SAML2: SP/idP metadata loaded by URL safe or not? - saml-2.0

I am managing an SAML2 enabled idP, and now I need to import an SP into the idP server.
Usually I will just download the xml from the SP, and import it into our idP.
However, I was reading a documentation which said it is possible to just use HTTP(s) to load the metadata to our idP. (
Which seems more convenient (no need to manually re-cert), but I am concerning whether this will lower our security.
So my question is, is it safe to load SP/idP metadata by URL? If so, any reason behind it? Thanks!

how you get it is secondary to how you validate it. The metadata should be signed by the issuer and your IdP, when it automatically downloads it, should verify the signature on it. A lot of IdPs use the UK Federation metadata url to automatically ingest/update SP metadata. The metadata is signed by the federation so the IdPs can verify its integrity.


How to sync user password between 3 different services when they are hashed in different point of time?

I have 3 microservices that hold particular user information including their sign-in credentials (email + password). If the services are A, B, and C then the user "John" will have his info stored separately in all three of these services' database.
Now, the user info in service A is updated at an earlier point of time, and at that moment it is not predictable whether services B or C will definitely be activated to be used by that particular user. So, there is no point in creating an entry in B and C for "John". But, as "John" activates B or C at a later point of time, the system can only have access to the hashed password.
It is to be noted that the service C requires the password to be stored in encrypted form so that it can be decrypted later. So, merely storing the hashed value in all 3 services is not feasible, neither do we want all 3 of them to have encrypted password.
What is a feasible solution to sync the password between the services by maintaining the requirements?
Your approach implies a lot of problems in addition to the one you already described yourself. I recommend to look into Federated Identity (using OAuth2 and OpenID Connect) which fits for Microservices architectures.
Basically, this means that authentication and credentials handling is performed by a separate highly available and scalable service (usually referred to as identity provider or authorization server) that only does that - handling user credentials, identity and access control - and does it well.
It handles login and issues access tokens which are then sent to your Microservices along with the requests. As each Microservice will trust this identity provider it will be able to verify that the token is valid and was issued by this identity provider (this happens by validating the token with a public key). And the token contains information like user id and information about what actions are allowed with this token.
The identity provider can be a cloud service like Okta, Auth0, Azure AD B2C, etc. (see or host an identity provider on your own, if you are not able to access cloud services, by using ready-to-use libraries available for your technology stack (
So there is no need to store user credentials in each Microservice and sync this information between them. I would consider such an approach as an anti-pattern.
The federated authentication approach also allows to solve other problems such as single-sign-on.
If you are new to that topic it can be a little overwhelming at first but it's something you can't get around if you really want to have all the advantages a Microservices architecture can provide.
This article might help you get started:

Active Directory medata xml file. How to get it?

I am trying to setup SSO for PSM application as per this link -
It says I should - upload the IdP metadata XML file received from the Identity Provider.
The Identity provider available in-house is Active Directory.
How to get the metadata XML for Active Directory ?
I am unable to find it .
ADFS does not provide SAML IdP meta data alone, but Federation meta data. Typically you can get it from https://FQDN_OF_THE_ADFS_SERVER/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml
Then you need to extract the SAML IdP meta data from it. Alternatively you may reach out to the ADFS admnistrator and request it. Judging from my experience, you mostly also get the Federation meta data, instead of the SAML one.

Google data studio User_Pass authorization

"Issue description copied..."
I'm building a partner connector, which relies on a user name and password to connect to database (very similar to the existing Postgres / MySQL connectors provided by Google). In order to verify the credentials, I also need the database host information to be present in addition to username and password and this is the base of my problem.
The Google build connectors conveniently are allowed to collect user credentials and the database related information at the same time. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case for partner connectors as stated in the requirements
Point 5 "Use appropriate authentication method in getAuthType(). Do not request credentials via getConfig()."
The authentication itself happens before any other configuration details are known (there is just a dialog for username and password) and there doesn't seem to be a way to request additional information on the authentication screen itself. Once the credentials have been entered, the verification also happens immediately, before the configuration is being shown in the next step.
Once credentials are validated successfully, Datastudio then assumes the schema and data can be requested.This excludes the option of a dummy confirmation, because there doesn't seem to be a way to tell credentials are invalid and need to be changed after checking the other configuration details on the next screen.
That makes me unsure, how to determine valid credentials in my use case as I need to know the variable endpoint to authenticate against. I definitely want to avoid storing any user credentials myself in an external database, because this opens up another can of worms.
Has anyone successfully solved a similar issue before and can provide guidance here?
This is a known limitation of the authentication methods for Community Connectors.
A workaround would be to use authtype NONE and then request the credentials and database information in the config. This is, however, not a recommended approach.

Shibboleth custom password flow

I need to set up Shibboleth IdP to validate user name and password against a custom application.
Our application exposes a REST API to which one can pass a user's credentials and either returns a 401 on failure or a JSON object with some user metadata on success.
I was able to achieve this in SimpleSamlPHP IdP with a 30-line class, but having to switch to Shibboleth, I am having a hard time finding directions to do the same there.
Reading through the documentation the suggested solution seems to be to create a custom back end for the password login flow but the Wiki does not explain in detail how to do this.
Can somebody point me out to some tutorials or sample code on which files need to be created or changed in order to do this (even basic examples of checking against a credential file or database would be fine)?
You are looking for an [External Authentication Flow] (
For an example, see the shib-cas-authn3 project ( It uses the CAS Server to authenticate the users. It then creates an IdP session from information retrieved from CAS.

Handle user-specific data in a SAML authenticated SP

I am just getting started with SAML. AFAIK, in the authentication step, there is no direct communication between the IdP and the SP and the assertion happens via the browser.
In my applications (which will be the SP), I would like to store some user specific data (stuff like page size, other UI preferences). When the user is deleted from the IdP, I would like to purge this data from my application as well ? Is it possible to get this "event" from the IdP to the SP for such tasks ?
PS - My app is PHP based and I am likely to simplesamlphp.
There is no support in the SAML 2.0 spec for having the Identity Provider call out to the Service Provider for events related to user provisioning or deactivation.
However, there is a SAML protocol called SubjectQuery and a request called NameIDMappingRequest which might serve the purpose if you had a nightly batch job or something that would query users which haven't logged on in x days to see if they still exist on the Idp.
You can find the details on these in the Profiles Section of the SAML spec but I don't know what support (if any) simplesamlphp has for these profiles.
