - (line_start - inbuf))))
*line_end = 0;
line_start = line_end + 1;
/* Shift buffer down so the unprocessed data is at the start */
inbuf_used -= (line_start - inbuf);
memmove(innbuf, line_start, inbuf_used);
TCP doesn't offer any sequencing of that sort. As #bdonlan already said you should implement something like:
Continuously recv from the socket into a buffer
On each recv, check if the bytes received contain an \n
If an \n use everything up to that point from the buffer (and clear it)
I don't have a good feeling about this (I read somewhere that you shouldn't mix low-level I/O with stdio I/O) but you might be able to use fdopen.
All you would need to do is
use fdopen(3) to associate your socket with a FILE *
use setvbuf to tell stdio that you want it line-buffered (_IOLBF) as opposed to the default block-buffered.
At this point you should have effectively moved the work from your hands to stdio. Then you could go on using fgets and the like on the FILE *.
