Failed to start/test Eclipse Che workspace using multi-machine stacks - eclipse-che

Eclipse Che version: 6.11.0
Started as docker container;
multi-user mode;
I tested with several of the predefined multi-machine stacks with mysql db config, if the test run begins with the db machine, it seems to hang there forever, never proceeds with the dev-machine start process;
When it times out, I got the following error message:
Could not start workspace xxx. Reason:Server 'exec-agent/http' in machine 'db' not available.

Turns out that I need to open a range of ephemeral ports on my OS in order to let the agent status check to pass.
Reference: Eclipse Che Configuration
# Check to see if firewall is running:
systemctl status firewalld
# Check for list of open ports
# Verify that ports 8080tcp, 32768-65535tcp are open
firewall-cmd --list-ports
# Optionally open ports on your local firewall:
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=8080/tcp
... and so on
Actual command I use:
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=32768-65535/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload
For completion, you also need to green light 5050(for keycloak) and $CHE_PORT ports for Eclipse Che to run normally.
Can't turn off firewalld. Otherwise it would complain about not being able to execute some iptable commands.


Ubuntu 18.04 Apache2.4.29 not able to open ports other than 80

As stated in title, I have LAMP configuration with Apache2.4.29, the problem is when I open a new port other than 80(in this case, port 12743), it could not be accessed through edge browser as port 80 does.
I added a line here under /etc/apache2/ports.conf:
appended a paragraph under /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
after that I used the following command to restart Apache2:
all these shows no warning nor error messages.
The Ubuntu currently has ufw inactive, and used iptables and fail2ban instead:
however, attempts to access the website via new port failed returning the following page:
I wonder what might be the problem.
Problem solved, what I needed was just a sudo reboot.
It turned out that adding ports shall require not only an Apache2 restart but also a server reboot.

Can't open PID file /var/run/ (yet?) after start: No such file or directory

I have installed and configured and also used TV the first time today in Nvidia jetson Xavier,
but after restart Im getting this issue:
teamviewerd.service: Can't open PID file /var/run/ (yet?) after start: No such file or directory
Please tell me why and how to fix it, it is of extreme importance !
I use TeamViewer to connect to a machine (Ubuntu 20.04) that not always have a graphical user session started and I noticed that even with teamviewerd running the machine is offline.
I fixed the problem running:
sudo teamviewer setup
From teamviewer --help:
teamviewer setup Configure headless modes (non-gui/console)
Without running this, the only way for me was to start manually a graphical user session and open the TeamViewer GUI on the host I wanted to use.
Make sure you enable/start gdm.service or another supported login manager
Found this question via a search when facing the same issue on Fedora 30 x86_64.
Solution for me was to edit /etc/systemd/system/teamviewerd.service and comment out the line that says:
PIDFile = /run/
So it reads:
# PIDFile = /run/
(or whatever PIDFile it specifies)
then run:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start teamviewerd
systemctl status teamviewerd

Error running PHP: Xdebug port 9000 is busy

I set config in PhpStorm to run Xdebug on Docker. Trying to debug PHP script outputs in PhpStorm event log with:
"Error running script.php: Port 9000 is busy"
I change port but didn't work the same problem
-config file xdebug.ini
xdebug.idekey = PHPSTORM
You need to change the port in the PhpStorm configuration/settings too. It's PhpStorm that needs to open the port and listen, not Xdebug.
And, if you're using PHP-FPM, it already has the port 9000 open, as they unfortunately choose the same port.

Netbeans Xdebug Windows 10 waiting for connection

Netbeans 8.2 I get the dreaded "waiting for connection"
I know the setup is correct because I have
Loaded the correct version of the xdebug extension uising the official flow chart method.
The port forwarding is correctly specified from my PC to port 9000
my php.ini file has the following settings
In Nebeans Options / PHP / Debugging the port is 9000 and the session ID is netbeans-xdebug
After a lot of investigation, I turned off the Windows Defender "Private" Firewall and Netbeans Xdebug worked i.e. stopped "waiting for connection" and went to the appropriate line in the code.
There is a Netbeans IDE rule for TCP in the incoming firewall, but it is only set for public, it needs to be set for private as well.
Hope that helps someone

sysrq-g wont break kernel

I am trying to setup linux kernel module debugging, using two machines - target and host. On target machine, I have compiled and installed a 3.5.0 kernel with CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ=y flag and other flags for over the serial console debugging.
When I want to break the kernel to attach remote gdb, I use
$ echo g > /proc/sysrq-trigger
But above command is not breaking the kernel.
$ cat /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq"
Above command is returning 1, hence magic sysrq keys are enabled. Even "echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger" is working and rebooting the machine. Can anybody please point out what I may be missing?
You have first configure your target kernel as follows
CONFIG_KGDB_SERIAL_CONSOLE=y (here I am using serial port for kgdb)
CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ= y (for sysrq functions).
Now compile kernel with imx6 configuration file.
Boot the target with this compiled kernel.You have to tell tell target which serial port you are going to use for kgdb pupose.In my case I am using the same console port for kgdb also.This settings you can do either through kernel parameters or via sysfs entry.For imx6 sabrelite board,I am using ttymxc1 for console.This will change depending on your target
1) As a kernel parameter
Add the following parameter to bootargs
kgdboc=/dev/ttymxc1,115200 to your arguments.
2) If you are using sysfs entry, do like this
echo /dev/ttymxc1,115200 > /sys/module/kgdboc/parameters/kgdboc
Since same serial port is used for both the console and debugging, we use agent proxy. Through agent proxy we get the target console as well as we do the debugging.
Source for compiling agentproxy is available at the following link
After compiling for host pc ,run it as follows
sudo ./agent-proxy 5550^5551 0 /dev/ttyS0,15200
Now you can see target terminal through telnet with this agentproxy support
sudo telnet localhost 5550
(It is better to use this telnet instead of minicom where only this agent proxy support comes.)
When you want to start debugging, the target system has to enter debug mode from normal mode. We can do that in this way in target
echo g > /proc/sysrq-trigger
Now it will enter debugger mode.
Now from host side run gdb on vmlinux of the arm compiled kernel.
Go to the corresponding kernel source directory and do like this
arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi-gdb ./vmlinux
Now it will show gdb terminal .From there you have to connect to target for kgdb,
$target remote /dev/ttyS0
In my case my host serial port is /dev/ttyS0.
Now it will get connected to target. Here after you can use gdb commands to debug the kernel.
You try this way.
