changing title of windows start command - batch-file

When I am using following command every thing goes well
start "myping" ping -n 20
It runs in a window with title myping
But when I run following command It doesn't use my given title
start "mywget" %PATHTOWGET%wget.exe ..options....
The wget command executes well it downloads file But the title of window changes
I need it to check whether my process completed or not. I am using following command to test it
tasklist /V /FI "WindowTitle eq mywget"
After finishing the download I am running remaining part of batch script
There might be other process using same program so I can't use to test all wgets

I figured out one solution... don't know whether correct option or not, but its not changing the title at the end I gave -q --show-progress so that it doesn't change the title and also shows progress
start "mywget" %PATHTOWGET%wget.exe ..options.... -q --show-progress
let me know if any other answer one has


kill a batch file that is stuck from another cmd box

Hope I'm in the right place here, wasn't sure where to post and this seemed the most likely
I use a cmd box to run a serial flasher program for repairing wifi boards, the way it works is this.
open a command prompt and change to the working directory
enter the command
sfh_DM36x.exe -nandflash -v -p "COM3"
this starts the flashing program, however, due to the way it works, the program when finishing the first time just loops with bootme bootme, this is normal behavior.
Normally I just hit CTRL+C and exit the batch file.
The same command is run again and this time the flashing process completes and you are returned to the C:\ prompt.
Now you have the information here is what I am trying to achieve.
Launch a batch file that runs the runflash.bat, kill the runflash.bat and then run runflash.bat again.
So far I have gotten as far as this (start.bat)
start c:\users\jud\desktop\runflash.bat
timeout /t 5
This runs a new CMD prompt and opens the runflash.bat
I've then entered a timeout of 5 seconds (long enough for the first attempt to finish)
at this point, I wanted to kill the currently open CMD prompt and then execute runflash.bat again.
at this point I'm stumped, any attempt to kill the second CMD prompt just kills the original, I've looked at taskkill but the PID changes each time I run the script, as well as other suggestions I've come across during google searches, most just relate to killing batch files manually or killing a CMD prompt where a batch file has finished.
Can this be done, the idea is to pass the file out to users who aren't familiar with CMD prompt workings as an all in one solution.
Provide the new process with a unique title (see start /? - the first quoted parameter is set as a title). Takskkill can then identify and close the process with its title:
start "JudRunFlash" "c:\users\jud\desktop\runflash.bat"
timeout /t 5 >nul
taskkill /fi "WindowTitle eq JudRunFlash"

Kicking off a script and moving on to start another

I'm trying to remotely deploy some software and I have a few batch scripts to help this process along. The basics of my process is to have a text list that scriptA goes through, scriptA copies the necessary files to the target PCs (retrieved from the list) and launches ScriptB. The theory would then be that it would move on to the next PC in the list as soon as ScriptB launches and doesn't wait for ScriptB to finish before moving on. The basics of what I have are below:
Set /P List= Please enter the list name
Set /P Name= Please enter your username
FOR /F %%A IN (%LIST%) DO (
MKDIR \\%%A\C$\Temp\Install
XCOPY "\\share\necessary files" "\\%%A\C$\Temp\Install"
PSEXEC \\%%A -u DOMAIN\%NAME% -e "\\%%A\C$\Temp\Install\scriptB.bat"
ScriptB just runs the installer and cleans up after itself.
Like I said, the goal would be that once scriptA has finished copying over files and gets things kicked off, it would move on to the next PC on the list. I've confirmed that everything works as is right now (so please ignore any random things that wouldn't work in the pseudocode above) it just takes forever because it waits for the installation to finish before moving on.
I realized I had the wrong files shown as being copied. What was originally listed as 'install.bat' should have been scriptB. I apologize, it has been very hard to try to get my question across as I'm having a very hard time describing the problem.
Per Request, here is how I was using start:
START PSECEC \\%%A -u DOMAIN\%NAME% -e "\\%%A\C$\Temp\Install\ScriptB.bat"
It worked to start ScriptB in a new window, but what I'm really trying to have as the final product is:
scriptA gets prompts for the list of PC names
scriptA pulls the first name from the list and copies over the install files from a network share, including scriptB and puts them in \temp\install
scriptA kicks off scriptB on the PC it just copied files to.
While scriptB is running, scriptA moves on and copies the files to the next PC on the list and kicks of the next copy of scriptB
repeat until the whole list of PCs is completed.
I hope this helps to clarify things, and again, I apologize for the confusion. I have all of the steps listed above working as I would hope, the only thing that isn't working is that I can't get scriptA to kick off scriptB without pausing scriptA to wait for scriptB to finish and what I would like to have happen is that it moves on without waiting (so that I could start this script at the end of the day and it would continue installing at night until it finished the list of PCs).
Thanks again for any help!
You can use the START command to launch a command without waiting for it to end before moving on. Note that this will execute the specified command in a newly created command prompt, not in the same command prompt process.
Be aware though that if the path to your executable/batch file contains spaces, you must specify an empty string argument as the first argument. Example:
START "" "C:\Path with spaces\My other script.bat"
This is due to the fact that if the first arguments is surrounded by quotes, it is considered as being the title of the new command prompt that is launched to execute your new process. Specifying an empty argument (or the title you'd like to use for that matter) will work around this situation.
The further we are away from the actual problem, the less able we are to help. The more general the question, the more vague the response.
We're pointlessly mapping from "ScriptB" to "Install.bat" and you've claimed to have added the start command but not shown us where you've used it.
Using your original script, changing
PSEXEC \\%%A -u DOMAIN\%NAME% -e "\\%%A\C$\Temp\Install.bat"
start "installing on %%A" PSEXEC \\%%A -u DOMAIN\%NAME% -e "\\%%A\C$\Temp\Install.bat"
should solve the problem - but no guarantees.

Prevent batch file in CMD from closing without using Pause

Currently I want to run a batch file that fires the command git log and show me that log.
After that I need to be able to commit and view the status so this prompt may not disappear after a key press.
I've searched the net and the only answer people have is pause which close the prompt after a keypress.
Does anyone have the solution for me? Currently I made a shortcut to cmd.exe and made the target my folder, but I want to execute some commands also.
Thanks in advance.
This (below) tested OK in Windows 7. To exit the window it creates, type "exit" when done.
start cmd /K "cd \[the-target-folder] && git log"
[the-target-folder] you replace with your target folder
&& lets you run two commands on one line
/K is a parameter to the cmd shell program which which carries out the command specified by string and remains.

Batch file running under Task Scheduler continues running after batch file completes

This is sort of a follow-up to my question earlier (link).
To test things out I made this simple batch file to ensure the Task Scheduler was properly executing the batch file:
cd "C:\Users\user\Desktop"
echo. 2>test.txt
So after the test.txt document is created on the desktop, the batch file should end but it continues to run:
Is there a way, either at the end of the batch file or a setting in the Task's Properties, to ensure that the cmd process quits?
I ran into the exact same problem. However, I felt duped when I read what Trevor778 wrote in this post:
I had the same problem - the task worked but the status kept showing Running. One simple thing to try is click on the Task Scheduler Library in the left column. Click Action/Refresh. Presto. Status changed to Ready. That's all it was for me, the task ran fine, just the status didn't update. Hope this helps.
you can add "exit" to last line of your script
cd "C:\Users\user\Desktop"
echo. 2>test.txt
Running TASKKILL /F /IM cmd.exe will kill all cmd.exe processes whether it was the one that spawned this batch file or not. That's probably not desirable behavior. :-)
Judging by your last question, I'm guessing you're still running your task with cmd.exe /k, which will keep that window open indefinitely. For an unattended task, cmd.exe /c is a better choice. When the batch file finishes, the process should end.
Same here on Windows 7.
Putting all batch files in a directory in the user User specific path who runs the task
run programm = " cmd.exe " (without a path)
Your extras, mine where = " /c "C:\Users[username]\whatever\your_batchfile.bat" >> log.txt" "
" >> log.txt " so that i can see the output of the batch...
start in = " C:\Users[username]\whatever "
I also checked the "run with highest privilges" box
after that everything worked fine :)
Use following
exit /B
you may find more information in windows console area then type:exit/?
I know it's an old question, but I personally found that if I let a pause at the end of the bat file, it would keep the status as "Running".
I usually leave a pause at the end to help with debugging, but I found when I removed it, the task scheduler finally recognised it as having exited. It didn't help if I just refreshed it.
The solution I found was to add this line at the very end of the batch file:
TASKKILL /F /IM cmd.exe
Now after the batch file task runs and completes, it is no longer in the All Running Tasks list and the status goes back to 'Ready' instead of staying at 'Running'.
That command will kill all running command processor instances so it may be potentially harmful!

How to run multiple DOS commands in parallel?

How to run multiple dos commands?
I have a for loop, which runs detection of server to detect which server works and is fast. And because there is more servers, I wish not to run all server detections in sequence, but in parallel.
You can execute commands in parallel with start like this:
start "" ping myserver
start "" nslookup myserver
start "" morecommands
They will each start in their own command prompt and allow you to run multiple commands at the same time from one batch file.
I suggest you to see "How do I run a bat file in the background from another bat file?"
Also, good answer (of using start command) was given in "Parallel execution of shell processes" question page here;
But my recommendation is to use PowerShell. I believe it will perfectly suit your needs.
You can execute commands in parallel with start command, like:
start "" ping
But to execute WITHOUT new window, use the /b option, like:
start /b ping -t
start /b ping -t
Moreover, the -t option makes ping repeat infinite times.
Also, try Ctrl + Break if Ctrl + C does not work (but Ctrl+C works for above example).
if you have multiple parameters use the syntax as below. I have a bat file with script as below:
start "dummyTitle" [/options] D:\path\ProgramName.exe Param1 Param2 Param3
start "dummyTitle" [/options] D:\path\ProgramName.exe Param4 Param5 Param6
This will open multiple consoles.
