Thruk - Get details using API - nagios

I want to know the possibility of getting the details which is listed in thruk interface using API calls.
For example, I need to collect details which is listed under Host Groups --> Summary(Grid) tab using python script, I need to know whether any API available for collecting those details. or any other means which will help me to collect those details in automated way ?
I can see API link here:, But for me http://your_webserver/thruk/r/ is not working, whether any plugin need to be installed ? Please advice

The rest API is included and automatically enabled since release 2.24. Make sure you have at least that version installed.
2.24 Fri Oct 26 18:40:37 CEST 2018
- add rest api


Priority Version Number

Is there a way to get the Priority Version number via the Web SDK or REST API?
Specifically I need to be able to know which side of a breaking change a particular version is at to know how to proceed.
You can get the version by invoking loginFunctions.priorityVersion().
See here:
Rest API will have a similar option in future priority version 22.0

Archer GRC Automated Deployments

I am trying to figure out if Automated Deployments for Archer GRC is possible for the On Prem version ?
Currently it is deployed manually.
Latest version of Archer (v6.8, v6.9) has limited API provided to allow package deployments, BUT last time I checked they don't allow mapping and partial installs (I can be wrong, so double check).
API is there, but functionality is limited to the point that I don't see how package installation can be automated via provided API. I hope that in the next Archer versions it will be extended to replicate the functionality available with manual package deployment (mapping, partial installs, and other options).
Technically, if you like complex and time consuming tasks, you can decode/parse the package installation page. Then you can write an application to simulate HTTP packets sent to Archer server simulating the package installation.
I'm not aware of any company doing something like this as of today.
If you write a product to implement proper Code/Configuration Version Control for RSA Archer, then you may be able to sell it as well :)
Good luck!

Which is the latest API for the Watson Conversation Service

I am checking out the documentation on IBM Cognitive Services and have come across two ways of connecting to my existing workspace.
Version 1
Version 2
My question is which of them is the one that needs to be used. They both appear to work but I am not sure which one to go with. Is there another API that is latest perhaps?
The latest version API will be on the release notes and the API reference.
Using an earlier version number will disable later features, but any workspace created with a later version may not be backward compatible, and results may be unpredictable.
There is currently no way to create earlier workspace structures once there has been an update to the version. But if you have older workspaces, they will still remain compatible.

What will happen to parse4cn1 when they shut down

As some of us have noted, will be shut down in January 2017. In the current version of parse4cn1, all requests go to, using the constant ParseConstants.API_ENDPOINT. Will it be possible to supply a custom URL here, pointing to a different Parse Server? If not, can I build parse4cn1 from source myself? Or should I be looking for an alternative to Parse?
See these related questions:
Will Parse4cn1 still work after Parse server retirement?
parse4cn1 has some issue when working with Node JS and parse-server open source
I now have some time available and intend to make the change you proposed within the coming month or so and make a release that is compatible with the open source Parse server. If that's too late for you, consider making the changes yourself and contributing back via a Github pull request. The Contributing section of the parse4cn1 repo provides useful tips.
Regarding looking at Parse alternatives, that's a decision you'll have to make yourself based on your needs and timeline. My gut feeling is that the Open Source Parse Server will mature and grow in features in the months leading up to the official retirement of

How to "explore" group of servers?

I need to check a group of servers (Unix, Linux) to know what kind of services, software (also version) are running there (check it once for a while and store it in database).
The idea is to have always fresh info about whole environment - its constantly changing. Perhaps you can suggest some solution that is already there?
Currently i am thinking about using Nagios or Cacti + plugins but I am not sure if this solution will be optimal.
Nagios is a very powerful monitoring solution (the best for me) : Open source, Compatible with both linux & windows, reporting & notifications via emails/SMS, Nice interface, Many many plugins...etc I've already worked with & I was very satisfied.
Check Nico Largo's Forum for Install. If you are not familiar to linux command search for FAN : Fully Automated Nagios which is a .iso where nagios is already in.
If you have any trouble during install or configuration post your questions there :
Given that you want to poll for information on the system that can change dynamically, I would look at Check_MK.
It originally started as a plugin for Nagios that would poll a server for running services and generate the necessary configs for monitoring anything it discovered. Since then, it has evolved into a complete monitoring solution that provides its own complete ui (still based on nagios core), so you are safe in running this if you are familiar with nagios already.
See the website:
You may need to select that you wish to view the "English" perspective of the site on first visit.
