I have the following structure in my firestore database:
title: "Message 1"
archived: false
title: "Message 2"
archived: true
Let's say I have 20k messages and I want to get archived messages using a "where" clause, will my query be slower than if I structured my database as following ?
title: "Message 1"
title: "Message 2"
Using the second structure seems, to me, more adapted for large datasets but implies issues in some cases, such as getting a message without knowing whether it is archived or not.
One of the guarantees for Cloud Firestore is that the time it takes to retrieve a certain number of documents is not dependent on the total number of documents in the collection.
That means that in your first data model, if you load 100 archived documents and (for example) it takes 1 second, you know that it'll always take about 1 second to load 100 archived documents, no matter how many documents there are in the collection.
With that knowledge the only difference between your two data models is that in the first model you need a query to capture the archived messages, while in the second model you don't need a query. Queries on Cloud Firestore run by accessing an index, so the difference is that there is one (more) index being read in the first data model. While this has a minimal impact on the execution time, it is going to be insignificant compared to the time it takes to actually read the documents and return them to the client.
So: there may be other reasons to prefer the second data model, but the performance to read the archived messages is going to be the same between them.
I have a set of test results in my mongodb database. Each document in the database contains version information, test data, date, test run information etc...
The version is broken up in the document and stored as individual values. For example: { VER_MAJOR : "0", VER_MINOR : "2", VER_REVISION : "3", VER_PATCH : "20}
My application wants the ability to specify a specific version and grab the document as well as the previous N documents based on the version.
For example:
If version = and n = 5 then the result would return documents with version,,,,,
The solutions that come to my mind is:
Create a new database that contains documents with version information and is sorted. Which can be used to obtain the previous N version's which can be used to obtain the corresponding N documents in the test results database.
Perform the sorting in the test results database itself like in number 1. Though if the test results database is large, this will take a very long time. Also consider inserting in order every time.
Creating another database like in option 1 doesn't seem like the right way. But sorting the test results database seems like there will be lots of overhead, am I mistaken that I should be worried about option 2 producing lots of overhead? I have the impression I'd have to query the entire database then sort it on application side. Querying the entire database seems like overkill...
db.collection_name.find().sort([Paramaters for sorting])
You are quite correct that querying and sorting the entire data set would be very excessive. I probably went overboard on this, but I tried to break everything down in detail below.
First thing first, a couple terminology nitpicks. I think you're using the term Database when you mean to use the word Collection. Differentiating between these two concepts will help with navigating documentation and allow for a better understanding of MongoDB.
Collections and Sorting
Second, it is important to understand that documents in a Collection have no inherent ordering. The order in which documents are returned to your app is only applied when retrieving documents from the Collection, such as when specifying .sort() on a query. This means we won't need to copy all of the documents to some other collection; we just need to query the data so that only the desired data is returned in the order we want.
Now to the fun part. The query will look like the following:
"VER_MAJOR" : "0",
"VER_MINOR" : "2",
"VER_PATCH" : { "$lte" : 20 }
"VER_PATCH" : -1
Our query has a direct match on the three leading version fields to limit results to only those values, i.e. the specific version "0.2.3". A range $lte filter is applied on VER_PATCH since we will want more than a single patch revision.
We then sort results by VER_PATCH to return results descending by the patch version. Finally, the limit operator is used to restrict the number of documents being returned.
We're not done yet! Remember how you said that querying the entire collection and sorting it on the app side felt like overkill? Well, the database would doing exactly that if an index did not exist for this query.
You should follow the equality-sort-match rule when determining the order of fields in an index. In this case, this would give us the index:
{ "VER_MAJOR" : 1, "VER_MINOR" : 1, "VER_REVISION" : 1, "VER_PATCH" : 1 }
Creating this index will allow the query to complete by scanning only the results it would return, while avoiding an in-memory sort. More information can be found here.
I am a beginner at Mongo and I made a data base with the following topology.
Some fields of metadata and one field that contain the experiment results.
experiment results- vector of integers with ~150,000 values
status = db.DataTest.insert_one(
"person_num" : num,
"life_cycle" : cycle,
"other_metadata" : meta_data,
"results_of_experiment": big_array
I inserted something like 7500 of those documents
Its occupied 8GB of memory and work really slowly for find operations.
I don't need those experiment results to search by them only the option to retrieve them from the DB as chunk of data.
Is there another solution to store on the DB the experiment results?
Is using "gridfs" is relevant to this case and not too complicated?
Based on your comments, the most common query is
db.DataTest.find( { "life_cycle": { $gt: 800 } }).limit(5)
Without an index on the life_cycle field, MongoDB is forced to do a collection scan. That is, fetch & evaluate all documents in your collection one by one. In a large collection, this will take a long time.
MongoDB does not create indexes automatically. You would have to observe your most common queries, and create indexes to support those queries. As far as I know, there is no automatic index creation in any database software; SQL, NoSQL, or otherwise.
Database indexing is a deep subject and cannot be explained in a short answer.
Having said that, if you create an index on the life_cycle field, it should improve your query times but only for the query you posted above. Other query types would likely require different indexes. You can do so in the mongo shell:
db.DataTest.createIndex({life_cycle: 1})
I encourage you to read these pages to understand more about indexing in MongoDB:
If a node has 100 million children, will there be a performance impact if I:
a) Query, but limit to 10 results
b) Watch one of the children only
I could split the data up into multiple parents, but in my case I will have a reference to the child so can directly look it up (which reduces the complexity). If there is an impact, what is the maximum number for each scenario before performance is degraded?
If a node has that many children, accessing the node in any way is a recipe for problems. Accessing an individual child is never a problem.
Querying the node for a subset of its children still requires that the database consider each of those children. If you request the last 10 out of 100 million items, you're asking the database to consider 999,999,990 items that you're apparently not interested in.
It is impossible to say what the maximum is without a way more concrete description of the data size, ordering criteria, etc. But to be honest, even then the best you're likely to get is a value with a huge variance that is likely to change over time.
You best approach in Firebase (and most NoSQL solutions) is to model the data in a way that fits with how your app uses that data. So for example: if you need to show the latest 10 items to your users, store the (keys of) those latest 10 items in a separate list.
title: "Firebase Performance: How many children per node?"
body: "If a node has 100 million children, will there be a performance impact if I:..."
title: "Firebase 3x method won't working in real device but worked in simulator swift 3.0"
body: "Hi we are working with google firebase 3x version and we faced..."
-K999999990: true
-K999999991: true
-K999999992: true
-K999999993: true
-K999999994: true
-K999999995: true
-K999999996: true
-K999999997: true
-K999999998: true
-K999999999: true
I'm not sure if I got the right number of nines in there, but I hope you get the idea.
I'm having a bit of a trouble with the continuous queries in influxdb 0.8.8.
I'm trying to create a continuous query but it seems that the where clauses are ignored. I'm aware about the restrictions mentioned here: http://influxdb.com/docs/v0.8/api/continuous_queries.html but I don't consider that this would be the case here.
One row in the time series would contain data like this:
{"hex":"06a0b6", "squawk":"3421", "flight":"QTR028 ", "lat":99.867630, "lon":66.447365, "validposition":1, "altitude":39000, "vert_rate":-64,"track":125, "validtrack":1,"speed":482, "messages":201, "seen":219}
The query I'm running and works is the following:
select * from flight_series where time > now() - 30m and flight !~ /^$/ and validtrack = 1 and validposition = 1;
Trough it I'm trying to take the last 30 minutes from the current time, check that the flight field is no whitespaces and that the track/position are valid.
The query returns successfully but when I'm adding the
into filtered_log
part the 'where' clause is ignored.
How can I create a continuous query which takes the above-mentioned conditions into consideration? At least, how could I extract with one continuous query only the rows which have the valid track/heading set to 1 and the flight is not whitespace/empty string? The time constraint I could eliminate from the query and translate into shard retention/duration.
Also, could I specify to in the continuous query to save the data into a time-series which is located into another database (which has a more relaxed retention/duration policy)?
Thank you!
Later edit:
I've managed to do something closer to my need by using the following cq:
"select time, sequence_number, altitude, vert_rate, messages, squawk, lon, lat, speed, hex, seen from current_flights where ((flight !~ /^$/) AND (validtrack = 1)) AND (validposition = 1) into flight.[flight]"
This creates a series for each 'flight' even for those which have a whitespace in the 'flight' field -- for which a flight. series is built.
How could I specify the retention/duration policies for the series generated by the cq above? Can I do something like:
"spaces": [
"name": "flight",
"retentionPolicy": "1h",
"shardDuration": "30m",
"regex": "/.*/",
"replicationFactor": 1,
"split": 1
which would give me a retention of 1h and shard duration of 30m?
I'm a bit confused about where those series are stored, which shard space?
P.S.: My final goal would be the following:
Have a 'window' of 15-30min max with all the flights around, process some data from them and after that period is over discard the data but in the same time move/copy it to another long-term db/series which can be used for historical purposes.
You cannot put time restrictions into the WHERE clause of a continuous query. The server will generate the time restrictions as needed when the CQ runs and must ignore all others. I suspect if you leave out the time restriction the rest of the WHERE clause will be fine.
I don't believe CQs in 0.8 require an aggregation in the SELECT, but you do need to have GROUP BY clause to tell the CQ how often to run. I'm not sure what you would GROUP BY, perhaps the flight?
You can specify a different retention policy when writing to the new series but not a new database. In 0.8 the retention policy for a series is determined by regex matching on the series name. As long as you select a series name correctly it will go into your desired retention policy.
EDIT: updates for new questions
How could I specify the retention/duration policies for the series
generated by the cq above?
In 0.8.x, the shard space to which a series belongs controls the retention policy. The regex on the shard space determines which series belong to that shard. The shard space regex is evaluated newest to oldest, meaning the first created shard space will be the last regex evaluated. Unfortunately, I do know if it is possible to create new shard spaces once the database exists. See this discussion on the mailing list for more: https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/influxdb/ce3fc641-fbf2-4b39-9ce7-77e65c67ea24%40googlegroups.com
Can I do something like:
"spaces": [
"name": "flight",
"retentionPolicy": "1h",
"shardDuration": "30m",
"regex": "/.*/",
"replicationFactor": 1,
"split": 1
}, ... which would give me a retention of 1h and shard duration of 30m?
That shard space would have a shard duration of 30 minutes, retaining data for 1 hour, meaning any series would only exist in three shards, the current hot shard, the current cold shard, and the shard waiting for deletion.
The regex is /./, meaning it would match any series, not just the 'flight.' series. Perhaps /flight../ is a better regex if you only want those series generated by the CQ in that shard space.
When I first started developing this project, there was no requirement for generating large files, however it is now a deliverable.
Long story short, GAE just doesn't play nice with any large scale data manipulation or content generation. The lack of file storage aside, even something as simple as generating a pdf with ReportLab with 1500 records seems to hit a DeadlineExceededError. This is just a simple pdf comprised of a table.
I am using the following code:
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/pdf'
self.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=output.pdf'
doc = SimpleDocTemplate(self.response.out, pagesize=landscape(letter))
elements = []
dataset = Voter.all().order('addr_str')
data = [['#', 'STREET', 'UNIT', 'PROFILE', 'PHONE', 'NAME', 'REPLY', 'YS', 'VOL', 'NOTES', 'MAIN ISSUE']]
i = 0
r = 1
s = 100
while ( i < 1500 ):
voters = dataset.fetch(s, offset=i)
for voter in voters:
data.append([voter.addr_num, voter.addr_str, voter.addr_unit_num, '', voter.phone, voter.firstname+' '+voter.middlename+' '+voter.lastname ])
r = r + 1
i = i + s
t=Table(data, '', r*[0.4*inch], repeatRows=1 )
('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.15, colors.black),
('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), .15, colors.black),
('FONTSIZE', (0,0), (-1,-1), 8)
Nothing particularly fancy, but it chokes. Is there a better way to do this? If I could write to some kind of file system and generate the file in bits, and then rejoin them that might work, but I think the system precludes this.
I need to do the same thing for a CSV file, however the limit is obviously a bit higher since it's just raw output.
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/csv'
self.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=output.csv'
dataset = Voter.all().order('addr_str')
writer = csv.writer(self.response.out,dialect='excel')
writer.writerow(['#', 'STREET', 'UNIT', 'PROFILE', 'PHONE', 'NAME', 'REPLY', 'YS', 'VOL', 'NOTES', 'MAIN ISSUE'])
i = 0
s = 100
while ( i < 2000 ):
last_cursor = memcache.get('db_cursor')
if last_cursor:
voters = dataset.fetch(s)
for voter in voters:
writer.writerow([voter.addr_num, voter.addr_str, voter.addr_unit_num, '', voter.phone, voter.firstname+' '+voter.middlename+' '+voter.lastname])
memcache.set('db_cursor', dataset.cursor())
i = i + s
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
Above I had documented three possible solutions based on my research, plus suggestions etc
They aren't necessarily mutually exclusive, and could be a slight variation or combination of any of the three, however the gist of the solutions are there. Let me know which one you think makes the most sense, and might perform the best.
Solution A: Using mapreduce (or tasks), serialize each record, and create a memcache entry for each individual record keyed with the keyname. Then process these items individually into the pdf/xls file. (use get_multi and set_multi)
Solution B: Using tasks, serialize groups of records, and load them into the db as a blob. Then trigger a task once all records are processed that will load each blob, deserialize them and then load the data into the final file.
Solution C: Using mapreduce, retrieve the keynames and store them as a list, or serialized blob. Then load the records by key, which would be faster than the current loading method. If I were to do this, which would be better, storing them as a list (and what would the limitations be...I presume a list of 100,000 would be beyond the capabilities of the datastore) or as a serialized blob (or small chunks which I then concatenate or process)
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Here is one quick thought, assuming it is crapping out fetching from the datastore. You could use tasks and cursors to fetch the data in smaller chunks, then do the generation at the end.
Start a task which does the initial query and fetches 300 (arbitrary number) records, then enqueues a named(!important) task that you pass the cursor to. That one in turn queries [your arbitrary number] records, and then passes the cursor to a new named task as well. Continue that until you have enough records.
Within each task process the entities, then store the serialized result in a text or blob property on a 'processing' model. I would make the model's key_name the same as the task that created it. Keep in mind the serialized data will need to be under the API call size limit.
To serialize your table pretty fast you could use:
serialized_data = "\x1e".join("\x1f".join(voter) for voter in data)
Have the last task (when you get enough records) kick of the PDf or CSV generation. If you use key_names for you models you, should be able to grab all of the entities with encoded data by key. Fetches by key are pretty fast, you'll know the model's keys since you know the last task name. Again, you'll want to be mindful size of your fetches from the datastore!
To deserialize:
list(voter.split('\x1f') for voter in serialized_data.split('\x1e'))
Now run your PDF / CSV generation on the data. If splitting up the datastore fetches alone does not help you'll have to look into doing more of the processing in each task.
Don't forget in the 'build' task you'll want to raise an exception if any of the interim models are not yet present. Your final task will automatically retry.
Some time ago I faced the same problem with GAE. After many attempts I just moved to another web hosting since I could do it. Nevertheless, before moving I had 2 ideas how to resolve it. I haven't implemented them, but you may try to.
First idea is to use SOA/RESTful service on another server, if it is possible. You can even create another application on GAE in Java, do all the work there (I guess with Java's PDFBox it will take much less time to generate PDF), and return result to Python. But this option needs you to know Java and also to divide your app to several parts with terrible modularity.
So, there's another approach: you can create a "ping-pong" game with a user's browser. The idea is that if you cannot make everything in a single request, force browser to send you several. During first request make only a part of work which fits 30 seconds limit, then save the state and generate 'ticket' - unique identifier of a 'job'. Finally, send the user response which is simple page with redirect back to your app, parametrized by a job ticket. When you get it. just restore state and proceed with the next part of job.