Can't get the data from array react and Firestore - reactjs

How can I access the value exist from an array? I think I didn't pass the array inside? Any help or advice
var isExist = this.props.isFavorite(this.props.code);
I have this variable isExist containing the response from console below.
client: [id: "LvR05w9v9xrC3r4V1W8g", exist: true]
length: 1
How can I access the exist in my array? When I tried isExist[0].exist I'm getting an error. Any help?
isExist.exist = Undefined
isExist[0].exist = TypeError: Cannot read property 'exist' of undefined
favorite method where I am accessing and pushing data to the array
export const isFavorite = (data) => dispatch => {
let exist = [];
var clientQuery = firebase.firestore().collection(path).where('client_id', '==', data);
clientQuery.get().then((querySnapshot) => {
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
var data = []; =;
data.exist = doc.exists;
return exist;

isFavorite returns a function which takes one argument dispatch and returns exist array. You seem to use async code to populate exist array. So when that function returns exist is an empty array []. You either need to continue using promises or use await. And you need to call the function returned by isFavorite.
If this.props.isFavorite and const isFavorite are not the same then add the code for this.props.isFavorite please.

You're creating an array Object. Then the array object {data}[]. So the problem is, the data is actually not only an array but also an object.
Try doing this.
var data; =;
data.exist = doc.exist;
Now you will have exist data that would be an array of Object.
Then iterate from it.
//or try
//Depends on how you implement your data.

Since client array doesn’t contain object with keys and values I would recommend you to try with array of index with split() to get id value and exist value from array like
var isExist = this.props.isFavorite(this.props.code);
var id = isExist.client[0];
var exist = isExist.client[1];
var idValue = id ? id.split(': '): '';
const existValue = exist ? exist.split(': '): false;
And here change data = []; array to data ={}; object
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
var data = {}; =;
data.exist = doc.exists;


Error: Too many re-renders , when modifying an array

Getting error when modifying array through large number of iterations.
data.logData1[0], index) => {
var result = {};
.forEach((key, i) => (result[key] = values.split(",").map(Number)[i]));
setGraphData([...graphData, result]); //Modifying Array (here comes trouble)
Its difficult to say without code component, but I suspect that the problem lies in the fact that you are calling your state setter immediately inside the function component body, which forces React to re-invoke your function again, with the same props, which ends up calling the state setter again, which triggers React to call your function again.... and so on.
const resultData = data.logData1[0], index) => {
var result = {};
.forEach((key, i) => (result[key] = values.split(",").map(Number)[i]));
return result
// somewhere in your useEffect or in function
setGraphData([...graphData, resultData]);
A work around can be you create a temporary variable and use it store the result from the loop and when are done looping, you can setGraphData to the final result
const tempVar = []
data.logData1[0], index) => {
var result = {};
.forEach((key, i) => (result[key] = values.split(",").map(Number)[i]));
tempVar.push(result) //storing results to temporary array
setGraphData(tempVar); //setting the final result of the loop to graphData

Fetch Data from nested props in ReactJS

I am uploading the data from excel file using react-excel-renderer, storing the excel render response containing column & rows response in state and passing to other component.
Expected Use-case result:- I am fetching the data from excel using render storing the values in states(rows). I am passing the state to other component where i need these values to pass in API .
The data stored is in nested form. Can you please let me know how to get data separately stored under array in props. Attached is the screenshot.
Excel Render code:-
changeHandler(event) {
let fileObj =[0];
//just pass the fileObj as parameter
ExcelRenderer(fileObj, (err, resp) => {
if (err) {
} else {
cols: resp.cols,
rows: resp.rows,
Code to fetch the prop data:-
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
let stDate =[i].startDate;let TripName =[i].TripName;
let totalFare =[i].totalFare;
let FirstName =[i].FirstName;
let LastName =[i].LastName;
let Currency =[i].Currency;
You can use an Array method
Still not 100% sure what your final data should look like, but it feels like you're using 2 arrays. 1 as the key and 1 as the value.
So to combine these 2 we can use Reduce
const keys = data[0];
const values = data[1];
keys.reduce((acc, keys, index) => {
return {...acc, [key]: values[index]}
}, {})
That will return an object of key values.

Can anyone explain why my state is getting updated even when i dont set it manually

So I just spent an hour debugging this code and finally got it to work, but I would want to know why this happened in the first place. I have a function that takes a value from my state, operates on it and saves the output in another variable in the state. This is the fuction:
getFolderNames = async () => {
const promises = item => {
if (item[".tag"] == "folder" && > 20) { = await getFolderName(;
return item;
} else return item;
const result = await Promise.all(promises);
rowsToDisplay: result
when i run this function, it was updating both the rows and rowsToDisplay to the result variable when i was only calling setState on only one of them.
Changing the function as below solves the issue but I would like to know why.
getFolderNames = async () => {
const promises = item => {
if (item[".tag"] == "folder" && > 20) {
let item2 = {
}; = await getFolderName(;
return item2;
} else return item;
const result = await Promise.all(promises);
rowsToDisplay: result
It's because of how JavaScript handles variables. When you set a variable to an array or object, it doesn't make a new object but rather just references the original array/object.
As such, if you set a variable to equal some object, and then set a property of that variable, the original object will also be updated. Check this snippet for an example.
var foo = {changed: false};
var bar = foo;
bar.changed = true;
console.log("foo", foo.changed)
console.log("bar", bar.changed)
You can read more about the subject here:
I hope this helps you in the future, since I know I also spent many hours banging my head against exactly the sort of cases you described in your original question.

How to sort an array containing another array using lodash?

I've been trying to sort an array by a value within a nested array, data.Count. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to access it with lodash sortBy. Is there a better way to approach this?
example = () => {
const exampleArray = [];
_.forEach(this.state.example[name], (data) => {
exampleArray.push({name, data });
// these logs all work fine
console.log(exampleArray[0].data.count); // prints out 4
//****console error: data is undefined
_.sortBy(exampleArray, [name, data.count]);
return exampleArray

AsyncStorage.getItem returns undefined : React Native

Codeflow is-
I am checking if an entry called listobject exists in the AsyncStorage.
If it doesn't exist, then, I create an object, add few attributes and set the store. I get the store to obj as I have to compare in the next if condition.
If the listobject entry already exists(2nd time), then, it directly comes to the 2nd block, and compares. (The reason I get values to obj in 1st step is because I can have a common condition.
Here is my code-
AsyncStorage.getItem('listobject').then((obj) => {
if(obj == undefined)
var obj1 ={}; ={}; = true;
console.log("obj1 = "+ JSON.stringify(obj1));
obj = AsyncStorage.getItem('listobject');
console.log("obj = "+ JSON.stringify(obj));
{ = false;
return AsyncStorage.getItem('listobject');
I have 2 questions which are the outcome of the same issue-
Logs. I am setting obj1 and getting the same value for obj (so that I can compare the next if condition). Why am I not able to get the same value that I have set?
12-03 00:27:56.281 32598-487/ D/ReactNativeJS: 'obj1 = {"data":{"isdirty":true}}'
12-03 00:27:56.286 32598-487/ D/ReactNativeJS: 'obj = {"_37":0,"_12":null,"_59":[]}'
This is the end result of the above logs. I am getting that is undefined. I guess that because the JSON format I am accessing does not exist in obj i.e., doesn't exist. So, how do I overcome this?
undefined is not an object (evaluating '');
Please tell me what am I doing wrong?
I actually copied the object from one to another. It worked.
AsyncStorage.getItem('listobject').then((obj) => {
if(obj == undefined)
var obj1 ={}; ={}; = true;
console.log("obj1 = "+ JSON.stringify(obj1));
obj = obj1; //THIS IS WHAT I DID!
console.log("obj = "+ JSON.stringify(obj));
{ = false;
return AsyncStorage.getItem('listobject');
I'm not quite following the entire question I do however see an issue with the use AsyncStorage. Going by the name, Async implies that the operations are asynchronous. So when you do getItem(key), you should either pass in a callback or use the Promise object it returns as you are doing in the first line of code.
obj = AsyncStorage.getItem('listobject');
console.log("obj = "+ JSON.stringify(obj));
obj is going to be the Promise in this case.
Then if you check on obj for the presence of a data and isDirty child property, they will not exist on the Promise.
Sometimes while doing console.log(AsyncStorage.getItem('Soomekey')) you will be getting undefined as you can't directly pull values from the AsyncStorage as returns a promise so what you should be writing is
const SomeFunction = async () => {
try {
const value = await AsyncStorage.getItem('somekey');
} catch (err) {
