AgensGraph is multi-model database based on PostgreSQL.
The thing what I wonder is, so can I use the PostgreSQL function like abs(), go_dist() with graph data?
If so, is there something to set configurations for that?
I've been told that Oracle database has some utilities to make dynamic data filtering and dynamic data maskering. Since I need this kind of access but I've never used Oracle, I ask if someone can confirm that such utilities exist in Oracle in order to understand if it worth to start using it for my purpose.
What you are looking for is dynamic data filtering and dynamic data masking.
There are three ways you can achieve this:
Oracle's native capability is called Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD)
Alternatively you can use 3rd party software e.g.
Informatica DDM
Axiomatics Data Access Filter MD (which is where I work)
I am working in a company that is about to start a web project. However, at this stage we are not sure about the database type. We may even let potential app user decide what database to use. Until than I have to start with something.
So lets imagine I need to consider MySQL(i), MSSQL, SQLite or similar. What approach would be best in order to be able to switch to different database via simple config file update? Is that PDO or what?
Thank you.
Different DBMS systems using different SQL syntax. For example, explore theme of LIMIT in MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server. So, you may use abstraction above SQL. Use one of query builders or ORM library. Your choose will depend on architecture of your project.
PDO advantage is being compatible with most database.
If you ever decide to change database type, you won't have to change your code, just the connection.
I want to use mysql proxy for processing queries trying to execute. I want to make this process available for all databases like mysql, ms sql server, oracle and ...
is it possible to use mysql proxy as base engine and connect these database from that? if no, is it possible to do this by making some little changes to mysql proxy source code?
You could use the standard external stored procedure support in the DBMS, but it would be difficult to map arbitrary queries to something meaningful.
Your are likely to be more successful implementing a lightweight parser as described in MySQL Client/Server Protocol and What communication protocol uses MySQL?.
Your preference that this can be done with 'some little changes' is likely not to be realistic. Expect a major job of the scale of ODBC to implement a generic SQL dialect translator.
I found that i have to use other exisiting proxies and change them in order to get what I need
Is there any sort of non-SQL API for talking to SQL Server? I'm curious if there is a more direct way to retrieve table or view data.
(I don't have a problem with SQL, just curious if any of the layer between the SQL parser and the underlying data store is exposed.)
No, not as part of the actual SQL Server product, you'd have to install some other application to present/map the data in the manner you're after. But that would probably have to use SQL to get the data itself, defeating your intention.
Your best bet for retrieving data is SQL, but if you're interested in the plumbing you could look at TDS:
You could look at the FreeTDS library:
It is very difficult for me to design the database because it requires a lot of recursion. I really can't use XML because it is just not practical for scalability and the amount of data I need to store. Do you guys know of a database that can be used to store hierarchical data?
SQL Server 2008 has the HierarchyId data type. It's specifically designed for this task. Proper indexing and keys will give you fast access to data in both depth-first and breadth-first searches.
Maybe you want a hierarchical database like LDAP? OpenLDAP is a free implementation.
Oracle easily allows hierarchy queries with the CONNECT BY syntax
You can have a self referential table like:
or a couple of tables like:
If your open to NoSQL, then I'd recommend MongoDB. It is document oriented so your not tied down to a fixed schema. It is also very scalable and performant. There are a lot of good OOP like things in it. For instance, a document can contain embedded documents so that if your database is already designed as XML, it will be mostly trivial to store in MongoDB
SQL Server also allows you to store XML files in single fields, and then easily parse specific elements/attributes from them via queries