InfiniteContainer not working properly codenameone - codenameone

I am using an infiniteContainer in codenameone but it doesn't seem to be working properly. When I load components onto the infinitecontainer for the first time it freezes and can't seem to scroll for more components to be displayed. The container also sometimes adds the endmarker half way when creating a component. Have been finding a workaround for months and it is really frustrating.


primereact overlay components (dialog, sidebar) - inconsistent bug - Maximum update depth exceeded

So we have a primereact components based app,
and the problem occurs when triggering the show of an overlay component
(usually a Dialog, but I've noticed it could also happen with Sidebar),
in a specific page that concerns with showing a table and the basic crud associated with it,
we show the form to create/update inside a Dialog,
when clicking the appropriate button the dialog shows..
only sometimes the dialog crashes and this error shows:
this have been happening for a very long time, and there were many attempts,
not even to fix it, but just to get the bug re-produced consistently.
couldnt do it...
of course tried finding a setState that could get stuck in a loop
any help would be appreciated :)

REACT - Scroll to image loaded when component is re-rendered (happens only on IOS)

I've done some research before come here to ask help, but this issue it's so weird that I can barely describe it to find for some help. Well, I coded pagination logic on my own using React. After finishing I've tested it on Windows using chrome, working fine, on Android using chrome and samsung browser, also working fine...but on IOS using both safari and chrome, when moving through pagination, it scrolls to the new image that is loaded breaking the scroll to the top that I implemented, this video sums up everything:
You can see that everytime I change pagination it jumps to the image and then scroll to the top, after I cycle between all the posts, this behavior stops and the pagination do what I originally intended, scroll to the top after user select position of the pagination.
You can check it by yourself on you ios device (I was using iPhone 13)
Also here is my source code
What I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
To be honest I have no idea on why this is happening.

CefSharp WPF not rendering until resize in a specific PC

I just tried to copy my wpf app repository to another PC and start to test my app.
But in my another pc, cefsharp render very slowly or not render until resize the app window size.
I run my app which has similar Specifications, it work normaly.
Click events are work, but changed screen is not refreshed until resize my wpf app.
Please help me!! I searched every weeks for this problem, but I can't get any answer about my problem.

Make View render while swiping up with PanResponder

I am able to change the position (swipe up) of my View accordingly with PanResPonder. The problem is during the swipe motion, the content of the View being dragged for the swipe do not render.
I tried using flexGrow:1 and flex:1 so as the View enlarge with the swipe, the View would be getting filled by content.
I know there a few libraries out there for swipes but I think this is fairly doable without library.
Thanks in advance cheers.
It really depends on your approach there. First things first.
You have to understand about JS Bridge and Native on react-native. The JSBridge is single-treaded and all the fired renders go through there. It means you can easily get dropped on FPS if you do not take it into account. The Native, well, is native code running, thats all.
To have performant app, you have to keep the passes over the bridge to a minimun.
The PanResponder touches happen on the native side, while the component renders use the bridge. You should put some code there, but i would bet that the problem is with too many renders happening and the JS Bridge gets overloaded.
Also try to use Direct Manipulation ( to avoit rendering one entire tree and perform it on the native side.

svg sprite load with webpack and react

Hi I am using svg sprite I created using icons8 website for all my website icons, and the icons are working but it seems that the website loads them more than once per page (if i open the network tab i can see it loaded twice or more). I have been looking for a solution for a while now and I cant seem to find the cause of this.
I work with react so I have a component for Icon which uses the tag with xlinkHref attribute.
did anyone encounter such behavior? if yes what would be the best way to approach a solution?
