#echo off
Title OutputWords
echo Enter a number:
set /p input=
if %input% == "1" set /a word=One
if %input% == "2" set /a word=Two
if %input% == "3" set /a word=Three
if %input% == "4" set /a word=Four
if %input% == "5" set /a word=Five
if %input% == "6" set /a word=Six
if %input% == "7" set /a word=Seven
if %input% == "8" set /a word=Eight
if %input% == "9" set /a word=Nine
if %input% == "0" set /a word=Zero
goto Show
echo Number: %word%
goto Input
So how do I make it so that when I write a number, it says the number with words, why isn't this working?
I think the dilemma is with the quotes around the numbers. Batch is very finicky about quotes and spacing-- try:
if %input%==1 set /a word=One
if "%input%"=="1" set /a word=One
Another problem you should be having, is that when you use set /a, set expects the value you store to be an equation, which it will evaluate. Since you aren't having it do math, try:
if %input%==1 set word=One
Hope this helps.
I have a project for square root calculation to get the larger side of in a right triangle using Pythagorean theorem.
Here's what I've tried :
#echo off
set /p a=Pleas Enter Value(1) =
set /p b=Pleas Enter Value(2) =
set /a c=%a%*%a%
set /a d=%b%*%b%
set /a F=%d%+%c%
:calculation Value(3)
rem root Number
This is the native batch method(not accurate):
set divider=0
set /a divider=divider+1
set /a sqrt=F / divider
if %divider% equ %sqrt% goto break
if %divider% gtr %sqrt% goto break
goto loop
echo %sqrt%
It will floor the number if the square root is floating point number.
Again, will not support floating point arithmetic, but this code works:
#echo off
Title SquareRoot
echo Number:
set /p number=
call :SquareRoot %number%
echo Square: %number%
echo Root: %answer%
goto StartSquareRoot
set root=1
set /a sqr=%root%*%root%
if %sqr% LSS %number% (
set /a root=root+1
set /a sqr=root*root
goto Loop
(EndLocal && set answer=%root% && exit /B)
This is the new version according to your comments.
It still doesn't work.
I try to rename files like
2006 Gaspésie - Croisière à la baleine 1023.jpg
2006 Gaspésie - Croisière baleine 28.jpg
2006-06 Croisière baleine 001.jpg
2006-06 Croisière baleine 002.jpg
The problem is that the fields F1 and F2 are empty when I do echo and when I do rename.
#echo off
set /p "NewFileName=New name file (without the extension): "
set /p "LenghtMask=Mask lenght of the number: "
set /a FileNo=0
for %%I in (*.JPG) do (
#echo off
set /a FileNo=!FileNo!+1
call :return_no_mask !FileNo! %LenghtMask% FileNoMask
#echo on
set "F1=%%~I"
echo F1 %F1%
set ExtensionName=%%~xI
set "F2=%NewFileName% %FileNoMask%%ExtensionName%"
echo F2 %F2%
rename "%F1%" "%F2%"
::Return the number (fill with 0 to have the right lenght)
:: in Number to use
:: in Mask's lenght ex: 2
:: out Number
set NoIn=%1
::---Search the lenght of the number
set /a LenghtNo=1
if "%NoIn%" GEQ "10" set /a LenghtNo=2
if "%NoIn%" GEQ "100" set /a LenghtNo=3
if "%NoIn%" GEQ "1000" set /a LenghtNo=4
if "%NoIn%" GEQ "10000" set /a LenghtNo=5
::---Fill with zero
set NoOut=
if "%LenghtNo%" LSS "%2" (
set NoOut=0%NoOut%
set /a LenghtNo+=1
goto :test_add
set NoOut=%NoOut%%1
set %3=%NoOut%
::End of file
Thank you
Using a batch script I would like to check if the number a user enters is a perfect square and if not find the closest number that is a perfect square.
#echo off && cls
Set /p input=
if %input% == PERFECT SQUARE echo perfect square
If %input% not == PERFECT SQUARE do (
::find closest perfect square
EDIT: I made a small mod. to get the closest perfect square, instead of the smallest.
#echo off
set /P "N=Enter a number: "
set /A "x=N/(11*1024)+40, x=(N/x+x)>>1, x=(N/x+x)>>1, x=(N/x+x)>>1, x=(N/x+x)>>1, x=(N/x+x)>>1, x+=(N-x*x)>>31, M=x*x"
if %N% equ %M% (
echo %N% is perfect square
goto :EOF
set /A "I=(x+1)*(x+1), ID=I-N, MD=N-M"
if %ID% lss %MD% set M=%I%
echo The closest perfect square is %M%
#echo off && cls
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set /p input=
set j=0
for /l %%i in (0,1,%input%) do (
set /a test=%%i*%%i
if !test! equ %input% (
echo perfect square
if !test! gtr %input% (
set /a delta=!test!-!input!
set /a test0=!j!*!j!
set /a delta0=!input!-!test0!
if !delta0! lss !delta! (set /a s=!j!) else (set /a s=%%i)
set /a result=!s!*!s!
echo closest perfect square: !result!
set j=%%i
#echo off
TITLE Zombie Warrior
setlocal enabledelayerdexpansion
set playerdmg= 23
set zombiedmg= 24
set coin= 0
set rewards= 10
set level= 0
goto refresh
set health=100
set zombiehealth=200
set zombie2health=400
goto menu
echo Zombie Warrior
echo Coins = %coin%
echo 1) Play!
echo 2) Exit.
echo 3) Shop
set /p c=C:\
if "%c%" == "1" goto home
if "%c%" == "2" exit
if "%c%" == "3" goto shop
goto menu
set health=100
set zombiehealth=200
echo Welcome to the game!
echo -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
echo Coins: %coin%
echo Level: %level%
echo 1) FIGHT!
echo 2) Quit
set /p c=C:
if "%level%" == "1" (
if "%c%" == "1" goto encounter2
if "%level%" == "0" (
if "%c%" == "1" goto encounter1
if "%c%" == "2" goto menu
goto home
set health=100
set zombiehealth=200
echo You: %health%
echo Zombies Level 1: %zombiehealth%
echo Your damage: %playerdmg%
echo 1) Attack
echo 2) Run!
set /p c=C:\
if "%c%" == "1" goto attack1
if "%c%" == "2" goto refresh
goto encounter1
echo You: %health%
echo Zombies Level 2: %zombie2health%
echo Your damage: %playerdmg%
echo 1) Attack
echo 2) Run!
set /p c=C:\
if "%c%" == "1" goto attack2
if "%c%" == "2" goto refresh
goto encounter2
set /a zombie2health-=playerdmg
set /a health-=zombiedmg
if %zombie2health% lss 0 goto win1
if %health% lss 0 goto lose
if !zombiehealth! lss 30 set /a coin+=5
goto encounter1
set /a zombiehealth-=playerdmg
set /a health-=zombiedmg
if %zombiehealth% lss 0 goto win1
if %health% lss 0 goto lose
if !zombiehealth! lss 30 set /a coin+=5
goto encounter1
set /a coin+=rewards
set /a level+=1
if level == 1 set /a coin+=10
goto refresh
echo You lost :(
goto refresh
echo What would you like to buy? (type q to quit)
echo Coins: %coin%
echo 1) Baseball bat
set /p c=C:\
if "%c%" == "1" goto bat1
if "%c%" == "q" goto menu
if %coin% lss 30 goto nope
set /a playerdmg+=5
set /a coin-=30
goto menu
echo You don't have enough coins!
goto menu
So that is my code. What I'm trying to make is basically if I am level 1 or 0, it will make me go somewhere else.
For example if I am level 0
goto encounter1
if I am level 3
goto encounter4
But I don't know how to do that. I think I'm close in this line:
if "%level%" == "1" (
if "%c%" == "1" goto encounter2
if "%level%" == "0" (
if "%c%" == "1" goto encounter1
Your problem is stemming from these lines:
set playerdmg= 23
set zombiedmg= 24
set coin= 0
set rewards= 10
set level= 0
All spaces are significant in a SET statement, so your values include a leading space. Your if "%level%" == "0" ( statement expands to if " 0" == "0" (, which of course is false.
Remove the leading space from the SET statements, and your immediate problem should be solved. (I haven't evaluated your entire code base to see if there are other problems)
A better way to structure your SET statements is to enclose the entire expression in quotes. The quotes mark the end of the assignment, but are not included in the value. This prevents inadvertent trailing spaced from being included in the value.
set "playerdmg=23"
set "zombiedmg=24"
set "coin=0"
set "rewards=10"
set "level=0"
I have been having troubles with batch-codes that I would expect to work, but don't...
Below is what I have written...
#echo off
set /p "input=Input a number: "
set /a "number=%input%" 2>nul
REM check if input valid
if "%input%" NEQ "%number%" (
Echo Please Enter a valid number! &Echo.&Echo.
goto :loop
Set /a Even=number%%2
if %Even% EQU 0 (
Echo Substituting Even Number in: x / 2
Echo set /p"=(%number%) / 2 = "
set /a answer=number/2
) Else (
Echo Substituting Odd Number in: 3x - 1
<nul set /p"=3(%number%)-1 = "
set /a answer=number*3
set /a answer=answer-1
Echo %answer%
goto :loop
Echo Unexpected Error . . .
Whenever I input a number into the console, it does the math, like I want it to, but prints the number -1, and every time i input another number, the number goes to -2, -3, -4, so on.
Put a setlocal enableextensions at the beginning after the #echo off, e.g.
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions
Also, I think you would also need to use delayed variable expansion (usually denoted by !var!), which would change your script above to something like this:
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set /p "input=Input a number: "
set /a number=!input! 2>nul
REM check if input valid
if "!input!" NEQ "!number!" (
Echo Please Enter a valid number!
goto :loop
REM Make sure that it is an integer put in (just in case)
set /a int=!number! %% 1
if "!input!" NEQ "!int!" (
Echo Please Enter a valid number!
goto :loop
Set /a Even=!number! %% 2
if !Even! EQU 0 (
Echo Substituting Even Number in: x / 2
set /a answer=!number! / 2
) Else (
Echo Substituting Odd Number in: 3x - 1
set /a answer=!number! * 3 - 1
Echo !answer!
goto :loop
I also would like to point out that I also fixed a few other bugs (set /p isn't of any use in this script at all, especially in where it is used, and also you need the modulus to find even/odd).