Any way with Exposed to do an ON UPDATE in a table declaration? - kotlin-exposed

I want to update a time stamp similar to MySQLs "ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP".
Is there anyway to do this when declaring a table in Exposed?


How to write a code to timetravel using a specific transaction ID

I would like to use a timetravel feature on snowflake and restore the original table.
I've deleted and created the table using following command:
I would like to go back to the original table before dropping table.
I've used following code (hid the transaction ID to 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
select * from SOCIAL_LIVE before(statement => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx');
Received an error message:
Statement xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx cannot be used to specify time for time travel query.
How can we go back to the original table and restore it on snowflake?
The documentation states:
After dropping a table, creating a table with the same name creates a
new version of the table. The dropped version of the previous table
can still be restored using the following method:
Rename the current version of the table to a different name.
Use the UNDROP TABLE command to restore the previous version.
If you need further information, this page is useful:
You will need to undrop the table in order to access that data, though. Time-travel is not maintained by name alone. So, once you dropped and recreated the table, the new table has its own, new time travel.
Looks like there's 3 common reasons that error is seen, with solutions:
the table has been dropped and recreated
see this answer
the time travel period has been exceeded
no solution: target a statement within the time travel period for the table
the wrong statement type is being targeted
only certain statement types can be targeted. Currently, these include SELECT, BEGIN, COMMIT, and DML (INSERT, UPDATE etc). See documentation here.
Statement xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx cannot be used to specify time for time travel query.
Usually we will get above error when we trying to travel behind the object creation time. Try with time travel option with offset option.

Stored procedure to update different columns

I have an API that i'm trying to read that gives me just the updated field. I'm trying to take that and update my tables using a stored procedure. So far the only way I have been able to figure out how to do this is with dynamic SQL but i would prefer to not do that if there is a way not to.
If it was just a couple columns, I'd just write a proc for each but we are talking about 100 fields and any of them could be updated together. One ticket might just need a timestamp updated at this time, but the next ticket might be a timestamp and who modified it while the next one might just be a note.
Everything I've read and have been taught have told me that dynamic SQL is bad and while I'll write it if I have too, I'd prefer to have a proc.
The best way to solve your problem is using MERGE:
Performs insert, update, or delete operations on a target table based on the results of a join with a source table. For example, you can synchronize two tables by inserting, updating, or deleting rows in one table based on differences found in the other table.
As you can see your update could be more complex but more efficient as well. Using MERGE requires some proficiency, but when you start to use it you'll use it with pleasure again and again.
I am not sure how your business logic works that determines what columns are updated at what time. If there are separate business functions that require updating different but consistent columns per function, you will probably want to have individual update statements for each function. This will ensure that each process updates only the columns that it needs to update.
On the other hand, if your API is such that you really don't know ahead of time what needs to be updated, then building a dynamic SQL query is a good idea.
Another option is to build a save proc that sets every user-configurable field. As long as the calling process has all of that data, it can call the save procedure and pass every updateable column. There is no harm in having a UPDATE MyTable SET MyCol = #MyCol with the same values on each side.
Note that even if all of the values are the same, the rowversion (or timestampcolumns) will still be updated, if present.
With our software, the tables that users can edit have a widely varying range of columns. We chose to create a single save procedure for each table that has all of the update-able columns as parameters. The calling processes (our web servers) have all the required columns in memory. They pass all of the columns on every call. This performs fine for our purposes.

Updating data in Clickhouse

I went over the documentation for Clickhouse and I did not see the option to UPDATE nor DELETE. It seems to me its an append only system.
Is there a possibility to update existing records or is there some workaround like truncating a partition that has records in it that have changed and then re-insering the entire data for that partition?
Through Alter query in clickhouse we can able to delete/update the rows in a table.
For delete: Query should be constructed as
ALTER TABLE testing.Employee DELETE WHERE Emp_Name='user4';
For Update: Query should be constructed as
ALTER TABLE testing.employee UPDATE AssignedUser='sunil' where AssignedUser='sunny';
UPDATE: This answer is no longer true, look at
ClickHouse doesn't support real UPDATE/DELETE.
But there are few possible workarounds:
Trying to organize data in a way, that is need not to be updated.
You could write log of update events to a table, and then calculate reports from that log. So, instead of updating existing records, you append new records to a table.
Using table engine that do data transformation in background during merges. For example, (rather specific) CollapsingMergeTree table engine:
Also there are ReplacingMergeTree table engine (not documented yet, you could find example in tests:
Drawback is that you don't know, when background merge will be done, and will it ever be done.
Also look at samdoj's answer.
You can drop and create new tables, but depending on their size this might be very time consuming. You could do something like this:
For deletion, something like this could work.
INSERT INTO tableTemp SELECT * from table1 WHERE rowID != #targetRowID;
DROP table1;
INSERT INTO table1 SELECT * from tableTemp;
Similarly, to update a row, you could first delete it in this manner, and then add it.
Functionality to UPDATE or DELETE data has been added in recent ClickHouse releases, but its expensive batch operation which can't be performed too frequently.
See for more details.
It's an old question, but updates are now supported in Clickhouse. Note it's not recommended to do many small changes for performance reasons. But it is possible.
ALTER TABLE [db.]table UPDATE column1 = expr1 [, ...] WHERE filter_expr
Clickhouse UPDATE documentation

Is there a global way to set a datetime to GETDATE() when an UPDATE is performed?

I have a database model where each and every table has a datetime field named _CDateTime.
When a row is INSERTed a default value of GETDATE() is written by SQL Server to this field.
When an UPDATE is issued on a row on the other hand the _CDateTime field is not automatically updated by SQL Server.
I know that I could use the timestamp date type, but that doesn't convey any time information (contrary to it's name).
Another solution would be to write a trigger for each and every table, but that is much work.
So the question is: Is there any global way that works like a global trigger that fires when a row is updated in one of the database tables and automatically sets the _CDateTime field to the current date and time?
PS: The answers to this question suggest that there is no such thing: Multi table Triggers SQL Server noob
you need either an UPDATE trigger to apply getdate() to the _CDateTime field or you must submit _CDateTime = getDate() on each single update. There is no automatic way of doing that

LINQ to SQL object versioning

I'm trying to create a LINQ to SQL class that represents the "latest" version of itself.
Right now, the table that this entity represents has a single auto-incrementing ID, and I was thinking that I would add a version number to the primary key. I've never done anything like this, so I'm not sure how to proceed. I would like to be able to abstract the idea of the object's version away from whoever is using it. In other words, you have an instance of this entity that represents the most current version, and whenever any changes are submitted, a new copy of the object is stored with an incremented version number.
How should I proceed with this?
If you can avoid keeping a history, do. It's a pain.
If a complete history is unavoidable (regulated financial and medical data or the like), consider adding history tables. Use a trigger to 'version' into the history tables. That way, you're not dependent on your application to ensure a version is recorded - all inserts/updates/deletes are captured regardless of the source.
If your app needs to interact with historical data, make sure it's readonly. There's no sense capturing transaction histories if someone can simply change them.
If your concern is concurrent updates, consider using a record change timestamp. When both User A and User B view a record at noon, they fetch the record's timestamp. When User A updates the record, her timestamp matches the record's so the update goes through and the timestamp is updated as well. When User B updates the record five minutes later, his timestamp doesn't match the record's so he's warned that the record has changed since he last viewed it. Maybe it's automatically reloaded...
Whatever you decide, I would avoid inter-mingling current and historic data.
Trigger resources per comments:
A SQL Team Introduction
Stackoverflow's Jon Galloway describes a general data-change logging trigger
The keys to an auditing trigger are the virtual tables 'inserted' and 'deleted'. These tables contain the rows effected by an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. You can use them to audit changes. Something like:
ON [YourTable]
--this is an insert or update
--your actual action will vary but something like this
INSERT INTO [YourTable_Audit]
SELECT * FROM inserted
--this is a delete, mark [YourTable_Audit] as required
The best way to proceed is to stop and seriously rethink your approach.
If you are going to keep different versions of the "object" around, then you are better off serializing it into an xml format and storing that in an XML column with a field for the version number.
There are serious considerations when trying to maintain versioned data in sql server revolving around application maintenance.
UPDATE per comment:
Those considerations include: the inability to remove a field or change the data type of a field in future "versions". New fields are required to be nullable or, at the very least, have a default value stored in the DB for them. As such you will not be able to use them in a unique index or as part of the primary keys.
In short, the only thing your application can do is expand. Provided the expansion can be ignored by previous layers of code.
This is the classic problem of Backwards Compatibility which desktop software makers have struggled with for years. And is the reason you might want to stay away from it.
