What is redundancy for databases? - database

Im using mLab and got the message "Sandbox databases do not have redundancy and therefore are not suitable for production" while using the free tier Sandbox.

It means that you do not have any protection against service unavailability and data loss because there are no replicas. You should generally use a 3 or 5 node replica set in production to protect against both things when a failure occurs.
P.S. I'm curious why you're using mLab rather than MongoDB Atlas?


Make microservice application resilient to db downtime

We have a microservice application which is saving the data into an Oracle Db.
So far the DB is our single point of failure which we want to improve (we are using a single Oracle DB with a cold failover instance).
Now the company is asking us to upgrade the oracle DB, the issue is that it requires downtime.
For that reason we were thinking about:
add a global/geo replicated cache layer (e.g redis) between the microservice and the DB
for each new record that should be saved on the db:
Add the record in the cache (storing the entries on the HD in case the whole cache layer crashes)
throw an event to a queue (we have RabbitMQ). On the other side of the queue we can create a new service to consume the events and add them to the DB in an asynch way.
It's basically adding a write-behind cache layer.
In the above scenario we are confident that we can save easily 1 week data in the cache or more.
If the DB is down the new service which is listening to the queue will simply re-trying adding the rows in the DB, as soon as an event is added to the Db then the event can be ack and the next one will be consumed. In this way, if the DB is down or if we have to do some maintenance, it should not affect the main application: the users can still "save" the data and retrieve it (with the 1 week max constraint whenever the db is down).
The down side is that the architecture is more complex and we can have now data eventual consistency.
Is there another design pattern to better deal with database downtime without having the users feel that something is wrong?
Do you know any already-existing tools that we can use to automatically read an event from Rabbit and save it in the db? (we are already doing it with logstash to automatically forwards some rabbit events to elastic).
The next step would be to have a cluster of DB (cassandra,mongo etc) but for now we do not have the capacity for that.
Adding cache for increase availability is, probably, an awkward solution - as you will eventually get to the same issue of keeping cache available. Also, handling cold caches is not a simple task.
I am not familiar with Oracle, but most databases do support replication; and you have options for synchronous/asynchronous/semi-synchronous patterns.
Quick search helped me to discover "Oracle Data Guard" - seems that's the tool you need. Docs say that the Guard supports data replication and failover.
As for using Cassandra - I highly recommend to evaluate that first - Oracle gives you ACID properties and joins; this makes application code much simpler. Also, consistency patterns will be different. Lots of details to think about.
My general recommendation is to look into your data layer (oracle in this case) and follow their recommendation to achieve high availability. Oracle is mature product, and availability is well-supported.

Is it advisable to use cloud redis with noeviction policy to act as persistent database?

I am thinking to use cloud memory store redis database with policy set to noeviction, sort of persistent database to serve the client. Wondering what could be the downside of this?
Of course we will keep instance memory on higher side to make sure incoming keys can accommodate. Are there any chances keys can lost while sort of infra restructuring or failover or patching happen at cloud provider end?
Thanks in advance
There are still chances that keys will be lost in case of unplanned restarts. Failovers only work during instance crashes or scheduled maintenance, and will not work on manual restarts. GCP also has two Redis tier capabilities. Only the Standard tier supports failovers.
Both offers maximum instance size of 300GB and maximum network bandwidth of 12Gbps. The advantage of having Standard tier is that it provides redundancy and availability using replication, cross-zone replication and automatic failover.
noeviction is only a policy that makes sure that all keys are not evicted and not replaced regardless of how old they are. It only returns an error when the Redis instance reaches maxmemory. It still doesn't cover other persistence features like point-in-time snapshot and AOF persistence, which unfortunately Memorystore doesn't support yet.
Since Memorystore does not cover your entire use case, my suggestion is to use Redis open source instead. You can quickly provision and deploy a Redis VM instance from the GCP Markeplace.
You can check out the full features in the documentation.

Migrating Solr Cloud cluster over new cloud vendor

We need to move our solr cloud cluster from one cloud vendor to another, the cluster is composed of 8 shards with 2 replica factor spread among 8 servers with roughly a total of 500GB worth of data.
I wonder what are the common approaches to migrate the cluster but specially its data with the less impact in availability and performance etc..
I was thinking in some sort of initial dump copy to then synchronize them catching up the diff (which could be huge) after keeping them in sync just switch whenever everything is ready from the other side.
Is that something doable? what tools should/could I use?
You have multiple choices depending on your existing setup and Solr version:
As mentioned earlier, make use of backup and restore APIs from Collections API
If you have Solr 6 and above, I would recommend exploring the option of CDCR, which is Solr's native Cross Data Centre Replication.
Reindexing onto the new cluster and then leverage Solr Collection Aliasing to change your application end points to the target provider upon the completion of reindexing

Solr master-master replication alternatives?

Currently we have 2 servers with a load-balancer before them. We want to be able to turn 1 machine off and later on, without the user noticing it.
Our application also uses solr and now i wanted to install & configure solr on both servers and the question is how do i configure a master-master replication?
After my initial research i found out that it's not possible :(
But what are my options here? I want both indices to stay in sync and when a document is commited on one server it should also go to the other.
Thanks for your help!
Not certain of your specific use case (why turn 1 server on and off?), there is no specific "master-master" replication. Solr does however support distributed indexing and querying via SolrCloud. From the documentation for SolrCloud:
Replication ensures redundancy for your data, and enables you to send
an update request to any node in the shard. If that node is a
replica, it will forward the request to the leader, which then
forwards it to all existing replicas, using versioning to make sure
every replica has the most up-to-date version. This architecture
enables you to be certain that your data can be recovered in the event
of a disaster, even if you are using Near Real Time searching.
It's a bit complex so I'd suggest you spend some time going thru the documentation as it's not quite as simple as setting up a couple of masters and load balancing between them. It is a big step up from the previous master/slave replication that Solr used, so even if it's not a perfect fit it will be a lot closer to what you need.
You can just create a simple master - slave replication as described here:
But be sure you send your inserts, deletes, updates directly to the master, but selects can go through the load balancer.
The other alternative is to create a third server as a master, and 2 slaves, and the lode balancer can be in front of the two slaves.

Solr Master Slave Failover setup for High Availability

While using Solr (we are currently using 3.5), how do we setup the Masters for a Failover?
Lets say in my Setup I have Two Masters and Two Slaves. The Application commits all the writes to One Active Master, and both the slaves get the updates from this Active Master. There is another repeater which serves the same purpose of the Master.
Now my question is if the Master for some reason comes down, how can I make the Repeater as a Master without any Manual intervention. How can the slaves start getting the updates from the Repeater instead of the broken Master. Is there a recommended way to do this? Are there any other recommended Master/Slave setup's to ensure High availability of the Solr systems?
At this time, your best option is probably to investigate the SolrCloud functionality present in the current Solr 4.0 alpha, which at the time of this writing is due for its final release within a few months. The goal of SolrCloud is to handle data distribution and master election, using the ZooKeeper distributed database to maintain consensus within the cluster about which nodes are serving in while roles.
There are other more traditional ways to set up failover for Solr 3's replicated master-slave architecture, but I personally wouldn't want to make that investment with Solr 4.0 so near to release.
Edit: See Linux-HA, for one such traditional approach. Personally, I would create a purpose-built daemon that reconfigures your cores and load balancer, using ZooKeeper for presence detection and distributed locks.
If outsourcing is an option, you might consider a hosted service such as my own humble Websolr. We provide this kind of distribution and hot failover by default, so our customers don't have to worry as much about the mechanics of how it's implemented.
I agree with Nick. The way replication works in Solr 3.x is not always handy, especially for master fail-over. If you are going to consider Solr 4 you might want to have a look at elasticsearch too, which solves this kind of problems in a really brilliant way!
It uses push replication instead of the pull mechanism used by Solr. That means the document is literally reindexed on all nodes. It might sound strange but that allows to reduce the network load (due to segment merge for example). Furthermore, a node is elected as master and if it crashes one other node will automatically replace it becoming the new master.
